Lesson 9.1 - 9.2 Graphing Quadratic Equations

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1 root

How many roots / solutions does a quadratic equation have if the vertex is on the x-axis?

2 roots

How many roots / solutions does a quadratic equation that opens down with a vertex of (2, 4) have?

0 roots

How many roots / solutions does a quadratic equation that opens up with a vertex of (2, 4) have?


If a quadratic equation opens downward, is the vertex a maximum or minimum?


If a quadratic equation opens upward, is the vertex a maximum or minimum?

graph faces downwards

In the expression ax² + bx + c, what happens to the graph when the a value is negative?


In the expression ax² + bx + c, which value determines how the parabola opens?


Is the axis of symmetry the x-value of the vertex or the y-value of the vertex?


Is the vertex for the quadratic equation x² - 4x + 6 = 0 a max or a min?

x = -b/(2a)

The formula for the axis of symmetry is

Axis of Symmetry

The line that splits a quadratic equation at the point of symmetry is called


True or false: Every parabola crosses the x-axis.


True or false: The domain for all quadratic functions is always "all real numbers."


True or false: The roots of a quadratic function are the x-intercepts.


True or false: Where the graph crosses the y-axis is called the root.


True or false: a quadratic function can have 0, 1, or 2 roots.


True or false: a quadratic function's graph is called a parabola.


True or false: the vertex is on the axis of symmetry.

0 roots

What are the roots of the graph shown?

x = {-3, -1}

What are the roots of the graph shown?

x = {-3, 1}

What are the roots of the graph shown?

x = 2

What is the axis of symmetry for the quadratic equation x² - 4x + 6 = 0?

x = 0

What is the axis of symmetry for the quadratic equation y = x² + 2?

x = -1

What is the axis of symmetry in the graph shown?

x = -2

What is the axis of symmetry in the graph shown?

x = 0

What is the axis of symmetry in the graph shown?

domain: all reals; range: y ≤ -4

What is the domain and range in the graph shown?

domain: all reals; range: y ≥ -1

What is the domain and range in the graph shown?

domain: all reals; range: y ≥ -4

What is the domain and range in the graph shown?

domain: all reals; range: y ≥ 1

What is the domain and range in the graph shown?


What is the point at which the parabola begins to change direction?

(-1, -4)

What is the vertex in the graph shown?

(-2, -1)

What is the vertex in the graph shown?

(0, -4)

What is the vertex in the graph shown?

(0, 0)

What is the vertex in the graph shown?

Create an x / y table.

When graphing a quadratic equation, what is the step that follows finding the vertex?


Will the graph for the quadratic equation f(x) = -2x² + 8x - 3 open up or down?

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