Lesson 4 - Tissue Types

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A fat cell


The three compnents of extracellular matrix

Ground substance Protein fibers Fluid

Increased permeability of blood vessels

Increased movement of white blood cells from the blood to the damaged tissue


Increases speed of delivery of white blood cells to damaged tissue

Adult stem cells

Labile [easily altered]

Communication within the body using electrical and chemical signals is the function of _____ tissue.


Within nervous tissue, a variety of cell types that, as a group, are called ____ cells that protect and assist the neurons


What are the conducting cells of nervous tissue?


In regards to the presence of blood vessels, epithelial tissue is ____.


A cell that produces bone is a(n)


A cell that breaks down bone


Endocrine gland cells


The most abundant type of adipose tissue is _____ adipose tissue.


The substance composed of mostly hyaluronic acid and proteoglycans occupying the spaces between cells and fibers within connective tissue is called ______ substance.


What is a chondroblast?

A cartilage cell that secretes matrix

What type of exocrine gland has the secretory cells form a dilated sac?


What are the functions of epithelial tissue?

Act as a barrier Secretion of substances

The type of connective tissue found beneath the skin, within the breast, on the surface of the heart, and also serves to insulate and pad several organs is ____ tissue


What type of connective tissue is the storage location for triglycerides?


Locations where simple squamous epithelium is found

Air sacs of the lungs Inner lining of heart and blood vessels Serous membrane of the viscera

What is the free surface layer of the epithelial layer called?


What type of loose connective tissue is found around blood vessels and nerves and under epithelium holding these structures in place?


What type of tissue is a loose connective tissue that exhibits loosely organized fibers of all types, abundant blood vessels and many cell types?


What part of a neuron sends outgoing signals to other cells?


What are the functions of areolar tissue?

Binding of epithelia to deeper tissues Provide an arena for immune defense Allow passage of nerves and bloose vessels through other tissues

Explain how inflammation protects the body

Blood vessel become more permeable and allow WBCs to move into damaged tissue more easily During inflammation, blood vessels dilate which increases the delivery of WBCs to the area Clotting that occurs helps to isolate injurious agents

An exocrine gland with multiple secretory regions emptying into a single unbranched duct is called a(n) _____ gland.


The muscle tissue that is composed of cells which are branched, striated, uninucleated, and under involuntary control


The three types of muscle tissue

Cardiac Smooth Skeletal

Type II collagen


Types of supportive connective tissue

Cartilage Bone

Events of the inflammatory response in order of occurrence

Chemical mediators are released Dilation of capillaries and increased capillary permeability Fluid and white blood cells leave the blood Swelling occurs and white blood cells phagocytize bacteria and debris

How do chondrocytes differ from chondroblasts?

Chondroblasts = cells that produce cartilage matrix Chondrocytes = once the cells are embedded in the matrix

A cartilage cell that has become enclosed in a lacuna in the cartilage matrix is called a(n)


List in the correct order the events that occur during the process of tissue repair called primary union.

Clot and scab formation Epithelial growth into wound Granulation tissue formation Scar formation

The fiber type of connective tissue that is strong, flexible, and resists stretching


The three protein fiber types in fibrous connective tissue

Collagenous fibers Reticular fibers Elastic fibers

Of the four classes of tissue, what classification of tissue is the most abundant, widely distributed, and hisologhically variable of the primary tissues?


Support and binding tissue together are examples of functions for ____ tissue.


What class of tissue is comprised of widely-spaced cells and abundant extracellular material?


Mucous membrane

Consists of a layer of epithelial cells, a basement membrane, and a lamina propria ALSO lines cavities and tracts that open to the outside of the body

Serous membrane

Consists of a mesothelium, a basement membrane, and loose connective tissue ALSO lines cavities that do not open to the exterior

Synovial membrane

Consists of only connective tissue ALSO lines freely moveable joints

What is the cellular shape called in which the height and width are about equal?


Locations where adipose tissue is found

Deep to the dermis of the skin Within breasts Within the orbits

What are the branched processes of a nueron called that receives action potentials?


Identify the types of connective tissue proper

Dense collagenous Adipose Reticular Areolar Dense elastic

Types of connective tissue proper

Dense elastic, reticular, adipose, areolar, and dense collagenous

The type of connective tissue containing bundles of only collagen fibers that run in random directions is called ____ ____ connective tissue.

Dense irregular

What are the functions of macrophages?

Destroy dead or dying self cells Activate the immune system when they encounter antigens Engulf foreign particles

Protein fibers that have the ability to return to its original shape after being stretched or compressed are _____ fibers.


Mesenchyme is known as what type of tissue?

Embryonic connective tissue

Because it forms covering and lining layers for body structures, _____ tissue has very little extracellular matrix.


Glands are primarily composed of what primary tissue type?


The number of cell layers and the shape of the superficial cells are two criteria used to classify ___ tissue.


The primary tissue type composed of a layer, or layers, of closely packed cells that cover organ surfaces, line structures, and form glands are _____ tissue.


What tissue type covers body surfaces, lines body cavities, forms the internal and external linings of many organs, and constitutes most gland tissue?


List the four primary tissue types

Epithelial Nervous Connective Muscular

What type of tissue lines the ducts of exocrine glands?

Epithelial tissue

The tissue type that forms the internal and external linings of many organs, and constitutes most gland tissue is called ____ tissue.


What type of gland secretes its products into another organ or onto the body surface by way of a duct?


Glands that release their secretions via ducts onto a body surface are ____ glands while glands that release their secretions into the blood are ____ glands.

Exocrine; endocrine

The noncellular substance around cells

Extracellular matrix


Form bone tissue


Form fibrous connective tissue

Simple columnar epithelium can be found lining which organs?

Gall bladder Uterus and uterine tubes Stomach Intestines

The embryonic layers that give rise to all of the body's mature tissues are called

Germ layers

Indicate location where simple cuboidal epithelium is found

Glands and kidney tubules

Within some types of simple epithelia are single cells that produce mucus. These cells are called _____ cells.


Vasodilation occurs during the inflammatory response. Identify the cardinal signs of inflammation that result due to vasodilation.

Heat and redness

Types of fluid connective tissue

Hemopoietic tissue Blood

The study of tissue is called


A long, unrbanched polysaccharide chain found in the ground substance that acts as a lubricating agent is called _____ _____.

Hyaluronic acid

The two molecules that form the majority of ground substance within connective tissue are

Hyaluronic acid Proteoglycans

A normal tissue response to injury that involves redness, swelling, heat, pain, and altered functioning of the affected area is called _____.



Isolates foreign particles and microorganisms from the rest of the body

Indicate functions of connective tissue in the body

Lends support Attachment of one tissue to another Transport of nutrients, gases, enzymes, and hormones [blood] Storage of high-energy molecules and minerals [adipose tissue]

Consider the arrangement of collagen fibers within these tissue: Areolar tissue is a type of ____ connective tissue whereas tendons and ligaments are comprised of ____ connective tissue.

Loose Dense

Under a microscope, you observe a tissue that consist of an open lacy network of relatively few protein fibers with widely scattered cells. What type of tissue would you be observing?

Loose connective

Areolar and adipose tissue are two examples of

Loose connective tissue

Cells of the connective tissue that are derived from monocytes and that phagocytize foreign or injured cells are called


Large phagocytic cells that wander through the connective tissue are called



Maintain bone tissue


Maintain fibrous connective tissue

Stratified epithelium

More than one layer of cells with only the deepest layer contacting the basement membrane

What type of tissue membrane is found lining cavities and canals that are open to the exterior of the body?


Three major types of tissue membranes

Mucous Synovial Serous

The viscous secretion produced by goblet cells is called


Wineglass-shaped goblet cells, found within some secretory epithelia, produce ___.


Of the four classes of tissues, the tissue that consists of elongated fibers that are specialized to contract in response to stimulation is _____ tissue.


The exertion of force on other tissues and organs is the function of the _____ tissue.


Which of the body cavities contain serous membranes?

Pericardial cavity Pleural cavity Peritoneal cavity




Primary cell of cartilage

The epithelial type that has tall columnar cells where all cells have contact with the basal surface and some reach the free surface and other shorter basal cells that do not reach the free surface and thus creates a false appearance of stratification is _____ columnar epithelium.


The type of epithelium, a single layer with both tall columnar cells reaching the apical surface and shorter basal cells, is called

Pseudostratified columnar epithelium

What is the function of serous fluid?

Reduce friction between serous membrane layers Protect internal organs from friction

The two processes that result in the repair of injured tissue

Regeneration and replacement

The collagenous fibers of dense ____ connective tissue are parallel and closely packed.


The type of connective tissue that helps to tightly bind bones together, resist stress, attach muscle to bone, and transfer muscular tension to bones is called dense ____ tissue.


What structures are lined by pseudostratified columnar epithelium?

Respiratory tract from the nasal cavity to the bronchi Auditory tubes


Retain ability to divide throughout life

What type of fibers form a spongelike framework for such organs as the spleen and lymph nodes?


List the three types of loose connective tissue

Reticular Areolar Adipose

Type III collagen

Reticular fibers

A membrane that lines an internal body cavity or covers the external surfaces of the viscera is called a(n) _____ membrane.


A watery, low-protein fluid that moistens serous membranes is ____ fluid.


What kind of membrane lines an internal body cavity or covers the external surfaces of the viscera?


Exocrine glands that have a single unbranched duct are classified as ____ exocrine glands.


The epithelium consisting of one layer of cells in which all cells rest directly on the basement membrane, but appear to be arranged in layer, is ____ epithlium


The type of epithelium that is best suited for allowing diffusion of substances, as would be found lining the air sacs of the lungs

Simple squamous

Simple Epithelium

Single layer Cells extend from basement membrane to free surface

Pseudostratified epithelium

Single layer of cells All cells attach to basement membrane but no cells reach the free surface

Which locations of the body are composed of nervous tissue?

Spinal cord Brain


Stop dividing when growth creases, but retain mitotic ability


Stores lipids

What epithelium type resists abrasion and prevents entrance of pathogens into underlying tissue?

Stratified squamous epithelium

Type I collagen

Tendons, ligaments, and bone

Collections of specialized cells and extra-cellular substances around them are known as a(n)


What is the classification of exocrine gland has a uniform diameter of the duct and secretory portion of the gland?


An exocrine gland that consists of an individual secretory cell is called a ______ gland.



Very limited ability to divide; when killed, replaced by different cell type

A specialized layer that serves to anchor an epithelium to the connective tissue below it is called the _____.

basement membrane

The basal surface of an epithelial cell faces the

basement membrane

Exocrine glands with a branched duct are classified as


The connective tissue cell type that produces collagen fibers and ground substance is called _______.


Mucus-secreting unicellular exocrine glands found in nonsecretory epithelium are examples of _____ cells.


An osteoblast becomes surrounds by its own matrix and entrapped in a lacuna creating a mature bone cell called a(n)


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