Leadership 345 Chapter 1
Exemplary, Passive, and Alienated
According to Robert Kelley, what are the basic styles of followership?
B/c of their vast knowledge of the field, leadership scholars are always good leaders.
arouse emotions in his followers
MLK's success as a leader can be attributed to his ability to?
Mgmt is often associated with which of the following terms?
Research on how men and women describe their leadership experiences shows than men use transaction terms while women choose transformation terms.
Studies show that women make up about % of the senior executive positions in the US
The ( ) theory represented the dominant way of conceptualizing leadership for a long time, but has now been largely discredited.
Fred Friedler
The first researcher to formally recognize the importance of the leader, follower, and situation in the leadership process was.
The interactional frame takes Hollander's approach one step further by exploring
What does not describe a simple situation?
Geography has changed
What does not explain shift toward women leaders?
effective leadership is all common sense
Which of the following is a myth?
Leaders develop, whereas managers maintain.
Which of the following is not a myth?
Persuasiveness in decision making.
Which of the following skills was most important for the plane crash victims
leaders are both born and made
Which of the following statements is true?
followers may respond to each other differently with different leaders
the notion of the interaction between lead, follow, and situation is best shown by?