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Water Efficiency Credit Background Information

-11 possible points LEED v4 BD+C -also referred to as "WE"

Energy and Atmosphere Credit Background Information

-33 possible points LEED v4 BD+C -also referred to as "EA"

What are the project size requirements?

-BD+C and O+M projects must be 1000 sq ft -interior projects can be 250 sq ft -LEED neighborhood projects need 2 habitable buildings max 1500 sq acres -LEED for homes must meet definition for a dwelling unit (somewhere you can live, eat, sleep, cooking, and sanitation)

Sustainable Sites Primary Goals

-Design and developing the site wisely -Protecting surrounding habitats -Planting sustainable landscapes -Managing rainwater -Reducing heat island effect -Eliminating light pollution

Background Information for Sustainable Sites

-SS -10 possible points LEED v4 BD+C

Strategies for Energy Efficiency

-Use building simulation tools throughout the design process -Optimize the passive design of the building -Maximize the thermal performance of the building envelope -Minimize internal building loads -Maximize daylighting and integrate with a high-efficiency lighting system -Design a hyper efficient HVAC system that minimizes energy use -Select high-efficiency appliances to reduce plug load -Maximize the use of renewable energy systems -Harvest and use waste energy -Incorporate innovative emerging strategies such as ground coupling and radiant cooling

What is GBCI?

-administers LEED accredited professionals and LEED building certification (asses the compliance)

What does the Location and Transportation Credit encourage?

-compact development -alternative transportation -connection with amenities

Qualifying Roof Areas

-low sloped roof -steep sloped roof -vegetatedterm-75

Qualifying Non-roof Areas

-provide shade vegetation over paving areas, including playgrounds -shade from structures covered by energy generation systems -provide shade from manmade elements that have a 3-year aged solar reflectance value of at least 0.28 -use open grid paving (at least 50% unbound)

Location and Transportation Credit Background Information

-there are no prerequisites for this credit -also referred to as "LT" -16 possible points LEED v4 BD+C

USGBC offers two types of credentials...

1. LEED Green Associate (general) 2. LEED AP (more advance/specific)

What is the building life cycle?

1. concept 2. core - LEED NC, LEED CS 3. interior - LEED NC, LEED CI 4. operations and maintenance - LEED EBOM

What is the LEED process?

1. concept and preliminary design - is LEED right for you? 2. schematic design, design development, construction documents - design LEED (CXA) and registration, ends with design review 3. permitting and construction - registration, ends with construction review and certification

What are the core LEED categories?

1. indoor environmental quality - human health, comfort within the building, connection to outdoors 2. materials and resources - life cycle impacts, recycled, regional, rapidly renewable etc., product disclosures 3. energy and atmosphere - using energy efficiently, reducing the grid sourcing of energy needs, operational optimization 4. water efficiency - indoor and outdoor water uses, innovative technologies 5. sustainable sites - site selection, site development, how the project fits into the fabric of the local ecosystem 6. location and transportation - transportation, site location, connection to the broader community

What would a typical LEED process be?

1. is LEED right for you? 2. registration 3. documentation 4. credit interpretation requests (CIRs) 5. certification

What would a typical LEED process be for homes?

1. registration 2. verify 3. review 4. certify

Which of the following statements are true of LEED? (select 3)


Which of the following are considered diverse uses for development density and community connectivity: (select 3)

A. FIRE STATION b. gas station C. HARDWARE d. drive-through coffee stand E. MUSEUM

What statements about the LEED process are true? (select 2)

A. NO CREDITS ARE AWARDED DURING THE DESIGN PHASE SUBMITTAL b. if adequate points are achieved, certification can be awarded at the completion of the design phase submittal C. IF THE EXECUTION OF A DESIGN PHASE CREDIT CHANGES DURING CONSTRUCTION, IT MUST BE RESUBMITTED DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PHASE SUBMITTAL d. appeals can only be made after the full application review

To achieve LT Credit Sensitive Land Protection, which site CAN a project develop on:

A. PREVIOUSLY DEVELOPED SITE THAT IS 10 FEET ABOVE THE ELEVATIONS OF THE 100-YEAR FLOOD AS DEFINED BY FEMA b. prime farmland as defined by USDA c. land that has threatened or endangered species d. previously undeveloped land this is within 50 feet of a body of water

What would help encourage the use of green vehicles? (select 2)


SS Credit Site Assessment

Intent: to assess site conditions before design to evaluate sustainable options and inform related decisions about site design Requirements: -survey the site and document the following... +topography +hydrology +climate +vegetation +soils +human use +human health effects -survey should demonstrate the relationship between site features and the topics listed above, and describe how these features influenced the design 1 point possible for BD+C Strategies and Terms: -engage a team to study the site before conceptual design to identify opportunities and challenges -early engagement is critical, as factors such as building orientation are often set early in design, and using the results of the site assessment during this process can result in better outcomes Responsible Party: landscape architect, land use planner, architect

LT Credit LEED for Neighborhood Development Location

Intent: to avoid development on inappropriate sites; to reduce vehicles miles traveled; to enhance livability and improve human health by encouraging daily physical activity Requirements: locate the project in a neighborhood certified under LEED-ND -certified plan or certified project under LEED-ND v4, stage 2 or stage 3 under LEED-ND pilot or LEED-ND v2009 credit is mutually exclusive with other credits in the location and transportation category 16 points possible for BD+C Strategies and Terms: -give preference to potential site locations within in a LEED ND certified location -certain types of LEED ND certifications are eligible, some are not -some projects located in a LEED ND location might actually earn more points in the other LT credits Responsible Party: owner

LT Credit Sensitive Land Protection

Intent: to avoid the development of environmentally sensitive lands and reduce the environmental impact from the location of a building on a site Requirements: option 1. locate the project on previously developed land option 2. site that doesn't meet any of the sensitive land criteria -prime farmland -floodplains -habitat for threatened or endangered species -within 100 feet of water bodies, except for minor improvements -within 50 feet of wetlands, except for minor improvements 1 point possible for BD+C Strategies and Terms: -during the site selection process, give preference to that do not include sensitive elements or restrictive land types -select a suitable building location and design the building with minimal footprint to minimize disruption of the environmentally sensitive areas identified above -if possible, choose a previously developed site, therefore there is less environmental impact, since the site has already been disturbed -when selecting a site evaluate how much land disturbance will be involved for construction and the overall developed portion of the site incorporate the natural features of the site into the site development -incorporate the natural features of the site into the site development -during design take into account what wildlife has been living on the site prior to development Responsible Party: owner, landscape architect, ecologist, environmental engineer, other local professionals

SS Credit Site Development - Protect or Restore Habitat

Intent: to conserve existing natural areas and restore damaged areas to provide habitat and promote biodiversity Requirements: -preserve and protect min 40% of existing greenfields from development and construction activity option 1. on-site restoration (2 points) -restore 30% of previously developed site using native or adapted vegetation and, restore disturbed or compacted soils that will be vegetated option 2. financial support (1 point) -donate $0.40 per sq.ft. of the total site to a national or locally recognized land trust or conservation organization 2 points possible for BD+C Strategies and Terms: -use local and regional governmental agencies, consultants, educational facilities and native plant societies as resources for the selection or appropriate native or adapted plants -vegetated roof surfaces can count as on-site restoration if the project achieves a density of 1.5 floor-area ratio or higher and the roof plantings are native or adapted, provide habitat, and promote biodiversity -rain gardens and other vegetated landscape areas constructed to accommodate rainwater infiltration may be optionally excluded -projects providing financial support must select a land trust or conservation organization within the same EPA Level III ecoregion or the project's state +US projects must select an organization accredited by the Land Trust Alliance +non-US projects must select an organization within 100 miles of the project Responsible Party: landscape architect, civil engineer, ecologist, owner

LT Credit Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses

Intent: to conserve land and protect farmland and wildlife habitat by encouraging development in areas with existing infrastructure; to promote walkability, and transportation efficiency and reduce vehicle distance traveled; to improve public health by encouraging daily physical activity Requirements: option 1. surrounding density (2-3 points) -locate on a site where the surrounding density within a 1/4 mile radius meets "separate residential and nonresidential densities" or the "combined density" value -points are awarded based on density levels option 2. diverse uses (1-2 points) -locate the building within 1/2 mile walking distance to 4-7 (1 point) or 8+ (2 points) existing and publicly available diverse uses 5 points possible for BD+C Strategies and Terms: -during the site selection process, give preference to urban sites with pedestrian access to a variety of diverse uses -consider sharing the building's resources with the local community -choose a site where pedestrian access to surrounding businesses is available -if there is a diverse use available in the building itself, only a maximum of 1 can be counted to fulfill the diverse uses requirements -a maximum of 2 uses in each use type may be counted Responsible Party: owner, developer

WE Credit Cooling Tower Water Use

Intent: to conserve water used for cooling tower makeup while controlling microbes, corrosion, and scale in the condenser water system Requirements: -conduct a one-time potable water analysis, measuring at least the five control parameters... +Ca (as in CaCO3) - max 1000 ppm +total alkalinity - max 1000 ppm +SiO2 - max 100 ppm +Cl - max 250 ppm +conductivity - max 2000 uS/cm -calculate number of cooling tower cycles -limit cooling cycles to avoid exceeding maximum concentrations for any parameter 2 points possible for BD+C Strategies and Terms: -evaporation of cooling tower water leads to build up of dissolved solids -makeup water is added water to the cooling tower system or evaporation condenser to offset water lost due to evaporation and other causes -blowdown is the process of discharging cooling tower water to remove dissolved solids -increasing the number of cycles between blowdown reduces the amount of makeup water inputs -nonpotable sources should generally contain low levels of dissolved solids; this can include air-conditioner condensate, rainwater, steam system condensate, food steamer discharge water, fire pump test water, and ice machine condensate Responsible Party: mechanical engineer, plumbing engineer

SS Credit Open Space

Intent: to create exterior open space that encourages interaction with the environment, social interaction, passive recreation, and physical activities Requirements: -provide open and accessible space outdoors equal to at least 30% of the total site area, with at least 25% of this area vegetated or under a vegetated canopy -open space must be one of the following... +pedestrian-oriented +recreation-oriented +visual interest +food production +habitat 1 point possible for BD+C Strategies and Terms: -select a suitable building location and design the building footprint to minimize site disruption -strategies to maximize open space on the site... +stacking the building program +tuck-under parking +share amenities, such as parking, with neighbors -turf grass does not qualify as vegetated in credit calculations, although it can qualify as open space -vegetated roof surfaces can contribute as vegetated space if the project achieves a minimum density of 1.5 floor-area ratio (FAR) and the roof plantings are physically accessible -accessible roof areas can contribute if the project achieves a minimum density of 1.5 FAR -wetlands or naturally designed ponds can count if the side slopes are vegetated and not too steep (average 1:4 or less) -for campus projects (multi tenant complex), open space can be anywhere on the site master plan, provided it is protected from development Responsible Party: landscape architect, civil engineer, architect

LT Credit Access to Quality Transit

Intent: to encourage development in locations shown to have multimodal transportation choices or otherwise reduced motor vehicle use, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, and other environmental and public health harms associated with motor vehicle use Requirements: -locate the project within 1/4 mile walking distance of bus, streetcar, or ride share stops, or within 1/2 mile walking distance of bus rapid transit stops, light or heavy rail stations, commuter rail stations or ferry terminals -stations may be existing, or planned if they are sited, funded, and under construction by the date of the certificate of occupancy and are complete within 24 months of that date 5 points possible for BD+C Strategies and Terms: -qualified transit routes must meet the following... +paired route service (service in opposite directions) +only trips in one direction are counted +only count a single stop for each route -projects served by two or more transit routes such that no one route provides more than 60% of the prescribed levels may earn one additional point, up to the maximum number of points -if existing transit service is temporarily rerouted outside the required distances for less than two years, the project may meet the requirements, provided the local transit agency has committed to restoring the routes with service at or above the prior level Responsible Party: owner

LT Credit High-Priority Site

Intent: to encourage project location in areas with development constraints and promote the health of the surrounding area Requirements: option 1. locate the project on an infill location in a historic district option 2. locate the project on one of the following... -a site listed by the EPA national priorities list -a federal empowerment zone site -a federal enterprise community site -a federal renewal community site -a department of the treasury community development financial institutions fund qualified low-income community -a site in the US department of housing and urban development's qualified census tract (QCT) or difficult development area (DDA) -for projects outside the US, use local equivalent option 3. -locate the project on a brownfield site with soil or groundwater contamination where jurisdiction requires remediation -perform remediation as required to the satisfaction of the jurisdiction 2 points possible for BD+C Strategies and Terms: -during the site selection process, give preference to brownfield sites -identify tax incentives and property cost savings, through the EPAs website -coordinate site development plans with remediation activity, as appropriate -restoring brownfields is a regenerative action which actually leads to improving the environment -development of high priority sites relieves pressure on other sites -project meeting option 1 or either option 2 or 3 qualify for exemplary performance Responsible Party: owner, civil, general contractor

SS Credit Light Pollution Reduction

Intent: to increase night sky access, improve nighttime visibility, and reduce the consequences of development for wildlife and people Requirements: -classify the project's lighting zone -meet uplight and light trespass requirements using option 1 or option 2 -internally illuminated signage must not exceed 200 cd/m^3 (nits) at night and 2000 cd/m during the day uplight option 1. BUG rating method -use only fixtures rated for low uplight contribution; maximum rating is based on lighting zone option 2. calculation method -meet threshold for total percentage of light emitted above horizontal light trespass option 1. BUG rating method -do not exceed backlight (80 to 85) and glare ratings (G0 to G4) based on luminaire mounting and MLO lighting zone option 2. calculation method -do not exceed maximum vertical illuminate at lighting boundary 1 point possible for BD+C Strategies and Terms: -the lighting boundary, similar to the LEED project boundary or property line, can vary from these other defined areas, as special considerations (such as abutting public walkways) can allow for limited expansion of th eligible site (generally making trespass requirements easier) -adopt site lighting criteria to maintain safe light levels while avoiding off-site lighting and night sky light pollution -minimize site lighting where possible, and use computer software to model the site lighting -technologies to reduce light pollution include full cutoff luminaries, low-reflectance surfaces and low-angle spotlights -uplight and light trespass assessments may use different methods (option 1 or option 2) to determine compliance -some lighting is exempt... +specialized signal, directional, and marker lighting for transportation +facade lighting used in MLO lighting zones 3 or 4 which is automatically turned off between midnight and 6:00 am -lighting for theatrical purposes for stage, film, and video performances -government mandated roadway lighting -hospital emergency departments, including helipads -lighting of the national flag in MLO lighting zones 2, 3 or 4 -internally illuminated signage Responsible Party: lighting designer, landscape architect, architect

SS Credit Heat Island Reduction

Intent: to minimize effects on microclimates and human and wildlife habitats by reducing heat islands Requirements: option 1. non roof and roof (2 points) -install roof and non roof measures for 50% of non-roof area and 75% roof area, by weighted average option 2. parking under cover (1 point) -place at least 75% of parking spaces under cover -any roof used must meet one of the following... +3-year aged SRI of at least 32 (or if information is unavailable, an initial SRI of at least 39) -vegetated roof -be covered by energy generation systems 2 points possible for BD+C Strategies and Terms: -consider installing high-albedo and vegetated roofs to reduce heat absorption -for projects pursuing option 1, is 3-year aged solar reflectance values are not available for non-roof paving areas, use materials with an initial SR of at least 0.33 -for projects pursuing option 1, if 3-year aged solar reflectance values are not available for roofing material, use materials that meet the initial SRI value Responsible Party: architect, landscape architect, civil engineer, structural engineer (if using vegetated roof)

LT Credit Reduced Parking Footprint

Intent: to minimize the environmental harms associated with parking facilities, including automobile dependence, land consumption, and rainwater runoff Requirements: -do not exceed minimum code requirements for parking capacity -provide parking capacity that is below the base ratios recommended by the parking consultants council case 1. baseline location -projects that have not earned points under LT credit surrounding density and diverse uses or LT credit access to qualify transit much achieve a 20% reduction from the base ratios case 2. dense and/or transit-served location -projects earning 1 or more points under either LT credit surrounding density and diverse uses of LT credit access to quality transit much achieve a 40% reduction -all projects +provide preferred parking for carpools for 5% of total parking spaces (not required if no off-street parking provided) 1 point possible for BD+C Strategies and Terms: -minimize parking lot/garage size -consider sharing parking facilities with adjacent buildings -credit calculations must include all existing and new off-street parking that is leased or owned by the project, including parking outside the project boundary used by the project; on-street parking is excluded -projects with shared (or pooled) parking, should calculate compliance using only the project's share of the pooled parking -mixed-use projects should calculate compliance by first aggregating the parking amount of each use (as specified by the base ratios) and then calculating the percentage reduction from he aggregated amount -parking spaces for fleet or inventory vehicles are not counted unless these vehicles are regularly used by employees for commuting Responsible Party: civil engineer, owner

LT Credit Bicycle Facilities

Intent: to promote bicycling and transportation efficiency and reduce vehicle distance traveled; to improve public health by encouraging utilitarian and recreational physical activity Requirements: bicycle network -building entrance or bicycle storage is located within 200 yards from a bicycle network that connects to one o more of the following within 3-mile by bike... +at least 10 diverse uses +a school or employment center (if project is 50% or more residential by floor area) +a bus rapid transit stop, light or heavy rail station, commuter rail station, or ferry terminal bicycle storage case 1. commercial or institutional projects -short term parking for at least 2.5% of all peak visitors (minimum 4 per building) -long term bicycle storage for at least 5% of all regular building occupants (minimum 4 per building) -one shower for up to 100 occupants, and one additional shower per 150 additional occupants case 2. residential projects -short term parking for at least 2.5% of all peak visitors (minimum 4 per building) -long term bicycle storage for at least 30% of all regular building occupants (minimum one space per residential unit case 3. mixed-use projects -meet case 1 and case 2 storage requirements for residential and non-residential spaces respectively 1 point possible for BD+C Strategies and Terms: -planned bicycle trails or lanes may be counted only if they are fully funded by the date of the certificate of occupancy and are scheduled for completion within one year of that date -short-term bicycle storage must be within 100 feet walking distance of any main entrance -long-term bicycle storage must be within 100 feet walking distance of any functional entry -bicycle parking cannot be double counted (storage allocated to occupants of other buildings cannot be counted) -LEED CS projects should use default occupancy counts Responsible Party: architect, plumbing engineer, civil engineer, landscape architect

WE Prerequisite Indoor Water Use Reduction

Intent: to reduce indoor water consumption Requirements: -reduce water use by 20% from baseline -all eligible new toilets, urinals, private lavatory faucets, and shower heads must be WaterSense labeled -meet minimum water efficiency for appliances, equipment, and processes Required for BD+C Strategies and Terms: -non-US projects may use a local equivalent to the EPA WaterSense fixture labeling requirement -use of alternative water sources does not count for prerequisite compliance, but can contribute for the credit (beyond the first 20%) -credit calculations factor in all plumbing fixtures used by occupants, even if some fixtures are outside the project boundary; prerequisite calculations consider only project fixtures Responsible Party: plumbing engineer, civil engineer, architect

WE Credit Indoor Water Use Reduction

Intent: to reduce indoor water consumption Requirements: -reduce water use by 25-50% from baseline -meet additional water efficiency for appliances, equipment, and processes 6 points possible for BD+C Strategies and Terms: -non-US projects may use a local equivalent to the EPA WaterSense fixture labeling requirement -use of alternative water sources does not count for prerequisite compliance, but can contribute for the credit (beyond the first 20%) -credit calculations factor in all plumbing fixtures used by occupants, even if some fixtures are outside the project boundary; prerequisite calculations consider only project fixtures Responsible Party: plumbing engineer, civil engineer, architect

WE Prerequisite Outdoor Water Use Reduction

Intent: to reduce outdoor water consumption Requirements: option 1. no permanent irrigation required after 2 years option 2. reduce irrigation water demand by 30% using EPA WaterSense Water Budget Tool Required for BD+C Strategies and Terms: -perform a soil/climate analysis to determine appropriate plant material and design the landscape with native or adapted plants to reduce or eliminate irrigation requirements -where irrigation is required, use high-efficiency equipment and/or climate-based controllers -employ water conserving strategies such as... +xeriscaping +graywater reuse +rainwater harvesting +microirrigation +drip irrigation +water condensate from HVAC +mulching +redirect rainwater run-off to planted areas Responsible Party: landscape architect , ecologist, plumbing engineer

WE Credit Outdoor Water Use Reduction

Intent: to reduce outdoor water consumption Requirements: option 1. no permanent irrigation required after 2 years (2 points) option 2. reduce irrigation water demand by 50% (1 point) or 100% (2 points), can count non potable sources 2 points possible for BD+C Strategies and Terms: -perform a soil/climate analysis to determine appropriate plant material and design the landscape with native or adapted plants to reduce or eliminate irrigation requirements -where irrigation is required, use high-efficiency equipment and/or climate-based controllers -employ water conserving strategies such as... +xeriscaping +graywater reuse +rainwater harvesting +microirrigation +drip irrigation +water condensate from HVAC +mulching +redirect rainwater run-off to planted areas Responsible Party: landscape architect , ecologist, plumbing engineer

LT Credit Green Vehicles

Intent: to reduce pollution by promoting alternative to conventionally fueled automobiles Requirements: all projects -designate 5% of all parking spaces as preferred parking for green vehicles, distributed every across parking sections -green vehicles score at least 45 on the american council for an energy efficient economy (ACEEE) annual rating guide, or local equivalent -discounted parking fees of at least 20% is an acceptable substitute for dedicated spaces option 1. electric vehicle charging -install a charging station for at least 2% of all parking spaces, and reserve these spaces for exclusive use by plug-in vehicles option 2. liquid, gas, or battery facilities -install liquid or gas alternative fuel fueling facilities or a battery switching station sufficient to serve vehicles equal to 2% of total parking spaces 1 point possible for BD+C Strategies and Terms: -if the project is providing discounted parking for green vehicles, signage must be posted at entrance to parking area and permanently available to every qualifying vehicle -provide transportation amenities such as alternate-fuel refueling stations -consider sharing the costs and benefits of refueling stations with neighbors -consider issuing discounted parking passes for green vehicles -consider purchasing green fleet vehicles -provide preferred parking for green vehicles Responsible Party: owner, civil engineer

SS Prerequisite Construction Activity Pollution Prevention

Intent: to reduce pollution from construction activities by controlling soil erosion, waterway sedimentation, and airborne dust Requirements: -create and implement an erosion and sedimentation control plan for all construction activities -plan must follow 2012 US EPA construction general permit or local equivalent, whichever is more stringent required for BD+C Strategies and Terms: -ESC Plans are intended to achieve... +topsoil protection and loss prevention +reduced sedimentation of storm sewers or receiving streams +eliminate sources of air pollution -projects of all sizes must implement the erosion and sedimentation control plan - not just projects over 1 acre in size as indicated by the CGP -control plan must describe the measures to be implemented -consider employing strategies such as temporary and permanent seeding, mulching, eastern dikes, silt fencing, sediment traps and sediment basins -stabilization controls for stabilization include... +mulching, temporary seeding, permanent seeding -structural controls include... +silt fence, sediment basin, earth dike, sediment trap Responsible Party: civil engineer, general contractor

SS Credit Rainwater Management

Intent: to reduce runoff volume and improve water quality by replicating the natural hydrology and water balance of the site, based on historical conditions and undeveloped ecosystems in the region Requirements: option 1: percentile of rainfall events -path 1. 95th percentile (2 points) +manage stormwater runoff on site for the 95th percentile of regional or local rainfall events using low-impact development and green infrastructure -path 2. 98th percentile (3 points) +same as above, meeting the 98th percentile of regional or local rainfall events -path 3. zero lot line projects (3 points) +achieve minimum 1.5 floor-area ratio +manage stormwater runoff on site for the 85th percentile of local or regional rainfall events option 2. natural land cover conditions (3 points) -annual post development runoff must not exceed predevelopment values 3 points possible for BD+C Strategies and Terms: -design the project site to maintain natural stormwater flows by promoting infiltration -specify vegetated roofs, pervious paving and other measures to minimize impervious surfaces -reuse stormwater for non-potable uses such as landscape irrigation, toilet and urinal flushing, and custodial uses -manage stormwater through controls such as dry ponds, bios wales and rain gardens; existing site conditions, such as topography and the draining capacity of the soil, may impact the effectiveness of such controls -projects that are part of a multi tenant complex may meet credit requirements using a coordinated approach within the master plan boundary by using distributed techniques based on a watershed approach Responsible Party: civil engineer, landscape architect

WE Credit Water Metering

Intent: to support water management and identify opportunities for additional water savings by tracking water consumption Requirements: install additional metering for two or more... -irrigation -indoor plumbing -domestic hot water -large boilers -reclaimed water -other process water 1 point possible for BD+C Strategies and Terms: -water meters can be external meters (measures from outside the pipe) or wet meters (from inside the pipe) -ongoing metering allows building operations water performance and identify problems early Responsible Party: plumbing engineer, building manager, owner

WE Prerequisite Building-Level Water Metering

Intent: to support water management and identify opportunities for additional water savings by tracking water consumption Requirements: track (and share with USGBC) monthly and annual water usage data for 5 years Required for BD+C Strategies and Terms: -water meters can be external meters (measures from outside the pipe) or wet meters (from inside the pipe) -ongoing metering allows building operations water performance and identify problems early Responsible Party: plumbing engineer, building manager, owner

What is LEED?

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design -first developed in 1998 -creates a "scorecard" for buildings or a "nutrition label"

What is USGBC?

US Green Building Council - formed in 1992 - transform the way buildings and communities are designed, built, and operated enabling an environmentally and socially responsible healthy and prosperous environment that improves the quality of life (this directly ties to the triple bottom line) -stewards market transformation, provides tools and expertise, builds community, forums for industry dialog, educates the industry and the public -USGBC created LEED -it is NOT run by the government, administer credentials, administer certification -develops and maintains leed rating system

Does LEED address the complete lifecycle of buildings?

Yes! -homes, neighborhood development and commercial interiors address design and construction -core and shell, new construction and major renovations, schools, retail and healthcare address design, construction and operations

Diverse Use

a distinct, officially recognized business, nonprofit, civic, religious, or governmental organization, or dwelling units (residential use) or offices (commercial office use); it has a stationary postal address and is publicly available; it does not include automated facilities such as ATMs, vending machines, and touchscreens

BUG Rating

a luminaire classification system that classifies luminaires in terms of backlight (B), uplight (U), and glare (G) (taken from IES/IDA Model Lighting Ordinance); BUG ratings supersede the former cutoff ratings

Land Trust

a private, nonprofit organization that, as all or part of its mission, actively works to conserve land by undertaking or assisting in conservation easement or land acquisition, or by its stewardship of such land or easements (Adapted from Land Trust Alliance)

What project types are eligible for LEED?

a project must adhere to the LEED minimum program requirements (MPRs) minimum program requirements... 1. must be in a permanent location on existing land 2. must use reasonable LEED boundaries 3. must comply with project size requirements


a property which has the presence or potential to be a hazardous waste, pollutant or contaminant

Previously Developed Site

a site that, prior to the project, consisted of at least 75% previously developed land

Green Infrastructure

a soil- and vegetation-based approach to wet weather management that is cost-effective, sustainable, and environmentally friendly; green infrastructure management approaches and technologies infiltrate, evapotranspire, capture and reuse stormwater to maintain or restore natural hydrologies (Adapted from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)

LEED projects are required to share whole-project water usage data for how long?

a. 1 year, unless prohibited by national laws b. 3 years c. 5 years, or until the building changes ownership D. 5 YEARS, UNLESS PROHIBITED BY NATIONAL LAWS e. 20 or fewer years, depending on LEED certification level

An existing building on a campus will be renovated. The building will only be repainted and some lighting fixtures will be replaced. Which LEED rating system adaptation would you use?

a. LEED BD+C new construction b. LEED ID+C commercial interiors C. LEED O+M EXISTING BUILDINGS d. LEED BD+C core and shell e. LEED BD+C schools

What is the main standard used to define the baseline per flush and flow rates for the water efficiency of fixtures used in the interior of the building?

a. WaterSense minimum standards b. ashrae 90.1-2007 C. ENERGY POLICY ACT (EPACT) OF 1992 d. local codes e. US EPA, Water Use Efficiency program guidelines

Which of the following potential site locations would qualify the project for Location and Transportation credit LEED for Neighborhood Development Location?

a. a land parcel immediately adjacent to a LEEd ND v4 Certified Project B. A LAND PARCEL WITHIN A LEED ND V4 CERTIFIED PLAN c. a land parcel within a LEED ND v4 registered project d. none of the above

A project is planned for an urban site. Which of the following situations might qualify for Access to Quality Transit?

a. a pedestrian would have to cross a busy interstate to reach 2 bus lines that stop 1/4 of a mile away b. a pedestrian can walk to 2 bus stops for the same bus line, both within 1/4 walking distance C. A PEDESTRIAN-ACCESIBLE COMMUTER TRAIN STOP WILL BE BULT 1/2 MILE AWAY, WITHIN 1 YEAR OF THE PROJECT'S COMPLETION d. a bicycle path runs directly in front of the building

Which of the following is true for Bicycle Storage for LEED?

a. all bike-commuters must have head-lights b. schools have to provide a bike-share program c. bike lanes must be provided starting 1 mile away D. THE NUMBER OF BIKE RACKS REQUIRED IS PARTIALLY BASED ON PEAK VISITORS

The following landscape factors must be used to quantify the water savings for water efficient landscaping: (select 3)

a. average temperature factor B. SPECIES FACTOR c. irrigation factor D. MICROCLIMATE FACTOR E. DENSITY FACTOR

Reducing the amount of light that leaves the project site at night time would result in: (select 2)

a. increased energy consumption B. MORE VISIBLE STARS c. increased night time criminal activity D. SAFER MIGRATIONS FOR BIRDS

A project is an in-fill location in the downtown of a large city on a previously developed site. The design team should consider which of the following? (select 2)

a. limit areas of disturbance in accordance with protect habitat B. PROVIDE NATIVE/ADAPTIVE VEGETATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH RESTORE HABITAT C. USE A COMBINATION OF STRATEGIES (GREEN ROOF, OPEN-GRID PAVING, AND VEGETATED STRIPS) TO IMPROVE RAINWATER MANAGEMENT d. work with existing flow patterns of the site to control the rate of stormwater run-off

Which of the following would help provide habitat to native wildlife? (select 3)


Which of the following would not help increase the open space on a site?

a. minimize the building's footprint b. install a green roof in an urban area c. reduce the parking lot size of an urban site to allow space for a hardscape courtyard D. PLANT ONLY NATIVE PLANTS

Minimizing a project's parking lot would: (select 2)

a. mitigate brownfield contamination b. increase building energy consumption C. ENCOURAGE CARPOOLING D. HELP REDUCE THE QUANTITY OF STORMWATER RUN-OFF

Structural controls for erosion and sedimentation control: (select 2)

a. pervious pavement B. SEDIMENT TRAPS c. retaining wall D. SILT FENCING e. mulching

What is the first level of LEED certification called?

a. platinum b. gold c. silver d. copper E. CERTIFICATION

Performing a Site Assessment before conceptual design can help achieve all of the following EXCEPT:

a. reduced life-cycle impacts from the building b. increased biodiversity on the site C. INCREASED PARTICIPATION IN VEHICLE SHARING SERVICES d. reduced cost for renewable energy systems e. reduced risk

Which of the following sites qualify as a High Priority Site for LEED? (select 3)

a. site where reduced costs allow for additional investment into energy efficiency B. DIFFICULT DEVELOPMENT AREA AS DEFINED BY US HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT c. federal environmental community D. FEDERAL EMPOWERMENT ZONE E. INFILL LOCATION IN A HISTORIC DISTRICT

The design team wants to use a concrete parking lot with an integral color added to it. In order for this area to qualify for SS Credit Heat Island Reduction, which is true?

a. the emissivity of the material must be > .5 b. the reflectance of the material must be > 29 C. THE INITAL SRI OF THE MATERIAL MUST BE 32 OR GREATER d. the 3-year aged SRI of the material must be < 29 e. concrete with integral color cannot be used

LEED for Interior Design and Construction (ID+C)

adaptation... -commercial interiors -retail -hospitality project scope... -interior spaces that are a complete interior fit-out

LEED for Operations and Maintenance (O+M)

adaptation... -existing buildings -retail -schools -hospitality -data centers -warehouses and distribution centers project scope... -existing buildings -little to no construction -implementing sustainable practices for existing buildings (maintenance, water/energy use, environmentally preferred products and practices for cleaning and alterations, sustainable purchasing policies, waste-stream management, ongoing IEQ)

LEED for Homes

adaptation... -homes and multifamily lowrise -multifamily midrise project scope... -single-family homes and multi-family residential buildings up to 8 stories -must be "dwelling unit" - meaning its own cooking area and bathroom

LEED for Building Design and Construction (BD+C)

adaptation... -new construction and major renovation -core and shell development -schools -retail -data centers -warehouses and distribution centers -hospitality -healthcare project scope... -whole building design and construction -new buildings (all except homes) - major renovations (major HVAC renovation, significant envelope modifications, major interior rehabilitation

LEED for Neighborhood Development (ND)

adaptation... -plan (certifies projects based on planning efforts, sometimes prior to any green building) -project (for completed development projects) project scope... -new land development projects or redevelopment projects containing residential, nonresidential, or a mix of uses -principles of smart growth, new urbanism best practices, and green building

Previously Developed

altered by paving, construction, and/or land use that would typically have required regulatory permitting to have been initiated (alterations may exist now or in the past); land that is not previously developed and landscapes altered by current or historical clearing or filling, agricultural or forestry use, or preserved natural area use are considered undeveloped land; the date of previous development permit issuance constitutes the date of previous development, but permit issuance in itself does not constitute previous development

Low-Impact Development (LID)

an approach to managing rainwater runoff that emphasizes on-site natural features to protect water quality, by replicating the natural land cover hydrologic regime of watersheds, and addressing runoff close to its source; examples include better site design principles (e.g., minimizing land disturbance, preserving vegetation, minimizing impervious cover), and design practices (e.g., rain gardens, vegetated swales and buffers, permeable pavement, rainwater harvesting, soil amendments); these are engineered practices that may require specialized design assistance

Native Vegetation

an indigenous species that occurs in a particular region, ecosystem, and habitat without direct or indirect human actions; native species have evolved to the geography, hydrology, and climate of that region; they also occur in communities; that is, they have evolved together with other species; as a result, these communities provide habitat for a variety of other native wildlife species; species native to North America are generally recognized as those occurring on the continent prior to European settlement; also known as native plants


area that has not been graded, compacted, cleared, or disturbed and that supports (or could support) open space, habitat, or natural hydrology

Water is periodically discharged from cooling towers as blowdown. Why is this necessary? a. to avoid unsafe water temperatures b. to prevent the formation of radioactive isotopes c. to reduce concentrations of dissolved solids d. to reduce formation of ice e. blowdown is an optional process, used to increase efficiency

c. to reduce concentrations of dissolved solids

What is the MPR for LEED boundaries campus approach?

campus approach -site area is the total campus (master site) for eligible credits a LEED seeking project can use the campus approach if it is -on a site with other buildings that use the same site amenities -as part of a package of buildings seeking LEED the site can be new or existing -the site can be new or existing

What are the LEED rating levels?

certified - 40% silver - 50% gold - 60% platinum - 80% (significant from gold)

Within the LEED rating system, what is a prerequisite vs. a credit?

credit category 1. prerequisites (add no points to you project but must be met to be eligible for certification) -intent(s) (environmental goal) -requirements (technical criteria) 2. credits (offer points to the LEED project to determine the certification level) -intent(s) -requirements +exemplary performance

What are the seven impact categories?

developed in LEED v4 1. reverse contribution to global climate change 2. enhanced individual human health and well-being 3. protect and restore water resources 4. protect, enhance and restore biodiversity and ecosystem services 5. promote sustainable and regenerative material resources cycles 6. enhance social equity, environmental justice and community quality of life 7. build a greener economy

What is the integrative process for a design build?

key stakeholders... 1. builder (general contractor, mea subcontractor, construction manager, product manufacturer, cost estimator) 2. design team (architect, structural, mechanical, electrical, civil, interior, landscape, daylighting and energy modeler) 3. client (owner, users, community, facilities o + m, planning, CxA) design phases... 1. PD - establish green goals and budget 2. SD - set green priority and budget 3. DD - refine green solution and cost CD - prevent value engineering that impacts green solutions 4. CD - prevent value engineering that impacts green solutions

What is the integrative process for a bid project?

key stakeholders... 1. design team (architect, structural, mechanical, electrical, civil, interior, landscape, daylighting and energy modeler) 2. client (owner, users, community, facilities o + m, planning, CxA) design phases... 1. PD - establish green goals and budget 2. SD - set green priority and budget 3. DD - refine green solution and cost CD - prevent value engineering that impacts green solutions 4. CD - prevent value engineering that impacts green solutions


landscaping that does not require routine irrigation

What is the MPR for LEED boundaries?

needs to include the project area and parking but needs to be accepted by the LEED reviewer and be consistent across all credits

Why build green?

our health and well-being -quality of life -access to nature -community resource management and climate change -fossil fuels (petroleum, gas, coal) -water scarcity -building materials management -soil erosion financial benefits -improved marketability -increased occupancy and rental rates -reduced operating costs (energy savings, water savings)

Rainwater Harvesting

the capture, diversion, and storage of rain for future beneficial us; typically, a rain barrel or cistern stores the water; other components include the catchment surface and conveyance system; the harvested rainwater can be used for irrigation

Walking Distance

the distance that a pedestrian must travel between origins and destinations without obstruction, in a safe and comfortable environment on a continuous network of sidewalks, all weather-surface footpaths, crosswalks, or equivalent pedestrian facilities; the walking distance must be drawn from an entrance that is accessible to all building users.

Preferred Parking

the parking spots closest to the main entrance of a building (exclusive of spaces designated for handicapped persons); for employee parking, it refers to the spots that are closest to the entrance used by employees

Heat Island Effect

the thermal absorption by hardscape, such as dark, non-reflective pavement and buildings, and its subsequent radiation to surrounding areas; other contributing factors may include vehicle exhaust, air-conditioners, and street equipment; tall buildings and narrow streets reduce airflow and exacerbate the effect

Development Footprint

the total land area of a project site covered by buildings, streets, parking areas, and other typically impermeable surfaces constructed as part of the project

Green Building Concepts

triple bottom line 1. profit (economics) 2. planet (environment) 3. people (equity) -each of these should get equal importance -john elkington coined this word in his book cannibals with forks in 1998

What is full-time equivalent (FTE)?

used for the following credit calculations... -bicycle storage and shower -green vehicles -parking capacity -water fixtures FTE exclusive to building staff 1 FTE = 8 hours per day X/Y FTE for part-time or overtime = # hours per day ÷ 8 FTE occupants = 1 FTE + X/Y FTE for part-time or overtime

Adapted Plants

vegetation that is not native to a particular region but that has characteristics that allow it to live in the area; adapted plants do not pose the same problems as invasive species

Light Pollution

waste light from building sites that produces glare, is directed upward to the sky, or is directed off the site; waste light does not increase nighttime safety, utility, or security and needlessly consumes energy

Nonpotable Water

water that does not meet drinking water standards

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