KINES 83 Exam 3

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The degree to which people believe that they have control over the outcome of events in their lives, as opposed to external forces beyond their control

Locus of Control

Fear is the absence of _____


Leo Buscaglia was of the opinion that until you can learn to _____ you will have stress

Love yourself unconditionally

Describe electroencephalographic biofeedback

Measures electrical activity of the brain

Describe electromyographic biofeedback

Measures electrical impulses from specific (muscles prone to tension)

Describe cardiovascular biofeedback

Measures the electrical activity of the heart muscle

Describe electrodermal biofeedback

Measures the sweat response from the skin (same technology used in polygraph tests)

Martin Seligman believed that...?

Positive thoughts are an inherent part of the human condition and we need to cultivate, nurture, and enhance these for emotional balance in times of stress

Many people use a nonproductive coping technique called _____ which is often confused with cognitive restructuring


_____ is making excuses, blaming and shifting responsibility away from oneself toward someone or something else


_____ is a term used to describe a positive mind frame of a stressful event


Style of yoga placing special emphasis on physical postures (asanas) and are integrated with breath control (Praynayama)

Hatha yoga

_____ promotes toxic thoughts


Describe victimization

A mindset of continually seeing yourself as a victim

Being chased in a dream signifies _____


What does PQ stand for?

Positive intelligence

Positive psychology is a study of what Aristotle called...?

"The Good Life"

What should one do about guilt and worry?

-Awareness that they are being used as ineffective coping strategies -Remove guilt and worry by reframing your perception to either 1) learn lessons from the past or 2) start planning strategically for future events that are occupying your attention

What are the steps to initiate autogenic training?

-Body position -Concentration and awareness -May take several weeks of repeated and disciplined practice to feel cumulative effects -Try to practice 2x per day for 15 minutes at a time for improvement to occur

Describe a pessimist

-Cannot accept opposing viewpoints or thoughts as valid -Prejudges and pigeonholes others before getting to know them -Gains energy by drawing a negative perspective -Claims to be a realist, but not fooling anyone -Describes an optimist as being out of touch with reality -Black cloud of negativity

What are the 4 different components of self-esteem?

-Connectedness (friends) -Uniqueness (your gifts) -Power (empowerment) -Models (mentors, heroes)

What are the three parts of the metaphorical iceberg?

-Conscious mind -Personal unconscious mind -Collective unconscious mind

What are ways to boost your self-esteem?

-Disarm the negative critic -Give yourself positive affirmations -Avoid self-guilt and "should haves" -Focus on you and your identity -Avoid comparisons -Diversify your interests -Improve your connectedness -Avoid self-victimization -Reassert yourself before and during stress

Describe an optimist

-Doesn't let failure limit growth -Finds redeeming qualities in just about everyone -Counts blessings -Has the ability to reevaluate expectations so not to become depressed -Explores new areas of life -Accepts others who are different as unique

What are the different types of biofeedback?

-Electromyographic (EM) -Electroencephalographic (EEG) -Cardiovascular (EKG) -Electrodermal (EDR)

What are the components of the conscious mind?

-Linear thinking -Logical thinking -Rational thinking -Analytical thinking -Judgmental thinking -Verbal thought processes -Space-time consciousness

Describe the direct approach of autogenic training

-More detailed visual interpretation to correspond with the general instructions -Visualizing blood flow to the arms and hands along with arms and hands feeling warm and heavy

What are the components of the unconscious mind?

-Nonlinear thinking -Nonlogical thinking -Nonrational thinking -Symbolic thought processes -Nonjudgmental thinking -Holistic thinking -Nonverbal thinking -Dream thoughts -Intuitive thoughts -Imaginative thoughts -Non-space-time consciousness

Describe attributes of a person that is resilient

-Positivity -Creative problem solving -Compassion and gratitude -Self-care -Humor -Purpose in life

What are the benefits of yoga?

-Promotes longevity and facilitates homeostasis of mind, body, and spirit -Decrease stress levels -Increased muscle strength and flexibility -Increased aerobic capacity -Complementary healing modality for many chronic health-related issues -Helps reduce anxiety and cope with PTSD -Reduces blood pressure -Greater sense of body awareness -Management for low back pain and sacroiliac joint pain

Describe internal locus of control

-Somebody seeking out information -Goal oriented -Sense of mastery in coping with your different problems

Describe resiliency

-The person that can bounce back in situations -Commitment -Control -Challenge

Why are dreams important?

-They should be treated as fact -They have a definite idea expressed as symbols -They make sense when decoded properly -Recurring dreams convey a previous trauma and/or personal defect -Interpretation is individualistic -Interpretation is essential to resolving stress

What are the purposes of ego?

-To protect against threats -To increase pleasure -To decrease pain

Describe the indirect approach to autogenic training

-Very general instructions -May be repeated to yourself to increase body awareness -Very little visual imagery -Instructions are a feeling of heaviness, a feeling of warmth, a calmness of the heart, calmness of breathing, and coolness of the forehead

What are some of the traits that Maslow noted that help us rise above the mundane aspects of life?

1) A highly efficient perception of reality 2) Acceptance 3) Naturalness and spontaneity 4) Problem centering 5) Solitude and independence 6) A continual freshness of appreciation 7) Creativity 8) Interpersonal relationships 9) Human kinship 10) A democratic character 11) A strong sense of ethical values 12) Resistance to enculturalization 13) A sense of humor 14) Mystical or peak experiences

What are the different cognitive distortions?

1) All or none thinking 2) Over-generalizations 3) Mental filter 4) Disqualifying the positive 5) Jumping to conclusions 6) Magnification 7) Emotional reasoning 8) Should statements 9) Labeling and mislabeling 10) Personalization

What are the steps to initiate cognitive restructuring?

1) Awareness (of toxic thoughts) 2) Reappraisal of the situation 3) Adoption and substitution 4) Evaluation (of new thought processes)

What are the stages of the grieving process?

1) Denial 2) Anger 3) Bargaining 4) Depression / withdrawal 5) Acceptance

What are the ego's defense mechanisms?

1) Denial 2) Repression 3) Projection 4) Displacement 5) Rationalization 6) Humor

What are the 7 phases of autogenic training?

1) Heaviness 2) Warmth 3) Calm heart 4) Breathing 5) Stomach 6) Cool forehead 7) Completion

For a coping technique to be effective it must:

1) Help increase awareness of the situation 2) Augment the information processing of stress 3) Help modify any related stress-prone behaviors 4) Work toward a peaceful resolution of the stressor

What are some additional tips for cognitive restructuring?

1) Initiate a relaxation technique to calm your mind 2) Take responsibility for your own thoughts 3) Fine-tune expectations 4) Give yourself positive affirmations 5) Accentuate the positive

What are the 6 pillars of self-esteem?

1) Living consciously 2) Self-acceptance 3) Self-responsibility 4) Self-assertiveness 5) Living purposefully 6) Personal integrity

What are the three stages of an asana-physical experience?

1) Moving into the pose 2) Maintaining the pose 3) Coming out of the pose

What are the steps in Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

1) Physiological needs 2) Safety needs 3) Belongingness and love 4) Need for self-esteem 5) Self-actualization 6) Self-transcendence

What are the components of Happiness Theory?

1) Positive emotions 2) Engagement 3) Relationships 4) Purposeful life meaning 5) Achievements and accomplishments

What are the 3 steps to positive psychology?

1) Positive emotions 2) Postitive personality traits 3) Positive intuitions

What are the purposes of coping strategies?

1) To reduce harmful environmental conditions 2) To tolerate / adjust negative events 3) To maintain a positive self-image 4) To maintain emotional equilibrium

Describe the application of reframing

1) What is making you stressed? 2) Why do you feel this way? 3) What good can come from this situation? 4) Shift your thinking to be proactive, don't be a victim of your own thoughts and perceptions

The conscious mind governs ___-___% of human behavior


What holds you back from being able to reframe stressful situations?

A belief system (ego, fear-based) hidden in the depths of the unconscious mind is holding on to old ways

What is the purpose of biofeedback?

Allows the user to become aware of physiological functions (that are difficult to observe) that take place in the body

A relaxation technique where the individual gives conscious messages to various body parts to feel warm and heavy

Autogenic training

With this technique there is no conscious, active effort to relax the muscles - emphasis is placed on making specific body regions warm and heavy through passive self-suggestions

Autogenic training

Athletes use all types of _____ equipment to enhance their athletic performance


_____ would allow one to regulate internal functions and eventually with practice an individual can control their physiological functions without the use of machines


Maslow's hierarchy of needs is similar to what other system that we have studied?

Chakra System

A process using one or more specifically designed machines to amplify body signals and display these signals in a way that can be interpreted so that their intensity can be changed by the individual for the health of the individual

Clinical biofeedback

Defined as the use of monitoring of instruments to amplify the electrochemical energy produced by the body organs

Clinical biofeedback

This relaxation technique allows a person to increase awareness of his/her own physiological responses by learning to monitor them through data gathered by a particular instrument

Clinical biofeedback

Biofeedback is known as a _____ response


The process of managing demands that are appraised as taxing or exceeding the individual's resources


_____ offer a source of insight that we often don't get any other way


What are some additional health related benefits of yoga?

Effects on premenstrual syndrome, diabetes, clinical depression, menopausal symptoms, etc

It's the _____ that signals the flight-or-fight response


Peak experiences is another name for...?


People with strong (internal/external) locus of control tend to praise or blame external factors such as the teacher or the exam


Ego defense mechanisms are used in response to...?

Feelings of anger and fear (stress)

Describe Freud and the egg

Freud compared the abstract human psyche to an egg. Instinctual tensions is always present because the id constantly releases impulses - these with external stimuli, threaten the integrity of the ego

The resolution of _____ takes personal reflection time


Both _____ and _____ are considered to be wasted emotional energy because they immobilize our thoughts

Guilt, worry

No amount of _____ can change the past, and no amount of _____ will change the future

Guilt, worry

_____ and _____ rob us from living in the present moment

Guilt, worry

Describe pessimism

Heavily grounded in negativism

The mind is seen as a metaphorical _____


Behavior is directed by...?

Ingrained, subconscious thought patterns and beliefs

33% of the US population has hypertension, but...?

It cannot be detected by observation

Reframing is not a denial or a _____, rather it is an exercise in ego detachment from the unmet emotional expectation

Pollyanna delusion

When it comes to the ego's defenses, _____ can be as dangerous as underprotection


With autogenic training, a _____ attitude is adopted


Maslow was convinced that each of us had the potential for...?


_____ is a term that Maslow coined to describe those people who could rise above the daily hassles of life and reach their highest potential


Self-love begins with cultivating _____


_____ is the bottom-line defense


Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference

Serenity Prayer

Thinking positively allows...?

The conscious and unconscious minds to work together

Maslow studied...?

The lives of many people to see what our greatest human potential was

What is the id?

The unconscious part (childlike impulses)

_____ biofeedback measures blood flow to a specific area by the heat it gives off


What is the the purpose of autogenic training?

To reprogram the mind so as to override the stress response

What is the purpose of cognitive restructuring?

To widen one's conscious perspective and allow room for a change in perception

True or False? Negative thoughts can have a toxic effect of the body


True or False? The conscious and unconscious minds have different languages, and while the conscious mind turns off during sleeping hours, the unconscious mind is perpetually active


True or False? The unconscious mind does not understand negative thoughts (ex: "I won't get nervous")


True or False? Negative thoughts can have a toxic effect on the body

True (can suppress the immune system and compromise one's level of well-being)

Toxic thoughts lead to _____

Victim consciousness

Toxic thoughts can lead to _____


A simple and profound technique to promote relaxation and to unify the mind, body, and spirit


Ancient Sanskrit term meaning "union" - specifically the union of the mind, body, and soul


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