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1 degree

60 nautical miles, or 60 minutes

What happens to latitude traveling from LA to Pleasant Hill?

Latitude increases.

east and west of the Prime Meridian

Lines of longitude run _____________________.

What happens to longitude traveling from LA to NY?

Longitude decreases.

How do you know where you are without your GPS?

Maps use a simple coordinate system, but are flat.

North Star


Zero degrees longitude

Prime Meridian at Greenwich.


The Equator divides the earth into halves, called _______________________.


The original inventor of Latitude and Longitude. 2nd librarian at Alexandria.

Describe lines of longitude.

Vertical lines that are long.


What is the 0 degree line of latitude called?

Prime Meridian

What is the 0 degree line of longitude called?

Zero degrees latitude


Exploration and voyaging limited mainly by ___ skills and ____.


How to measure latitude

1. Find the North Star. 2. Point arm parallel to the horizon. 3. Measure the angle between Polaris and the horizon.

What are the 4 time zones?

1. Pacific Standard 2. Mt. Standard 3. Central Standard 4. Eastern Standard

What is the longitude at DVC?

122 degrees W. long.

What is the latitude at DVC?

37 degrees N. lat.

How many time zones in the US?



A __________ is the most accurate way to represent the earth.


Another name for lines of latitude is _________________.


Another name for lines of longitude is ______________________.

Describe lines of latitude.

Horizontal lines that go across like steps of a ladder.

Lines of latitude

Imaginary lines that run east and west, they tell how far north and south of the equator (also called parallels). Parallel to equator. Horizontal lines (think lateral, side to side).

evenly spaced/poles/equator

Latitude lines are ____ ____, but Longitude lines are closer together at the ____ and farthest apart at the ____.

Measure latitude

Zero degrees at the equator. 90 degrees N at the North Pole. 90 degrees S at the South Pole.


divided Earth into 360º (degrees) i.e. evenly spaced lines

Lines of longitude

imaginary lines that run north and south on map or globe, they tell how far east and west of the prime meridian ( also called meridians). Perpendicular to equator. Vertical lines (from pole to pole).


later further divided these degrees into minutes (') and seconds (") of arc.

Earth addresses

via coordinate system

east to west

Lines of latitude run ________ to _______.

east and west

Lines of latitude run_______________________.

north to south

Lines of longitude run ________ to __________.

What is our time zone?

Pacific Standard

Why do we have time zones?

Sunrise and sunset are different at different locations on Earth.

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