Lab 14- Digestive System

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Accessory Organ

Assist in mechanical and chemical digestion.

Salivary Amaylase

Catalyzes the reactions that digest polysaccharides into smaller oligosaccharides.


Chemical produced by the liver that's required for digestion and absorption of fats.

Gastric enzymes are secreted by the ______ cells.

Chief cells.


Consists of 4 lobes- Right lobe, left lobe, caudate lobe, and quadrate lobe- has a multitude of functions most of which are metabolic in nature.

Which of the following is the most accurate description of pancreatic lipase?

Enzyme(s) that digest(s) lipids into fatty acids and monoglycerides.

Which of the following enzymes accurately defines salivary amylase?

Enzymes secreted by the sublingual gland.

What are the functions of the digestive tract?

Excretion, digestion, and absorption.


Exocrine and endocrine gland that sits posterior and inferior to the stomach. Aids in digestion (exocrine) and metabolism (endocrine).

T or F: The peritoneal cavity is located between the visceral peritoneum and the mesentery.

False- between a double layered serous membrane..

T or F: The longest segment of the small intestine is the duodenum.

False- it is the shortest

T or F: Bile leaves the liver through the cystic duct.

False- through the common hepatic duct.

Which of the following statements accurately defines bile?

Fluid produced by the liver and stored in the gall bladder that contains bile salts, amphipathic molecules that emulsify fats in the small intestine and aid in their digestion.

Which of the following digestive functions is performed by the organ is the alimentary canal, but not by accessory organs?



Internal organ where a major part of digestion occurs and links the esophagus to the small intestine. Regions include the fundus, cardia, middle body, and pylorus.

Large Intestine

Large in diameter and divided into 5 different regions- cecum, veriform, appendix, colon, rectum, and anal cavity.

How does the absorption of lipids differ from the absorption of carbohydrates and proteins?

Lipids are absorbed into lacteals; carbohydrates and proteins are absorbed into capillaries.

Which of the following digestive functions is performed by the organs in the alimentary canal, but not by accessory organs?

Mechanical Digestion.


Narrow tube posterior to the heart and trachea in the thoracic cavity. Contains both smooth and skeletal muscle fibers.

The _______ nervous system division usually stimulates and promotes digestion.


Which of the following enzymes initiates protein digestion?


Small Intestine

Portion of the alimentary canal where most chemical digestion and absorption takes place, Three portions includes the duodenum, jejunum, and the ileum.

Peritoneal Cavity

Potential space between the two membranes that separate the organs in the abdominal cavity from the abdominal wall.

Chemical Digestion

Process in the alimentary canal in which food is broken up by action of enzymes and converted into a substance suitable for absorption and assimilation into the body.

Which is the most accurate description of pepsin?

Protein-digesting enzyme(s) produced by the stomach.


Small sac shaped organ beneath the liver, in which bile is stored after secretion by the liver and before release into the intestine.

Digestive Enzyme

Substances produced by our bodies that helps digest the food we eat. Secreted by various pairs of our digestive system and help break down food components- proteins, carbs, fats.

What are three organs that are apart of the alimentary canal?

THe esophagus, cecum, and ileum.


The 1st step in lipid digestion. Process in which large fat globules are broken up into smaller pieces and is accomplished by bile salts.

Which of the following statements accurately defines emulsification?

The first step in the process of lipid digestion, it breaks up the fat globules into smaller pieces with the help of bile salts.

Alimentary Canal

The whole passage along which food passes through the body from mouth to anus.

Salivary Glands

Three types- parotid, submandibular, and sublingual- located around the mouth and secretions pass through duct to enter the mouth.

T or F: The gallbladder produces and stores bile.


T or F: The stomach has three layers of smooth muscle that contract to turn food into chyme.


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