Library 160 Final Exam

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Chapter 5 discusses ways you can control use / re-use of your own scholarly creations. Indicate whether the statements below are true or false. 1. you original works are automatically protected by copyright 2. you can choose the level of creative commons licensing you prefer 3. you can remix all other works that have creative commons licensing 4. you can hold copyright to your works for 17 years then they will be automatically public domain A. true B. false

1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B

Quick Search lets you refine or narrow your search results using links on the right side of the screen. Do a search on wind power. What are some criteria that can refine your search results in Quick Search? 1. by format type 2. by creation date 3. by popularity 4. by search-within-search A. true B. false

1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B

What are some strategies you can use to control the release or use of your personal information online? For each statement below, indicate whether it is a good strategy or not. 1. read user agreements and privacy policies before creating accounts 2. take advantage of options for minimizing advertisements in an app or service 3. use the same password for as many sites as possible so you dont forget it 4. encourage your friends to tag you in facebook photos A. good B. not good

1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B

You find a peer-reviewed article and a blog written by the same person who is an expert on the topic. Using what you've learned in Chapter 2, indicate which of the following statements are true or false: 1. Blogs should never be used for academic purposes 2. only the article is authoritative because its peer-reviewed 3. both the article and the blog are authoritative 4. if you need peer-reviewed material, only the article should be used A. False B. True

1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B

Indicate whether the statements below are true or false. 1. when you create an original work and put a creative commons attribution license on it, you are still the copyright holder 2. in order to be a copyright holder you must register with the US copyright office A. true B. false

1. A 2. B

What type of publication, scholarly or popular, do the descriptions on the left column represent? You need to answer ALL correctly to get full credit on this question. 1. written for specialists in a particular field 2. articles often not signed by athor 3. goes through peer-review process before being published 4. articles often include footnotes or a long list of references A. scholarly B. popular

1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B

According to Chapter 5, which of the following must you do when correctly paraphrasing? 1. cite the source 2. agree with the original author 3. use quote marks when you change the original authors words 4. use quote marks if you use some of the same words as the original author A. true B. false

1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A

Chapter 4 describes different ways to find journal articles. Indicate below which tool you would best use to find the information listed. Which tool would you use to find ... 1. articles in a wide range of subject areas 2. a comprehensive set of articles on your in-depth research topic 3. search features that are customized to your specific subject area 4. general search features and quick access to full text A. quick search B. article index

1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A

For the topics listed below, indicate which finding tool would be the best choice: Google or Google Scholar? 1. Articles discussing the "living history" museum movement to use as sources for a paper for an anthropology course 2. information on upcoming events at living history farms, an open-air museum located near Des Moines, iowa 3. new articles about medal winners in the 2014 winter olympics games 4. peer-reviewed articles giving economic predictions about future trends in the sports industry A. google scholar B. google

1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A

Indicate true / false for the following statements. Items in the public domain are.... 1. protected by federal copyright laws 2. available for free use by anyone 3. often US government documents 4. available for re-use without giving credit A. false B. true

1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A

Why is it important to cite other people's work in your research? 1. citing sources advances the scholarly conversation 2. your paper will look more important and its length will be increased 3. citing sources allows you to use them without seeking copyright permission 4. citing sources allows your readers to see where ideas you used originated A. true B. false

1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A

You've read in Chapter 5 that common knowledge does not have to be cited in your scholarly work. For each of the following examples, indicate whether it's common knowledge as defined in Chapter 5, or needs to be cited. 1. according to recent research, oceanic noise pollution damages marine life 2. lycopene is a red pigment found in tomatoes and many other red-colored fruits 3. stephen kind has reportedly sold more than 350 millions copies of his books 4. a recent study found seismic waves can be used to measure volcanic hot spots A. need to cite B. common knowledge

1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A

You're looking for information on developing effective presentation skills. Match the information sources listed below to the appropriate finding tool - WorldCat, Quick Search, or Google Books. 1. books, ebooks, journals, articles & other scholarly materials from ISU Library; all books available on your topic that you can check out. 2. materials in libraries nearest you; libraries nearest you that own copies of your textbook; books owned by any library that you can Interlibrary loan for free. 3. ebooks you can download or buy; scanned full-text or excerpted books to read online; free ebooks for your Android or iPhone. A. quicksearch B. worldcat C google books

1. A 2. B 3. C

There are many alternatives to cheating. Match the following issues with the appropriate campus services. Where could your roommate go for help... 1. learning time management skills 2. finding a style guide to cite sources correctly for a paper 3. when personal problems make it difficult to concentrate on cousework 4. learning strategies for taking tests A. academic success center B. library C. student counseling services

1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A

Using the Material Type drop-down menu in Quick Search's Advanced Search, which search strategy is the most efficient and effective to find the following: 1. Books on mahatma gandhi 2. a map featuring iowa rivers 3. anything and everything possible with search terms chance the rapper 4. a dvd of the chinese movies raise the red lantern A. books and more B. maps C. library databases D. audio visuals E. all items F. articles

1. A 2. B 3. E 4. D

As described in Chapter 1, match the three major finding tools to their STRENGTHS: 1. web search engines 2. library discovery tools 3. indexes 4. book and journal A. best choice for finding up-to-date information B. best choice for finding scholarly journal articles C. best choice for finding what a specific library owns D. not a finding tool, as defined in Chapter 1

1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D

Indicate whether the statements below about Google Scholar are TRUE or FALSE. 1. as an ISU student, you can access paywalled articles in library owns in your google scholar search results 2. google scholar equally cover all subject areas 3. you will need to login to google scholar to use it on campus 4. you can find a variety of scholarly materials with google scholar A. false B. true

1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is an important service offered by research libraries. For each of the following, indicate whether the statement about Interlibrary Loan is true or false: 1. ILL allows you to borrow items from other libraries for a fee 2. ILL is an example of libraries working together to keep costs down 3. The ILL service can be used by ISU undergrad students 4. ILL materials are open access for use worldwide A. True B. False

1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B

You are researching an election that took place in another country last week. Based on what you have learned about the flow of information, which of these types of information sources can you expect to find about this? 1. photos or films from the event 2. books describing the impact of the event 3. scholarly articles analyzing the event 4. news reports made about the event A. no B. yes

1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B

For the items below, indicate whether the description fits controlled vocab or natural language searches. 1. whole sentences can be used 2. uses pre-defined terms 3. uses everyday language 4. more likely to yield relevant results A. controlled vocabulary B. natural language

1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A

You need to find certain types of information for a class assignment. Where would you look for each of the different types of information listed below? 1. background information 2. statistical information 3. subject-focused information 4. news and general information A. government sources B. books and encyclopedias C. newspaper articles D. journal articles

1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C

For the statements on information "value" below, indicate which are true or false, as described in Chapter 2: 1. Free information has no value 2. only paywalled materials have value 3. value may be contextual depending on what you need 4. value can mean usefulness 5. All kinds of information can have value A. true B. false

1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. A

You need to find a comprehensive set of research articles on the topic of developing brand identity for food packaging for an assignment. You want to use a subject-focused index for this purpose but you're not sure which one. Enter the index below and click the "About" link to find out more specifically what this index covers. Design Applied Arts Index (DAAI) Then answer the following questions: 1. provides abstracts rather than full text for most articles 2. covers graphic design, advertising, and a wide range of arts 3. includes coverage of journals published from 1930 onwards 4. is updated weekly with 212,000 records added each month 5. would be a good choice for this topic A. false B. true

1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. A

Chapter 3 discusses searching by specific fields. Select the correct field search strategy to use in Quick Search's Advanced Search for finding items ... (Items may be chosen more than once) 1. written by glaser and reynolds 2. that include the words shakespeare and acting in the title 3. about the natural history of new zealand 4. written by the museum of modern art 5. written by goodall about chimpanzees A. subject b. author/creator C. title D. any field

1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. D

This chapter discusses the difference between open web material and paywalled resources. For each item below, indicate if it describes Open, Paywalled, or both types of resource. 1. the resource requires you to pay a subscription fee 2. the resource is a popular publication 3. the resource does not require you to pay or login A. open B. paywalled c. could be both

1. B 2. C 4. A

The top row of books is arranged in the correct order. Now, in which space (A,B,C,or D) would each of the books in the second row be shelved? 1 2 3 4

1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D

Match the items below to the correct description, as described in Chapter 4: 1. typically includes all issues from one year 2. published on an ongoing basis at regular intervals 3. a paper describing a research or scholarly topic 4. a set of articles published together at the same tie A. issue B. journal C. volume D. article

1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A

Now, match the three major finding tools to their WEAKNESSES, as described in Chapter 1: 1. web search engines 2. library discovery toold 3. indexes 4. books and journals A. may not include full-text B. not a finding tool, as defined in Chapter 1 C. misses most subscription- based scholarly resources D. hard to focus your search

1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B

Match the following descriptions to the appropriate items. You must get all answers correct to earn credit for this question: 1. someone elses words or ideas used without credit 2. law determines how authors works can be re-used 3. published works no longer protected by copyright 4. someone elses information explained in your own words A. paraphrase B. public domain C. plagaiarism D. copyright

1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A

Using the citation below, match the citation elements to the correct answers. You need to answer ALL elements correctly to get credit on this question. Easterlin, Richard A. (1961). The American baby boom in historical perspective. The American Economic Review, 51(5): 869-911. 1. easterlin, richard a 2. 1961 3. the american baby boom in historical perspective 4. the american economic review 5. 51 6. 5 7. 869-911 A. volume B. publication date C. page numbers D. article author E. journal title F. article title G. issue H. book title I. edition J. editor K. chapter title L. book author M. chapter author

1. D 2. B 3. F 4. E 5. A 6. G 7. C

It's important to know where to find a book in the Library. You heard about a book called 30-minute résumé makeover: rev up your résumé in half an hour. Search for that book now in Quick Search to answer the following questions: 1. what is the call number of this book 2. on which floor or tier is this book located A. TD956.P57 B58 B. Floor 2 C. H381 D38 2006 D. Floor 3 E. HF5383 K865 2008 F. Floor 4 G. Tier 4

1. E 2. D

It's also important to know what the elements of a citation represent. They often help you find the item, and are important for your bibliographies. For the citation listed below, match the citation elements to the correct answers. You need to answer ALL elements correctly to get credit on this question. Warren, Samantha. (2010). What's wrong with being positive? IN Linley, P. Alex; Harrington, Susan; Garcea, Nicola. (Eds.) Oxford handbook of positive psychology and work. (pp. 313-322). New York, NY, US: Oxford University Press. 1. warren, samantha 2. 2010 3. whats wrong with being positive 4. linley, p, alex; harrington, susan; garcia, nicola 5. oxford handbook of positive psychology and work 6. pp. 313-322 7. new york, ny, us 8. oxford university press A. editors B. place of publication C. book title D. publication year E. page numbers F. publisher G. chapter author H. chapter title

1. G 2. D 3. H 4. A 5. C 6. E 7. B 8. F

You've just read a wonderful book on the Jacobite uprising of 1745 in Scotland and you'd like to learn more. You're not sure whether uprising is the right word, or whether you should use rebellion. As discussed in Chapter 3, which example of a nested search would best fit your topic? A. (jacobite uprising OR jacobite rebellion) OR scotland B. (jacobite uprising OR 1745) AND scotland C. (jacobite uprising AND jacobite rebellion) AND scotland D. (scotland OR great britain) AND jacobite uprising E. (jacobite uprising OR jacobite rebellion) AND scotland

A. (jacobite uprising OR jacobite rebellion) OR scotland

Scenario: You need information about Albert Einstein's theory of relativity. You know a bit about his theories, but need background information. According to Chapter 1, which one of the following is your best option for finding background information? A. Books, encyclopedia articles, and authoritative websites B. Sources from governmental organizations and agencies C. Research journal articles D. Articles from newspapers and other news sources E. Popular publications such as magazines

A. Books, encyclopedia articles, and authoritative websites

You're working on a group project and need the book Understanding Immigration Law, by Kevin R. Johnson. Search for this book in WorldCat. Which is the nearest library to ISU that owns this book? (You may need to enter 50011 in the zip code box if you are accessing WorldCat from outside of Ames.) A. Drake University Law Library B. Ames Public Library C. ISU Library owns this D. University of Iowa Library E. University of Minnesota Library

A. Drake University Law Library

Scenario: You're discussing with a classmate a course assignment to write a research paper. Your classmate tells you her plan to re-use a paper she wrote for a different class last year. According to Chapter 5, what should your classmate know? (check all that apply) A. In some contexts this may be considered self-plagiarism B. This is okay if the class is not using plagiarism detection software C. In some contexts this material is considered common knowledge D. This is okay because you own the copyright of the original paper E. This is okay only if the instructor is aware and has given consent

A. In some contexts this may be considered self-plagiarism E. This is okay only if the instructor is aware and has given consent

You know that using style guides helps you prepare your footnotes and reference lists for your papers. According to Chapter 5, there are other good reasons to use a style guide. What is one of them? A. It makes it easy to communicate with peers in a particular subject area. B. So that those reading your paper can tell an article from a book. C. So that your professor will know which index you used. D. So you avoid committing copyright infringement and face criminal charges. E. It will make your paper look more scholarly.

A. It makes it easy to communicate with peers in a particular subject area.

You created a fan video on the Rolling Stones for your music appreciation class and got an A on the project. You've used photographs you found on the web along with one of their songs and cited them appropriately. Did you violate copyright law? A. No, the video was created for educational purposes and thus probably Fair Use B. Yes, because you did not acquire copyright permissions first C. Yes, this is a classic example of copyright infringement D. Yes, because the video was not licensed through the library E. No, because you did not make any money off of the video

A. No, the video was created for educational purposes and thus probably Fair Use

Other article indexes keep things simple on their front pages, but offer more options through an Advanced Search screen. Let's look at PsycINFO as an example. Which three choices below are offered on the Advanced Search page of PsycINFO? A. Search peer reviewed items only B. Search by methodology C. Search by language D. Search by publication length E. Search by tags

A. Search peer reviewed items only B. Search by methodology C. Search by language

Chapter 1 discusses primary and secondary sources. Why might you want to use secondary sources for a project or paper? A. Secondary sources may provide useful analyses of your topic B. Secondary sources are considered to be more authoritative than primary sources C. Secondary sources should be included only if you need to be comprehensive D. Secondary sources are one of your best choices for eyewitness perspectives E. It's a good idea to include sources with two authors in your paper

A. Secondary sources may provide useful analyses of your topic

Using the evaluation criteria in Chapter 2, go to this website and evaluate it: What are the credentials for the author(s) of the website? A. The author works at University of Minnesota's Anthropology Department. B. There is no author listed. C. The author has a PhD in Mesoamerican Civilization. D. The author works at Angelfire for Automatic Language Translator. E. An author is listed but not credentials.

A. The author works at University of Minnesota's Anthropology Department.

You're writing a paper on alternative fuel vehicles. You've gotten information for your paper from a book, an article, a website, and even a graphic from a website. Which of the following do you need to cite? A. The book, article, website, and graphic all need to be cited. B. All of these are common knowledge and don't need to be cited. C. The website, the book, and the article. D. The book and the article. E. The website graphic

A. The book, article, website, and graphic all need to be cited.

What is the main purpose of an index as discussed in Chapter 4? A. To help you find articles and sometimes book chapters on your subject. B. To help you quickly find books on a topic of interest. C. To list all the articles that have been published in one journal, organized by date. D. To serve as a finding tool that tells which journals a library has on subscription. E. To help you find where important words and topics are located within a book

A. To help you find articles and sometimes book chapters on your subject.

Google Scholar results often list older articles first. Which two of the following choices help you easily find recent articles in your results? A. Use the facets to select a year. B. Skip to a later page of search results. C. Sort results by date instead of relevance. D. Uncheck the "include citation" option.

A. Use the facets to select a year. C. Sort results by date instead of relevance.

According to Chapter 5, what is the definition of plagiarism? A. Using someone else's words or ideas without giving credit to that person. B. Sharing class notes or study questions with classmates for a group project. C. Copying more than five words of a quotation without citing it. D. Sharing old assignments, or allowing others to copy your work. E> Using unauthorized information when taking an exam.

A. Using someone else's words or ideas without giving credit to that person.

Now, click on the relevant subject heading that you identified in the previous question and analyze your search results. Which of the following best describes your new results: A. You focused your results to be on this exact subject B. You retrieved more books by this author on this topic C. You discovered the table of contents for this book D. You used Library of Congress call numbers to find the book E. You saved your search results to your Library account

A. You focused your results to be on this exact subject

You're using Quick Search to look for the film The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. An item in your search results indicates that "2 versions of this record exist." According to Chapter 3, which choice below best explains what this means? A. You have found 2 items of any format (book, video, etc) that have this same title B. There happen to be 2 different films in the Library with this exact title C. The Library owns 2 duplicate copies of the popular film with this title D. Librarians do not agree on the cataloging of this item, thus 2 different versions exist E. You have found 2 music CDs (music records) with this exact title

A. You have found 2 items of any format (book, video, etc) that have this same title

s you learned in Chapter 4, it's important to know what a citation represents because that often helps you find the item. What does the following citation represent? Stockburger, Axel. (2010) The Play of the Voice: The Role of the Voice in Contemporary Video and Computer Games. IN Neumark, Norie, Gibson, Ross, and van Leeuwen, Theo (Eds.). Voice: Vocal Aesthetics in Digital Arts and Media. (pp. 281-299). Cambridge, MA: MIT. A. a book chapter B. conference proceedings C. a journal article D. a book E. a journal

A. a book chapter

What type of online information source is shown here? A. a research article in an online journal B. an online journal with volumes & issues C. a scholarly ebook with online chapters D. a blog site showing past postings E> a newspaper site with news articles

A. a research article in an online journal

In the citation below, what does Difference Engines and Other Infernal Devices: History According to Steampunk represent? Steffen, H. (1999). Difference Engines and Other Infernal Devices: History According to Steampunk. Extrapolation: A Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy, 40(3): 244-54. A. article title B. journal title C. book title D. chapter title E. newspaper title

A. article title

This statement: "Geologists have just discovered signs from about 3900 years ago of a huge flood of China's Yellow River" needs to be cited. According to Chapter 5, why is this so? A. because it is a result of new research B. because academics believe it to be true C. because I did not know it before this week D. because there is a book available about it E. because it is an opinion

A. because it is a result of new research

Identify three common features of scholarly information, as described in Chapter 1: A. has gone through peer review B. published by important publisher C. qualifications of author included D. includes footnotes and references E. meant for current news purposes

A. has gone through peer review C. qualifications of author included D. includes footnotes and references

Chapter 1 discusses primary and secondary sources. Why might you want to use primary sources for a project or paper? A. it may be useful to document a historic event with perspectives from that time B. it's a good idea to include peer-reviewed material in scholarly projects C. primary sources are one of the best sources for statistics and data D. primary sources are considered to be more authoritative than secondary sources E. primary source means the most relevant materials you should use first

A. it may be useful to document a historic event with perspectives from that time

You look up the book The Treason Trials of Aaron Burr by Peter Charles Hoffer. Quick Search shows that the book is on Tier 2 with call number KF223 .B8 H64 2008. When you get to Tier 2, you see these signs on the bookcases: A. On Shelf 1 B. On Shelf 2 C. On Shelf 3 D. On Shelf 4 E. None of these - keep looking

A. on shelf 1

Chapter 1 discusses the difference between quick information searches and research. For each example below, match the description to the correct choice. A. Looking for current stock market prices B. Using a database to find historic crop records C. Reading the local newspaper for this week's weather D. Analyzing a chapter of a book on Historically Black Colleges Quick Information Seeking Researching

A. quick information seeking B. researching C. quick information seeking D. researching

Knowing when the event you're researching happened is important because it helps you ... A. to know how much information and what types of information may be available B. to find primary and secondary sources on your topic C. to come up with useful search terms for finding information on your topic D. from relying too much on using only websites for your assignments E. to understand that many research tools are organized by subject

A. to know how much information and what types of information may be available

You want to find books and articles about the symbolism used by American folk artists. Since this is a complex topic, you want to break it down into its main concepts to help identify keywords that could help you search, as described in Chapter 1. Which of the following are your three best choices for this topic: A. Books (or articles, journals, reports) B. American (or United States, U.S. regions, etc.) C. Artists (or painters, sculptors, printmakers, etc.) D. Symbolism (or metaphors, emblems, themes) E. Folk art (or traditional art, outsider art, etc.)

B. D. E.

What is the difference between Google and Google Scholar? A. There is no significant difference between Google and Google Scholar. B. Google searches different types of websites, but Google Scholar searches only scholarly materials. C. Google searches the whole web, while Google Scholar searches all the library's journal articles. D. Google Scholar only searches .edu websites. E. Google Scholar is for professors doing research and should not be used by students.

B. Google searches different types of websites, but Google Scholar searches only scholarly materials.

As described in Chapter 1, which ONE of the following best characterizes what is meant by "scholarly information"? A. Publications that are owned by more than one library B. Information content produced in and for academic settings C. Academic textbooks for college courses and scholars like you D. All materials owned by libraries are scholarly in essence E. Information that is neither primary nor secondary source material

B. Information content produced in and for academic settings

Academic Search Complete offers many Search Options on its front page as ways to focus your search results. Which three of the following options are offered on that page? A. Search for video clips only B. Limit to peer reviewed items only C. Limit results to full text items D. Limit by published date E. Search all ISU Library books

B. Limit to peer reviewed items only C. Limit results to full text items D. Limit by published date

Using what you know about Wikipedia contributors from this chapter, give two reasons why you might want to use an additional source. A. Wikipedia contributors are all from the US. B. Majority of Wikipedia contributors do not have advanced degrees. C. Wikipedia articles are not traditionally peer reviewed. D. Wikipedia contributors tend to be from the life sciences only.

B. Majority of Wikipedia contributors do not have advanced degrees. C. Wikipedia articles are not traditionally peer reviewed.

If you discover the Library does not own the book you need, which of the following is the best option for you to access the book? A. Check Document Delivery to see if another library will buy it for you B. Request the book through the Interlibrary Loan service C. You would need to change your topic to find something the Library owns D. Petition your professor to give you an alternate assignment E. Check with staff at Circulation to see if they can order it for the ISU Library

B. Request the book through the Interlibrary Loan service

During a class lecture, your professor mentions a book about business innovations and ethics by an author named Hanekamp. Which of the following Quick Search strategies is the most effective way to find this book, and why? A. Strategy 3 because it will match "Hanekamp" as the author. B. Strategy 1 because the search settings match what you know about the subject and author. C. Strategy 3 because it will find the exact phrase "business innovations and ethics" as a subject. D. Strategy 2 because you have expanded your search strategy by using three rows. E. Strategy 1 because using the Boolean AND will greatly expand your search results.

B. Strategy 1 because the search settings match what you know about the subject and author.

You are attempting to access an article. Which three choices below are reasons you might be prompted with the following screen? A. This is only available for individual subscription. B. The library does not own a copy of this article. C. This article is part of a subscription journal D. You are off-campus and not logged into your ISU account. E. This article is open access and requires you to pay a fee.

B. The library does not own a copy of this article. C. This article is part of a subscription journal D. You are off-campus and not logged into your ISU account.

Now you want to upload your Rolling Stones fan video to YouTube. Would you be violating copyright? A. Yes, because nothing on YouTube is considered Fair Use or for educational purposes B. Yes, because you didn't get copyright permissions plus the audience and purpose is no longer educational C. No, because the purpose was to teach others about how great the Rolling Stones are and that's Fair Use D. No, because you personally will not be making any money or other profits off of the video E. No, because you correctly cited where you found the images and sound files in the video description

B. Yes, because you didn't get copyright permissions plus the audience and purpose is no longer educational

What does the following citation represent? Barraclough, G. (1999). The Times history of the world. London: Times books. A. a journal article B. a book C. a journal D. conference proceedings E. a book chapter

B. a book

According to Chapter 2, which two examples of search topics below would be most likely to have useful results in Wikipedia? A. research journal articles on human computer interaction B. a timeline of events in the Black Lives Matter movement C. a broad overview of a topic to help you pick an aspect to focus on D. original research information on global marketing trends

B. a timeline of events in the Black Lives Matter movement C. a broad overview of a topic to help you pick an aspect to focus on

During class, your professor mentions an interesting article about text messaging in Hong Kong. From the Library homepage's list of Article Indexes and Databases, find the Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts index and search it using these terms: text messaging and Hong Kong to locate an article published in 2006. Subject terms are useful for finding similar articles on your topic. Which one of the following is a subject term used for this article? (Remember - if you are off-campus you may need to login to the index with your Library Password, as described in Chapter 1). A. chat acronyms and shortcuts B. computer mediated communication C. online communication studies D. instant messaging E. language abbreviations

B. computer mediated communication

From the items below, which three choices best describe reasons to consider privacy when you put information about yourself online? A. information on individuals is generally not easy to find on the web B. your information may be copied, shared, or resold without your consent C. this is nothing to worry about because everything is safe online D. your professors or future employers may see your party photos E. your information may reside in a place that you can't edit or control

B. your information may be copied, shared, or resold without your consent D. your professors or future employers may see your party photos E. your information may reside in a place that you can't edit or control

Which of the dates listed below is the best indicator of the currency of a web page's content? A. The copyright date listed for the web page. B. A date listed after "Page created on..." C. A date listed after "Last updated on..." D. The date given on a page that now has a broken link. E. The most recent date given in the page's author's credentials.

C. A date listed after "Last updated on..."

Chapter 1 discusses how to get started with research and the information-seeking process. According to the Chapter, which of the following is important to consider when getting started? A. Whether the material you need is in Parks Library B. Whether you can access the resource from off-campus C. How much information is available on the Web D. Which Library of Congress call numbers apply to your topic E. How much information do you need for your project

C. How much information is available on the Web

Use Quick Search to search for the DVD The water horse legend of the deep. Where is this DVD located? A. Storage Building B. General Collection & online C. Media Center D. Design Reading Room Stacks E. Reference Collection

C. Media Center

Use Quick Search to search for the book The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot. Click on the title of the book you just found to see the full display with more details. If you wanted to find more books that address ethical issues like the ones raised in this book, which link in the full display should you click? A. Cell culture B. Rebecca Skloot 1972- C. Medical ethics D. Table of Contents E. Human experimentation in medicine--Ethics

C. Medical ethics

Your roommate has finished writing a paper, and asks you to read it and provide comments. In the paper, your roommate has used some content from Discover Magazine Online. You ask to read the original source to verify whether your roommate has paraphrased properly, or committed plagiarism. Original source material: In recent years neuroscientists have begun to catalog some fascinating differences between average brains and the brains of great athletes. Good genes may account for some of the differences in ability, but even the most genetically well-endowed prodigy clearly needs practice—lots of it—to develop the brain of an athlete. As soon as someone starts to practice a new sport, his brain begins to change, and the changes continue for years. Scientists at the University of Regensburg in Germany documented the process by scanning people as they learned how to juggle. After a week, the jugglers were already developing extra gray matter in some brain areas. Their brains continued to change for months, the scientists found. Your roommate wrote: We have long known the many physical benefits of sport. Through research, brain scientists have recently proved that the brain function of great athletes differs from that of non-athletes. Scientists in Germany have proved that learning a sport benefits brain development. In other words, practicing a new sport actually encourages the brain to develop extra gray matter. So, it's not just good genetics that makes a great athlete but the brain being challenged to learn and respond to physical challenges. Even learning a "sport" as simple as juggling can help develop extra gray matter over time. This certainly demonstrates the profound benefits of practicing a sport. A. This is an example of plagiarism. B. Paraphrased correctly - changed the wording to be different from original. C. Paraphrased correctly - true to the source and appropriately reworded and cited. D. Paraphrased correctly - there's no need to cite the article since it's free online. E. Paraphrased incorrectly - what your roommate wrote inappropriately contradicts the original.

C. Paraphrased correctly - true to the source and appropriately reworded and cited.

Your roommate insists that a certain news site on the web cannot be trusted and everything it publishes must be dismissed. You are inclined to disagree but aren't sure. What are some effective steps you can take to verify the quality of the news site? (check all that apply) A. If you agree with the news site's perspectives, it doesn't need to be evaluated B. Ask on Facebook or Twitter what others think about the news site C. Search Media Bias/Fact Check for information on the news site D. Evaluate the news site yourself using the criteria from this chapter E. Use Google Scholar's Advanced search to look for books on news reporting

C. Search Media Bias/Fact Check for information on the news site D. Evaluate the news site yourself using the criteria from this chapter

Scenario: You and your roommate both need to find scholarly materials for a paper on the topic of government policy on environmental sustainability in Russia. You've been told to use a scholarly article index. Your roommate uses the following search terms: government policy on environmental sustainability in Russia but gets poor results, including some items that don't look relevant. According to Chapter 1, what would be the best next step to ensure that you both get more relevant results? A. Use Google instead since it has more scholarly articles on this topic B. Change your topic because there is obviously little written in this area C. Simplify your search terms to search only key concepts D. Look for open web resources because they will be free to access E. Add more words to your original search terms to get more results

C. Simplify your search terms to search only key concepts

According to Chapter 1, each of the three major finding tools has strengths and weaknesses. Which one of the finding tools discussed in the Chapter is described in the statement below? Best choice for finding up-to-date information, but misses most subscription-based scholarly resources. A. Article index B. Research libraries C. Web search engine D. Books and journals E. Library discovery tools

C. Wed search engine

You have examined a website in order to evaluate it and have found that many sections of the site ask the user to "get involved" and "advocate" about a controversial issue. According to Chapter 2, this suggests that the website has ... A. credible authors. B. accurate content. C. a biased point of view. D.current content. E. complete content

C. a biased point of view.

What does the following citation represent? Shores, C., S. Mondol and S.K. Wasser (2015). Comparison of DNA and hair-based approaches to dietary analysis of free-ranging wolves (Canis lupus). Conservation Genetics Resources, 7(4): 871-878. Accessed September 22, 2016, doi: 10.1007/s12686-015-0504-9. A. conference proceedings B. a book chapter C. a journal article D. a journal E. a book

C. a journal article

Which of the following are points that can demonstrate the accuracy of a website? A. whether the site is open or requires you to set up an account and login B. whether the site is written for beginners or experts with the topic C. whether the information it contains agrees with other sources D. the top-level domain (such as .edu, .com, .us...) of the website E. a statement of the purpose of the website is clearly stated

C. whether the information it contains agrees with other sources

According to Chapter 2, is a website with a top level domain of .edu automatically trustworthy, or does its content need to be evaluated? A. It doesn't need to be evaluated as long as it's hosted by a respectable educational institution. B. It always needs to be evaluated because some private colleges are for-profit institutions. C. It needs to be evaluated because you don't know if that college has a strong scholarly reputation. D. It needs to be evaluated because domain tells you where a site comes from but doesn't guarantee quality. E. It doesn't need to be evaluated because successful colleges and universities are trustworthy.

D. It needs to be evaluated because domain tells you where a site comes from but doesn't guarantee quality.

Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) affect your keyword search results. If you do a search in Quick Search for books using the search phrase graffiti AND Los Angeles, you'll retrieve about 10 records for books. If you re-do that search as graffiti OR Los Angeles, you will broaden your search results (retrieve more records). Why is this so? A.Booleans give you more control over your keyword search results. B. OR is useful when you need to search synonyms or variant forms of a word. C. Because using AND always narrows search results. D. OR will show results containing either one or all of the search terms. E. Using Booleans narrows your search results.

D. OR will show results containing either one or all of the search terms.

Why is peer review an important element of the scholarly conversation? A. Peer review is more affordable because it does not require an editor B. Peer review assists authors in the early planning of their articles C. Peer review allows journals to publish articles written by non-experts D. Peer review draws on the expertise of others to strengthen research E. Peer review speeds up the journal publication process

D. Peer review draws on the expertise of others to strengthen research

You are researching the history of Iowa just after becoming a state in 1846. One of the information sources you have found on this is a transcript of an 1846 speech given by an Iowa politician. Is this source primary or secondary, and why? A. Secondary because the source is based on earlier sources and analyzes the speech. B. Secondary because it is not a very important source. C. Primary because you want to use it as your main source of information. D. Primary because it was created immediately after the speech was given. E. Primary because a single person created the transcript

D. Primary because it was created immediately after the speech was given.

Using Advanced Search in Google Scholar would allow you to: A. Return results only from ISU Library. B. Find only peer reviewed articles. C. Search with controlled vocabulary set by Google. D. Search for an exact phrase. E. Search only case law.

D. Search for an exact phrase.

As described in Chapter 2, what is a potential benefit for researchers in using social media in addition to traditional scholarly publishing? A. It allows them to observe what their students are doing online. B. There really is no reason for them to use social media tools. C. They can get stress relief by socializing online. D. They may reach different audiences through social media. E. Social media is widely used by journal peer reviewers.

D. They may reach different audiences through social media.

What is the main purpose of subject headings? A. To access online resources in subject databases B. To organize library subjects by their formats C. To index scholarly articles by head authors D. To organize resources according to subject areas E. To access items that library does not own

D. To organize resources according to subject areas

To find if the Library owns the item listed below using Quick Search, what would you type in the search box, and what field search strategy would you choose in Advanced Search? Warren, Samantha. (2010). What's wrong with being positive? IN Linley, P. Alex; Harrington, Susan; Garcea, Nicola. Oxford handbook of positive psychology and work. (pp. 313-322). New York, NY, US: Oxford University Press. A. Type Samantha Warren and search "Author/creator" B. Type What's wrong with being positive and search "Any field" C. Type Oxford handbook of positive psychology and work and search "Title" D. Type Oxford handbook of positive psychology and work and search "Subject" E. Type What's wrong with being positive and search "Title"

D. Type Oxford handbook of positive psychology and work and search "Subject"

What does the following citation represent? Yang, W. (2012). Small talk: A strategic interaction in Chinese interpersonal business negotiations. Discourse & Communication 6(1): 101-124. A. conference proceedings B. a book chapter C. a book D. a journal article E. a journal

D. a journal article

What is the benefit of using a Creative Commons license? A. shows that your shared work is based on other people's work B. shows the creativity and originality that went into your project C. it indicates how to ask permission to use copyrighted works D. makes clear the conditions for reusing original work E. states what payment is expected when others use a copyrighted work

D. makes clear the conditions for reusing original work

You need to read a copy of 2003 edition of America's priceless heritage: cultural and fossil resources on public lands, but all copies are checked out from ISU Library. What are your choices in Google Books for this title? A. get the free mobile ebook since Google Books doesn't have scanned full-text for this title B. you need first to have an Android, iPhone, iPad, or Nook in order to read the ebook C. find it in other libraries & use ILL since Google Books doesn't have free full-text of the whole book D. read scanned full-text online or download the free mobile ebook it from since Google Books doesn't have it

D. read scanned full-text online or download the free mobile ebook

Now, let's use Academic Search Complete to get experience using a different index. Academic Search Complete is a multidisciplinary index that covers many different scholarly subject areas and helps you find peer-reviewed journal articles, popular magazine articles, newspaper articles, and so on. Let's say you want to find an article called The Hidden Past of Invisible Ink. On the Article Indexes & Databases page, find Academic Search Complete and click to enter and search that index. In the search box, type the name of the article listed above and click search. It's important to understand how to interpret journal article citations. What is the name of the journal in which this article was published? A. EBSCO Host B. Academic Search Complete C. History of Science Quarterly D. Invisible Inks E. American Scientist

E. American Scientist

What does the "peer" refer to in "peer reviewed article" as defined in Chapter 1? A. The article has been "liked" on social media. B. Your classmates agree you picked a good source to use for a project. C. The article is available through a peer-to-peer sharing network. D. Several authors who are peers of each other co-wrote the article. E. Experts in the same subject as the author critiqued the article.

E. Experts in the same subject as the author critiqued the article.

To find information on the effects of the French revolution on Europe's economy, which one of the choices below could best be used as search terms for finding information on the topic? A. Effects of revolution on Europe's economy B. French Revolution and development C. Revolution and development and economy D. French Revolution and Europe E. French Revolution and Europe and economy

E. French Revolution and Europe and economy

What is the main reason a sponsored link website gets placed at the top of search engine results? A. Popularity - these are the most visited websites. B. Relevance - search engines have algorithms to rank relevancy, so websites most relevant to your search get placed at the top. C. Good website design - the search engine sponsors them as innovative examples. D. Credibility - websites are ranked by the search engine, with the best at the top. E. Money - the search engine company is paid to place it at the top.

E. Money - the search engine company is paid to place it at the top.

You want to use Quick Search to find a peer-reviewed journal article your professor mentioned by someone named Kribs-Zaleta on the topic of mathematical concepts in literature. Enter the Advanced Search page of Quick Search, select Articles in the Material Type drop-down menu, and type in the search phrase mathematical concepts AND literature AND kribs-zaleta There is more than one record that says "Full text available" for this article. Choose one of them and click "Full text available" to see if you can find the full text. Which of the following describes your choices for full text: A. Only an abstract and image files are available B. Need to use the Interlibrary Loan to request full text C. There is no full text available D. Only the first page and thumbnail images are available E. Read online and download PDF

E. Read online and download PDF

Using the criteria in Chapter 2, click on the link and evaluate the following website: What is the main purpose of the website? A. To educate the public about chile peppers, including growing and cooking with them. B. To provide statistics about commercial use of chile peppers worldwide. C. To promote New Mexico tourism related to growing and eating chile peppers. D. To sell chile pepper seeds to farmers and gardeners. E. To provide professors with grant funding information for agricultural research on chile peppers

E. To provide professors with grant funding information for agricultural research on chile peppers

As an information finding tool, Quick Search is the best tool for finding: A. quick and easy facts on your research topic B. US federal and state government websites C. open access online resources D. Interlibrary Loan materials E. books and more that the ISU Library owns

E. books and more that the ISU Library owns

Truncation is a keyword search technique that helps you find useful variations of a term or terms. You want to find books on the topic of gravity and gravitational collapse. Where should you best truncate in this example? A. gra* and collapse B. gravita* and collapse C. gravity* and collapse D. grav* and collapse E. gravit* and collapse

E. gravit* and collapse

It's important to know whether you've paraphrased and cited source material for your paper correctly so you avoid plagiarism. Read the original quote below and the two attempts to paraphrase it. For each attempt, indicate if it is correctly paraphrased or not. Original source material: Once esoteric spiritual practices such as Zen meditation, yoga or tai chi have become so commonplace in the West that even local schools and community centers offer a selection of courses. Huichol yarn paintings, shamanic art and the global marketplace. Hope Maclean. Studies in Religion 32/3 (2003):311-335. Attempt A: In the U.S. it is no longer unusual to find a wide selection of local courses on spiritual practices like yoga or tai chi, or Zen-style meditation. Source: Huichol yarn paintings, shamanic art and the global marketplace. Hope Maclean. Studies in Religion 32/3 (2003):311-335. Attempt B: Communications and travel have resulted in global diffusion of cultural beliefs and practices. As one author points out, it's easy to find classes on "Zen meditation, yoga or tai chi" (1) throughout the US. Huichol yarn paintings, shamanic art and the global marketplace. Hope Maclean. Studies in Religion 32/3 (2003):311-335. plagiarism correctly paraphrased

attempt A- plagiarism attempt B- paraphrased

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