kin420 chapter 11-14

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Calculate the total evaporation of sweat necessary to prevent heat gain in the body given the following information: Total body energy expenditure = 250 Kcal Exercise efficacy = 20% Evaporation of 1000 ml of sweat results in 580 Kcal of heat loss Therefore, the total evaporation of sweat necessary to prevent body heat gain in these conditions is:

0.344 liters

Muscle pH is generally

0.4-0.6 pH units lower than arterial pH

The relative risk ratio (i.e., chance) of developing coronary heart disease due to physical inactivity is about _____


A single bout of resistance exercise training increases muscle protein synthesis by as much as ______% above resting levels?


Endurance exercise training programs (e.g., 3 days/week @ 60% VO 2 max for 12 weeks) lasting typically result in a ______% improvement in VO 2 max.

15-20% improvement in VO 2 max

Four-to-ten weeks of anaerobic training (high intensity exercise lasting 10-30 seconds) can increase the peak anaerobic capacity by ______ across individuals.


Prolonged exercise results in a significant increase in body core temperature. Calculate the increase in body core temperature during exercise given the following: Total energy expenditure during exercise = 600 Kcal Exercise efficiency = 20% Total heat stored during exercise = 192 Kcal Subject body weight = 60 Kg Amount of heat required to increase body temperature by 1C = 0.83 kcal/kg Therefore, the total increase in body temperature following exercise would be:

3.86 C

Which of the following conditions would result in the highest vapor pressure in the air?

30C, 75% relative humidity

Following a single bout of resistance exercise training, muscle protein synthesis can remain elevated above baseline for as much as ______ in both trained and untrained individuals.

40-50 hours

The average VO 2 max value for the young (e.g., 21 years old) male sedentary population is approximately

45 ml xkg -1 x min -1 .

Heritability (i.e., genetics) determines approximately _____% of VO2 max variability in sedentary adults.


High responders to endurance exercise training (i.e., individuals that achieve large increases in VO 2 max) can achieve up to______% improvement in VO 2 max following a prolonged and intense training program.


Evaporation of one liter of sweat would result in the loss of ________ kcal of heat.


Heat acclimatization occurs generally within

7-14 days

Using the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, calculate the pH of blood given: pKa = 6.1 blood concentration of carbonic acid = 1.2 mEq/L blood concentration of bicarbonate = 24 mEq/L Your calculation reveals that the pH of blood is


During exercise ____________ of energy produced is released as heat.


Which of the following track running events would have the greatest risk of acid-base disturbance?

800 meter run

Which of the following is true of the pH of arterial blood?

A pH of 7.0 would be considered acidosis.

In theory, concurrent resistance and endurance exercise training can impair muscle protein synthesis following a bout of resistance exercise. The proposed mechanism to explain this inhibition is_____________________________________.

AMP kinase activation of TSC2

Heat production can be increased through

All of the above

Which of the following events occurs during exercise at work rates above 60-80% VO 2 max?

All of the above answers are correct

Which of the following statements about a buffer is correct?

All of the above answers are correct

Cold acclimation results in which of the following physiological adaptations?

All of the above answers are correct.

Which of the following statements are true about heat shock proteins?

All of the above answers are correct.

Regulation of body core temperature is important because

All of the above statements are correct.

Which of the following statements are true regarding the impact of regular physical activity on health?

All of these answers are correct.

Which of the extracellular buffers contributes the most to the cell's buffering capacity?


In response to a decrease in body temperature, humans often exhibit ____________ upon response to cold.

both B and C are correct

The transfer of heat from the body into molecules of cooler objects in contact with its surface is called


An increase in body core temperature results in

cutaneous vasodilation.

Hypothermia is defined as a significant

decrease in body core temperature.

Which of the following risk factors for coronary heart disease CANNOT be modified?

family history

Oxidative stress occurs when

free radicals accumulate and react with cellular components.

Humans and other animals that maintain a rather constant body temperature are called


A single bout of resistance exercise training results in an increase in skeletal muscle protein synthesis. This exercise-induced increase in muscle protein synthesis can occur within ____ following the exercise session.


Following an acute bout of endurance exercise training, the increase in mitochondrial biogenesis occurs within _____ following the completion of the exercise session.


Several origins of the metabolic syndrome have been proposed. Which of the following causes is NOT considered a major cause of the metabolic syndrome?


Which of the following risk factors for coronary heart disease CAN be changed?


The body's thermostat is located in the


Metabolic acidosis can result from the overproduction of ketoacids, which can occur

in uncontrolled diabetes.

Which of the following factors does NOT contribute to the endurance exercise training- induced increases in fat metabolism during exercise?

increased fat storage in the liver

Exercise in the heat is associated with accelerated fatigue due, in part, to

increased free radical production in the active skeletal muscles.

Which of the following endurance training adaptations does NOT result in lower lactate production in the contracting muscles?

increased glycogen utilization

Which of the following physiological factors does NOT contribute to the endurance exercise training-induced increase in the maximal a-vO 2 difference?

increased hemoglobin in the blood

Which of the following factors contributes to the endurance exercise training-induced improvement in VO2 max?

increased maximal stroke volume

Which of the following endurance training adaptations assist in maintaining acid-base balance during exercise?

increased mitochondrial volume in skeletal muscle

Studies reveal that exercise training improves muscle buffering capacity. Which of the following exercise-induced changes is NOT responsible for training-induced improvements in muscle buffering capacity?

increased muscle levels of citrate synthase

Which of the following factors does NOT contribute to the endurance exercise training- induced improvement in stroke volume during exercise?

increased peripheral resistance

Endurance training has been shown to reduce the oxygen deficit in subjects performing a submaximal exercise. This is due to

increases in the number of mitochondria and capillaries.

Sodium bicarbonate has been ingested by athletes in an attempt to improve performance by

increasing blood buffering capacity.

Physical inactivity is considered to be a(n) ________ risk factor for coronary heart disease.


Atherosclerosis results in the deposition of plaque in the inner lining of an artery. The first steps that "trigger" the initial formation of atherosclerotic plaque include

inflammation within the artery following by production of adhesion molecules and the attraction of monocytes

Risk factors for chronic disease can be divided into three categories. These include

inherited/biological, environmental, and behavioral

The first line of defense in protecting against pH change during exercise is

intracellular buffers.

The most common and strongest acid produced in skeletal muscle during heavy exercise is ________________ acid.


The higher the relative humidity, the __________ vapor pressure gradient between the skin and the environment.


After a 15-week program of endurance exercise training, which of the following cardiovascular variables does NOT decrease after 14 days of detraining?

maximal heart rate

Following an acute bout of endurance exercise training, the rise in the activity of calcinurin, calmodulin kinase, and AMP kinases occurs within _____ following the exercise session.


Endurance exercise training results in an increased turnover of mitochondria in skeletal muscle. The process of removing old and damaged mitochondria is called______.


Acids are defined as

molecules that release hydrogen ions (H + ).

During the first 10 weeks of a resistance training program, the initial increase in muscular strength are due primarily to

neural adaptations.

Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain why concurrent endurance and resistance (strength) training impedes strength development compared to strength training alone. Which of the following mechanisms have NOT been proposed to explain why concurrent training impedes strength development?

none of above are correct

Acidosis can occur due to

none of these

It is well known that resistance exercise training promotes an increase in muscle protein synthesis by activating the mechanistic target of rapamyosin (mTOR) which results in increased protein synthesis. Recent evidence suggests that two signaling molecules interact to directly activate mTOR. These molecules are:

phosphatidic acid and Ras homologue enriched brain (Rheb)

Which of the following could be a mechanism of heat gain in a hot and sunny environment?


4. The principal means of heat loss at rest in a cool indoor environment (20C/low humidity) is via


According to the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, the pH of a weak acid solution is determined by

ratio of the concentration of the base in solution to the concentration of the acid

An increase in blood levels of carbon dioxide results in a decrease in blood pH because an increase in PCO 2

reacts with water to form carbonic acid, which dissociates to release H +

Exercise performance in endurance events is impaired in a hot and humid environment.Which of the following physiological factors does NOT have a negative impact on exercise performance in a hot and humid environment?

respiratory dysfunction

Which of the following plays an important role in acid-base balance during exercise?

respiratory system

Compared to exercise in a cool environment, prolonged exercise in the heat

results in a more rapid onset of muscular fatigue.

Which of the following health issues is NOT directly associated with the Metabolic Syndrome?

skin cancer

Which of the following is an example of an environmental risk factor?

socioeconomic factors

Endurance training results in increased mitochondrial and capillary density in muscle but has no effect on muscle glycolytic capacity. This is an example of what training principle?


Cross-sectional studies demonstrate that the physiological variable responsible for the large variation in VO 2 max across the normal population is maximal

stroke volume.

The primary source of heat production during exercise is

the contracting skeletal muscles.

The increase in VO 2 max that occurs following 4 months of endurance exercise training results from an increase in both maximal cardiac output and maximal a-vO 2 difference. Relatively short durations of endurance exercise training (e.g., 1-4 months) increases VO 2 max primarily by increasing

the maximal cardiac output.

The heart rate and ventilatory responses to a fixed submaximal work rate are lower (i.e.lower heart rate and lower minute ventilation) following an endurance training program. This training-induced adaptation is primarily due to changes in the

trained skeletal muscles.

In resting skeletal muscle fibers, Ras homologue enriched brain (Rheb) activation of mTOR is inhibited by ______.

tuberous sclerosis complex 2 (TSC2)

The most important of the blood buffers is/are


Which of the following statements about body temperature homeostasis is correct?

Body temperature is a balance between heat loss and heat gain.

Which of the following transporters in skeletal muscles are responsible for moving hydrogen ions across the sarcolemma?

Both A and B are correct

Which of the following are classified as an inflammatory cytokine and or a biomarker of inflammation?

Both TNF-α and C-reactive protein are correct answers (a and c)

In response to an increase in inflammatory factors, the liver releases

C-reactive protein

Repeated bouts of high intensity exercise (e.g., interval training) can reduce arterial pH to levels as low as

None of the above answers are correct

Which of the following training adaptations does NOT occur in skeletal muscles following 4-10 weeks of anaerobic exercise training?

None of the above answers are correct

It is established that low-grade inflammation is linked to a wide variety of chronic diseases. Which of the following diseases is NOT directly or indirectly linked to chronic inflammation?

None of these answers is correct.

The metabolic syndrome describes connections between

Obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension, dyslipidemia

Many heart attacks and strokes occur because of

a sudden rupture of plaque that triggers a blood clot.

Hyperventilation at rest can result in ___________ due to ____________.

alkalosis; decreased blood levels of carbon dioxide

At high environmental temperatures, which of the following variables impact the amount of heat loss by evaporation ?

all of the above answers are correct.

The enhanced capacity of the trained muscle to use fatty acids as a fuel results in

all of the above answers are correct.

The primary adaptations that occur during heat acclimatization are

an increased plasma volume, earlier onset of sweating, and a higher sweat rate.

The ability of histidine to buffer hydrogen ions is because histidine contains

an ionizable group

Which of the following events are not primary sources of hydrogen ions during rigorous exercise?

anaerobic production of 3-phosphoglucose during glycolysis

The respiratory system works in the regulation of acid-base balance by lowering

arterial PCO 2

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