Kinds of Listening
Impatient Listening
Short bursts of active listening are interrupted by noise and other distractions. They tend to pay attention, but allow their minds to wander.
Listening for fun, used in social situations such as concerts or plays, goal is enjoyment and helps a person relax, listening to enjoy or appreciate a speaker's message or performance
Listening to understand/ participate in and enhance a relationship, usually used in interactions between two people or a small group, goal is to develop understanding and appreciation of the meanings and feelings of sender, you try to put yourself in another person's place but not necessarily agree with them
Listening to understand/analyze/evaluate messages, used when receiving and evaluating persuasive messages, used when you make decisions, should make you think
Passive Listening
The listener does not actively participate in interactions. They think they can absorb information even when they do not contribute to the interaction. They place the responsibility for successful communication on the speaker.
Active Listening
The listener participates fully in the communication process. You listen attentively, provide feedback, and strive to understand and remember messages.
Used when listening to a lecture in class, used when listening to announcements or getting directions, used when you need to remember something important, listening to comprehend ideas and information in order to achieve a specific purpose or goal