Lesson 43: 3/8 and 6/8 Time Signatures
What does 3-8 time mean?
In 3/8 Time, the three means that there are 3 beats per measure and the 8 means that the 8th note receives one beat
Describe the note values and rest values in 3/8 Time.
In 3/8 Time: Eighth Note/Eighth Rest = 1 beat Quarter note/quarter rest = 2 beats Dotted quarter note/whole rest = 3 beats
What does 6-8 time mean?
In 6/8 time, the 6 means there are 6 beats per measure and the 8 means the 8th note receives one beat
True or False: In 6/8 time, eighth note/rests, quarter note/rest, dotted quarter notes receive the same number of beats as in 3/8 time
True; In addition, dotted quarter rests equal 3 beats and dotted half notes or whole rests equal six beats