Level of Measurement

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(10)What is the highest degree that you have completed? less than high school high school diploma associate's degree bachelor's degree


(4) Dress size Level of measurement


(5) Medal stand Level of measurement


(6) Grades in research class (letter? percentage?) Level of measurement


1) How many hours do you spend on reading research textbook every week?A. 0 B. 1-5 hours C. 6-10 hours D. More than 10 hours Level of measurement?


8. A school social work is trying to teaching Social Emotional Learning to 3rd grader students. At the end of the class, she administered a questionnaire on Social Emotional Wellbeing to see whether the students learned the content. However, she found out that all the students had very low scores because they could not understand the questionnaire. The questionnaire requires higher level of vocabulary that the 3rd grader students have not learned yet. Then the measurement of Social Emotional Wellbeing suffer from a problem in validity or reliability?


7. A team of marriage therapists comes up with a questionnaire to be administered to married and cohabiting couples in order to assess their risk factors for domestic violence. Their answers are then compared with those of known abusive relationships. Are these researchers trying to establish validity or reliability? Which type are they using?

Validity, Criterion Validity.

5. Between 1979 and 1981, the San Antonio Heart Study collected data on ethnic differences in cardiovascular risk factors. The following items were used to measure subjects' knowledge related to prevention of heart attacks: Eat a low-cholesterol/low-fat diet; Do not smoke; Control high bloods pressure; Exercise. As the theory had suggested, all items correlated well with each other and could be used as indicators of general knowledge about preventing of heart disease. This means that the index possessed what?

Construct validity

3. Two members of a research team are designing a survey of people's fitness activities, but end up arguing over the formulation of one of the questions to be included. Researcher A feels that the item "Do you participate regularly in an exercise program?" is a good way to measure subjects' level of physical activity. Researcher B disagrees and points out that walking, running, or swimming on your own are also forms of physical activity, though typically they do not require enrollment in a structured program. Is researcher B worried about validity or reliability? Specify which type.

Content Validity

11. In a study of domestic violence, the researchers defined domestic violence as "physical violence, sexual violence, stalking, and psychological aggression (including coercive tactics) by a current or former intimate partner (i.e., spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, dating partner, or ongoing sexual partner)." In her questionnaire, he included 10 questions on physical abuse and 5 questions on psychological aggression. Most of her participants showed high scores on both dimensions. Do you think his measurement on domestic violence is reliable and valid? What problem does this study have?

Content validity

4. A recent study by Clark et al. (1997), raised questions about the accuracy of adolescents' self-reports of pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. After checking subjects' answers to questionnaire items against their clinical charts, the authors concluded that patients' histories of visits for STD's and pregnancies were often not substantiated by their medical records. Do these researchers have a problem with validity or reliability? Which specific type?

Criterion Validity

12. Dr B developed a measurement on stress. She included two other measurements in her questionnaire, one well established standardized scale on stress and one standardized scale on life satisfaction. Because in literature review, she found that stress could decrease life satisfaction. What is she trying to check here?

Criterion validity concurrent and predictive

2. A PhD student is trying to develop a new measurement on the acculturative stress of immigrants and refugees. She sent the draft questionnaire to her dissertation committee and social workers who provide services to immigrants and refugees. She is trying to seeking reliability or validity?

Face validity

(3) Social security numbers Level of measurement


(7) Plate numbers on cars Level of measurement


(2) How many hours do you spend on reading research textbook every week?Please specify the number of hours ( ) Level of measurement


(8) Travel time to school Level of measurement


(9) How many years of schooling have you completed? ( ) Level of measurement


10. In doing a study on bail hearings, a number of graduate students read the police reports of hundreds of crimes to identify any statements that may have included positive or negative comments about the accused. During a lunch break, one of the graduate students was reading the reports that had already been analyzed by another student. He said, "Gee, I would have analyzed these court cases differently. I found more negative comments than you found." Are they talking about validity or reliability? Which type?

Reliability interobserver

9. In long interviews with inmates, criminologists will sometimes ask the respondent the same question twice, using different wording so it sounds like a different question. Are they checking validity or reliability? Which type?

Reliability, inter-item/internal consistency

6. Imagine a study in which you investigate the instruments social workers use in order to diagnose their clients' condition and match them with the most appropriate treatment. However, you suspect, in particular, that answers to questions aimed at assessing a client's depressive state could be interpreted by one therapist as symptoms of mild depression, and by another as signs of a more serious condition. Would reliability or validity be most at question here? Which specific type?

Reliability, inter-rater reliabilty

1. Torgen et al. (1997), examined a self-administered questionnaire about past and present physical activities both at work and during subjects' free time. Forty-four respondents completed the questionnaire a first time, and then again after two weeks. By doing this, the researchers were able to measure, reliability or validity? Which specific technique did they use?

Reliability, test-retest

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