Latin American Exam 3

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Undocumented immigrants or illegal aliens

Estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the USA WHy? Economic opportunity, political and religious aslyum, reunion with relative, education. Term illegal alien criminalizes the person not the action



Cesar Chavez

Civil Rights movement of 1960s, Labor Union Activist, Political actions by US Latinos Comes from "Mexicanos" -Efforts of Cesar Chavez inspired MLK, organized CA agricultural workers, 1st real political action by latinos in the USA



San Jose

Costa Rica

US Border Patrol

Created in 1924. Mostly directed towards Asians. Mexicans had replaced Asians as the cheap labor force and employers used political influence to keep migration open. During the great depression thousands of Mexican Americans, even those born in the US were deported as scapegoats for the high levels of unemployment



All Soul's Day/Day of the Dead

Dia de los muetros Became an opportunity for ancestor worship. The Christian saints took on the characters and powers of the different indigenous gods. Each year on November 2nd Mexican families go to cemeteries to picnic with their dead. Throughout the conflict the cycle of fiestas, carnivals, and saint's days plays a central role in community life. Pays respects to the dead Welcomes the dead to visit the family for day All Souls Day-Remembers and prays for all the faithful departed

Religious Pluralism in Latin America

Diversity of Religious Beliefs

San Domingo

Dominican Republic



San Salvador

El Salvador

Encomienda System/ Encomenderos

Encomenderos (part of the encomienda system. Were expected by the Spanish crown to convert the Indians to Christianity Temples were destroyed books destroyed and their populations were decimated "New Laws" prohibited the slavery of Indians.. Pope issues a Papal Bull that they were "Humans with souls worthy of redemption".

The Missionary State (Spanish Conquest)

End of the 16th century where Spain established churches at or on top of the ancient indigenous civilizations. These sits were already considered sacred. Ruined temples were great sources of building materials for the Spanish

The Northern Triangle Immigration

Central American Migration from Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador

Religious Syncretism in LA

-Mixing of 2 distinct religions. -Mixture of Catholicism with Pre-Conquest Indigenous and African belief systems known as Folk Catholicism -Catholicism is based on History where Native Religions are based on Nature. Catholicism is based on the significance of historical events such as the creation: birth and death and resurrection of Christ. Africans brought traditional religions on top of indigenous religions that thrived in LA. Spanish and Port imposed Catholicism on the natives and African slaves Native Religions were centered around natural forces that were powerful but could only be understood or influenced by human action. Ex: The Aztec practice of human sacrifice to keep the sun moving across the Sky Esp in terms of the Catholic community (from European varieties to LA varieties)

How many "illegal" immigrants in the USA

11 million

Treaty of Guadalupe- Hidalgo (Mexican American War

1845-48 Mexican War: 800,000 Mexicans suddenly found themselves in US Brought an end to the Mexican American War

Numbers of Hispanics in the USA

1990 census revealed that 22 plus mill were living 2010 said 50.5 million By 2050 a quarter of the US pop will be Latino

Urbanization in Rio de Janeiro

26th largest city in the World 6th largest city in the AMericas Host of Olympics in 2016 and World Cup in 2014

Cargo System (Mesoamerica)

A Civil religious hierarchy found in maya communities in parts of Mexico and Guatemala. "cargo" as a position Means of gaining prestige in the community -Religious positions held by men or households in rural indigenous communities -Become the unpaid responsibility of men who are active in civic life -Means of gaining prestige in the community

Maximon (A Maya Saint)

A Mayan Saint. The church of lakeside town in the indigenous highlands, the townsfolk that are both Protestant and Catholic also worship Maximon, an enigmatic (Mysterious) Mayan combination of St. Peter and Judas. with a penchant for cigars and liquor.

Semana Santa

A week dedicated to fiestas before Easter to honor Patron saint, promotes community solidarity

Operation Wetback

An immigration law enforcement initiative created by the Director of the UNS in Cooperation with Mexican gov in 1954. Gave rise to the arrests and deportations by the US Border Patrol that included physical abuse and civil rights violations and even deportations of hundred of US Citizens unable to convince border agents of their status.

Buenos Aires






La Paz




Folk Catholicism and the 3 Fundamental Practices

Fiestas, Pilgrimages, Devotion to the Family Altar Fiestas: Usually held the week before Easter, in honor of the patron saints of the town. Pilgrimages- Visits to shrines dedicated to the virgin mary or Saints who are believed to be able to help believers and or perform miracles. Individuals go on pilgrimages to seek divine intercession or to thank a saint. Devotion at the family Altar: Most homes maintain a small family altar and most pray frequently at the altars in response to problems such as money, health, and family conflicts Folk Catholicism is the faith of many

San Juan Diego Cuahtaloatzin

First Roman Catholic indenous American saint. Beatified in 1990 and canonized in 2002. -Basilica of Guadalupe is now the World's major center of pilgrimage for Roman Catholics Catholicism is still number 1 in LA 85 Percent of LA consider themselves Roman Catholic. Was brought by the Spanish and Portuguese who were intent on winning the New World for God and Country

Knights Templar

Founded by 9 French knights in 1118. St. Bernard of Clairvaux wrote them their rules and regulations based on Cistercian Rule. The Knights Templar lived on the traditional vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience in addition to being monastic warriors. The Knight Templar escorted pilgrims and cash flow to and from the Holy Land. Under Philip IV suppressed by accusing them of heresy out of fear of their power.


French Guiana

Guatemala City




Port Au Prince


Squatter Settlements (Favelas)

Have transformed Latin America's Urban Landscape. Brazil-Favelas. Argentina- Villa Miseria (towns of poverty). Peru- pueblos jovenes. Chile (callampas- mushrooms.) Homes that are built by their residents are nearly always illegal, either because the squatters do not own the land, or because they have no planning permission to build Shantytowns: outer edges of cities of poor communities that erect tiny, makeshift dwellings, on lands they do not own. Settlements exploded after WWII In 1900 only 15 percent of LAs lived in Shanty town. IN 2000 some nations see an upwards of 50 percent of their city populations in shantytowns



Dilma Rouseff

In 2010 Rousseff was elected as the first female president of Brazil, she was the first woman ever to open the UN General Assembly in September 2011. Female President of Brazil who is in support of the Olympics being held in Brazil.


In Brazil and many Caribbean countries Afro Catholic syncretisms are more common Afro-Latino Syncretism

Quota Act of 1921

In response to the growing immigration to restrict the flow of Eastern and Southern Europeans. 1921 Limited immigration from each nation to 3 percent of the number of foreign born persons of that nationality residing in the US as of the 1910 census


Is a Mexican Spanish term that refers to people smuggle people across the US Mexican border.



Magical Realism

Magic and the Rational World Mixed together This interweaving of the sacred with everyday life is one reasons why writers like Garcia Marquez insist in their style is labeled Magical Realism is an accurate portrayal of the life and stores of their native world. In LA everyday "magic" and reality are so interwoven as it to inseparable. In writing and paintings ART


Metropolitan areas of more than 10 million people -Can be a single metropolitan area or two or more metropolitan areas that converge -Mexico City= Most pipulous metropolitan area in the Western Hempishere

Hispanic Americans

Mexicans were the 1st Hispanic Americans. Residents of territories forcibly incorporated into the USa after the Mexican War in 1845-48

Mexico City


Johnson-Reed Act

More restrictive Immigration Act est in 1924 from the Quota Act of 1921. Imposed a total quota on immigration of 165000. It was an effort to limit immigration for southern and Eastern Europe -1924 Restricted immigration by reducing immigration quotas from 3 percent of foreign born persons under the 1910 census to 2 percent of 1890 census




North American Free Trade Agreement between Mexico the US and Canada. Came into force in 1994. By 2009 NAFTA had phased out almost all trade tariffs and restrictions on foreign investment between the 3 countries. Working to the benefit of large corps at the expense of the poor. Big Companies in the US relocated to Mexico in order to cut wages and thereby increase unemployment in the States. Mexican buinesses reported that 1.3 jobs have been lost in the agricultural sector as a direct result of the treaty. While it benefited NAFTA with capital inflows, factory relocation. US firms turned to China for Cheap labor and higher productivity.

Panama City




Evangelical Protestantism/ Pentacostalism

Protestantism that gained popularity Pentecostal Protestant churches swamped the traditional protestant churches of Latin America . Evangelicals, are "born again" Christians committed to converting others to their own brand of Christianity. Evangelical services involve rhythmic clapping, chanting, and swaying leading to a cathartic mass euphoria. The Pentecostals believe that true Christians are taken over by the Holy Spirit during religious gatherings, culminating in speaking in tongues and faith healing. The name comes from a biblical reference to the Day of the Pentecost, when Jesus;s disciples were visited by the Holy Spirit and received the "Gift of tongues" to enable them to preach and evangelize in other languages.

San Juan

Puerto Rico

Emiliano Zapata

Revolutionary and leader of peasants in the Mexican Revolution. He mobilized landless peasants in south-central Mexico in an attempt to seize and divide the lands of the wealthy landowners. Though successful for a time, he was ultimately defeated and assassinated.



Urban Primacy

System by concentrating limited resources and political power to the elites, neglected the development of the entire region in favor of the primate city Vecino=Spanish Citizen

La Bestia

The Beast, The train that starts from Central America to the US or US Mexico Border. It is known to kill millions of people due to the dangerous journey of server climate, unsafe occupancy and cartel violence.

Defferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)

The DACA is an American immigration policy which allows certain illegal immigrants who entered the US before they were 16 and before June 2007 to receive a renewable two year work permit and exemption from deportation

Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act

The DREAM Act is an American legislative for undocumented immigrants in the US that could grant them conditional residency with other qualifications, and permanent residency.

Urbanization in Mexico DF

The absence of environmental controls makes Mexico City one of the world's most polluted major cities. -During the past 50 years more than 30 million Mexicans have migrated. -Mexico City has an est pop of 9 mill in 2013. Mexico City is the most populous metropolitan area in the Western Hemisphere -Post WWII Government Policies enticed people to move to the city. Industrial promotion drew migrants to the city. Gov encouraged this migration by controlling food prices, concentrating on human serviced like heathcare and education but ignored areas in the rural areas. In 1991 NAFTA Prsident Carolos Salinas ended the land reform. Many landless peasants moved to Mexico City. 1/2 of the inhabitants do not have basic necessities like running water

Arch Bishop Oscar Romero

The progressive Church became a target for military repression. Dozens of clerics were killed, included the most celebrated Archbishop Oscar Romero, shot while saying Mass in Capital San Salvador in 1980. As a result the Salvadoran CEB movement was devastated.

International Monetary Fund IMF

The roles of the West's debt collector went the IMF, a funding agency controlled by the wealthy industrialized countries. Its role in the debt crisis. IT forced LA into a constant round of debt negotiations, providing Reagan gov along with the IMF and other international financial institutions with all the leverage they needed to overhaul the regions economy. Initial stage reform: Stabilization: The IMF and banks pressured govs both to crack down on inflation by cutting spending and to keep up their debt repayments by cutting their imports and generating a trade surplus.

Port of Spain


Virgin of Guadalupe

Ultimate example of Syncretism in Mexico. Appeared to a poor villager at Tepeyac, North of Mexico City, at the site of a traditional indigenous shrine to Tonantzin, the Earth Goddess. A flow of miracles forced the disapproving Church authorities to recognize the event and the Virgin of Guadalupe's shrine became the most important holy place in the Americas. She became a symbol of emergent Mexican identity, representing both earth goddess and dark-skinned Virgin Mary, who had chosen to appear to an indigenous person rather than a member of the white elite. In Bolivia paintings by mestizo artists of the colonial period transformed the Virgin into Pachamama, the Andean earth goddess.

Liberation Theology

Underneath the Modern Church section Medellin took the LA church far beyond Vatican II. In new teaching that embraced the newly emerging LA Liberation theology that identified unjust social structures as sinful and called for radical change. Despite its fundamental focus on peace, it came close to justifying popular insurrection as a response to Institutionalized violence. Bishops established a mew organizational model to implement these revolutionary new ideas. they suggested setting up Base Christian Communities (CEBs) grassroots groups of working class or peasant Catholics who would study and reflect on the Bible as use it as a basis for action. Was called the "preferential options for the poor. Favored of a an active commitment to the poor and oppressed. Many went on to lead social movements or even guerrilla organizations.





Bracero Program

WWII: meant a renewed need for cheap labor. USA labor recruitment Policy: Aprox 50,000 workers per year between 1942-1964 Most were males working as seasonal laborers

Mexican Muralist Movement (The Big Three)

Was the promotion of mural paintings beginning in the 1920s, generally with social and political messages as an effort to reunify the country after the Mexican Revolution. It was headed by 3 big painters: Diego Rivera, Jose Clemente Orozco, and David Alfaro Siqueiros

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