Learner's Permit 2

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No passing pennant

The pennant-shaped, no-passing sign supplements the regulatory DO NOT PASS sign. The pennant is located on the left side of a roadway and points to beginning of a no-passing zone.

Winding Road means

The road ahead is winding with a series of curves or turns. Adjust your speed.

Truck Stopping Distance

Trucks take longer to stop. A car traveling at 60 miles per hour can stop in about 366 feet. A truck traveling at the same speed takes more than 400 feet to stop.

T or F: the operator of a motor vehicle may not transport any child of less than 3 years of age unless the child is properly restrained in a child restraint seat in the back seat.


City Streets' mph?


Ordinary Highways' mph?

30 - 50

Divided Highways' mph?

30 - 55

On Interstate Highways' mph?

55 - 75

What is a Speed Limit Sign?

Speed limit signs have black letters and numerals on a white rectangular background and are the legal allowable limits.

Red means

Stop, yield, do not enter, or wrong way

Exit advisory speed means

The maximum safe speed for an entrance or exit

Diamond means


Triangle means


What do you do at a railroad crossing with lowered gates and/or flashing red lights?

you must stop

What must you do when you park your vehicle on a downhill grade?

you must turn your front wheels toward the curb or the edge of the road.

What must you do when you park your vehicle on a uphill grade with a curb?

you must turn your front wheels away from curb and bring the near side front wheel into contact with the curb.

What must you do when you park your vehicle on a uphill grade without a curb?

you must turn your front wheels toward the edge of the road.

Blue means

motorist services

Round means

railroad warning

Brown means

recreation and cultural interest areas

Rectangle means

regulatory or guide

Seat belt Facts...

* It must be worn * You will be pulled over if it isn't and receive a $50 fine along with 2 points * Persons w/ Physical Disabilities are a different story

When parking on a two-way roadway, you must park parallel to and within __ inches of the curb.

12 inches or a foot

Alley's mph?


School Zone's mph?


Side road means

A side road enters the highway from the right. Adjust your speed so you can see any vehicles entering or exiting from the side road.

What is an Advisory (Recommended) Speed Signs?

Advisory speed signs have black letters on a yellow or orange background and often are shown under a warning sign. Advisory speed signs are posted along portions of highways to warn you that conditions may often make it unsafe to drive faster. Although an advisory speed sign does not have the force of law, if you exceed it and have a accident, it may be concluded that you violated the general speed restriction and are subject to a ticket.

Sharing the Road with Motorcyclists

Almost half of all fatal motorcycle accidents involve cars. In collisions with motorcycles, drivers often say that they never saw the motorcycle. Drivers of cars must always be alert for motorcycles, as their size makes them very difficult to see. Always remain alert and check your blind spot frequently to make sure that a motorcycle is not passing you. You need to be especially alert for motorcycles when turning at intersections and when pulling out from a side road or driveway. A motorcycle is entitled to use the entire lane. Because the motorcycle is very maneuverable, the operator may move from side to side within the lane to avoid obstacles. Allow ample room for the motorcycle when passing and remember it is against the law to overtake or pass a motorcycle within the same lane. Be especially careful when following a motorcycle. Maintain a safe following distance at all times, as the motorcycle can stop more quickly than cars.

Rear No-Zones

Avoid tailgating. Unlike cars, trucks and buses have huge no zones directly behind them. The truck or bus driver can not see your car back there. If the truck or bus brakes suddenly, you have no place to go.

Bicycle Right-of-Way

Bicycles are treated as vehicles in District of Columbia. Bicyclists have rights and duties like those of a motor vehicle. Motorists must yield the right-of-way to bicyclists at intersections when passing and when turning. Most bicycles do not have turn signals and their operators use hand and arm signals to alert you of their intentions.

Energy Saving Tips

By driving carefully, you will get better gas mileage and save money on fuel. • Accelerate gradually. • Drive smoothly and at moderate speeds. • Anticipate stops to minimize hard braking. • Avoid unnecessary driving. • Combine trips and carpool when possible

Front No-Zones

Do not cut in front too soon after passing a truck or bus. Truck and bus drivers need nearly twice the time and room to stop as cars. Look for the entire front of the truck in your rear view mirror before you pull in front, and then do not slow down.

Double parking a vehicle

Double parking a vehicle is prohibited because it blocks traffic and causes accidents

T or F: Do not turn on your headlights when the windshield wipers are on?


T or F: The wearing of headsets, earphones and earplugs are not prohibited?


Bad Weather

Following or passing a heavy truck (or being passed by one) in rain or snow creates visibility problems. Splash or spray from a truck's wheels and trailer can reduce visibility to nearly zero. Whenever driving in wet weather, be sure your vehicle's windshield wipers are working and there is fluid in the washer reservoir. Be sure your headlights are on.

Yellow means

General warning of what to expect ahead

Green means

Guide information, such as distance or direction

Sharing the Road w/ Large Trucks: Following a Truck

If you're following a truck, stay out of its "blind spots," up to 20 feet in front of the cab, on either side of the tractor trailer, particularly along the sides of the cab, and up to 200 feet in the rear. Stay to the rear of the truck and close to the tractor on the right side. Position your vehicle so the truck driver can see it in the side mirrors, then you will have a good view of the road ahead and the truck driver can give you plenty of warning for a stop or a turn. You will have more time to react and make a safe stop. When you follow a truck at night, always dim your headlights. Bright lights from a vehicle behind will blind the truck driver when they reflect off on the truck's large side mirrors. If you are stopped behind a truck on an upgrade, leave space in front of you in case the truck drifts back slightly when it starts to move. Also, keep to the left in your lane so the driver can see that you're stopped behind the truck.

When do you use high beams?

In open country to see persons or vehicles ahead.


It is preferable to pass on the left. However, in the District of Columbia, it is legal to pass on either the left or right on one-way roads, provided there is room for more than one line of traffic. It is also legal to pass on either the left or right on highways with four or more lanes.

Backing up No-Zones

Never cross behind a truck that is backing up. Truck drivers do not have a rear view mirror and may not see you cutting in behind them.

What are safety zones?

Never drive through a safety zone, which is an area in a roadway marked by signs for pedestrians only. Always proceed cautiously whenever people are standing, walking, sitting or bicycling close to a line of traffic.

What is coasting?

Never drive with the gears in neutral or the clutch pedal depressed longer than is needed to shift gears. If you need to react quickly, you may not be able to get the vehicle in gear.

Opening the door of a parked vehicle

Never open the door of a vehicle that will impede the flow of traffic or endanger any person or vehicle. Instead, use the door on the curbside.

Right and Left Turns

Pay close attention to truck turn signals. They can not see cars squeezed in between them and the curb. Truck drivers must make wide right or left turns so that the rear of the truck or rear of the tractor or trailer can clear the corner or any other standing obstructions. Sometimes, space from other lanes is used to clear corners. To avoid a accident, do not pass until the turning action is complete.

Orange means

Regular sign, such as speed limit

White means

Regular sign, such as speed limit

4-Way Stop means

This sign means there are four STOP signs at the intersection. Traffic from all directions must stop. The first driver to stop is the first driver to go. Other drivers must wait their turn. You also may see 3-WAY, 5-WAY or ALL-WAY signs.

Sharing the Road w/ Large Trucks: Maneuverability

Trucks have longer stopping and accelerating distances, a wider turning radius, and weigh more. On multi-lane highways, tractor-trailers generally stay in the center lane to help the flow of local traffic on and off the highway. Staying in the middle lane also increases the truck drivers options if he or she has to switch lanes in order to avoid a dangerous situation or a accident.

Lane Driving

When a road is marked in lanes: • You should stay in one lane. You must not drive partly in one lane and partly in another. • You must not move from one lane to another unless you can do so safely. • You should signal your intention to change lanes no less than 300 feet before you do so. It is referable to signal sooner to enable drivers ahead and behind you to take appropriate action. • When you are driving more slowly than the traffic flow on a highway that has two or more lanes in your direction, you should move to and stay in the right lane. • If you see a vehicle stopped on the shoulder with its hood up, you should slow down and move to the left part of your lane.

Stopping for School Vehicles

When a school vehicle is stopping or has stopped on the roadway, and is operating the alternating flashing red lights, all vehicles must stop at least 20 feet from the front or rear of the school vehicle. No one can proceed until the alternating flashing red lights have been turned off. Drivers should continue to exercise caution once the flashing lights have been turned off. Drivers of other vehicles are not required to stop when they are on a divided highway and the school vehicle is on the other side of the divided highway.

When do you use low beams?

When approaching or closely following other vehicles. + Also, should be used with street lights and in the fog

Parking Rules

When parking and leaving your vehicle on a highway or a street, you must stop the engine, lock the ignition, remove the key and set the parking brake. It is also advisable to raise the windows and lock the doors.

Sharing the Road w/ Large Trucks: Passing

When passing a truck, first check to your front and rear, and move into the passing lane only if it is clear and you are in a legal passing zone. Let the truck driver know you are passing by blinking your headlights, especially at night. The driver will make it easier for you by staying to the far side of the lane. On a level highway, it takes only three to five seconds longer to pass a truck than a car. On an upgrade, a truck often loses speed, so it is easier to pass than a car. On a downgrade, the truck's momentum will cause it to go faster, so you may need to increase your speed. Complete your pass as quickly as possible, and don't stay alongside the other vehicle. If the driver blinks the lights after you pass, it may be a signal that it is clear to pull back in. Be sure to move back only when you can see the front of the truck in your rear view mirror. After you pass a truck, maintain your speed. Many auto/truck accidents are caused by autos making a quick lane change in front of a truck, then suddenly slowing or stopping because of traffic congestion, not allowing the truck driver time to readjust for a safe space allowance.

Overtaking and Passing on a 2-Lane Highway

When you overtake any vehicle on a two-lane highway, pass on the left. Before you cross the center line, be certain there is time to pass and get back into the right lane before meeting a vehicle coming in the opposite direction and before a no-passing zone begins. While you are passing, if it appears that you will not have time to complete the pass before meeting oncoming traffic, slow down and return to the lane behind the vehicle you were passing. Turn on your left or right signal, depending on which lane you are entering, to inform the driver behind you and the driver ahead. Do not use your horn when passing a cyclist. When passing a vehicle, you should 43

Parking Lights

When you park a vehicle on the shoulder or side of any highway from sunset to sunrise or when light is insufficient to see people or objects 1000 feet away, you must turn on your parking lights (or 4-way flashers if the vehicle is so equipped). Turn signal lights should not flash on either side of a parked vehicle.

Does trucks and buses have blind spots on both sides?


What is a U-Turn?

You can not make a U-turn on a curve or a hill where the vehicle cannot be seen at least 500 feet away by the driver of another vehicle proceeding in either direction. U-turns are prohibited in the District of Columbia at intersections controlled by traffic lights or police officer, or on a crosswalk adjacent to such an intersection.

What are school crossing guards?

You must follow the direction of any authorized crossing guard. School-crossing guards, have the authority to stop, control and guide vehicular traffic. They are stationed at locations adjacent to schools or at any other locations deemed necessary.

What does the flashing red traffic signal mean?

You must make a full stop

Parking on Highways

You must never park on the paved or traveled part of any highway outside of a business or residential district unless your vehicle is disabled and cannot be moved. Pull to the right as far as possible.

When You Must Not Pass on Two-Lane Highways

You must not pass: • Where the solid yellow line is on your side of the center of the roadway. • Where there are two solid yellow lines. • When passing will interfere with the safe operation of oncoming vehicles. • When approaching the top of a hill or on a curve and there is not sufficient clear view ahead. • When crossing or within 100 feet of an intersection. • When crossing or within 100 feet of a railroad crossing. • When the view is obstructed upon approaching within 100 feet of any bridge, viaduct or tunnel. • On the shoulder of the highway either to the right or the left. • When being passed by another vehicle, you must not increase your speed. The end of a "no-passing zone" does not mean that it is safe to pass, only that it is lawful to pass when safe.

Moving a vehicle from a parked position

You must signal, yield the right-ofway and pull into the street when it is safe to do so.


You must use a turn signal, arm or hand signal, or both, continuously for at least 100 feet before turning. You should signal for a much greater distance and a longer time interval when traveling at a high speed. This is particularly important when changing lanes on all highways. When making a turn just past an intersection, signal once you are in the intersection.

Keep to the Right

You should keep to the right, except when your vehicle is about to overtake and pass another vehicle or cyclist, or to make a left turn. On a two-lane or other narrow highway, you must grant the approaching vehicle one-half of the paved or improved portion of the road.

What is a work zone?

is an area along a highway where construction, maintenance, or utility work is occurring.

Pentagon means

school and school crossing

Octagon means


What are the steps to parallel park?

• Check for traffic in your rear view mirror. If a car behind you is following too closely, do not stop suddenly. Continue driving and find another space. • Stopping suddenly with a car behind you may result in a rear end collision. • Put on your turn signal to warn other drivers that you intend to park. If the driver following you stops, he should stop several lengths behind you. • Make sure the space is large enough for your car. • Pull up until you are about two or three feet from the car in front of your parking space. Back bumpers should be about even. • Back the car slowly while turning the steering wheel sharply to the right. • Begin straightening the front wheels when your drivers seat is in line with the rear bumper of the car ahead of your parking space. • Continue to back slowly, and turn the steering wheel sharply to the left when your car clears the car in front of you. • When you think your vehicle is parallel with the curb, turn the steering wheel to the right to straighten the wheels. • Stop before touching the vehicle behind. • Shift to Drive, and center the car in the parking space. You should be within 12 inches from the curb.

Some of the Most Common Mistakes to Avoid Driving Around Trucks

• Do not cut off a truck in traffic or on the highway to reach your exit or turn. • Don't linger alongside a truck when passing. • Following too close or tailgating. • Never underestimate the size and speed of an approaching tractor-trailer.

Left Turn: 1-Way to 1-Way

• Get into the lane furthermost to the left well ahead of the turn. • Signal your intention to turn for at least 100 feet. • Yield to pedestrians in crosswalks. • Turn sharply into the first lane on the left side of a one-way road. • It is illegal to make a left turn on red in the District of Columbia.

Right Turns

• Get into the lane furthermost to the right well ahead of the turn. • Signal your intention to turn for at least 100 feet. • Yield to pedestrians in crosswalks. • Be alert for vehicles ahead that are also turning right. • Yield to bicyclists traveling between you and the side of the road.

Left Turn: 4-Lane, 2-Way to 4-Lane, 2-Way

• Get into the left lane on your side of the highway well ahead of the turn. • Signal your intention to turn for at least 100 feet. • Yield to oncoming traffic including bicycles. • Yield to pedestrians in crosswalks. • Turn into the left lane going your way. • Don't cut the corner or turn so wide that you get into the right lane going your way.

Left Turn: 1-Way to 2-Way

• Get into the left lane well ahead of the turn. • Signal your intention to turn for at least 100 feet. • Yield to traffic including bicycles. • Yield to pedestrians in crosswalks. • Don't start the turn at the edge of the intersection; instead drive into the intersection and turn sharply into the lane shown. • It is illegal to make a left turn on red in the District of Columbia.

Except when necessary to avoid a conflict with other traffic, or in compliance with the direction of a police officer or official traffic control device, do not stop a vehicle:

• In front of a public driveway. • On a sidewalk. • Within an intersection. • On a crosswalk. • Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb, or within 30 feet of points on the curb immediately opposite the ends of a safety zone unless the State Highway Administration or local authority indicate a different length by signs or markings. • Alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction where stopping, standing or parking would obstruct traffic. • Upon any bridge or other elevated structure upon a highway or within a highway tunnel. • At any place an official sign prohibits stopping. • In a direction that is the opposite from the flow of traffic.

Do not stand or park a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except very briefly to pick up or discharge passengers:

• In front of or within 5 feet of a private driveway, public driveway or alley. • Within 10 feet of a fire hydrant. • Within 25 feet in front of any flashing signal, stop sign, or traffic control signal located at the side of a roadway. • Within 20 feet of the entrance to any fire station driveway or on the side of a street opposite the entrance to any fire station within 75 feet of that entrance, when properly posted with a sign. • On a curve or the brow of a hill were solid lines indicating a no passing zone appears on the surface of the road. • At any place an offical sign prohibits standing. • On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or curb of a street. • In front of any barricade or sign that has been placed for the purpose of closing the street.

Left Turn: 2-Way to 1-Way

• Signal your intention to turn for at least 100 feet. • Yield to all traffic including bicycles. • Yield to pedestrians in crosswalks. • Turn sharply into the left lane. • Don't cut the corner or turn so wide you get into the right lane.

Left Turn: 2-Lane, 2-Way to 2-Lane, 2-Way

• Signal your intention to turn for at least 100 feet. • Yield to oncoming traffic including bicycles. • Yield to pedestrians in crosswalks. • Don't cut the corner.


• Start from the extreme right side of the road. Look for other traffic and if clear, proceed forward slowly while turning the steering wheel to the left. Stop within several inches of the left curb or the edge of the street. • Then proceed backward slowly while turning the steering wheel to the right. • Stop within several inches of the right curb or the edge of the street. • Proceed forward slowly while turning the steering wheel to the left. This should complete your turnabout. If not, repeat the procedures.

Do not park a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except temporarily while loading or unloading merchandise or passengers:

• Within 50 feet of the nearest rail of a railroad crossing. • At any place where an official sign prohibits parking. • Unless you are an individual with a disability, parking in a space or zone properly marked as restricted for the use of individuals with disabilities

What are low beams' restrictions?

• You must change to low beams at least 500 feet before meeting oncoming vehicles. • You must change to low beams when following a vehicle at a distance of 300 feet or less. • Never drive with the parking lights on because parking lights denote a parked car.

When must you turn on your headlights?

• one-half hour after sunset and one-half hour before sunrise. • You must turn on your headlights at other times when you cannot see persons or vehicles on the highway clearly at a distance of 500 feet or less.

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