Lesson 1.4 - Facial Markings

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List the Acquired Facial Markings.

1. Nasolabial Sulcus 2. Transverse Frontal Sulci 3. Interciliary Sulci aka frowning sulci 4. Bucco-facial Sulcus 5. Superior Palpebral Sulcus 6. Inferior Palpebral Sulcus 7. Optic Facial Sulci aka Crows feet 8. Labial Sulci aka Smokers lines 9. Mandibular Sulcus 10. Platysmal Sulci 11. Cords of the neck

List the natural facial markings.

1. Philtrum 2. Nasolabial fold 3. Nasal Sulcus 4. Oblique Palpebral Sulcus 5. Angulus Oris Eminence 6. Angulus Oris Sulcus 7. Labiomental Sulcus 8. Submental Sulcus 9. Dimples 10. The greatly dipping furrows across the neck Platysmal sulci

Describe the Angulus Oris Eminence.

A groove at each end of the line of mouth closure.

Those developed throughout your lifetime, as a result of repetitious use of certain muscles.

Acquired facial markings

The small triangular depression in the anterior part of the angulus oris eminence.

Angulus Oris Sulcus

The small, convex prominence, lateral to the end of the line of lip closure of the mouth.

Angulus oris eminence

the groove found at each end of the line of closure of the mouth; a natural facial marking.

Angulus oris sulcus

The vertical slightly curved furrow in the soft tissue of the cheek

Bucco-facial Sulcus

The vertical furrow of the cheek.

Bucco-facial sulcus

The Philtrum lies between what two structures?

Column nasi and the medial lobe of the mucous membrane of the upper lip.

furrow of the upper eyelid found approximately 1/8" - 1/4" from the line of eye closure.

Common transverse sulcus

The prominent vertical folds found on the neck.

Cords of the neck

vertical prominences of the neck; an acquired facial marking.

Cords of the neck

Shallow depressions located on the cheek or chin; rounded or vertical.


An elongated prominence adjoining a surface.


The nasolabial fold lies between what 2 structures?

From the Superior part of the posterior margin of the wing of the nose and the side of the mouth.

A crevice in the skin accompanied by adjacent elevations.


Which transverse frontal sulci appear deeper than the others?

Furrows nearest the eyebrows.

An elongated depression in a relatively level plane or surface.


Which interciliary sulci are known to be the concentrating sulci? Which are known to be the frowning sulci?

Horizontal Interciliary sulci are known to be concentrating sulci and Vertical Interciliary sulci are known as frowning sulci.

Describe the forms the Angulus Oris Sulcus may take in the various stages of life. Include Youth (Infancy), Maturity and Old Age.

In Youth it takes an angular form. In maturity it becomes a crevice extending inferiorly and obliquely from the end of the line of mouth closure. In old age it can reverse direction and extend into upper integumentary lip.

The furrow of the lower (attached) border of the lower eyelid

Inferior palpebral sulcus

the furrow of the lower attached border of the inferior palpebra; an acquired facial marking.

Inferior palpebral sulcus

the vertical or transverse furrows between the eyebrows; acquired facial markings.

Interciliary sulci

the junction of the lower integumentary lip and the superior border of the chin, which may appear as a furrow; a natural facial marking.

Labiomental sulcus

Eyelid furrows which are short and broken, which run horizontally on the palpebrae themselves and may fan from both the medial and lateral corners of the eyes.

Linear sulci

Glenoid fossae; the small oval depression on the zygomatic process of the temporal bone into which the condyle of the mandible articulates, just anterior to the external auditory meatus.

Mandibular sulcus

Who has a greater prevalence of wrinkles, men or women? Why?

Men typically have more facial furrows than women since women tend to have more adipose (fat) then men.

The small angular area formed by the junction of the posterior margin of the nasal wing and the superior end of the Nasolabial fold.

Nasal sulcus

the angular area between the posterior margin of the wing of the nose and the nasolabial fold; a natural facial marking.

Nasal sulcus

The eminence of the cheek and adjacent to the mouth; extending from the superior part of the posterior margin of the wing of the nose to the side of the mouth.

Nasolabial fold

The furrow originating at the superior border of the wing of the nose and extending to the side of the mouth.

Nasolabial sulcus

Those that are present from birth; hereditary.

Natural facial markings

the shallow, curving groove below the medial corner of the eyelids; a natural facial marking.

Oblique palpebral sulcus

Crow's feet; the furrows radiating from the lateral corner of the eye.

Optic facial sulci

Those facial markings that radiate, laterally from the outer canthus of the eye, onto the side of the face

Optical facial sulci aka Crows Feet

The vertical groove located medially on the superior lip.


The vertical groove on the central plan of the upper integumentary lip


the transverse, dipping furrows of the neck; an acquired facial marking.

Platysmal sulci

What are the two forms of dimples?

Rounded or vertical

The junction of the base of the chin and the submandibular area, which may appear as a furrow.

Submental sulcus

Which palpebral sulcus is wider (Inferior Palpebral Sulcus or Superior Palpebral Sulcus)?

Superior Palpebral Sulcus

the furrow of the superior border of the upper eyelid; an acquired facial marking.

Superior palpebral sulcus

Describe the Labiomental Sulcus.

The junction of the lower lip and the chin, which may appear as a furrow

Define what is meant by natural facial markings.

Those markings which may be present at birth; hereditary

furrows which cross the forehead; acquired facial markings.

Transverse frontal sulci

What general shape does the philtrum resemble?

Triangle, Irregular Parenthesis (norm), Inverted Triangular and Parallel

fine linear tracings extending vertically on both upper and lower mucous membranes.

Vertical lines

Those facial markings which may develop with age are known as


Another name for Optic Facial Sulci.

crow's feet

Shallow depressions found in the soft tissue of the cheeks and/or chin


An elongated prominence of flesh which abuts convexly against an adjacent surface


Describe the Transverse Frontal Sulci.

furrows which cross the forehead; acquired facial markings.

An elongated depression in a surface plane is known as a(n)


The prominence of the anterior part of the cheek.

nasolabial fold

The furrow which may develop along the medial margin of nasolabial fold

nasolabial sulcus

The greatly dipping furrows across the neck

platysmal sulci

The furrow or groove which lies at the juncture of the base of the chin and the submandibular area.

submental sulcus

Another name for a wrinkle

sulcus aka furrow

Describe the Mandibular Sulcus.

the furrow beneath the jawline which rises vertically on the cheek. An acquired facial marking.

Describe the Superior Palpebral Sulcus

the furrow of the superior border of the upper eyelid; an acquired facial marking.

Describe the Oblique Palpebral Sulcus.

the shallow, curving groove below the medial corner of the eyelids; a natural facial marking.

Describe the interciliary sulci.

the vertical or transverse furrows between the eyebrows. Acquired facial markings.

Describe the Labial sulci.

vertical furrows of the lips extending from within the mucous membranes into the integumentary lip. An acquired facial marking. aka Smokers lines.

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