KINE 223 Final Exam

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A decrease in collagen content is proportional to an increase in muscle. (T/F)


An alternative hypothesis is tested before a null hypothesis. (T/F)


Scientists have NOT observed a genetic component in Alzheimer's disease. (T/F)


Synthetic cannabinoid mixtures are more natural and therefore less harmful than other types of psychoactive drugs. (T/F)


The FITT principle stands for Frequency, Intensity, Trend and Type. (T/F)


The majority of STIs have symptoms. (T/F)


The production of ATP is ALWAYS achieved by the exclusive use of one energy system. (T/F)


A BMI below _______ is considered underweight. A. 18.5 B. 20 C. 25 D. 28.5


According to the National Institute on Aging, is long-term calorie restriction a safe method of slowing the aging process in human subjects? A. Not enough information B. No C. Yes


Age, gender, & heredity are all considered ________ Risk Factors. A. Uncontrollable B. Positive C. Negative D. Controllable


All of the following are ACSM guidelines for a successful weight loss EXCEPT: A. The program should be free B. Emphasis should be on portion size C. A successful weight loss plan should be able to be followed anywhere: school, home, work, restaurants, etc. D. Prolonged fasting or diet programs that severely restrict calories should be avoided. E. The program should be nutritionally sound


All traditional oriental medicine recognizes that an energy force called _____ flows through the body. A. Qi B. Yin C. Yang D. Quong


At the same level of intensity, most persons will __________ performing a weight bearing activity. A. expend more calories B. expend the same amount of calories C. expend less calories


Based on Alanna Shaikh's TED Talk, which of the following is a good way to prepare for Alzheimer's disease? A. Practice hands-on, open-ended activities that you enjoy B. Spend at least 40 minutes doing crossword puzzles a day C. Pretend like it won't happen to you D. Learn a new language


Before fructose and galactose are stored, they are converted to ______________. A. Glucose B. Glycogen C. Amino Acids


Being overweight as a young adult __________ the chances that someone will be overweight or obese in middle age. A. Increases B. Does not affect C. Decreases


Choose the BEST statement that describes the ethical issues surrounding the use of prescription stimulants in the classroom. A. The illicit use of prescription stimulants raises ethical concerns in the areas of authenticity and fairness. B. No student, under any circumstances, should be allowed to use prescription stimulants and compete with other students in the classroom. C. Professors should ban caffeine from the academic setting because of its stimulant properties. D. Any student, regardless of circumstances, should be free to use any kind of performance-enhancing drug to improve classroom performance.


Digestion is an example of a(n)________________ pathway. A. Catabolic B. Anabolic C. Oxidation


Heart rate becomes elevated during exercise because of the increase in demand for _______________ in the muscle tissues. A. Oxygen B. Glycogen C. Glucose D. Nitrogen


How do a mother and embryo exchange nutrients and waste products? A. Through the placenta B. Through the corpus luteum C. Through the neural tube D. Through the fallopian tubes


Identify the BEST strategy for preventing delayed-onset muscle soreness. A. Maintaining an appropriate training program B. Stretching after the workout C. Taking vitamin E D. Starting with a high-intensity, exhaustive bout


If you share a prescription medication with another person, it is important to remember: A. That it is illegal and dangerous to share prescription medication B. To always lower the dosage C. To not mix them with over-the-counter medicines D. That only medicines prescribed by a doctor are safe to share E. To always double the dosage


Lutein, which may contribute to maintenance of healthy vision, falls into what classification of functional foods? A. Carotenoids B. Flavonoids C. Minerals D. Probiotics E. Vitamins


Maintaining a healthy low back A. Rotational movement such as a medicine ball oblique twist B. Pull movement such as a bicep curl C. Push movement such as a pushup D. One-legged lunges E. Squats


Measures fat mass relative to non-fat mass A. % Body Fat B. Body Mass Index (BMI) C. Hydrostatic Weighing D. Weight E. DEXA


Numerous surveys have been conducted over the past decade, discovering consumer self-care trends. What have these studies found? A. More consumers are taking greater responsibility for their own health and well being B. Less consumers care about their health compared C. More consumers simply eat what the USDA instructs them to eat D. More people believe that medication is a better way to manage illness than eating healthfully


Select the correct directional term for the following description. Your chin is ____________ to your shoulders. (text page 42) A. Superior B. Inferior C. Deep D. Dorsal E. Lateral


Specific to prescription drug abuse, which drug classification presents the highest concentration of issues/problems? A. opiods B. stimulants C. nitotine replacement therapy D. sleeping pills E. diet pills


Studies on "Blue Zones" have found that all of the following have a positive influence on longevity EXCEPT: A. Separating from the cultural norms B. Belonging to a faith group C. Having a sense of purpose D. Having a "downshift" or a daily relaxation technique


The ______ effect has been observed when bariatric patients' healthy behaviors rub off on their families post-surgery. A. Halo B. Family C. Community D. Weight-loss


The __________________ signal the shut-down of a message sent by a neurotransmitter. A. Transporters B. Receptors C. Lipids D. Atom transmitters E. Neuro-receptors


The inhibitory neurotransmitter enhanced by alcohol. A. GABA B. acetylcholine C. glutamate D. norephinephrine


The total effect of the excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) over a one-year period may be the energy expenditure equivalent of ________ pounds of adipose tissue. A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6


This gene is associated with how the brain regulates appetite. A. FTO Gene B. FAT Gene C. FOT Gene D. LTN Gene


This vitamin, found in liver, salmon, dairy, eggs, and oysters, helps regulate metabolism and hormone synthesis. A. Biotin B. Niacin C. Folate D. Riboflavin E. Vitamin E


What is the scientific method? A. A methodical approach to answering questions and determining conclusions B. An appropriate approach to scientific practice C. The way in which science is best practiced based on scientific findings D. A method for scientific study that is approached in a stepwise manner


What is the sole purpose of sleep? A. Conserve energy B. Increase breathing rates C. Give the heart a rest D. Cell growth and repair


What law allows statements on food labels that characterize the relationship of any food or food component to a disease or health-related condition? A. Nutrition Labeling and Education Act (NLEA) B. Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) C. FDA Modernization Act (FDAMA) D. Biologics Control Act (BCA) E. Sherley Amendment


When a virus uses the ________ cycle, it is latent until a trigger weakens its repressor gene. A. lysogenic B. lytic


Where are the adrenal glands located? A. On top of both kidneys B. Beneath both kidneys C. In the adrenal cortex D. In the adrenal medulla


Where does evidence-based public health practice come from? A. Clinical epidemiology and evidence-based medicine B. Evidence-based laboratory projects to help public health practice C. Evidence-based findings in clinical populations D. Evidence-based findings in laboratories


Which is/are common ways a drug can enter the body? A. All are common ways a drug can enter the body B. Ingestion C. Injection D. Absorption E. Inhale


Which of the following SHOULD be included in a hypothesis? a. If/ then OR when/then b. questions c. Conditional words like "should" and "could" d. personal opinions


Which of the following can be treated with antibiotics? A. Bacterial meningitis B. Norovirus C. Influenza D. Viral meningitis


Which of the following contribute to the dramatic increase in worldwide cancer diagnoses? A. all answer choices are correct B. improvements in cancer detection C. decreased physical activity D. aging population


Which of the following developmental processes are in the correct order? A. Fertilization, embryogenesis, organogenesis, fetal development, birth B. Fertilization, fetal development, embryogenesis, organogenesis, birth C. Embryogenesis, organogenesis, fertilization, fetal development, birth D. Fetal development, embryogenesis, organogenesis, birth


Which of the following is NOT a CHA modality that is now in mainstream medicine? A. Fasting for mental clarity B. Aspirin for fever C. Exercise for diabetes D. Hypnosis for smoking cessation E. Support groups for cancer patients


Which of the following is NOT an example of an internal status communicated to an individual by the insula in the brain? A. You like the color red. B. You are cold. C. You are hungry. D. You desire a drug.


Which of the following is a NOT a true statement about resistance training? A. Increases low back injuries B. Decreases the risk for osteoporosis C. Reduces the risk of musculoskeletal injuries D. Improves functional ability


Which of the following is a complete list of body systems that are affected by sleep deprivation? A. Digestive, respiratory, endocrine, immune, cardiovascular, and central nervous systems B. Digestive, respiratory, endocrine, immune, cardiovascular, central nervous, and reproductive systems C. Digestive, respiratory, endocrine, and immune systems D. Digestive, respiratory, endocrine, immune, and cardiovascular systems


Which of the following methods of contraception offers some protection against STIs? A. female condom B. oral contraceptives C. intrauterine device D. vaginal ring


Which of the following statements is FALSE? A. Mental illness causes drug dependence. B. Mental illness can lead to drug abuse as a form of self-medication. C. Drug use disorders and other mental illnesses can be caused by genetic vulnerabilities. D. Drugs can cause abusers to experience symptoms of a mental illness.


Which of the following would be included in a high-quality news report? A. all of these would be included in a high-quality news report B. statistical significance C. comparisons to other studies D. whether the study was conducted on humans or animals E. information about side effects


Which system provides slow sustained communication between cells through chemical messages (hormones) released into the bloodstream? A. Endocrine system B. Reproductive system C. Respiratory system D. Lymphatic system E. Urinary system


Why do pregnant women urinate more often during pregnancy? A. All answer choices are correct B. Increased urine production C. Increased pressure on the bladder from the uterus D. Dilation of the ureter


_______ blood pressure is the pressure on the artery walls when the heart is between beats. A. Diastolic B. Hypostolic C. Hyperstolic D. Systolic


_______ is the loss of skeletal muscle mass and functional strength often associated with aging. A. Sarcopenia B. Arthritis C. Hypertrophy D. Parkinson's


_________ fitness is a broad term that describes exercises that make us more efficient in everyday life. A. Functional B. Cardiovascular C. Muscular D. Methodic


__________ is the study of functional changes in the genome that do not result in actual changes in DNA's sequence. A. Epigenetics B. Endogenetics C. Megagenetics D. Lifestyle genetics


___________ occurs when a sperm penetrates an egg and their genetic material is combined. A. Fertilization B. Implantation C. Oogenesis D. Embryogenesis


____________ is a series of chemical reactions that take place inside our bodies to sustain life. A. Metabolism B. Phosporylation C. Photosynthesis


______________ are characterized by a profound distortion in one's perception of reality. A. Hallucinogens B. Stimulants C. Depressants D. Opioids E. Amphetamines


_______________ emphasizes restoring health rather than curing disease. A. Naturopathy B. Traditional Oriental Medicine (TOM) C. Homeopathy D. Ayurveda


_______________ increase energy and attention. A. Stimulants B. Depressants C. Hallucinogens D. Opioids E. Cannabinoids


_______________ is the most common reason for lower back pain. A. Lack of activity B. Over stretching C. Diabetes D. Falling


Which of the following are benefits of hormonal methods of pregnancy prevention? (mark all that apply) A. Decreased risk of uterine and ovarian cancers B. High effectiveness rates with consistent and correct use C. STI prevention


Factors affecting blood alcohol concentration: (mark all that apply) A. Body weight B. Time spent drinking C. Gender


Methods to monitor cardiovascular intensity include: (mark all that apply) A. Evaluating the intensity subjectively (i.e. Borg scale) B. Conversing with your training partner C. Measuring heart rate D. Measuring the distance of the walk/run


Opioid overdoses generally occur in: (mark all that apply) A. people who consumed alcohol at the same time B. people who took sleeping pills at the same time C. young people D. people who used illicit drugs at the same time E. people who smoked marijuana at the same time


Possible sources for information in the scientific inquiry process include: (mark all that apply) A. Books and other sources of background information B. Trusted sources C. Experimental evidence D. An opinion based website


The prefrontal cortex: (mark all that apply) A. is still maturing during adolescence B. helps people control desires C. enables people to make sound decisions D. controls cardiac and respiratory responses Comorbidity and Addiction E. is mature by age 12


Which of the following is a way to measure Intensity? A. Talk Test B. Rate of Perceived Exertion C. Measuring ones Heart Rate D. Running Test


An anti-drug vaccine will impact a person by: (mark all that apply) A. inhibiting relief from a craving when taking the drug B. reducing the motivation to take the drug C. preventing a reward from taking the drug D. inducing an immune response that blocks the drug from entering the brain


Approximately, 10 percent of people who take prescription opioids also have unhealthy behaviors such as: (mark all that apply) A. supplying friends with prescription opioids B. hoarding C. using prescription opioids with alcohol D. sedating on purpose


Genes can impact an individual's: (mark all that apply) A. stress response B. likelihood of risk-taking behaviors C. drug response D. vulnerability to addiction


Select all possible causes of cancer (mark all that apply). A. Infections B. Environmental exposures C. Genetics D. Tobacco use


Which of the following diseases does regular physical activity reduce the risk of? Mark all that apply. A. Diabetes mellitus B. Hypertension C. Coronary heart disease D. Colon cancer


Which of the following is a way to increase exercise intensity? (mark all that apply) A. Adding a step riser to elevate stepping height in a step aerobics class B. Elevating the grade on a treadmill C. Running ramps in a parking garage instead of running on a flat surface D. Increasing the pedaling resistance on a cycle


Identify factors that contribute to drug addiction. (mark all that apply) A. Developmental B. Environmental C. Genetics D. Epigenetics E. Biological processes


Identify the side effects of prescription opioid medication. (mark all that apply) A. constipation B. disordered breathing with sleep C. nausea D. hormone problems E. increased risk for falls and fractures


Left untreated, distress can cause which of the following health problems: (mark all that apply) A. Migraines B. Irritable bowel syndrome C. High blood pressure D. Ulcers E. Weakened immune system


Which of the following are Components of an Exercise Session? A. Stretch B. Activity C. Optional Dynamic Stretching D. Cooldown E. Warm-Up


Which of the following are risks associated with fad dieting? (mark all that apply) A. Produce only short term weight loss, which is likely muscle loss. B. Tend to be very low in calories C. Ignore the importance of physical activity in healthy weight loss D. Are limited to a few foods, limiting key nutrients and minerals E. Alter metabolism, making it easier to regain the weight after the diet


Identify the CORRECTLY written hypotheses (mark all that apply). a. Writing notes and listening to recorded notes are equally effective study techniques. b. Body weight squats and weighted squats are equally effective exercises for improving lower body strength. c. When patients take Blood Pressure Medication A, then they will notice a 10 point decrease in systolic blood pressure. d. Singing the War Hymn makes teams win games. e. If you use Darkening Shampoo A, then you will observe hair becoming darker in two weeks. f. If you exercise at moderate intensity five days a week, then you will see an improvement in cardiorespiratory fitness. g. Is Answer Choice C usually right? h. Blood Pressure Medication A is better than Blood Pressure Medication B.


Identify the behavioral effects that occur with an increasing blood alcohol concentration (mark all that apply) A. diminished attention B. increased relaxation C. reduced perception D. enhanced cognition E. improved sleep F. decreased memory


A social support network can include which of the following: (mark all that apply) A. Friends B. Family C. Netflix D. A sense of community


Which of the following prescription drugs has potential for abuse? Mark all that apply. A. prescription depressents B. prescription stimulants C. prescription antibiotics D. prescription opoids


Which, of the following, is/are part of the heart, lungs and circulation response to acute stress? (Mark all that apply) A. heart rate increases B. blood pressure increases C. respiration rate decreases D. blood flow increases


Stress: (mark all that apply) A. Can send your brain into "overdrive" B. Negatively impacts quality of the sleep C. Decreases your risk of insomnia D. Can result in a cycle of sleep depravation E. Prevents you from getting enough sleep


Signs of over-training during a strength-training program include: (mark all that apply) A. Weight loss B. Constant fatigue C. Physical performance improves D. Muscle soreness declines E. Nausea after a workout


Vaccines developers combine which two components to mobilize B-lymphocytes to trigger an antibody response to a target drug? (multiple answers) A. Hapten B. Titer C. Carrier protein D. Plasmocytes


Which of these are the main hormones involved in the male reproductive system? (mark all that apply) A. Testosterone B. Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) C. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)


Select all that apply: What can you do to arm yourself against the constant barrage of "eat me" temptations? A. Pack your lunch when possible, get plenty of sleep, and stay hydrated. B. Drink dark coffee as studies have shown to suppress hunger cravings. C. Keep snacks such as nuts and fruits in your backpack, purse, or car. D. Plan ahead, manage your time, go to the grocery store, and have healthy staples available to you.


Through efforts like the Blue Zones Vitality Project, organizers are trying to get more communities to: Mark all that apply. A. Have a higher quality of life B. Compete in healthy family contests C. Modify behaviors for healthy outcomes D. Have a movement-friendly built environment


Which of the following are potential causes of antibiotic resistance? Mark all that apply. A. Insufficient infection control in hospitals B. Frequent hand washing C. Over-use of antibiotics in livestock D. Using antibiotics for infections possibly caused by viruses


Which of the following is/are major findings from the 90+ study? (mark all that apply) A. Smokers died earlier than nonsmokers B. Water consumption is more important than body weight C. The amount of sleep you get each night is not important D. As you age, it's better to maintain or gain weight


A biometric measurement is a measurement of a_______________such as height, weight, or resting heart rate. A. psychological characteristic B. mental characteristic C. physical characteristic D. emotional characteristic


A precancerous condition on the gums, tongue and inner checks. A. arteriosclerosis B. atherosclerosis C. leukoplakia


According to the "Stress in America Survey," Americans are experiencing _________ stress than five years ago and perceive their stress to have ______________. A. more; increased B. more; decreased C. less; increased D. less; decreased


According to the 23 ½ hours video, __________ was the strongest predictor of death. A. Low muscle mass B. Body fat percentage C. Low cardiorespiratory fitness D. Cigarettes smoked per year


According to the 5 more fitness myths that won't go away article, what is the best way in improve the muscles' ability to oxidize fat at rest and during exercise? A. Short duration exercise B. Low intensity exercise C. Interval training D. Flexibility training


According to the Department of Health and Human Services, __________ plays a role in 5 of 10 of the leading causes of death, including coronary heart disease, certain types of cancer, stroke, type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis. A. Exercise B. Medication C. Diet D. Herbal supplements


All drug abuse directly or indirectly affects the brain's ___________________. A. memory B. neuron activity C. reward system D. sensory processing


Antiviral medications help _____ the flu and vaccines help _________ the flu. A. Prevent; Spread B. Treat; Spread C. Treat; Prevent D. Prevent; Treat


Based on the accumulation of favorable epidemiology, clinical trials, and evidence of palatability, this type of diet is termed as "best-practice" long-term intervention for healthful eating. A. Plant-based Oriental diet B. Vegan diet C. Plant-based Mediterranean diet D. Vegetarian diet


Calcium, which may reduce the risk of osteoporosis, can be found in what food source? A. Strawberries B. Citrus fruits C. Spinach D. Tea


Closing a cabinet A. Rotational movement such as a medicine ball oblique twist B. Pull movement such as a bicep curl C. Push movement such as a pushup D. One-legged lunges E. Squats


Expensive; may be uncomfortable or difficult for non-swimmers A. % Body Fat B. Body Mass Index (BMI) C. Hydrostatic Weighing D. Weight E. DEXA


Exposure to a drug during ___________ has the greatest long-term impact on vulnerability to addiction. A. late adulthood B. middle-age C. adolescence D. early adulthood


Holistic self-care includes which of the following? A. Wholesome Diet B. Exercise C. All are included in holistic self-care D. Adequate Sleep E. Spiritual Health


Hypo - kinetic means ______________. A. Little - Potassium B. Low - Fitness C. Low - Movement D. Little - Food


Identify a physiological change that occurs during sleep. A. Consistent levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide B. Increase in body temperature C. Decrease in blood pressure D. Increase in respiration


If you were a citizen in ________________, you would be more likely to visit your grandparents where they live at _____________. A. Greece; home in China B. The United States; your home C. China; home in your community D. China; a nursing home or assisted living


In her research, Sara Lazar found that the part of the brain responsible for _______________ and executive decision making was almost identical in 25-year olds and 50-year olds who practice regular yoga and meditation. A. Longevity B. Vision C. Working memory D. Hearing


In women, a ______ test can detect early-stage HPV-caused cervical cancer. A. urine B. self C. Pap D. skin


Individuals who start drinking before age 15, as compared to those who start after 21 are: A. 14 times more likely to become alcoholics B. 2 times more likely to become alcoholics C. 4 times more likely to become alcoholics


Obesogenic is a term used to frame the many influential factors that may contribute to our obesity. Which of these is NOT considered an obesogenic environmental factor? A. Diet B. Physical activity C. Acute stress D. Sleep


Potassium falls into what classification of functional foods? A. Carotenoids B. Flavonoids C. Minerals D. Probiotics E. Vitamins


Pregnancy is divided into _________ trimesters. A. four B. two C. three D. six


The "fat burning zone" is equivalent to: A. Low-moderate exercise intensity B. Highly vigorous exercise intensity C. Moderate-vigorous exercise intensity D. Low exercise intensity


The MOST effective way to prevent pregnancy: A. Use condoms correctly and consistently B. Use some form of hormonal contraception method C. Abstinence


The Surgeon General recognized cigarette smoking as a cause of lung cancer in men _______ the year 2000. A. after B. during C. before


The ____________ system provides rapid communication throughout the body allowing us to access, decide and initiate action. A. Integumentary B. Endocrine C. Nervous D. Lymphatic E. Reproductive


The ________________ Theory postulates that the body regulates metabolism in order to maintain a certain weight, similar to how a thermostat regulates temperature. A. Healthy Weight B. Healthy-Point C. Set-Point D. Metabolic-Point


The ____________system is a major source of body heat due to metabolism required to provide energy involved with contraction. A. Nervous B. Endocrine C. Muscular D. Skeletal E. Cardiovascular


The breakdown of food molecules for energy is called: A. Oxidative phosphorylation B. Protein synthesis C. Cellular respiration


The component in cigarettes that damage the cilia lining the bronchi. A. carbon monoxide B. nicotine C. tar


This prebiotic found in whole grains, onions, some fruits, garlic, and honey, may improve gastrointestinal health and calcium absorption. A. Caffeine acid B. Free stanols C. Inulin D. Lignans E. Yeast


Which of the following does NOT cause a decrease in flexibility? A. Increasing age B. Injury C. Weight training D. Lack of activity


Which of the following helps a reader determine if a source is providing credible health information? A. "Experts say" B. The use of one source C. Access to the original source D. Attention-grabbing results


Which of the following is NOT a breast cancer risk factor? A. Mutation in the BRCA1 gene B. High levels of alcohol consumption C. Having breast implants D. Long lifetime exposure to estrogen E. Being over 55 years old


Which of the following is NOT a tip for being a healthy eater? A. Stay hydrated B. Minimize refined carbohydrates C. Eat more saturated fat than monounsaturated fat. D. Enjoy your food E. Eat high quality protein


Which of the following is NOT a true statement about addiction? A. some people are more vulnerable to addiction and some are more resilient B. a large number of genes influence addiction, making it a complex disease C. exposure of a drug during adolescence has little influence on a persons risk for addiction


Which of the following is NOT an approved FDA medication for smoking cessation? A. nasal spray B. inhaler C. e-cigarette D. gum E. patch


Which of the following measurements is considered one of the best overall health indicators? A. Body Temperature B. Body Composition C. Blood Pressure D. Blood Glucose


Which of the following training techniques mimics how people move in their daily lives? A. Exercises focusing on one muscle group (i.e. biceps curl) B. Stationary exercise machines C. Functional training D. Progressive resistance training


Which physiological process slows down while someone is asleep? A. Digestion B. Growth C. Kidney Function D. Cell Repair


While some bodily functions slow during sleep, an increase in release of ________________ aids the body in the healing process. A. Thyroxine B. Insulin C. Growth Hormone D. Parathyroid hormone


Who is at risk for contracting a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI)? A. Only women B. Only men C. Anyone who engages in oral, anal or vaginal intercourse D. Anyone who engages in anal or vaginal intercourse


Why might a user of K2 or Kush notice that effects from each use are different? A. Changes in regulations for manufacturing labs B. Depends on how much time passed between uses C. Chemical composition may change from batch to batch D. Effects change based on the user's mood


_____________ effects of drugs impact brain structure in ways that can lead to addictive behavior. A. Genetic B. Optogenetic C. Epigenetic D. Developmental


______________ a type of energy work that utilizes touch and visualization. A. Qi gong B. Bioenergy C. Reiki D. Therapeutic Touch


_______________ is the most complex energy system and used in endurance activities. A. Phosphagen System B. Glycolysis C. Aerobic System


____________________ involves a destructive cycle of binging and purging. A. Anorexia B. Cardiovascular disease C. Bulimia D. Binge eating


Physiologically, the body reacts to stressors by: (mark all that apply) A. Decreasing heart rate and blood pressure B. Preparing the individual to wait to face challenge at a better time C. Increasing adrenaline D. Discharging cortisol E. Releasing endorphins


Select all of the following considered to be major conclusions, so far, from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging (BLSA): A. Healthy adults do not experience cognitive decline as they age. B. Disease is inevitable. C. Personality changes can result as a part of the "normal" aging process. D. We all age differently. E. Some hearing loss is normal as people age.


The tau protein are the tangles of the "plaques and tangles" that are characteristic of the brains of Alzheimer patients. True or False? The tau are a build-up of protein affecting the grid cells, nerves which act as the brain's GPS. (T/F)


The vast majority of the microbial world is beneficial to something. (T/F)


There are NO forbidden foods in a flexitarian diet. (T/F)


Treating pain is important. (T/F)


True or False: Previous research has shown that the conditions under which one eats may be more important than what one eats.


Using personalized medicine can help reduce side effects of cancer treatment. (T/F)


The decrease in carbon dioxide during pregnancy causes the ___________ to secrete more bicarbonate. A. liver B. kidneys C. lungs


The stress level of the exercise is the: A. Load B. Intensity C. Recovery D. Repetition


Therapeutic communities: A. are well-suited for criminal justice inmates B. all answer choices are correct C. can help homeless individuals D. focus on resocialization of an individual


These two hormones are greatly affected by the quality of sleep we get. A. Dopamine & cortisol B. Leptin & ghrelin C. Ghrelin & adiponectin D. Leptin & cortisol


Uses height and weight to determine if your weight falls into a healthy range; Inaccurate in some populations; Used in epidemiological studies to compare populations A. % Body Fat B. Body Mass Index (BMI) C. Hydrostatic Weighing D. Weight E. DEXA


Weeks 1 through ________ in a pregnancy are most vulnerable to major defects in body structure in all areas of the body. A. 12 B. 6 C. 10 D. 20


What are the largest stores of energy in the body and require oxygen to be broken down? A. Carbohydrates B. Fat C. Protein


What did the Wellbeing Index measure? A. Blood pressure and heart rate B. Personal perception of well-being C. Strength and flexibility D. Communal standards of health


What does RICE stand for? A. Rest, Isolation, Care, Elevation B. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation C. Recovery, Ice, Care, Elevation D. Recovery, Isolation, Compression, Elevation


What is flexibility? A. The range of motion of the muscles B. The range of motion around a joint C. The length a muscle can stretch


What nutrient intake is essential in the prevention of heat related injuries? A. protein B. water C. vitamin D. mineral


When treated with different therapies for neck pain, which group of patients experienced the greatest reduction in pain? A. Spinal manipulation B. Both the spinal manipulation and exercise groups C. Home exercise program D. NSAIDS and acetaminophen or narcotic medications


Which is the process of breaking down molecules in our metabolism? A. Anabolism B. Catabolism


Which of the following levels is NOT included in total cholesterol? A. HDL B. Triglycerides C. LDL


Which of the following would be an effective way to measure cardiovascular fitness? A. All answer choices are correct B. 1 mile walk C. No answer choices are correct D. 300 yard shuttle run E. 2 mile Run


Which statement best describes the relationship between telomeres and lifestyle? A. Telomeres and lifestyle have no relationship B. Lifestyle choices such as obesity, chronic stress, smoking, and sedentary living have been associated with shortened telomeres. C. Lifestyle choices such as obesity, chronic stress, smoking, and activity have been associated with elongated telomeres. D. Longer telomeres are associated with increased incidences of depression.


Which type of workout primarily uses Glycolysis for energy? A. 60 continuous minutes on a stationary bike at 70-75% maximum heart rate B. 8 x 30-second sprint swim with 1:00 minute recovery between each swim C. 10 x 40-yard sprint run with a 5 minute rest period between each sprint


Why does ones breathing rate increase during exercise? A. Muscle cells don't require oxygen B. Muscle cells need more oxygen C. Muscle cells need less oxygen


Why is there sometimes conflicting information in health media reports? A. Health researchers do not have time to complete their studies B. Sometimes new research contradicts previous studies C. The media tries to promote mixed messages D. Reporters only report what they are interested in


___________ have been recognized since the 1920s for their efficacy in treating urinary tract infections. This claim was confirmed in a landmark clinical trial involving elderly women. A. Citrus fruits B. Cranberries C. Beets D. Cucumbers


____________ are foods that have benefits that go above and beyond basic nutrition. A. Antioxidants B. Functional Foods C. Minerals D. Vitamins


The flexitarian diet: (mark all that apply) A. Is anti-meat B. Is pro-plant based C. Offers many of the same benefits as a vegetarian lifestyle D. Has few options


Which of the following can help be prevented with a vaccine? Mark all that apply. A. Non-polio enteroviruses (can cause viral meningitis) B. Meningococcal disease (can cause bacterial meningitis) C. Influenza D. Common cold


Which of the sexually transmitted infections below can be tested for by visual inspection? (mark all apply) A. Gonorrhea B. Pubic Lice C. Trichomoniasis D. Chlamydia


A male's risk of testicular cancer is heightened if he _________ (mark all that apply). A. engages in strenuous lower body exercises B. is white C. is between the ages of 15 and 34 D. has cryptorchidism


For long-term cardiovascular health it is important to select a variety of activities that sufficiently stimulate the: (Mark all that apply) A. Stomach B. Lungs C. Muscles D. Heart


Plant based foods are: (mark all that apply) A. Expensive B. Rich in antioxidants C. Rich in vitamin C D. Helpful in reducing the risk of cancer


Stress: (mark all that apply) A. Is managed the same way by all individuals B. Triggers a common physiological response by the body C. Is defined as a non-specific response to demands placed on the body D. Results in unique physical reactions by the person under stress


Which of the following are changes that occur in the mother's cardiovascular system during pregnancy? Mark all that apply. A. Heart rate decreases B. Blood volume increases C. Compression of the inferior vena cava D. Stroke volume increases


Which of the following are infection prevention practices? Mark all that apply. A. Use your hand to cover sneezes and coughs B. Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands C. Wash your hands often with soap and water D. Disinfect frequently touched surfaces


Mental health disorders: (mark all that apply) A. Impact only the person that has the disorder B. Are far reaching C. Have a ripple-effect D. Impact people with whom they have casual social relationships E. Impact people with whom they have family or intimate relationships


A hypothesis is tested by ______________. (mark all that apply) a. asking questions b. observation c. random guesses d. experiment


Carbon monoxide: (mark all that apply) A. reduces the amount of epinephrine B. decreases the amount of oxygen C. enhances the amount of oxygen D. contributes to atherosclerosis


Which sexually transmitted infection has three stages? A. Gonorrhea B. Chlamydia C. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) D. Syphilis E. Genital Herpes


Which, of the following, is/are part of the immune system's response to acute stress? A. fluids are diverted from mouth and throat B. scalp tightens so that hair seems to stand up C. respiration rate decreases D. steroid hormones are sent to the skin and lymph system


____________ is closely linked with the development of skin cancer, especially in people under age 30. A. Skin that freckles easily B. Having over 30 moles anywhere on the body C. Irregularly colored moles D. Indoor tanning bed use


_____________ happens when two illnesses or disorders occur in the same individual at the same time or sequentially. A. Addiction B. Alcoholism C. Schizophrenia D. Comorbidity


______________ is the leading cause of death in the United States. A. Smoking B. Pulmonary disease C. Cancer D. Cardiovascular disease


_______________ are considered to have a low potential for abuse and low risk of dependence. A. Schedule I B. Schedule II C. Schedule III D. Schedule IV E. Schedule V


Select the correct directional term for the following description. Your vertebral column is ___________ to your heart. A. Superficial B. Posterior C. Superior D. Anterior E. Proximal


Spermicide is an example of a _____________ barrier method of contraception. A. physical B. chemical C. protective D. hormonal


The brain releases neuropeptide S that modulates stress by _______________ sleep and _____________ alertness/anxiety. A. stabilizing; increasing B. decreasing; increasing C. increasing; decreasing D. increasing; stabilizing


A brain tumor with a ___________ grade has a lower chance of survival. A. lower B. higher


A good hypothesis can ___________. a. allow a researcher to avoid discussions b. predict what will happen when the same conditions apply in the future c. answer an ethical question d. control all variables


According to the National Institute on Aging, do antioxidants slow the aging process in human subjects? A. No, randomized clinical trials cannot confirm that antioxidants slow down the aging process B. We do not know, more epidemiological studies on the subject are recommended. C. Yes, longitudinal studies confirm the benefits of antioxidants to slow down the aging process.


After a night of binge drinking, a friend is unable to answer simple questions or support their own body weight. Also, you noticed their breathing is abnormal. What should you do? A. Make them drink several glasses of water B. Seek medical attention immediately C. Let them sleep it off D. Force them to vomit


Bacteria that naturally live inside the human body can _____________. A. cause symptoms of illness B. assist with fiber digestion C. give off toxins D. resist antibiotics


During a competition month, the duration of exercise sessions _________ to aid in recovery and prevent overtraining & risk of injury. A. Increases B. Decreases C. Stays the same


Exercise is considered a ___________ factor against breast cancer. A. effective B. protective C. delayed D. preventive


Identify the body's main fuel source. The recommended intake is 45-65% of daily calories. A. fibers B. carbohydrates C. proteins D. none of the answer choices are correct E. fats


Identify the recommended daily caloric intake of proteins: A. 5-10% B. 10-35%% C. 55-60% D. 12-15% E. 30-35%


Males typically have a higher risk than women until women _______, then risk evens out. A. are over years old B. are post-menopausal C. are pregnant D. reach puberty


More people are addicted to ____________ than heroin and cocaine combined. A. prescription stimulants B. prescription opioids C. synthetic marijuana


Nutrients responsible for metabolism, growth, and cellular development: A. Macronutrients B. Micronutrients


Opening a door A. Rotational movement such as a medicine ball oblique twist B. Pull movement such as a bicep curl C. Push movement such as a pushup D. One-legged lunges E. Squats


Oxygen ___________ increases in pregnancy. A. signalization B. consumption C. excretion D. deprivation


____________age is our true age in years, but ________age can be different depending on our lifestyle choices. ___________ can be younger than chronological age with good nutrition, adequate rest on a regular basis, effective stress-management, and consistent exercise. A. Chronological, biological, Chronological B. Chronological, chronological, Biological C. Biological, chronological, Biological D. Chronological, biological, Biological


A hypothesis is formatted as ___________. a. a list of variables b. a paragraph c. a question d. a statement


A study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine in 2016 concluded that _________ for 11 or more hours a day increased of premature death by 12%. A. Eating B. Sleeping C. Exercise D. Sitting


According to Marian Diamond, what is NOT one of the five essentials for staying mentally vigorous? A. Exercise B. Challenge C. Novelty D. Vitamin C E. Diet


Accumulation of _____________ fat is considered to enhance health risk, perhaps due to increases in blood _____________ and because of increased load on the heart. A. subcutaneous, cortisol B. subcutaneous, adipocytes C. visceral, glucose D. Visceral, pressure


Adults age 50 and older, pregnant women, and healthcare workers are among the groups who should receive priority ___________ in the event of a shortage. A. Hepatitis B vaccines B. antibiotics C. pneumococcal vaccines D. flu vaccines


Changes in _____________ cancer treatment in the past 25 years demonstrate the impact of personalized medicine. A. Thyroid B. Lung C. Skin D. Breast


Climbing stairs A. Rotational movement such as a medicine ball oblique twist B. Pull movement such as a bicep curl C. Push movement such as a pushup D. One-legged lunges E. Squats


College-age women (18-24 years old) should follow which of the following breast cancer screening guidelines? A. Annual Pap test B. Mammogram every 5 years C. Annual clinical exam and weekly visual inspection D. Clinical exam every 1-3 years and breast awareness


Fat cells do more than just store fat. These fat cells also act as a hormone-secreting organ, which can mediate the following function(s): A. Inflammation B. Insulin regulation C. Appetite regulation D. All answer choices are correct.


Ingredients on a nutrition label are listed: A. in any order B. in alphabetical order C. from smallest to largest D. from heaviest to lightest


No single ideal; Many factors determine this; This measurement alone does not indicate quality of health A. % Body Fat B. Body Mass Index (BMI) C. Hydrostatic Weighing D. Weight E. DEXA


One serving of meat is about the size of? A. a checkbook B. a business card C. a handful of rubberbands D. a deck of cards


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have determined that ___________ is the single largest factor affecting longevity of life. A. Exercise B. Nutrition C. Access to health care D. Lifestyle


The ___________ diet has been proven to help numerous cancer patients recover from a stage IV diagnosis. A. craniosacral B. animal-based C. herbal D. macrobiotic


The concept that engaging in a behavior over and over again can lead to changes in your brain is known as ______________. A. Naturopathy B. Homeopathy C. Ayurveda D. Neuroplasticity


Under ordinary circumstances, EPOC contributes __________ to overall energy expenditure. A. Greater during fasting B. Equally C. Significantly D. Minimally


What is the fourth leading preventable risk factor for global mortality rates according to the World Health Organization? A. Lack of Muscular Strength B. Hypertension C. Atherosclerosis D. Physical Inactivity


What is the most important aspect in identifying a training program for an endurance athlete? A. Train Hard B. Endurance Training C. Strength Training D. Plan ahead


When inhaled, this essential oil produces a sedative effect. A. Peppermint B. Geranium C. Rosemary D. Lavender E. Eucalyptus


Which hormone of the adrenal gland helps you cope with physical and emotional stress? A. Cortisol B. Aldosterone C. DHEA D. Epinephrine and Norepinephrine


Which of the following the statements is FALSE with regard to brain plasticity? A. The brain changes as we learn new things, grow, and respond to injury/stress. B. The brain "muscle" grows with necessary nutrients provided by exercise, nutrition, and new experiences. C. Neurogenesis is the growth of new brain cells. D. After age 60, engaging in new experiences is not beneficial for the brain.


Which of the following types of studies has the lowest risk of bias? A. Case report B. Cohort study C. Randomized controlled trial D. Meta-analysis


All of the following contribute to a person being overweight EXCEPT: A. Inactivity B. Eating choices C. Eating behaviors D. Genetics E. Proper footwear when exercising.


Getting up and down from a chair A. Rotational movement such as a medicine ball oblique twist B. Pull movement such as a bicep curl C. Push movement such as a pushup D. One-legged lunges E. Squats


Identify a research-proven safe alternative to cigarettes. A. clove cigarettes B. smokeless tobacco C. cigars D. water pipes E. none of these is considered a safe alternative


In functional fitness, a ____________ is a bend and lift movement. A. rotation B. pull C. push D. lunge E. squat


The _______________ system consists of a pump (heart) and vessels through which substances can be transported in the blood through the body. A. Digestive B. Muscular C. Nervous D. Skeletal E. Cardiovascular


The ability of a muscle group to perform repeated contractions for an extended period of time is known as ______________. A. Muscular strength B. Sliding filament theory C. Principle of overload and adaptation D. Principle of specificity E. Muscular endurance


Utilizes x-ray absorptiometry, Used in research studies A. % Body Fat B. Body Mass Index (BMI) C. Hydrostatic Weighing D. Weight E. DEXA


When developing a HIIT program which of the following should you consider? A. Length of recovery intervals B. Intensity C. Intensity range greater than 80% D. Duration E. All answer choices are correct


Which of the following are potential benefits that have been documented when aerobic fitness levels increase? A. Decrease in % Body Fat B. Increased cognitive abilities C. Reduction in depression D. Improved sleep patterns E. All answer choices are correct


Which of the following have been shown to impact inflammation in the body? A. Sleep quality and quantity B. Omega-3 fatty acids C. Diet Choices D. activity level E. All answer choices are correct


Which of the following is NOT a stage of the body's attempt in maintain homeostasis? A. Alarm stress reaction B. Resistance C. Exhaustion/Recovery D. Exhaustion E. All are a part of the body's attempt to maintain homeostasis


A formal experiment must include a control. (T/F)


A key component in a training program is a session that will mimic the targeted competition, such as running 26 miles for a marathon. (T/F)


A virus can re-program a host cell to reproduce the virus. (T/F)


Benefits of regular exercise outweigh the risk of injury. (T/F)


Bone tissue has the ability to remodel and adapt to the physical stresses imposed on it. (T/F)


Both VO2 Max and Recovery Heart Rate are ways to measure how efficient our body is at using oxygen when exercising. (T/F)


Both marijuana and synthetic cannabinoids can be addictive. (T/F)


Complications exist for both pre-term and post-term births. (T/F)


Eating disorders are not primarily about food or weight. They are a way of dealing with emotional and stress related issues. (T/F)


Epigenetic changes are part of normal development. (T/F)


Including only positive results and not allowing users to post their own comments are indications that a news site might be fake. (T/F)


Moderate exercise can enhance the immune system. (T/F)


Physical activity is a part of the Food Guide Pyramid. (T/F)


Stress interferes with the body's ability to heal. (T/F)


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