Language Development Review

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Despite a 2 year old's limited intelligibility, what don't they lack?

Peak-a-boo, how big is baby

Examples of rituals and predictable games

2-3 year old language development

Expressive < receptive at this stage

570 words

Expressive capability of 30 month old

Infant-directed speech

How can adults help with the language learning process of infants?

Touching or pointing an object while simultaneously looking at another person (joint attention)

How do 10 month olds attempt to deliberately communicate?

Parents carry on both sides of convo to demonstrate how roles of speaker and listener alternate

How do parents having a conversation with a 6-week-old demonstrate turn taking?

Accentuated changes provide more salient language cues, helps infants perceive sounds fundamental to language

How does infant-directed speech help in the language learning process?

receptive language for 6 month old

If an infant hears someone say "mommy" or "daddy" and they look towards the appropriate person, this is an indicator of what

Turn to watch your face when you speak, cooing, smiling, recognizing familiar voices, respond to comforting tones, use differentiated cries

Language development markers for infants 0-3 months

Language explosion

Language spurt that usually occurs around 18 months of age

50; 50-100+

Once an infant's vocabulary reaches about ___ words it suddenly begins to build rapidly, at a rate of ________ words per month

Parentese, motherese, child-directed speech

Other names for infant-directed speech

listeners who are unfamiliar with a topic than to listeners who are familiar with it

Preschool children give more elaborate messages to...

Learning language

Process is one of refinement, expansion, and extension

1,000+ words

Receptive capability of 3-4 year old

Content and process

Regardless of the process involved in language development, the _________ and ________ are the same, despite the language or languages being learned

5 and above

School age

Adults and peers

School aged children speak differently to

1; conversational turn taking

Soon after ______ year olds begin to speak, parents encourage their children to participate in conversational ____________/

2-3 year old

Stage where parents become aware of child's expressive ability in relation to peers


The more speech that is addressed to a toddler, the more _________ the toddler will learn new words

Talk they are exposed to

The rate of children's vocabulary development is influenced by the amount of _________________

12-36 month

Toddler months

1 year

What age do infants begin to use speech to communicate and initiate conversations with adults?

Themselves, but rapidly expands to include objects in their world

What are first conversations for infants about?

Respond/orient to their name, vocalize with intonation, respond to tones of voice, respond to appropriate person when they hear mommy or daddy

What are language markers for 6 month old infants?

Language continues to develop unless presence of problem, adults expand language including specialized vocab related to experiences

What are markers of language across the lifetime?

Language learning begins at birth, baby reacts to loud sounds by startling or waking, baby produces sounds that indicate pain or pleasure, first communication is crying

What are the early forms of communication for infants?

1-2 recognizable words, uses speech for attention, conical babbling

What are the expressive markers for 7-12 month olds?

Lengthy sentences with detail, can tell simple story with few grammar errors, may still produce errors with irregular forms, improved story telling but limited ability to focus on relevant info, more confident to initiate topics

What are the expressive markers for children aged 4-5?

Combine 4+ words, relays personal experiences but may leave out relevant details, expanded conversational topics as the world expands, best at talking of the here and now

What are the expressive markers for pre-schoolers aged 3-4?

Overextend and underextend meanings, emerging 2 word combinations, emerging question use, repeat words they overhear, names for everything

What are the expressive markers for toddlers aged 1-2?

2-3 word utterances, has word for almost everything, increased grammatical structure, limited topic initiation, speech understood by familiar listeners most of the time, initiates joint attention, repeats words they overhear

What are the expressive markers for toddlers aged 2-3 years old?

In elementary school and beyond language strongly influences academics, peer and social relationships, self-esteem

What are the implications of language abilities for school-aged children?

Carry on conversations about every day subjects, love jokes and riddles, able to state name/address/age/birthday, can describe objects by function, may understand time concepts/can't tell time, fairly adult language and prosody

What are the language markers for 5 year olds?

Responsive to tones of voice, moves eyes in directions of sounds, may be interested in non-speech sounds, babbling and vocal play, can indicate urgency and excitement with vocalizations, rituals and games set predictable routines and expectations, gurgling sounds, stop making sounds to listen to caregiver's voice

What are the language markers for infants between 4-6 months?

Can acquire 4-6 new words a day, understand wh question forms, follows multi-step directions within routines, increased ability to comprehend stories/explanations/conversations

What are the language markers for pre-schoolers aged 3-4?

Looks in direction of sounds, listens when spoken to, responds to basic requests, enjoys early games/rituals

What are the receptive markers for 7-12 month olds?

Understand 2500-3000 words, increased conceptual knowledge including time words/complex emotion words, more precision in vocab, answer simple questions about stories, follow multi-step directions in new situations, understands conversations about their lives

What are the receptive markers for children aged 4-5?

Can acquire 1-2 new words a day, variety of vocabulary expands, follows 1-2 step directions, understand some concept pairs

What are the receptive markers for toddlers aged 2-3 years old?

Follow simple directions with common routines, identify simple body parts, point to named objects or pictures, listen to simple stories or rhymes

What are the receptive markers for toddlers ages 1-2?

Contextual cues

What do children use for reference during fast mapping?

Emotional variability

What does babbling and vocal play indicate?

Newly acquired skills are used to modify and augment existing abilities, new abilities are based on earlier learned skills

What does it mean that learning language is one of refinement, expansion, and extension?

Hard to measure because it's so big

What is the expressive capability of 3-4 year old?


What type of word gets acquired more often in toddler's speech expression?

Infant-directed speech

When adults speak slowly and with exaggerated changes in pitch and loudness and elongated pauses between utterances

10 months

When does the first attempt to deliberately communicate typically emerge?

Pre-school stage

Where expressive and receptive skills equalize

Receptive language

ability to comprehend speech

0-12 months

infancy months

3-5 years old

preschool age

Expressive language

the ability to use sounds, signs, or symbols to communicate meaning

fast mapping

the process of rapidly learning a new word simply from hearing the contrastive use of a familiar and the unfamiliar word


# of utterances usually correlate with....

50 words

# of words 12 month old understands

200 words

# of words 18 month old understands

500-700 words

# of words understood by 24 month old

900 words

# of words understood by 30 month old

In between phase

Another name for language development between 4-6 months

Communicate; language

Argued that infants do ___________ with others, but they don't have _____________


By age ____, children have progressed to the point that if the listener fails to reply promptly, the child repeats his or her remark in order to elicit a response.


By what age is spontaneous turn taking common in conversations between children and adults?


By which age do children begin alter their messages to match the listener and the context?

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