Lewis and Clark Expedition
What animalS were abundant in the Great Plains?
Elk, deer, bison, and beavers
What was the expedition's winter camp called? (1805-1806)
Fort Clatsop
Which rivers are associated with the Lewis and Clark Expedition?
Mississippi, Missouri, Clearwater, Snake, Columbia
Did Lewis and Clark find a continuos water way to the Pacific?
When was the Pacific Ocean first sighted?
November 7th, 1805
How long was the expedition?
About how many Native American tribes did Lewis and Clark meet?
What were Clark's jobs before the expedition?
He was a second lieutenant in the military and met Lewis there.
What were Lewis's jobs before the expedition?
He was captain in the military and served as Jefferson's private secretary.
How did Lewis and Clark get over the Continental Divide?
What did Lewis and Clark bring on the trip that was distributed to Native Americans?
Indian Peace Medals
What is Sacagawea's son's name?
Jean Baptiste
What was some of the good things that came out of the expedition?
Mapped the areas they traveled, developed Indian relationships, and tons of new species of plants and animals
Who led the Lewis and Clark Expedition?
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark
How did Sacagawea help Lewis and Clark?
She was a translator, guide, worked with Indian relations, and kept peace with the expedition and all the Indian tribes.
What is the Lewis and Clark Expedition also known as?
The Corps of Discovery
What was the purpose of the expedition?
To find the most direct and practicable water communication across the continent, for the purposes of commerce. ( a water route across the country for business or trade)
What is Sacagawea's husband's name?
Toussaint Charbonneau
When and where was Fort Mandan built?
Winter of 1804, North Dakota