Kines 341 Quiz 1

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How and why has kinesiology been shaped both by utility and by serendipity?

Activity should be something we want to do not something we have to do. Physical activity linked to health - utility. Moving can be fun and playful - serendipity.

Why do we focus on lived experiences in cultural settings?

Analyses involves the movement we find in society. These activities affect both life itself and quality of that life.

What was the first American organization, established in 1886, dedicated to the study of human movement?

Association for the Advancement of Physical Education

How do history and philosophy overlap?

Both fields work with ideas. Both examine particulars and make broader claims that they think are true - "practical wisdom"

What is a chronology?

Chart change over time and look for connections b/w past and present through casual sequences.

How does the philosophical method differ from the scientific method?

Complement works of researchers. Philo takes into account the intangibles - can't fully understand what love is by looking at a brain wave.

What problems have the emergence the "two cultures" created?

Don't respect the other group. They have a "curious distorted image of each other" according to C.P. Snow.

How should we define kinesiology?

Focuses on physically active lifestyle as it affects (one on hand) health and life itself and (on the other hand) the meaning or quality of life.

Where does the term kinesiology come from and what does it mean

Greek kinesis (movement) and ology (subject of study or interest)

How do you create accurate stories about the past?

Historians sift through info exploring everything from written documents, artistic depictions, human made structures, and genetic markers of disease.

How do historical "facts" sometimes differ from scientific "facts"? (the Fourth of July "fact" versus the chemical formula for methane "fact")

Historical often consist of human memories and interpretations that are open to vast array of analyses rather than concrete physical and material properties that constitute scientific reality.

Why are both history and philosophy identified as humanities? In what important ways do they differ?

History can involve memories and be up to interpretation - not cold hard facts like science. Philosophy is ideas about life, meaning, etc

How do history and philosophy complement one another?

History helps pull philo out of clouds and bring it back to earth. Provides context for ideas and values. Without understanding history, philo could easily run off the tracks; Philo helps history in that it provides vision, possibilities, and ideals that may or may not have historical precedents. Can provide principled conceptual clarity to historical interpretations that lie too close to action.

Is history the study of everything that happened in the past? What is antiquarianism?

History seeks to understand the past in order to comprehend the present and shape the future.; Anti - study of the past for the sake of the past

What distinguishes the humanities from the sciences? What is the source of the tension that often exists between these two domains in higher education?

Humanities address culture and symbolic behaviors and meanings that bring it to life. Science focuses on facts and research. Each group has a lack of understanding and respect for the other that is dangerous and destructive.

How are history and philosophy complementary and interrelated? How are the study of health or life itself, on one hand, and the study of quality of life, on the other, complementary and interrelated?

Humanities focus on quality of life. Science on life itself. These intermingle and impact each other. Without purpose, love, or meaning, life itself might not be worth living.

What happened in 2006 that gave formal recognition to the field?

Included for first time in taxonomy of National Research Council (NRC)

What is the historical method?

Interpretive process that must be employed rigorously. Must be clear, logical, reasonable, plausible, and consistent with what historians understand as facts. Must be open to fact that people in past have offered multiple answers to great variety of questions.

How should we view quality of life versus life itself?

Interrelated. Can't really have one without the other.

Why did the field change its name from physical education to kinesiology

Many majors were now finding work outside of physical education/teaching/coaching. Also, some profs, led by Franklin Henry at Univ of California, Berkeley, argued that should be identified with what we studied, not with any particular movement related profession with with human movement per se.

What are the basic questions philosophers ask? (metaphysics, epistemology, logic, aesthetics, ethics, axiology)

Metaphysics - what things are; Epistemology - how we know; Logic - how reasoning works; Aesthetics - what counts as beautiful or pleasing; Ethics - how we should behave; Axiology - what is valuable or what constitutes the good life

How is philosophy different from history?

Philos do not need to examine documents or interview individuals with special info about a person, time period, or event. Instead examine things with mind's eye.

What biases about each other do scientists and humanities cultures harbor?

Scientists think those in humanities are slow to change and pessimistic about human condition. Humanities lack rigorous methods of inquiry and produce many claims that are fallacious, useless, or both; Those in humanities think scientists are ignorant because they do not understand cultural contexts of their work. Think not sufficiently aware of art and lit and therefore tending to ignore much of what makes life worth living

What do "kinesiologists" study?

Sport, exercise, games, play, dance, training, health, leisure, recreation, rehab, prevention, athletics, gardening, practicing tai chi, walking dog, list goes on

What two things "hold" the humanities together?

Subject matter and methodology

How were the "discipline" and the "profession" separated?

Was grounded in best research possible, human movement showcased as important element of human existence that it is. Shift liberated subject matter from single professional context. Today, can study physical activity and healthful living without the assumption that will spend career in a school/gym.

How are we "wired" to think historically?

We remember the past and use it to understand current dilemmas while also employing it as fundamental data set to help make decisions about future actions.

In what ways are humans by nature historic creatures?

We think of our memories - without memory we would not know how to perform the most simple tasks (what to wear based on weather, how to write, etc)

What are the "tensions" in kinesiology?

Which professions should be featured? - phys ed and coaching or others?; Which activities are most important? - ex and phys fitness or sport?; Which kinds of intervention work best? - therapeutic movement or cultural activity?; Which values deserve top billing? - public health and utility of movement or joy of movement?; Which kind of knowledge most important? - theories of movement or movement skills themselves; Which curricular emphasis most useful? - academic subjects or clinical practice; Which disciplines deserve most support? - those in science of phys act or humanities and social sciences of movement; What contributes most to good living? - spiritual ex, aesthetic movements, some other emphasis?

Why is it important for students of human movement to understand the connections between historical, philosophical, and scientific understandings of the nature and meaning of human movement?

need to be able to use them together professionally

What was the common name for the field we now call kinesiology when it first emerged in the U.S. in the 1880s?

physical education

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