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What are the peak hours of ultraviolet ray exposure from the sun

10 am to 3 pm

Should a victim of sexual assault "clean up" before going to the E.R.? Why or why not? How many hours is there to collect evidence?

120 hours No, because evidence may be on the body

Name the amounts of different varieties of alcoholic drinks that are the equivalent of one drink. Is Long Island iced tea considered one standard drink

12oz regular beer = 5oz of table wine = 1.5oz shot of distilled spirits long island is equal to 4 beers

General Adaptation Syndrome

3 stages in response to stress: alarm, resistance, exhaustion increased heart rate, blood pressure, blood flow to brain and muscles, respiration the phenomenon described by Hans Selye in which the human body responds predictably with the reactions of alarm, resistance, and exhaustion when faced with an intense or prolonged stressor

A broad spectrum sunscreen should have a SPF of at least what

30 spf

Women can lose what percent of their bone mass during their lifetime?


What percent of bone mass is acquired by 18 yr old girls and 20 yr old boys

85-90% of adult bone mass is acquired

What is the percentage of people who experience insomnia at some point

90% of people experience some degree of insomnia at some point in their lives

What are the ABCDs of melanoma

A" stands for asymmetrical. Does the mole or spot have an irregular shape with two parts that look very different? "B" stands for border. Is the border irregular or jagged? "C" is for color. Is the color uneven? "D" is for diameter. Is the mole or spot larger than the size of a pea? "E" is for evolving. Has the mole or spot changed during the past few weeks or months?


Altruism is the principle and moral practice of concern for happiness of other human beings and/or animals, resulting in a quality of life both material and spiritual. (wiki) Altruism is acting out of concern for another's well-being

What is The Good Sam program

Amnesty is guaranteed to anyone that is acting in the best interest of someone else. Because sometimes when potentially harmful or dangerous situations occur that involve alcohol or drugs, people may be reluctant to call for help.

What nutrient reduces the risk of osteoporosis?

Calcium building blocks of bones

What is the most commonly reported STI?


Which STI has a vaccine for prevention of its most common types


Where can an SHSU student get condoms?

Health center

What are the symptoms of alcohol poisoning?

Mental confusion, Unresponsiveness, Seizures, Throwing up, Hypothermia, Erratic or slow breathing, Loss of consciousness, Pale or bluish skin color (MUST HELP)

Can an individual who has been drinking or used drugs be capable of giving consent to having sex?


n Huntsville, where can one go to be tested for STIs

SHSU Student health center Pregnancy Care Center HMH Medical Clinic Family Doctor

What does each letter SHSU's Alcohol & Drug Abuse Initiative slogan SAFER stand for?

Safe, Assertive, Functional, Educated, Responsible

What is the importance of trusting your instincts?

Trust yourself - trust your's always worth checking in with yourself about how safe you feel, how much you trust someone, or how careful you need to be. Always err on the side of safety

Do condoms expire


Chronic Stress

a long term form of stress, is a continuous state of arousal in which an individual perceives demands as greater than the inner and outer resources available for dealing with them


a personality trait that can mediate the effects of stress in our lives explains why some individuals tend to tolerate stress better than others. 3 C's: commitment, challenge and control

Hans Selye

a physician and endocrinologist, was one of the early pioneers in the research of stress and its impact on humans his book: The stress of life and stress without distress, documented his detailed work in the field of how stress influences individual health

Type A personality

aggressiveness, impatience, time urgency, being highly competitive, overbearing and controlling, and having free-floating hostility and deep-seated insecurity predisposes a person towards heart disease more likely to survive a heart attack


an anxiety problem that develops in some people after extremely traumatic events, such as combat,crime, accident or natural disaster may relive the event via intrusive memories, flashbacks, nightmares, avoid anything that reminds them of the trauma, and have anxious feelings they didn't have before that are so intense their lives are disrupted


any agent with the ability to cause cancer in humans ex. radiation, tobacco

What is acclimatization? How long does it take?

become accustomed to a new climate or to new conditions acclimation can occur in 4-7 days of gradual and continued exposure


benign tumors are not considered cancerous because they do not have the ability to spread and invade other healthy body tissue. only a threat if their location causes them to interfere with basic physiologic functioning. can usually be removed if necessary and usually do not come back

5-4-2 identifies what

binge drinking for women is 4 drinks in 2 hours for men, it is 5 drinks in 2 hours

What is the most common cancer found in men? In women

breast cancer: leading cancer in women prostate cancer: leading cancer in men

HPV is known to cause what type of cancer?

cervical cancer

What is the main feature of syphilis


Which STI's can be treated with antibiotics?

chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis

Are college aged women at a greater risk for sexual assault? Are men only sexually assaulted by other men?

college aged women are at a higher risk for sexual assault than non-college age women their age.

Type B personality

contemplative nature, greater relaxation, and less competitiveness, aggressiveness and time urgency experience far less heart disease

How can you prevent osteoporosis

diet and exercise weight training is an excellent avenue to development of healthy bones adequate calcium intake throughout the life span creates a greater peak bone mass early in life and decreases age related bone mass.

Know the effects of marijuana.

effects of joy and relaxation, altered sensations, increased appetite other: loss of coordination, faulty perception of time, trouble with thinking and problem solving, dizziness, problems with short term memory, anxiety, panic or paranoia

How can exercise manage diabetes

exercise increases insulin sensitivity (become more efficient) 90% of type II may be preventable with diet and exercise

visceral fat

fat found on and around internal organs, abdominal fat visceral fat accumulation is related to the development of insulin resistance, meaning more insulin is required to keep blood glucose levels normal.

How can you reduce your risk of injury

follow guidelines of safety, warmup, and cooldown. select appropriate activities.

Which STI is known as 'The Clap



group of abnormal cells called a tumor, or neoplasm two types: benign & malignant

Walter Cannon

harvard physiologist that identified the fight or flight syndrome saw the body's physical changes in the face of stress as our initial preparation to "fight" against the stressor or to "flee" the perceived harm of the stressor

How is body heat lost

head, hands, feet cloth clothing when wet

What illnesses has chronic stress been linked to?

heart disease, cancer, stroke hypertension, eating disorders, diabetes, mood disorders

What is the most serious type of heat illness?

heat stroke

How does alcohol affect your awareness

it causes decreased reaction time and impaired memory

What cancers are the leading killers in men? In women? In young men

lung cancer: #1 killer in men and women breast cancer: #2 cancer killer in women prostate cancer: #2 killer in men colon/rectal cancer: #3 killer in men and women testicular cancer common in young men?


malignant tumor or cancerous tumor has the ability to invade nearby tissue and organs and spread to other sites in the body where secondary tumours are formed

What is the regularity with which a self-exam should be performed


List the symptoms of stress and know the different strategies for coping with stress (i.e.; time management, hardiness

muscular: headaches, back and neck pain cardiovascular: clammy hands, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, chest pain emotional: depression, poor sleep, appetite, fatigue, nervous habits gastrointestinal: upset stomach, butterflies, nausea, dry mouth, urge to urinate loss of sex drive, persistent mild illness coping with stress: alter or eliminate with: time management, long and short term goals, learn to say no change your perception: humor, altruism, optimism, "count your blessings" relax: positive imagery, PMR, deep breathing, biofeedback, social support system maintain a healthy lifestyle: exercise, balanced diet, sleep, avoid tobacco, responsible alcohol use. hardiness: commitment, challenge, control

Is the phrase "No pain, no gain" appropriate for physical activity? Why or why not?

no, because pain is a sign that something is wrong. If you feel pain, stop and evaluate it. Use, "train don't strain".

Is indoor tanning safer than tanning outside in the sun

no, tanning beds and sun lamps are categorized as definitely "carcinogenic to humans"

Define osteoporosis. What are contributing factors to osteoporosis

osteoporosis is a disease marked by a decrease in bone mass that progresses painlessly until a bone breaks. major cause of bone fractures in postmenopausal women and in older persons in general women 4x more likely to develop than men risk factors: age, gender (women's bone loss is accelerated), race (caucasian and asian women have greatest risk), bone structure and body weight (thin, small boned women have greater risk), menopause/menstrual history (early menopause is strongest predictor), cigarette smoking, diet and exercise (low calcium intake and no weight bearing exercise), family history (hereditary)

PSA blood test

prostate specific antigen test


radon gas is a natural source of radiation found in certain geographical areas. it can increase the risk of lung cancer and is thought to be responsible for about two percent of cancer deaths

Know the effects of cigarette/cigar smoking on cancer deaths and risk of osteoporosis.

smoking has been identified as a risk factor for osteoporosis and other diseases.

Who is the most common perpetrator in sexual assaults?

someone you know

How can exercise reduce the risk of cancer

speeds movement of food through colon, may decrease exposure of breast tissue to circulating estrogen improves energy metabolism reduces circulating concentrations of insulin is critical in managing excess body fat


spreading of cancerous cells to other parts of the body and occurs because cancer cells break off from one another more readily than healthy cells


stress that is a negative force and is harmful


stress that is managed properly and is considered healthful and usually leads to positive outcomes and fulfillment

Acute Stress

the most common form of stress, is short term and stems from demands and pressures of the recent past and anticipated demands and pressures of the near future

Fight or Flight

the physical reaction to a stressor

Heart attacks are more deadly for what personality type

type A personality

What is the BAC for legal intoxication

up to 0.06 for ages 21

Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR)

uses a precise method to teach individuals to achieve muscular relaxation a learned technique of systematically contracting and relaxing various muscle groups and concentrating on the relief of muscle tension some psychologists consider this to be one of the most reliable and effective procedures for achieving relaxation It works on the concept that emotional tension brings about physical, muscular tension and can result in headaches and muscle aches. As the individual is trained to relax the muscles, much of the emotional tension is relaxed as well—in other words, physical relaxation brings a mental calmness


uses various devices to measure the reaction of certain bodily processes while under stress common biofeedback indicators include measures of muscular tension, heart rate, skin temperature, and perspiration rate typically used in a clinical setting and teaches the stressed person how to induce the relaxation response

Positive Imagery

using mental imagery to deal with stressful situations is a simple method for creating a positive as opposed to a negative mindset

How does exercise influence stress

utilizes 'fight or flight' in a positive way helps body be more resilient to stress

Is PTSD more common in women or men?


Why do women tend to reach higher BAC (blood alcohol concentration) faster than men?

women on average are smaller than men, smaller weight and body composition

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