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Converting middle powerlessness to middle power: Jick

-Conflict between tops and bottoms -We slide into the middle of other people's issues and conflicts and make them our own-torn..their evaluations of how well we satisfied them. -greater the difference, the more tension in the middle

Benefits of middles integrating with one another

-More informed- provide more consistent info. to others; better able to provide guidance and direction, less unproductive duplication among units, more evenness of treatment. -Develop a powerful support network for themselves -More informed leadership for others -Lighten burden of their Tops Middles feel they can't integrate as a consequence of not integrating. They would feel differently if they did integrate -Group empowerment supports individual empowerment-not alone..informed and emotional base that strenghtens each middle

5 Tactics for empowering yourself in the middle Barry Oshry, from book by Jick, Managing Change: Cases and Concepts Tops-Me, Bottoms-We, Middle-I (alone) Taken from Jick's book, Managing Change: Cases and Concepts, what are 5 tactics for empowering yourself in the middle.

1. Be top when you can, and take the responsibility of being top.(Lead change now, ask forgiveness later) 2. Be bottom when you should: Work out garbage with tops b/f bringing it down to bottoms- you see more than tops do.(fight unreasonable demands of intake schedule w/top) 3. Be coach: help them to bring their own complaints up (Irritation with intake, speak directly to director) 4. Facilitate:step out of the middle, bring tog. the people who need to talk. (Family Center and teacher) 5. Integrate with one another:share intelligence, move back and forth bet. diffusing and integrating...middle space becomes solidly informed (affinity group for ESL)

2 Strategies for empowering yourself in the middle

1. Don't slide into the middle of their issues and conflicts and make them your own. 2. Do not lose your mind: your perspective on what needs to happen...unique middle perspective important

Collins 5 Levels

1. Highly Capable individual 2. Team member 3. Competent manager 4. Effective leader 5. Executive

-Colin Powell's 13 Rules

1. It ain't as bad as you think. It will look better in the morning 2. Get mad, then get over it. 3. Avoid having your ego so close to your position that when your position falls, your ego goes with it. 4. It can be done 5. Be careful what you choose: you may get it. 6. Don't let adverse facts stand in the way of a good decision 7. You can't make someone else's choices. You shouldn't let someone else make yours. 8. Check small things 9. Share credit 10. Remain calm. Be kind 11. Have a vision. Be demanding. 12. Don't take counsel of your fears or naysayers 13. Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.

Lincoln on communication

1. Master the art of public speaking 2. Influence people through conversation and storytelling 3. Preach a vision and continually reaffirm it. Lincoln- communicating through the story, Marshak is the metaphor of the story, Tannen is delivery of the story.

Covey: 7 Chronic Problems that show you need a new mission or strategic plan

1. No shared vision and values, culture is not shared 2. No strategic path, nobody knows where they are headed 3. Poor alignment bet. structure and values and vision and systems 4. Wrong style of management philosophy 5. Poor skills...can train skills, not values 6. Low trust. Mission and work out of alignment 7. No integrity. Values don't mirror habits...can mirror integrity of the organization 4 Levels of Improvent 1. Personal 2. Interpersonal 3. Managerial 4. Organizational

Jick: Vision has 2 fundamental elements

1. Roadmap 2. Emotional appeal

*Jick: Successful visionary CEO does the following 1.Crystalizes 2.Communicates(easy-to-grasp) 3.Constant persuasion&ex. of hard work 4.Contact (w/employees at all levels) understand concerns and impact of vision on them 5.Caring: Communicates warmly - were in this tog. 6. Continually Concerns: Continually relating vision to indiv. cares,concerns, work-translates it into a reason for being.

1. Searches for ideas, concepts, and ways of thinking until clear vision crystalizes 2. Articulates the vision into an easy-to-grasp philosophy that integrates strategic direction and cultural values 3. Motivates company employees to embrace the vision through constant persuasion and by setting an example of hard work. 4. Makes contact with employees at all levels in the organization, attempting to understand their concerns and the impact the vision has on them. 5. Acts in a warm, supportive, expressive way, always communicating that "We're all in this together, like a family." 6. Translates the vision into a reason for being for each employee by continually relating the vision to individual cares, concerns, and work.


1. Upside yes/downside no 2. Seemingly simple-small steps 3. Clear message/compatible fit 4. Credible messenger/reliable performance 5. Easy in/Easy out


1.Increase Urgency 2. Build the Guiding team 3. Get the vision right 4. Communicate for buy-in 5. Empower action 6. Create short-term wins 7. Don't let up 8. Make change stick


1.Level 5 leadership 2.First who...then what-right people on bus 3.Confront the brutal facts 4.Hedgehog concept-what we're best at, passionate about, drives our economic engine 5.Culture of discipline-disciplined people, don't need hierarchy 6.Technology accelerators-don't use to ignite change, but pioneers of tech.

KAI Innovator: Challenge paradigm(box) Fight bureaucracy Invent new ways Looser structure Focus outside the system

Advantages: Can manipulate an adaptive structure High probability of innovative ideas having practical application Functional creativity Work day and night High levels of risk Disadvantages Not interested in small tasks Determine own agenda which may not be relevant to organization's agenda Messy desk Low tolerance for adapters

KAI Adapter Act/think in paradigm(box) Embrace bureaucracy Continuous improvement Tighter structure Focus in system

Advantages: Reliable Finds solutions quickly Consistent Free from urge to blow own horn Disadvantages Emphasize utility over novelty Dependent on structure May slow the change process Seen as indecisive

*Jick: Vision statements tend to incorporate 4 elements

CEOs 1. Customer orientation 2. Employee focus 3. Organizational competencies 4. Standards of excellence

*Nanus: External Review=Environment

Can Elephants Dance More Politely Than Llamas & Snakes? Competition Economy Demographics Market Political Climate Technology Legal Social

*Jick: Characteristics of a good vision

Cast my exciting, challenging, excellent Sable in the tangleweed Clear, concise, easily understandable Memorable Exciting and inspiring Challenging Excellence-centered Stable, but flexible Implementable and tangible

*Sashkin: 3 Personal Characteristics of Visionary Leadership

Confident Empowering Cognitive

*Iacoca (double check meaning of lighten up)

Create a sense of urgency Assemble a top team Share the sacrifice Follow the market Shuck the losers Simplify Lighten up


Creative Curiosity Competent Character Charisma Communicate Conviction Courage Common Sense


Developmental: Incremental and Proactive: builds on past and leads to better performance over time/metaphor is construction. Change agent-coach Transitional: Framebreaking and Procactive: move from one state to another state (manual to automated) Metaphors-moving from one place to another..the best route, moving forward: change agents-guides, planners-b/c more familiar with journey. Maintenance: Incremental and Reactive (fix)machine met. Transformational: Framebreaking and Reactive: change from one state of being to another, monopoly to market driven. Met-dying and being reborn, awakening: Wake up, recreate ourselves anew. Change agent-liberator, visionary, creator.

*Sashkin: 5 Behaviroal Patterns of Visionary Leadership

LOARd Clear Communicative Consistent Caring Creative

Levels of Empowerment

Lowest: Total control-wait unitl you are told Next: You might ask Next: You might make a recommendation Next: You do it, and report immediately Next: Do it, and report periodically Next: Do it

Difference Between Leadership and Management: Kotter

Manager: POC Planning and budgeting Organizing and staffing Controlling and problem solving Leadership: SAM Setting direction: Vision and strategies Aligning consituencies: communicating a vision so people understand Motivating and inspiring

*Sashkin: 2 Cultural Building Actions

OF;VB (Old foam and very bright bricks) Leader's effect on organizational functions Leader's ability to inculcate in members the values and beliefs that support organizational excellence


Porter:Strength Development Inventory Motivational Value System/Conflict Sequence Blue: Accomodate Red: Assert Green: Analyse GlanzNatural Leadership Qualities: Dynamic Assertive Leader Hersey & Blanchard:Leadership Effectiveness and Adaptibility Description: 4 quadrants-Telling, selling, participating, delegating Sashkin Visionary Leadership: Thomas and Collier prisim of leadership(Behavior, characteristics, building org. culture): Goal-Self actualizing Leader


Position Permission: follow you b/c they want to Production: Results, follow b/c of what you have done People Development: Build leaders Pinnacle: build leaders who build leaders

*Nanus: Internal Review=Institution

Rick's Five Pipes: Resources Image Climate Facilities Values People Programs

* Nanus: When you have a right vision statement and when you need to change it

Right Vision:ACT -Attracts commitment and energizes people -Creates meaning in workers' lives -Transcends the status quo Need New: -Evidence of confusion about purpose -Employees complain about insufficient challenge, not having fun -Org. losing legitimacy, market position, rep for innovation

*Nanus: Four Roles of a Leader

Spokesperson:External/present Direction Setter: external/future Coach: Internal/Present Change Agent: Internal/Future

*Deborah Tannen Man vs Women

Status lens vs connection lens Not look directly vs direct eye contact Conversational rituals: devils advocate vs apology Report talk vs rapport talk Direct vs indirect orders Double bind for women: if foreceful,not nice, if nice, not respected If you are not happy with the response you are getting, learn to talk in a different way. You may be misjudging others rituals and they may misjudge you.


• act and think in paradigm -- think in the box • embrace bureaucracy • continuous improvement • tighter structure • focus in the system • define • refine • extend • improve • over cautions • brainstorming is a waste of time • dogs more likely to sit shake and come on command

KAI Factors impacting change

• experience level -- the more experience people have in the work team, the more adaptive their change style source -- center for creative leadership • direction of output the higher up the person requesting ideas is in the organization, the more adaptive the response by subordinates is likely to be. • solving recurring problems a generic problem which keeps reappearing requires a more innovative response. • degree of crisis the greater the crisis the more likely an innovative style will be accepted. • project phase innovative ideas are more readily accepted in the early stages of the product cycle; the mature stages require adaptive responses • project budget adaptive solutions are preferable for small budget projects; innovative for large.


• think outside the box -- challenge paradigm • fight bureaucracy (violate dress code) • invent new ways • have a looser structure • focus outside the system • detach the problem from its cocoon of accepted thought • do it differently • ignore boundaries • reckless • brainstorming • cats, -- more likely to ignore commands if they wish

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