Life Span Chapter 5

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Abilities that require more precise, small movements, such as picking up a coin, are called _______ _____skils. By _____months of age, most babies can reach for, grabb, and hold onto almost any object the right size.

fine motor ; 6

Most doctors recomment exclusive breastfeeding for the first __________(how many?) months

four to six

To promote optimal nutrition for her new baby, Emma's pediatrician recommends exclusive breat-feeding for the first _________(how many months?)

four to six month...

Taste, smell, and touch ____________(function/do not function) at birth. The ability to be comforted by the human _____________is a skilled tested in the _______. Neonatal behavioral Assessment Scalle

function;touch; brazelton...

8. transient exuberance

g. the phenomenal increase in neural connections over the first two years.

The infant's ealry sensory ability seem organized for two goals: _____________ ____________ and ______________

social interaction; comfort

The process by which the visual auditory, and other sensory systems detect stimuli is called _____; _________occurs when the brain tries to make sense out of a stimulus so that the individual becomes aware of it.. At birth, only _______ is apparent; __________requires experience. In the process called _________, a person thinks about and itnerprets what he or she has perceived. This process _____(can/can not) occur without sensation.

sensation; preception; sensation; perception; cognition; can

Although the ________ in which motor infants, the ___of acquisition of skills varies greatly.

sequence; age

A life-threatening condtion that occurs when an infant is held by the shoulders and quickly shaken back and forth is _________ ______ ___. Crying stops because of ruptured ________ _______in the brain and broken _____________connections.

shaken baby syndrome,; blood vessels; neural

Experience and increasing maturation of the visual cortex accounts for improvement since the visual abilities, such as the infant's ability to see _______and then notice ____. By 2 months, they look more intently at a human _______. The ability to use both eyes in coordinated manner to focus on one object, which is called _________ _______, that develops at about _____of age.

shapes; details; faces; binocular vision;14 wks

Throughout childhood, regular and ample ___________correlates with _________ maturation, _____________, ___________- regulation, ____________ success, and _____________adjustment.

sleep; brain;learning; emotional;academic;psychological

Each neuron has many _______but only a single _____________.

dendrites; axon

5. Explain the brain's cortex.

1) The cortex houses about 70% of he brain's neurons. 2). The cortex is the brain's outer layer 3) The cortex is the location of most thinking, feeling and sensing.

15. Chronically malnourished children suffer in which of the following ways? See answer

1) They have no body reserves to protect them. 2.) Their brains may not develop normally 3) They may die from marasmus

13. The motor-skill development in healthy infants

1) it ollows the same basic sequence the world over, 2) It occurs at different rates from individual to individual 3. It follows norms that vary from one ethnic group to another

14. In determining a early child's growth, a pediatrician focuses on

1).the child's past growth 2) the growth of others from same age. 3) growth changes fro earlieer rankings.

2 yr ole Rafae weighs 28 poiund and is 34 inches tall. He is considered average because his height and weight are in the ______percentitle for 2 yrs old

50th The 50th percentile is the midpoint in the ranking from 0 to 100, which means Rafael is exactly average.

Brain Development: At birth, the brain has attained about _____ percent of its adult weight. In comparison, body weight at age 2 , the brain is about ______% of its adult weight. In comparison, body wt at age 2 is about ______% of what it will be in an adulthood.

25; 75;20

By age 2, the typical child weighs about ___ and measures ____. The typical 2 yr old is almost ____percent of his or her adult weight and ____percent of his or her adult height.

28 pounds *13 kilograms); 34 inches (86 centimeters) 20; 50

Most infants are able to crawl on all fours (sometimes called creeping) between ___and ___months of age. # factors in the development of walking are ______, _________ ,___________ and__________________ ___________________. List the major hallmarks in children's master of walking.

8:10; muscle strength; practice; brain maturation within the motor cortex Some children can walk while holding a hand at 9 months, can stand alone momentarily at 10 months and can walk well, unassisted at 12 months.


A perdcentile is any point on a raning scale of 0 to 100; percentils are often used to compare a child's development to group norms and to his or her own prior development. ...

T/F Infants of all ethnic backgrounds develop the same motor skills at approximately the same age.

F Although all healthy infants develop the same motor skills in the same sequence, the age at which these skill are acquired can vary greatly from infant to infant. ...

T/FThe prefrontal cortex is one of the first brain areas to mature.

F In fact, the prefrontal cortex is prbably the last area of the brain to attain maturity. ...

T/FToday, most infants in industrialized nations are breast-fe up to 6 months.

F Only 36% of all babies are breast-fe up to 6 months.

T/Fvison is better developed than hearing in most new orns.

F Vison is relatively poorly developed at birth, whereas hearing is well developed....

7. Which sleep stage increases markedly at about 3 or 4 months


Before she became pregnant, Nell had a bout of the measles. After the baby was born, her peidatrician recommended breast -feeding because _______________ __________________-

Having had measles, Nell has developed an immunity to the disease. With breast milk, she will pass the resulting antibodies onto her new-born. ...

REM sleep

REM sleep or rapid eye movement sleep, is a stage of sleep characterized by flickering eyes behind closed eyelids, dreaming, and rapid brain waves....

7. For a pediatrician, the most important factor in assessing a chiild's healthy growth is

d.the percentile rank of a child's height or weight

T/F. Imaging studiens have identified a specific are of the brain that specializes in the recognizing facs.


T/FCertain basic sensory experiences seem necessary to ensure full brain development inthe human infant.


T/FDendrite growth is the major reason that the brainweight increases so dramatically inthe first 2 yrs.


T/FThe only motor skills apparent at birthh ar relexes.


T/FThe practice of co-sleeping is increasingly common among Western parents.


T/FThe typical 2 yr old is almost one-fith its adult weight and one-half of its adult height.


Like all new borns, Serena is able to

a. differentiate one sound from another Objects more than 30 inches away are out of focus for newborns. the ability to recognize objects by taste or touch does not emerge until about one month of age. 14 wks - it changes.

8. An advantage of breast milk over formula is that it

a. is always sterile and at body temperature -b. contains traces of medications ingested by the mother: if anything, this is a potential disadvantage of breast milk over formula -c. can be given without involving the father:so can formula -d. contains more protein and Vit D than does formula: Breast milk contains more iron, certain vitamins, and other nutrients than cow' milk; it does not contain more protein and vit -D,however.

2. Compared with growth during the first year, growth during the second year

a. proceeds at a slower rate.

4. marasmus

a. protein deficiency during the first year in which growth stops and body tissues waste away.

Sharetta's pediatrician informs her parents that Sharetta's 1 yr old brain is exhibiting transient exuberance. In response to this new, Sharetta's parents

a. smile, because they know their daughter's brain is developing new neural connections. Transient exuberance results in a proiferation of neural connections during infancy, some of which will disappear because they are not used; that is, they are not needed to process information.

5. Head-sparing is the phenomenon in which

a. the brain continues to grow even though the body stops growing is a result of malnutrition

13. (A View from Science) Compared with the bains of laboratory rats were raised in barren cages theory of rates raised in stimulating,toy filled cages.

a. were better developed and had more dendrites.

PT 2. 1. Dendrite is to axon as neural _____________is to nerual _________-

a.input; output

3. Regarding the debate over the potential benefits and dangers of immunization, most developmentalists agree that

a.the benetfits have consistently been shown to out weigh the risks.

3 week old Nathan should have the least difficulty focusing on the sight of

b .his mother's face as she holds him in her arms. This is true because, at birth, focusing is best for objects between 4 and 30 inches away. .

PT1: 1. Stunting refers to the tendency of children who are

b. chronically malnourished to be shorter than average for their age. Stunting is caused by underfeeding, not over feeding - as well as milk allergies (from personal exposure)

15. Infant sensory and perceptual abilities appear to be especially organized for

b. comfort and social interaction..

Applications: Sensation is to perception as __________ is to ___________.

b. detecting a stimulus; making sense of a stimulus Answers to a & d are incorrect becuase sensation and perception operate in all of these sensory modualities - seen at birth and cognitive once able to process what had occurred using inductive reasoning.

8. Brain functions that depend on babies having things to see and hear, and people to feed and carry them , are called.

b. experience -expectant a. experience-dependent functions depend on particular, variable experiences in order to develop. c. Pruning functions refers to the process by which some neurons wither because experience does not activate them... d. Transient exuberance refers to the great increase in the number of neurons, dendrites, and synapses that occurs in an infant's brain over the first two years of life..

6. During the first weeks of life, babies seem to focus reasonably well on

b. objects at a distance of 4 to 30 inches. -a. little in their environment :although focusing ability seems to be limited objects in this range. -c. objects at a distance of 1 to 3 inches: This is not within the range at which babies can focus. -d. objects several feet away: Babies have very poor distance vision....

3.The major motor skill most likely to be masted by an infant by 4 months is

b. sitting with head steady. a. Sitting without support:age for this skill is 6 to 7 months c. Turning the head in search of a nipple is a reflex,not an acquired motor skill d. grabbing a small object within arm's reach is a skill that is acquired between 6 + 9 months...

9. Compared with formula-fed infants, breast -fed infants tend to have

b.fewer allergies and stomach upsets. This is because breast mil is more digestible than cow's milk or formula a,c,&d. Breast and bottle fed babies do not differ in these attributes - suchas: greater wt gain, less frequent feedings during the first few months and more social approval.

6. fine motor skill

b.picking up an object

10. Marasmus and kwashiorkor are caused by

b.protein-calorie deficiency.

Chronically malnourished infants suffer in 3 ways; Their _________may not develop normally, they may have no ______ ____to protect them against disease, and they may develop the diseases _________ or _________.

brains; body reserves; marasmus; kwashiorkor

The ideal infant food is ________ _______-, beginning with the thick, high-calorie fluid called ______. The only situations in which formula may be healthier for the infant than breast milk are when ____________ ___________-.State several advantage of breast milk over cow's milk for the developing infant.

breast milk; colostrum; the mother is HIV-positive or using toxic or addictive drugs Breast milk is always sterile and at body temperature; it contains more iron, vitamins, and other nutrients; it contains antibodies that provide the infant some protection against disease; and it is more digestible than any formula.

Concluding her presentation on sleep, Lakshmi notes

c The dreaming brain is characterized by rapid brain waves.

12. Over the first two years, the brain increases to about what percentage of the adult weight?

c. 75

7. protein-calorie malnutrition

c. The most common serious nutrition problem of infancy (marasmus)

4. Norms suggest that the earliest walkers in the world are infants from

c. Uganda

14. Most of the nerve cells a human brain will ever need are present

c. at birth

9. Synapses are

c. intersections between the axon of one neuron -a. nerve fibers that receive electrochemical impulses from other neurons.: These are dendrites... -b.nerve fibers that transmit electrochemical impulses to other neurons. These are axons -d. chmical signals hat transmit information from one neuron to another. Theses are neurotransmitters

10. Transient exuberance and pruning demonstrate that

c. the pace of acquisiton of motor skills varies markedly from child to child

6. Dreaming is characteristic of

c.REM sleep

4. The ability to use both eyes to focus on an object is called

c.binocular vision

2. Wasting refers to the tendency of children who are

c.chronically malnourished to be underweight for their age. -a.Wasting is caused by underfeeding, not over feeding -b.chronically malnourished to be shorter than average for their age.: this describes stunting...

11.The brain's communication system consists primarily of nerve cells called

c.synapses a&b. These motors (dendrites and axons) still do not emerge until somewhat later; reflexes are quite predictable.

During the first months of life, brain development is most noticeable in the __________.


The Farbers, who are first time parents, are wondering whether they should be concerned because their 12 m old daughter, who weighs 22 pounds and measures 30 inches, is not growing quite as fast as she did during her first 11 months. You should tell them

d Although slowdowns in growth during infancy are often a cause for concern, their daughter's wt and height are typical of 1yr old babies.

Tryng to impress his professor, Erik explains that we know humans have a critical period for learning certain skills because the brain cannot form new synapses after age 13. Should the professor be impressed with Erik's knowledge of biosocial development?

d. No. synapses form throughout life. Although synpases do form more rapidly in infancy than at any other time, they do not stop forming after infancy.

12.Which of the following is said to have had the greatest impace on human mortality reduction and population growth?

d. childhood immunization

3 .kwashiorkor

d. protein deficiency during toddlerhood. Swelling of face . ..

11. Jumping is to using a crayon as ________is to _______.

d. reflex is to gross motor skill -a. Axons are nerve fiber extensions that send impulses from one neuron t the dendrites of other neurons. -b. Dendrites are nerve fiber extensions tha treceive impulses from other neurons. -c. Synapses are the points at which the axon of one neuron meets the dendrites of other neurons.

(Thinking Critically) In most Western cultures, children ________________(do/do not) sleep with their parents. In contrast, parents in __________-, ____________- and ___________traditionally practice _________with their infants. This practice ________________(does/does not) seem to be harmful unless the adult is ____________.

do not;Africa; Latin-America:Asia:co-sleeping;does not; drugged or drunk

Globally, today most children ___(do/do not ) live to adulthood. A key factor in reducting the childhood death rate was the development of ______ a process that stimulates the body's _____system to defend against contagious diseases. This process has met with stunning successs in eradication or reducing diseases such as ___________, ______________, _____________,and _____________. Other reasons for a decrease in infant mortality are ___________________.

do:immunization;imune; smallpox,polio; measles; rotavirus; advances in prenatal and newborn care, better nutrition and access to clean water...

2. dendrites

e. communication networks among nerve cells

Motor skill norms vary from one __________group to another.


Brain functions that require basic common experiences in order to develop normally are called _________- ________brain functions; those that depend on particular, variable experiences in order to develop are called ____ -________brain functions. Between 6 and 24 months the ___________areas of the brain develop most rapidly. The last part of the brain to mature is the _____- _________ which is the area for _________- _______and __________, ____________.

experience-expectant; experience -dependent; language; prefrontal cortex; anticipation;planning impulse control.

5. gross motor skill

f.. walking or running

(text and A View from Science) Neuroscientists once believed that brains were entirely formed by____________ and ____________-_________; today, most believe in _________, which is the concept that personality, intellect, habits and emotions change throughout life for _________(one/a combination of reasons.) Specific times when a particular kind of development are primed to occur are called _________ _________. Marion Diamond, William Greenough, an colleagues discovered that the brains of rates who were raised in stimulating environments were better developed, with more ________, than the brains of rats raised in barren environments.. Orphaned Romanian chidren who were isolated and deprived of stimulation showed signs of _______damage. Place in healthier environments, these children ____________(improved/ did not improve); years later, perisistent deficits in some of these children ________(were/were not ) found.

genes; prenatal influences; plasticity; a combination of ; sensitive periods; dendrites; emotional; improved; were

30. Large movements such as walking and running are called ____________ _________skills

gross motor.

Matching Items: 1.neurons

h. nerve cells

When nutrition is temporarily inadequate, the body stops growing but the brain does not. This is called _________________ -___________________.


9. prefrontal cortex

i. the brain area that specializes in anticipation, planning, and impuse control

From birth until age 2, the density of dendrites in the cortex _______________(increases/decreses ) by a factor of ___. The phenomenal increases in neural connections over the first two years has been called ______________ ____________. Following this growth process, some neurons wither in the process called _______because ____________ does not activate those brain areas. The importance of early experience is seen in the brain's production of stress hormones such as _________.

increases; 5; transient exuberance; pruning;experience;cortisol


is a biologicalmechanism in which the brain continues t grow even though the body stops growing in a malnourished child....

Genersally speaking, newborns hearing _____(is/is not) very acute at birth. Newborns ________(can/cannot) perceive difference in voices, rhythms, and cadences long before they achieve compreehension of ___________. Infants also become acustomed to the rues of their ______________.

is; can ; meaning; language...

Motor skills acquisition in identical twins ________(is/is not) more similar than infraternal twins, suggesting that genes ____(do/do not) play an important role. Another influential factor is the ________ of infant care.

is; do; cultural pattern

10. self-righting

j.the inborn drive to correct a developmental deficit (brain stem)

Severe protein-calorie deficiency in early infancy causes _____. If malnutrition begins after age 1, protein-calorie deficiency is more likely to cause the disease called ______________, which involves swelling or bloating of the face, legs, and abdomen.

marasmus; kwashiorkor...

The most visible and dramatic advance of infancy involve _____________- ______________

motor skills

The brain's communication system consists primarily of nerve cells called _____________-, which are connected by intricated networks of nerve fibers, called __________and __________. Some nerve cells are in the area the controls automatic responses, called the _________ _________ . About ____ percent of these cells in the brain's outer layer called the _________. This area is the sight of __________-, ____________ and ___________.

neurons;axons;dendrites: brain stem;70;cortex;thinking, feeling and sensation

I am a chemical that carries information between nerve cells in the brain . What am I


To compare a child's growth to that of other children, we determine a _____________, a point on a ranking scale of _____________(what number?) to ____________-(what number?).

percentile; zero; 100

The serious nutritional problems in which a person does not consume sufficient food is _______ -__________ ______. Chronic malnutrition of this type causes children to be short for their age (called ______) in about _____________(what proportion?) of the world's chidren. Malnutrition also causes ______, in which children are severly underweight for their age.

protein-calorie malnutrition; stunting; one-third;wasting...

An important implication of brain development for caregivers is that early brain growth is _______ and reflects _______. Another is that each part of the brain has its own ______ for _______, _______and _______. The inborn drive to remedy any deficit that many occur in development is called _________.

rapid;experience; sequence; growth; connecting;pruning; self- righting

Over the first months of life, the relative amount of time spent in the different ______________ of sleep changes. The stage of sleep characterized by flickering eyes behind close lids and ______________ is called _____- ________. During this stage of sleep, brain waves are fairly _____________(slow/rapid). This stage of sleep _______________( increases/decreases) over the first months, as does the dozing stage called ____________ _______. Quiet sleep, also called __________-_________sleep, increases markedly at about ___or___ months of age.

stages; dreaming; REM sleep;rapid;decreases: transitional sleep; slow-wave;3 or 4

Neurons communicate with one another at iter sections called _________. After traveling down the length of the ________, electrical impulses excite chemicals called ____________ that carry informaiton across _________ ____________to the ________ a "receiving" neuron, which is speeded up; by the process called ___________. Most of the nerve cells __________(are/are not) present a birth, where as there are __________-(as many/far fewer) fiber networks.

synapses, axon, neurotransmitters, synaptic gap: dendrite; myelination; are ; far fewer

Surviving in Good Health: Without public health practices, the number of children who die would be __________(how much?) the number who did die between 1950 and 2010. One method, __________ _________ _______(giving restorative liquids to children who are sick and have diarrhea), save 3 million children a year.

twice; oral rehydration therapy

The least mature of the senses at bith is ____________ . Newborn's visual focusing is best for objects between ____ and ___ inches away.

vision; 4 ; 30...

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