kinesiology final

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bending stress on a bone is a combination of:

tensile & compression


biaxial ball & socket ex) flex/extend, ab/adduct

stress fracture

bone responds to repetitive loading by adapting its structure accordingly (stress > remodeling)

bone is strongest resisting:

compression stress

synovial joints supply nutrients and remove waste by:

compression/ decompression of the joint

what muscle can perform knee flexion when contracting concentrically


triceps surae refers to:


when the biceps muscle group concentrically contracts, a dislocating force occurs at the joint when the angle of force application is:

greater than 90 degrees

the anterior and posterior fiber of the deltoid working together to perform shoulder abduction is an example of:

helping synergist

Of the carpal bones, which articulates with the radius and is critical in transfering force from the hand into the forearm ?


what movements have gastrocnemius and soleus as the agonists (concentrically and eccentrically)?

squat, dead lift, leg press, forward lunge, stair master

why do intertarsals & tarsometatarssal have minimal movement?

stability provides support for toe off motion during gait

Abduction is an example of movement in a coronal plane about an anteroposterior axis.


All three of the vasti muscles of the quadriceps originate on the proximal femur and insert on the patellar superior pole


Anteriorly, the pelvic bones are joined to form the symphysis pubis, an amphiarthrodial joint.


during shoulder joint abduction, what is the shoulder girdle doing?

upward rotation

transverse arch

wedge shaped cuneiforms

Distally, the patella serves as a major bony landmark to which all four quadriceps muscles attach and ultimately insert on the tibial tuberosity via the patella tendon


The ulnar collateral ligament is critical to providing medial support to prevent the elbow from abducting when stressed in physical activity


The wrist flexor muscles have their origin on the medial epicondyle of the humerus.


body weight is transferred from tibia to talus & calcaneus


elbow motions primarily involve movement between the articular surfaces of the humerus and the ulna


keeping a heavy weight close to the body while lifting helps protect the lumbar spine from undue stress


maintaining excessive hip flexion may limit your ability to accomplish full knee extension


the fibula serves as an attachment for knee joint structures and does not articulate with the femur or patella


the spine accommodates compression forces better than tensile forces


the tibia bears the majority of the bodyweight compared to the fibula



turning the ankle and foot inward toward the midline of the body where the weight is on the lateral edge of the foot

Tommy Johns Surgery is a term used to describe the reconstruction surgery of which ligament?

ulnar collateral ligament

trabecular/cancellous bone

-30-90% non mineralized tissue -spongy with high porosity

cortical bone

-5-10% non mineralized tissue -high density, low porosity

stance phase

-60% -initial contact, loading response, midstance, terminal stance, pre swing (toe off)

peroneus tertius

-absent in ~5-17% of the population -eversion of foot & dorsiflexion of ankle

muscular compartment of the lower leg

-anterior compartment -lateral compartment -superficial posterior compartment


-anterior cruciate ligament -injuries more common in women

inversion sprain

-anterior talofibular, calcaneaofibular & posterior talofibular

valgus force

-force from the lateral side that causes the knee to go inwards -resisted by MCL


-forms cushion between bones -attached to tibia -deepens tibial fossa -increases stability

sagittal plane

-front & back movements -frontal axis

ginglymus joints

-hinge/ uniaxial articulation -allows motion in only one plane ex) elbow, knee, ankle (talocrural)

frontal plane

-left & right movements -sagittal axis

shin splints

-medial tibial stress syndrome -more common in women


-multi/tri-axial ball & socket joint ex) shoulders, hips

parallel fibers

-parallel to length of muscle -range of motion flat, fusiform, strap, radiate, sphincter, circular

what is right femur doing during right lateral tilt?


The chief function of the _______ is to pull the synovial membrane of the elbow joint out of the way of the advancing olecranon process during extension of the elbow

anconeus muscle

Is the talus wider anteriorly or posteriorly?


what muscle performs adduction of the wrist?

flexor carpi ulnaris muscle

The ulna is much larger proximally than the radius


plantar fascia

-2 times as strong as any other ligament -calcaneal tuberosity to phalanges -stabilizes medial arch -propels body forward during latter stance phase

soleus muscle

-2 times the cross sectional area of gastrocnemius -predominantly type I fibers

golgi tendon organ

-requires a greater stretch to be activated -when activated, causes a muscle to relax

hamstring muscle group

-responsible for knee flexion -located in posterior compartment of thigh -consists of 3 separate muscles (semitendinosus, semimembranosus, bicep femoris)

transverse plane

-rotating movement -vertical or longitudinal axis

pennate fibers

-uni, bi, or multipennate -force production

varus force

Force from the medial side that causes the knee to push outwards

The latissimus dorsi muscle inserts on the:

Medial lip of intertubercular groove of humerus

what is lumbar spine doing during anterior pelvic tilt?


Elbow stability is locked when at full _______ and unlocked at > _______

extension; 20 degrees flexion

what is the left femur doing during right transverse rotation?

external rotation

As the knee approaches full extension the tibia must internally rotate approximately 10 degrees to achieve proper alignment of the tibial and femoral condyles


Supination refers to an internal rotary movement of the radius on the ulna


"golfer's elbow"

medial epicondylitis

Two longitudinal arches

medial longitudinal arch & lateral longitudinal arch (high, medium, or low)


only uniarticular knee flexor

The carpal tunnel houses flexor tendons as well as the median nerve. What wrist flexor tendon does not pass through the carpal tunnel, making it an easy tendon to harvest and use during a UCL reconstruction surgery ?

palmaris longus


pivot joint ex) ulna stay while radial moves around (radioulnar joint)

Radioulnar pronation is performed by what muscles

pronator quadratus muscle pronator teres muscle brachioradialis muscle

during shoulder joint internal rotation, what is the shoulder girdle doing?


active insufficiency

reached when the muscle becomes shortened to the point that it cannot generate/maintain active tension ex) when the wrist is fully flexed, you cannot make a tight fist

passive insufficiency

reached when the opposing muscle becomes stretched to the point where it can no longer lengthen/ allow movement ex) going into dorsiflexion when knee is locked out

In the context of wrist and hand movements, dorsiflexion refers to the movement of the back of the hand toward the posterior or dorsal aspect of the forearm.


In the context of wrist and hand movements, opposition refers to the movement of the thumb across the palmar aspect to oppose the palm or any combination of the phalanges


Most outer bone is composed of cortical bone with cancellous bone underneath


The rotator cuff group includes the subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus and teres minor muscles


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