LAW 4300 Quiz Ch. 20-22

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Employees covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act are entitled to overtime pay double the rate of their regular pay rate for hours worked in excess of forty hours per workweek.


Employers and employees not covered by the FLSA are generally subject collective bargaining agreements.


If a worker is one who recievesw tips from custoimers, the employer is allowed to reduce the minimum wage paid to that wroker by up to 40 percent, with the difference to be made up by tips.


If an employer or a class of employers believes that OSHA standard is inappropriate to its particular situation, an exemption, or variance, may be sought under the act.


The government regulation of the minimum wage is an attempt to reduce disparity and bring the earnings of workers closer to industry standards.


There is insufficient time, due to the nature of the hazard, to resort to the regulatory statutory procedures for enforcement under OSHA.


This protects employees from discrimination because they refuse to work in the face of a dangerous condition.


To assure safe an healthful working conditions for working men and women.


To assure that federal standards exceed the standards previously set for safety and health by the States.


To provide assistance to organized workers in assuring employers meet federal standards.


To provide framework for research, education, training and information in the field of occupational safety and health.


Under FLSA, minors aged sixteen to eighteen may work uncertain nonhazardous occupations, and minors aged fourteen to sixteen may be employed in non-manufacturing or non-mining occupations for limited hours outside school hours.


Under the FLSA, employees may only pursue their rights through the National Labor Relations Board.


Under the social security system, a worker is considered disabled when a severe physical or mental impairment prevents that person from working for a year or more or is expected to result in the victim's death.


Worker's compensation has been left primarily to the states to administer.


A technical violation of OSHA, but so insignificant as to require no fine or remediation, is a de facto violation.


Benefits paid to employees out of work through no fault of their own and who are available for suitable work if and when it becomes available falls under the category of worker's compensation benefits.


Can be exercised anytime an employee is unhappy with the way management is running the plant.


Can be exercised if a union official orders the employee to take this action to enforce a CBA.


Can be exercised when employees are exposed to a dangerous condition posing the risk of serious injury or death.


Persons not normally considered fiduciaries, such as consultants or advisers, may be found to be fiduciaries when their expertise is used in a managerial, administrative, or advisory capacity for a retirement plan.


Temporary variances are granted when the employer establishes by a preponderance of the evidence that its particular procedures provide as safe and healthful a workplace as the OSHA standards provide.


The Federal Employment Liability Act (FELA) was enacted in recognition of the incredible number of casualties in the mining industry.


The OSHA does not apply to the federal and state governments in their capacity as employers, nor does it apply to domestic servants or supervisors.


The Occupational Safety and Health Act requires employers to furnish their employees a workplace that is free from recognized hazards that cause, or are likely to cause, serious injury or death.

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