Ledonne WW2 quiz answers

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Who was a fervent anti-Communist and a great admirer of Benito Mussolini's leadership style?

Adolph Hitler

The German's goal for the Battle of the Bulge was to cut off Allied supplies coming through the port of

Antwerp, Belgium

It took the Allies five months to break through the German lines at Cassino and


The air battle between the German Luftwaffe and the British air force that began in June 1940 and lasted into the fall of 1940 became known as

Battle of Britain

In 1941 President Roosevelt began sending lend-lease aid to


In late 1937, Hitler concluded that Germany would gain supplies of food, defensible frontiers, and soldiers by seizing Austria and


The largest racial riot of the Second World War occurred in


The Pittsburgh Courier argued that African Americans should join the war effort in order to achieve a double victory over Hitler's racism and racism at home in a campaign called

Double V

After being trapped by the Germans in Belgium, the only port remaining open for Britain and France to evacuate their surviving troops was at


Many military officers in Japan were strong nationalists and believed Japan was destined to dominate

East Asia

This talented general earned the nickname "Desert Fox" because of his many successes.

Erwin Rommel

After taking power, Hitler took on the title "fuhrer", which is the German term for "caesar."


American planners attempted to destroy the Japanese ability to wage the war by precision bombing their factories using the B-29.


Anne Frank's family had tried to leave Germany but had been unable to due to immigration quotas.


At the Tehran Conference Stalin declared that the Soviet Union would immediately join the war against Japan


At the Tehran Conference, the allies agreed to invade Sicily.


General MacArthur was captured by the Japanese on April 9, 1942, when he and the defenders of Bataan surrendered.


Hitler was convinced that the only way to defeat the Soviet Union was with naval attacks.


In setting forth his lend-lease proposal, Roosevelt told radio listeners that if Britain fell, an "unholy alliance" of Germany, Japan, and the Soviet Union would keep trying to conquer the world, and then "all of us in all the Americas would be living at the point of a gun."


Mexican Americans did not actively join the war effort during World War II.


On March 31, 1939, the United States announced that if Poland went to war to defend its territory, the United States, Britain, and France would come to Poland's aid.


Roosevelt believed that isolationism was the best idea for America and to promote peace in general.


Roosevelt's destroyers-for-bases deal led to the founding of a staunchly internationalist group, the America First Committee, which firmly supported any American intervention or aid to the Allies.


The American landing at Omaha Beach went very well, unlike the landing at Gold Beach.


The Battle of the Coral Sea marked the turning point for America in the war against Japan.


The Fight for Freedom Committee included many influential figures like Charles Lindbergh and Senator Gerald Nye.


The Nuremberg Laws defined a Jew as a person who had at least one Jewish parent.


The Spanish Civil War erupted when various groups rebelled against the election of Francisco Franco.


The heated debate over neutrality took place in the midst of the 1940 presidential election, in which Roosevelt eventually won an unprecedented fourth term in office.


The majority of the cost of World War II was offset by high tax increases on the America public.


The one condition the Japanese held before they would surrender was a guarantee they would not be occupied.


Who was the leader of the 1936 rebellion in Spain that quickly became a civil war?

Francisco Franco

General MacArthur's campaign in the southwest Pacific began with the invasion of


Germany declared war on the United States because

Hitler underestimated American strength and resolve

In 1942 Secretary of War Henry Stimson declared most of the West Coast a military zone and ordered all people of Japanese ancestry to evacuate to

Internment camps

All of the following were done to try to conserve resources during the Second World War EXCEPT

Introduction of daylight savings time

Where did American military planners decide to invade so B-29s could be refueled?

Iwo Jima

What finally brought the United States into World War II?

Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

What event in 1938 marked a significant escalation in the Nazi policy of persecution against the Jews?


The first target for Japanese expansion and conquest in the 1930s was


In June 1942, decoded Japanese messages alerted the United States to the Japanese attack on


One of the new political parties to rise during the political and economic chaos in Germany after World War I was the National Socialist German Workers' Party, also known as the

Nazi Party

Following the Munich Conference this leader proudly announced upon his return home that we had secured "peace in our time."

Neville Chamberlain

After the fall of Poland, Hitler and his generals decided to attack

Norway and Denmark

What did Roosevelt establish in 1943 to settle arguments between different agencies concerning production of goods for the war?

Office of War Mobilization

The bombing campaign between January 1943 and May 1945 did not destroy Germany's economy or undermine German morale, but it did destroy many aircraft factories, wrecked the railroad system, and caused a severe

Oil shortage

Where did American military planners choose to invade in order to stockpile supplies and build up troops for an invasion of Japan?


The Nazi-Soviet nonaggression pact contained a secret deal between Germany and the Soviet Union to divide


Few Americans wanted to raise immigration quotas, even to accommodate European


After France surrendered to Germany in June 1940, two members of Congress introduced the

Selective Service and Training Act

The Nazis reserved their strongest hatred for Jews, although they also held other groups in contempt including homosexuals, the disabled, Gypsies, and

Slavic peoples

If British and American troops opened a second front by attacking Germany from the west, it would take pressure off the

Soviet Union

Taken together, the growth of southern California and the expansion of cities in the Deep South created a new industrial region—


One part of the American plan for the defeat of Japan called for General MacArthur's troops to advance through the Solomon Islands, capture the north coast of New Guinea, and then retake

The Philippines

In June 1941, in violation of the Nazi-Soviet pact, Hitler launched a massive invasion of

The Soviet Union

In 1942 Nazi leaders met to make plans for exterminating Europe's Jews more quickly and efficiently at

The Wannsee conference

A problem encountered in the island-hopping campaign in the central Pacific was that many of the islands were coral reef atolls


Although the troops in the Bataan Peninsula surrendered in April 1942, a small force held out on the island of Corregidor in Manila Bay until May of that year.


American naval attacks forced the Japanese to limit their attack on New Guinea and kept the American supply lines to Australia open.


Despite successfully landing at Normandy, Allied troops struggled to make progress into France due to the thick walls of vegetation found in the Normandy area.


During World War II, American workers were more productive than German workers or Japanese workers.


Fascism is a political ideology that is strongly opposed to communism.


In order to stop the American invasion, the Japanese sent four aircraft carriers from the north to the Philippines while secretly dispatching another fleet to the west.


Many German Jews chose to stay in Germany during the early Nazi years as they had made lives there and thought this was just another wave of antisemitism that would pass.


Many unions pledged to not go on strike during the war and instead would allow for government arbitration to resolve disputes.


On June 22, 1940, Hitler accepted the French surrender in the same railway car in which the Germans had surrendered at the end of World War I.


Roosevelt agreed with Churchill to attack the periphery of the German Empire and in July 1942 ordered the invasion of Morocco and Algeria.


Roosevelt made it clear that he would lift the oil embargo only if Japan withdrew from Indochina and made peace with China.


Several of the leaders of Nazi Germany were acquitted by the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg.


The Battle of Stalingrad marked a turning point in the war for Germany because it forced her onto the defensive for the remainder of the war.


The Neutrality Act of 1937 required countries at war to purchase nonmilitary supplies with payment up-front and they also had to transport the goods on their own ships.


The United States was able to avoid high inflation during the Second World War.


The first city targeted by the United States with a nuclear bomb was Hiroshima.


The high unemployment in many countries in the 1930s made immigrants and refugees less desirable.


The invasion of Tarawa provided the military with valuable lessons they applied to other landings.


To get around the Maginot Line, the Germans would have to invade the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg.


In 1944, at the Dumbarton Oaks Estate in Washington, D.C., delegates from 39 countries met to discuss a new international organization, which was to be called the

United Nations

Faced with the massive destruction caused by atomic bombs and the shock of the Soviets joining the war, the Japanese emperor ordered his government to surrender on August 15, 1945—

V-J Day

During World War II, the Army enlisted women for the first time, although they were barred from


In 1928 the Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin began a massive effort to

industrialize his country

What did Roosevelt want to build on British-controlled land that compelled him to bypass the provisions of the Neutrality Act and trade 50 old destroyers with Britain?

military bases

The automobile industry was uniquely suited to the mass production of

military equipment

The Office of Price Administration began rationing, or limiting the availability of, many consumer products to make sure enough were available for

military use

The cost-plus system sped up war production by

providing larger profits for companies that worked fast and produced a lot

During World War II, women were recruited into the military to

release men for combat

The "Double V" campaign meant

victory over Hitler's racism abroad and victory over racism at home.

In order to save fabric for the war, most men wore a

victory suit

By the summer of 1942, almost all major industries and some 200,000 companies had converted to ____________________ production.


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