Law Test 2 - The Charter & Political Leaders

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Federal Local Representative (Riding, Name, Political Party)

Oakville, ON Anita Anand, Liberal

New Brunswick - Premier, Party, & Capital

- Blaine Higgs - Progressive Conservative (Blue) - Fredericton

Manitoba - Premier, Party, & Capital

- Brian Pallister - Progressive Conservative (Blue) - Winnipeg

NT - Premier, Party, & Capital

- Caroline Cochrane - N/A (Consensus Government) - Yellowknife

PE - Premier, Party, & Capital

- Dennis King - Progressive Conservative (Blue) - Charlottetown

ON - Premier, Party, & Capital

- Doug Ford - Progressive Conservative (Blue) - Toronto "Queen's Park"

NL - Premier, Party, & Capital

- Dwight Ball - Liberal (Red) - St. John's

QC (PQ) - Premier, Party, & Capital

- François Legault - Coalition Avenir Quebec (Light blue) - Quebec City

Alberta - Premier, Party, & Capital

- Jason Kenney - United Conservative (Blue & Orange) - Edmonton

Nunavut - Premier, Party, & Capital

- Joe Savikataaq - N/A (Consensus Government) - Iqaluit

B.C. - Premier, Party, & Capital

- John Horgan - New Democratic (Orange) - Victoria

Yukon - Premier, Party, & Capital

- Sandy Silver - Liberal (Red) - Whitehorse

SK - Premier, Party, & Capital

- Scott Moe - Saskatchewan Party (Green) - Regina

Nova Scotia - Premier, Party, & Capital

- Stephen McNeil - Liberal (Red) - Halifax

Provincial Local Representative (Riding, Name, Political Party)

Oakville, ON Stephen Crawford, Conservative

Charter: Section 25

Aboriginal rights and freedoms are not affected by the Charter.

Charter: Section 28

All Charter rights are guaranteed equally to both sexes, male and female.

Leader of the Opposition (Provincial: Name, Political Party)

Andrea Horwath NDP

Leader of Mexico

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, President of Mexico

Leader of the Opposition (Federal: Name, Political Party)

Andrew Scheer Conservative Party of Canada/"Official Opposition"

Leader of *United Nations*

Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations

Charter: Section 14

Anyone in a court has the right to an interpreter if the person does not speak the language or who is deaf.

Charter: Section 32-33

Application of Charter

Leader of Syria

Bashar al-Assad, President of Syria/Head of State of the Syrian Arab Republic

Patriation of the Constitution

Canada received it's own constitution separate from Britain in 1982

Charter: Section 16-23

Official Languages of Canada: French & English

Charter: Section 34


Charter: Section 3-5

Democratic Rights

Charter: Section 3

Democratic Rights Canadian citizens have the right to vote

Charter: Section 5

Democratic Rights Parliament and each legislature shall have a meeting at least once every twelve months.

Charter: Section 4

Democratic Rights a. Maximum term of the House of Commons and provincial legislative assemblies is 5 years. b. Exception is made if a war, invasion or insurrection causes more than one third of the membership to believe a House of Commons or legislature should last longer.

Leader of the U.S.

Donald Trump, POTUS

Provincial Responsibilities (S. 92)

Education, healthcare, road regulations, compensation to injured workers, direct taxation within the province, marriage, immigration

Leader of France

Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic

Charter: Section 24

Enforcement of guaranteed rights and freedoms.

Charter: Section 15

Equality rights Every individual is equal before and under the law without discrimination. (Rule of Law)

Charter: Section 9

Everyone has the right not to be arbitrarily detained or imprisoned. Eg. Police officers must have reasonable grounds for detaining a person

Charter: Section 8

Everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure (confiscation, arrest).

Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Federal law enacted in 1982 that guarantees fundamental freedoms to all Canadians.

Minister of Families, Children, and Social Development

Federal: Ahmed Hussen Provincial: Todd Smith

Minister of Finance

Federal: Bill Morneau Provincial: Rod Phillips

Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs

Federal: Carolyn Bennett Provincial: Greg Rickford

Minister of Infrastructure and Communities

Federal: Catherine McKenna Provincial: Laurie Scott

Deputy Prime Minister

Federal: Chrystia Freeland Provincial: N/A

Minister of Justice (Attorney General)

Federal: David Lametti Provincial: Doug Downey

Minister of Labour

Federal: Filomena Tassi Provincial: Monte McNaughton

Minister of Foreign Affairs

Federal: Francois-Phillippe Champagne Provincial: N/A

Minister of Defence

Federal: Harjit Sajjan Provincial: N/A

President of the Treasury Board

Federal: Jean-Yves Duclos Provincial: Peter Bethlenfalvy

Minister of Environment & Climate Change

Federal: Jonathan Wilkinson Provincial: Jeff Yurek

Minister of Indigenous Services

Federal: Marc Miller Provincial: Greg Rickford

Minister of Education

Federal: N/A Provincial: Stephen Lecce

Minister of Health

Federal: Patty Hajdu Provincial: Christine Elliott

Bill of Rights

First 10 amendments to the Constitution

Leader of Germany

Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Federal Chancellor - "Bundeskanzler" (Otherwise known as the President)

Charter: Section 2

Fundamental Freedoms a. freedom of conscience and religion b. freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication (freedom of speech) c. freedom of peaceful assembly d. freedom of association

Charter: Section 25-31


Leader of *Vatican City* Christendom

Giuseppe Bertello, President of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State

Queen's representative in Canada (Federal)

Governor General Julie Payette

Charter: Section 1

Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms - Reasonable Limits Clause

Leader of North Korea (DPRK)

Kim Jong-un, Supreme Leader of North Korea

Charter: Section 7-14

Legal Rights

Charter: Section 7

Legal Rights Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security, and no one should be deprived of these rights unless they do not breach the principles of fundamental justice. (Medical assistance in dying, abortion, and legalization of cannabis, ended capital punishment)

Queen's representative in Canada (Provincial)

Lieutenant Governor of Ontario Violet Elizabeth Dowdeswell

Federal Responsibilities (S. 91)

Mail, taxes, currency, banking, shipping, railways, pipelines, telephones, criminal law, foreign affairs, national defence, employment insurance, Aboriginal lands and rights, military, firearms, banking

Charter: Section 6

Mobility Rights Every citizen of Canada has the right to enter, remain in and leave Canada.

Local municipal councillor

Natalia Lishchyna

Charter: Section 31

Nothing in the Charter extends the legislative powers of any body or authority.

Province: Official Shortform + Date Joined

ON - 1867 BC - 1858 AB - 1905 SK - 1905 MB - 1870 QC (PQ) - 1608 NB - 1784 NS - 1867 PE - 1867 NL - 1948 YT - 1898 NT - 1999 NU - 1999

Timeline of human rights in Canadian history

Patriation of the Constitution, including the Charter, and The Bill of Rights

Leader of the Government (Provincial: Title, Name, Political Party)

Premier of Ontario Doug Ford, Conservative Party of Canada

Leader of the Government (Federal: Title, Name, Political Party)

Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, Liberal Party of Canada

Charter: Section 12

Protects an individual's freedom from cruel and unusual treatment or punishment. (Helped end capital punishment)

Leader of the United Kingdom

Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms

Leader of Turkey

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of Turkey

Charter: Section 13

Right for witnesses to not have any incriminating evidence when testifying in any proceedings, except in a prosecution for perjury or for giving contradictory evidence. (Apply to cases in which an individual might incriminate him or herself while giving testimony in another person's trial) - "You have the right to remain silent." - Avoids self-incrimination for witnesses testifying in any proceedings

Charter: Section 10

Rights upon arrest or detention, including the right to consult a lawyer and the right to habeas corpus.

Charter: Section 26

Rights within the Charter shall not deny the existence of any other rights or freedoms existing in Canada. Showing how the Charter can affect CAN society.

Local municipal mayor

Rob Burton


That department of government which administers the law relating to civil and criminal justice & presiding over Canada's court system.

Charter: Section 27

The Charter shall be interpreted in a multicultural context & helps determine how rights in Charter should be evaluated in court.

Reasonable limits clause

The Reasonable Limits Clause explains that all rights and freedoms are guaranteed under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, however may be limited under certain circumstances. (Tempering rules & limiting rights. Eg. Ms. Arthur doesn't allow food or drink in the classroom, however water is acceptable)

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

The bill identifying human rights that are guaranteed to everyone in Canada; enacted in 1982 and embedded in the Constitution of Canada

Executive Branch

The branch of government that carries out laws

Legislative Branch

The branch of government that has the power to make, change, and repeal laws

Leader of Russia

Vladimir Putin, President of Russia

Leader of Ukraine

Volodymyr Zelensky, President

Recite the Charter Preamble

Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the Rule of Law

Leader of China

Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China

Provinces and territories of Canada (Top to bottom, left to right)

Yukon (YT), Northwest Territories (NT), Nunavut (NU), British Columbia (BC), Alberta (AB), Saskatchewan (SK), Manitoba (MB), Ontario (ON), Quebec (QC/PQ), Newfoundland & Labrador (NL), P.E.I (PE), New Brunswick (NB), Nova Scotia (NS)

Charter: Section 11

b) Anyone charged with an offence has the right to a speedy trial d) The right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty in a fair and public hearing

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