Level 9 - "Texas Real Estate License Act" - Chapter 7 - "Subchapter F - Broker-Lawyer Committee"

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Texas Real Estate Broker-Lawyer Committee

A committee that creates and corrects contract forms to be used by Texas real estate license holders


TRUE OR FALSE - Both TAR and TREC have an Intermediary Relationship Notice form for agents to use

intermediary representation

representing both the seller and the buyer in the same transaction.

There are three entities responsible for appointments to the committee:

- The Texas Real Estate Commission appoints the 6 brokers to the committee. - The President of the Texas Bar Association appoints the 6 attorneys to the committee. - The governor appoints the 1 public member to the committee.

How long does the Broker-Lawyer Committee serve for?

- The committee serves a staggered 6 year term with - 2 commission appointees expiring every 2 years - 2 Texas State Bar appointees expiring every 2 years - The governor-appointed public member term expires every 6 year

How many members in The Broker-Lawyer Committee?

- consists of 13 members. - 6 members are brokers appointed by the Commission - 6 members are lawyers appointed by the President of the State Bar Association - 1 member is a member of the public appointed by the governor

How many lawyers are on the Broker-Lawyer Committee?


Who creates Promulgated Forms?

All promulgated forms are created by the Broker-Lawyer Committee

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