Learning Check #2 Micro

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The first procedural step in cognitive restricting is to assist clients in:

Accepting that their self-statements, assumptions, and beliefs largely determine their emotional reactions to life's events.

Which of the following is the first phase of case management?

Access and outreach

__ refers to the extent to which a family can achieve its functioning goals, given the demands of family and social life.

Adaptive capacity

A legal drug that when abused can severely impair health, disrupt or destroy family life, and create serious community problems is:


__ is a qualitative method that seeks to determine whether intended or unintended gains can be attributed to a particular action.

An informative event

Increased muscle strength and reduced body mass, acne, aggression, changes to libido and mood, competitiveness, and combativeness are all symptoms of:

Anabolic steroid abuse

The condition in which an individual is unable to feel joy or express many pleasurable emotions if referred to as:


Events that precede problematic behavior in clients who consult sws are referred to as:


Reduced inhibitions, euphoria, dizziness, slurred speech, unsteady gait, giddiness, drowsiness, and nystagmus are an indication of:

Inhalant abuse

In the context of sources of info for assessments, which of the following statements is true of a sw's personal experience?

Initial impressions can be misleading and must be confirmed by additional contact w/the client

__ is defined as deficits in general mental abilities and impairment in everyday adaptive functioning, in comparison to an individual's age, gender, and socioculturally matched peers.

Intellectual disability

John is looking for a job. He engages w/a sw to achieve his goal. In the process, John and the sw agree that john would submit one job application to a potential employer prior to the next session. The agreement b/t John and the sw:

Is a specific task that is an instrumental action step toward a goal

A client who can reach appropriate conclusions about cause-and-effect relationships"

Is a strong reality testing

Which of the following is an initial consideration for selecting an intervention strategy?

Is the approach appropriate for addressing service goals?

Which of the following statements is true of setting goals?

It facilitates the development of appropriate strategies and interventions

In the context of goals, which of the following statements is true of partializing?

It gives clients a sense of efficacy in support of goal attainment

Which of the following statements is true of the miracle question?

It helps a practitioner determine a client's priorities and operationalize the areas for change

In the context of family roles, which of the following statements is true of a perceived role?

It involves the expectations of self relative to one's social position

Which of the following statements is true of a cognitive schema?

It is a memory pattern that a client uses to organize info

Identify a true statement about the crisis intervention approach.

It is effective in improving interactions b/t police and person who are mentally ill.

Which of the following statements is true of the assessment process?

It will vary according to a so's task or mission

As the solution-focus approach has matured, a promising body of empirical evidence has shown:

Its efficacy w/diverse populations and variety of problems

In the context of stresses associated w/life transitions, which of the following is a major common role and developmental transition that affects children or adolescents?

Loss of a friendship thru argument

When parents have a rule that prohibits playing certain types of music in their home, the rule is in place to:

Maintain expected behavior

Which of the following statements is true of family closeness in an enmeshed family system?

Members are discouraged from developing their own identity

After determining a client's eligibility for case management services, a case manager collects information about the client's physical, mental, social, and psychological functioning and the physical environment, including strengths and resources. In this scenario, the case manger is engaging the case management function of:

Multidimensional assessment

The Whites family is referred to a sw for counseling. The referral source summary described the family as a multi-problem family system. In the initial interview, the sw asks the family members to talk about he activities that they enjoyed doing together before they started having issues w/each other. The sw's question is intended to access the family's:


In the context of homeostasis, when faced w/a disruption, a system tends to try to regulate and maintain:

System cohesion

By asking, "when do Teddy's tantrums occur" while analyzing the problematic behavior of a client, the sw is addressing the:

Temporal context of problematic behaviors

Which of the following statements is true of formal assessments?

They are complex working hypotheses based on the most current data available

Which of the following is a symptom of mania?

Decreased need for sleep

Which of the following is true of case management?

It is intended to meet multiple needs of a client in a coordinated manner

In the context of assessing behavioral functioning, the unrelenting experience of an unwanted thought is known as:


Behavioral rehearsal used in an actual session is intended to:

Reduce anxieties

In the context of family systems framework, which of the following statements is true of rigid, inflexible boundaries?

Strict regulations limit the family's transactions w/its external environment

As a problem-solving method, case management its theoretically open.


Which of the following guidelines can assist you in maximizing the reliability and validity of the data collected using baseline measures?

Using multiple measures and instruments when necessary

Which of the following exploratory questions can help elicit a client's meaning attributions?

What do you make of misbehavior toward you?

Homeostasis is a systems concept that describes the tendency of a system to maintain or preserve:

Equilibrium or balance

A(n) __ is the agreement that becomes the focus of the work to be completed by the sw and the client.

Goal statement

Which of the following can become a barrier to ask completion?

Inadequate preparation

Specific tasks assist clients and sws in:

Indicating the particular action steps that need to be taken to achieve goals

Which of the following sources of info available to sws for client assessments is usually the primary source?

Info obtained form client interviews

__ are the support structures, such as family and friends, w/which clients interact:

Informal systems

The solution-focused question, "how will you know when your problem is solved?" is an example of a __.

Miracle question

While using baseline measures, it is important to:

Obtain measures under relatively consistent conditions

A sw and his client have identified different goals the client would like to achieve. While assisting the client in selecting specific goals, the sw should ask the client to first:

Rank those goals in order of their priority

Which of the following is the first and foremost element to be considered while developing a contract w/a client?

Ranking the goals to be accomplished according to their priority

Which of the following theories suggests that individuals are inclined to act to protect themselves, especially when a choice is imposed and further when the choice i inconsistent w/a desired direction?

Reactance theory

In a conflict b/t husband and wife, both express a desire to improve their communication w/ea other. They feel that when they talk, they interrupt ea other and do not listen. Hence, they format the goal statement, "I will listen to you w/o interrupting if you do the same." In this scenario, it is evident that they have formulated a(n) ___ goal.


___ involves asking clients, who work w/sws, to estimate the degree to which they feel hopeful about resolution, or perhaps the degree to which they have given up hope.

Scaling motivation

__ is a psychotic disorder that causes marked impairment in social, edu, and occupational functioning.


Individuals w/cognitive flexibility generally:

Seek to grow, to understand the part they play in their difficulties, and to understand others

Int he context of cognitive restructuring, __ expand self-awareness and paves the way for later change efforts.


A set of broad social sectors that catalog the various ways that all families engage w/the outside world is referred to as the:

Social environment

Which of the following is a necessary dimension of a family systems framework assessment w/o which a family is likely to suffer from entropy?

Social environment

In the task-centered model, the task implementation sequence is complete when a sw and his or her client:

Summarize the task plan

Which of the following is an essential organization and professional characteristic that is integral to a trauma-informed approach?

The approach realizes the prevalence of trauma and understands the potential for recovery

While assessing motivation, a client is said to be in the contemplation stage if:

The client recognizes his or her problem and the consequences that result.

Which of the following has the right and obligation to provide overall direction to a family, to allocate resources, to manage boundaries, to protect the integrity of the family system in its external relations, and to assign roles to individual members?

The executive subsystem

In the context of assessing biophysical functioning, the term acceptability refers to:

The extent to which health services are compatible w/a client's cultural values and traditions

In the context of family rules, which of the following statements is true of implicit rules?

They are hidden from family members' awareness

Which of the following statements is true of oral contracts?

They are less formal than written contracts.

In the context of family stressors, which of the following statements is true of acute stressors?

They are usually single occurrence events

Which of the following is true of individuals w/emotional excess?

They lose control and react intensely to even mild provocation

According to the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Admin (SAMSHA), __ is a single event, multiple events or set of circumstances that is experienced by an individual as physically and emotionally harmful or threatening and that ah slashing adverse effects on the individual's social, emotional and spiritual well-being.


A client has identified obtaining a degree in nutrition as a priority goal. In order for the client to achieve this goal, the sw's next immediate step would be to:

Work w/the client to develop general tasks

In the goal development decision-making process, as a sw, you should:

Assist clients in specifying goals in measurable language

Which of the following is a common focus of sw interventions?

Behavioral change

The most consistently predictive favor of aggression is:

Past violent behavior or criminal behavior

In the context of reality testing, which of the following is true of individuals w/extreme distortions?

They suffer from delusions or false beliefs

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) is an important tool that enables professionals to:

Understand & formulate mental & emotional disorders

Which of the following is a difference b/t the assessment of individual clients and the assessment of families?

Unlike assessments of individuals, family assessment focuses sw attention on the family as a unit

The Drug Abuse Screening Test is a tool:

Used by sws to assess alcohol use

Culturally influenced beliefs about how individuals relate to the micro, mezzo, and macro dimensions of the social world, how individuals relate to the natural world, and individuals' understanding of spirituality are known as:

Client worldviews

__ may result when people discover inconsistencies b/t their values and behaviors:

Cognitive dissonance

Assisting clients in identifying dysfunctional self-sttemttns, beliefs, and patterns of thoughts that underlie their problem is a step used in:

Cognitive restructuring

In the context of assessing behavioral functioning, r repeated behaviors, often linked to an obsession, are called __.


A __ identifies a desired behavior change on the part of all parties involved.

Contingency contract

An individual in a family holds power bc of a chronic condition. This is an example of:

Covert power

Which of the following power is held by family members who enter into coalitions to challenge or circumvent executive power or task-specific power?

Covert power

Which of the following guidelines can assist you in maximizing the reliability and validity of the data collected using baseline measures?

Defining the target of measurement in clear and operational terms

__ are labels or terms that may be applied to an individual or his or her situation.


The difference b/t diagnoses and assessment is that:

Diagnoses provide a short-hand categorization of a client based on specifically defined criteria, while assessments describe the symptoms that support a particular diagnosis.

Which of the following guidelines would help sws conduct culturally competent assessments?

Differentiate b/t cultural mediated behavior and individual personality

In the task-centered model, specific tasks are developed to:

Direct the incremental action steps to achieve goals.

Which of the following is used to identify and organize relevant environmental factors outside of individual or family context?


In the context of client assessments conducted by sws, __ involves the use of symbolic interactions.


In the context of solution-focused brief treatment, which of the following is a stage of solution building?

End-of-session feedback

Procreation is a family function that means:

Ensuring the evolutionary survival of the human species

In the solution-focused approach, during which of the following stages of solution building is a scaling question asked?

Evaluating progress

When obtaining assessment data from collateral sources, sw should:

Exercise discretion

People are speaking at a meta-communication level when they:

Explain the intent of their message verbally

Jane, a 35 y/o mother, has been court-ordered to attend parenting skills group. During the first session w/the sw, Jane becomes hesitant about making a commitment toward achieving her goals. To assist Jane in achieving her goals, the sw should first:

Explore the basis of Jane's misgivings and reservations

When a client selects goals beyond his or her capacity to achieve, the sw should first:

Explore the feasibility of the selected goals

Suicidal risk is highest when adolescents, in addition to exhibiting symptoms of severe depression, also:

Express feelings of hopelessness

In an exchange in which one member continues to attack or accuse another member, and the other member tends to continue to defend his or her position, a(n) __ is manifested.

Fault-defend pattern of communication

In the context of homeostasis, __ are cycles of interactions, or expiate interactions, that are used to exert influence over families and family members:

Feedback loops

When a client's response seems to "take off" based on particular work or thought, unrelated to logical progression or the original point of the communication, he or she is said to have:

Flight of ideas

In the context of stresses associated w/life transitions, which of the following is a major common role and developmental transition encountered in adulthood?

Geographic moves and migration

Which of the following is one of Cowger's suggestions to emphasize strengths and empowerment in the assessment process?

Give preeminence to the client's understanding of the facts of the case.

In a __, the parties involved agree to change their behavior independently of one another.

Good-faith contract

Which of the following techniques is used to aid task accomplishment in vivo rather than in simulated situation?

Guided practice

Which of the following statements is true of sites of problematic behaviors fora client and identifying them?

Identifying where problematic behavior does not occur provides clues about what might help alleviate the problem.

In a session w/a sw, the client stated that her goal was to improve her role as a mother. Which of the following questions should the sw ask the client to determine the client's desired level of change?

In what way would you like to improve your functioning as a parent?

In the context of priorities in assessments, which of the following is one of the factors that should be assessed initially by sw's in all sw situation?

A client's potential health or safety concerns

When a client is referred or coerced into seeking services of a sw, it is important that:

A common ground is established on the needs that the sw might help address.

An assessment that explores a client's birth, infancy, achievement of milestones, family atmosphere, interests, and significant life transitions is called:

A developmental assessment

Which of the following is an example of congruent communication?

A speaker emphasizing his or her point of view using expressive hand gestures consistently w/his or her message

In the context of self-awareness in family assessment, worldview differences b/t the family and the sw:

Can lead to oppressive sw practices

According to the cognitive theory, which of the following is an important mediator of both emotions and actions?


Which of the following is facilitate factor in the task-centered model the scan help clients in carrying out identified tasks?

Brainstorming alternative tasks

Which of the following is a formal role that is socially sanctioned?


In the basic tenets of __ are thinking, reasoning, and behavioral change.


Erika, Jacob's manager, has expressed her annoyance over Jacob's failure to reach office on time every day. As a result, Jacob decides to be punctual. The goal developed by Jacob is an example of a(n):

Overt goal

When a mother tells her older child not to interfere when she tries to discipline her younger child, the mother is defining the role of the:

Parental subsystem

Which of the following is an example of cognitive distortion?

Perceiving self and others as good or bad

Major methods of increasing self-efficacy thru __ include assisting people to master essential behaviors thru modeling, behavior rehearsal, and guided practice.

Performance accomplishment

A person who acts w/little forethought, fails to consider the probably consequences of his or her actions, or engages in wishful thinking the things will somehow magically work out has:

Poor judgment

Which of the following create an environment in which primary attachments can flourish, but which, for some families, interfere w/successful family functioning and serve to exacerbate presenting problems?

Power arrangements

While assessing motivation, the __ is characterized by a lack of awareness of the need for change.

Pre-contemplation stage

Goals w/minors tend to work best when they:

Provide opportunities for them to measure their progress

In situations where a minor's parents have consented to an intervention strategy, the sw should:

Provide the minor w/info about the intended approach

In the goal development decision-making process, setting goals:

Provides direction, focus, and continuity to the helping process

The family function of providing secure attachment bonds can be achieved by:

Providing members w/a sense of psychological safety

If explorations seems to indicate a client has bipolar disorder, immediate:

Psychiatric consultation is needed

A father criticizes his son for being a "weakling." In fear of his father's condemnation, the child becomes even more timid, which leads to more criticism. The son's behavior is an example of ..

Reciprocal interactions

Which of the following difficulties arises when an older relative comes to reside w/a family?

Role transition

Generally understood patterns of behavior that are accepted by family members as part other individual identities are referred to as:


In the context of the family systems framework, a family assessment describes families according to their:


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