Life Span Development 1

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The average North American newborn is _____ inches long and weighs _____ pounds.

20; 7 1/2

All cells in the human body, except the sperm and egg, have:

23 paired chromosomes

Nathan has just turned 2 years old. Developmental psychologists believe Nathan's brain is _____ percent of its adult weight.


The average life expectancy of individuals born today in the United States is _____ years for women and _____ for men.

80.4; 75.4

On average, the fetal period of prenatal development lasts for _____ months.


To be labeled small for date, an infant must weigh less than _____ percent of all babies of the same gestational age.


Jean Piaget

Children actively construct their understanding of the world in four stages

Lev Vygotsky

Children's social interaction with more skilled adults and peers is indispensable to their cognitive development

Which of the following processes involves changes in an individual's intelligence and language?


Which of the following statements is true with regards to correlational research?

Correlation does not equal causation.

Which of the following statements regarding sleep during childhood is NOT true?

Emotional-security in parent-child relationship in the 3rd grade predict fewer sleep problems in the 5th grade.

Robert Siegler

Emphasized that an important aspect of development is learning good strategies for processing information

Which of the following biological theories of aging states that people age because their cells' normal metabolism produce unstable oxygen molecules?

Free-radical theory

Erik Erikson

Humans develop in psychosocial stages

Which of the following statements about centenarians is NOT true?

Japan has the most centenarians

Which of the following stages, according to Freud, is when a child represses sexual interest and develops social and intellectual skills?

Latency stage

The "elementary school years" refer to which period of development?

Middle and late childhood

The evolutionary process that favors individuals of a species that are best able to survive and reproduce is called:

Natural selection

Sigmund Freud

Our adult personality is determined by the way we resolve conflicts between sources of pleasure and the demand of reality at each of five stages of psychosexual development

Marian Wright Edelman

Parenting and nurturing the next generation of children are our society's most important function

Albert Bandura

People cognitively represent others' behavior and sometimes adopt it themselves

Which of these syndromes is NOT sex-linked?


Which theoretical perspective describes development as an unconscious process?


B.F. Skinner

Rewards and punishment shape individual's development

Paul Bates

The life-span perspective has seven fundamental contentions

The typical female chromosome pattern is:


Which of the following statements is most accurate in regards to parental factors that influence pregnancy?

a baby with Down syndrome is rarely born to a mother under the age of 30

According to Hayflick's cellular clock theory, cells can divide normally:

a maximum of 75 to 80 times

Considering the normal aging process, who would be expected to have the highest blood pressure?

a postmenopausal woman

Mary begs her parents to allow her to take piano lessons. After her first several lessons, it quickly becomes apparent that Mary has a natural talent for music. This example best illustrates a(n) _____ correlation.

active genotype-environment

Which of the following is an example of a psychoactive drug?


Which of the following best demonstrates the basic principle of cephalocaudal development?

an infant first raises his or her head, then sits up, than stands up

Which of the following is a complication of delivery?



are DNA sequences.

The "young old" of late adulthood:

are between 65 and 84 years of age.

Cesarean deliveries:

are safer than breech deliveries

The Berkeley Longitudinal Study showed that, compared with late-maturing boys, early-maturing boys saw themselves:

as bigger but more awkward

Which of the following statements is true?

at the beginning of adolescence, girls tend to be as tall or taller than boys their age

Recent research has found that early-maturing girls are more likely than late-maturing girls to:

be depressed

According to Albert Bandura, the three factors that reciprocally influence development are:

behavior, the person/cognition, and the environment.

Testosterone is present in:

boys in a much higher measure than in girls

A doula is a:

caregiver who helps a woman throughout child birth

What method of collecting data involves taking an in-depth look at a single individual?

case study

Two important factors that can produce individual differences in height are:

central nervous system functioning and reduction of fat intake

The outer layer of the forebrain, which accounts for 80 percent of the brain's volume, is called the:

cerebral cortex

According to the life span perspective, human development is

characterized by both growth and decline

Which of the following statements is NOT true?

children mature up to 2 years earlier in the U.S. than in England

The number of years since a person was born is described as his or her _____ age.


Life-span development begins with _____ and continues through _____.

conception; the human life span

Compared to parents in Japan, parents in the United States are more likely to rear their children to be independent. This research finding supports Baltes's assertion that development is:


Which research approach involves the simultaneous comparison of individuals of different ages?


According to Paul Baltes, the benefits conferred by evolutionary selection:

decrease with age

Defects in mitochondria are linked with all of the following, EXCEPT:

decreased immune system functioning.

How can maternal stress affect a fetus or a child?

decreased intelligence

Typically, which part of a neuron receives information from other neurons?


Which statement summarizes normal brain development during the seventh decade of life?

dendritic growth might compensate for the possible loss of neurons

A factor that can change in an experiment, in response to a manipulated factor, is called the _____ variable.


Erik Erikson's theory emphasizes:

developmental change throughout the human life span.

Which genetic disorder is caused by an extra chromosome?

down syndrome

Amniocentesis is a prenatal medical procedure that involves:

drawing a sample of the fluid that surrounds the baby in the womb


encases axons with myelin sheath

The _____ of the embryo develops into the digestive and respiratory systems.


Adoption studies are designed to test the different effects of:

environment and heredity

Albert Bandura supports a bidirectional view of evolutionism in which:

environmental and biological conditions influence each other

A teratogen is a(n):

environmental factor that produces birth defects

Which of the following terms refers to using an ethnic label in a superficial way that portrays an ethnic group as being more homogeneous than it really is?

ethnic gloss

Which theory of development emphasizes critical or sensitive periods?


The units of hereditary information that direct cells to reproduce themselves and to assemble proteins are called:


The complete set of instructions for creating proteins that initiate the making of a human organism is referred to as the:


The period of prenatal development that occurs in the first two weeks after conception is called the _____ period.


The testes in males and the ovaries in females are referred to as the:


The last male pubertal characteristic to develop is:

growth of facial hair

The brain is divided into two halves called:


The brain structure that monitors eating, drinking, and sex is the:


Which was NOT a finding of the research involving the Sisters of Notre Dame in Mankato?

idea density was negatively correlated with brain weight

Twins who develop from a single fertilized egg are called _____ twins.


Konrad Lorenz

imprinting the rapid innate learning that involves attachment of throng to its mothers, needs to take place very early in life or it won't take place

To ensure that an observational measure is effective, it is important that it be conducted:

in a way that is systematic and planned carefully in advance

Sleep researchers have found that:

infants engage in more REM sleep than adults

In adolescence, the gap between the increase in risk-taking behavior and the delay in self-regulation is linked to the timing of development in the:

limbic system and frontal lobes

The term sarcopenia refers to age-related:

loss of muscle mass and strength

A common characteristic of babies born to women who smoke during their pregnancies is:

low birth weight

The pineal gland produces _____ in preparation for the body to sleep.


Proximodistal growth refers to growth that moves from:

middle to outer

Janet, a newborn, receives a score of 3 on the Apgar Scale. Janet's score indicates that she:

might not survive

Tiny cellular bodies that supply energy for function, growth, and repair are called:


Which of the following can be expected to occur in early adulthood?

more positively

Many older persons becomes wiser with age, yet perform more poorly on cognitive speed tests. This supports the life-span perspective notion that development is


Some dimensions of development may expand and others shrink as individuals develop. This statement supports Baltes's assertion that development is:


A woman experiences an at-risk pregnancy when she has a:

negative Rh factor and her partner has a positive Rh factor

When Ben was 13, his father was killed in a car accident. This is an example of a:

non-normative life event

In many cultures, people retire from their careers in their 50s or 60s. This is an example of a:

normative age-graded influence

The onset of puberty is an example of a:

normative age-graded influence

Like many others her age, Katherine does not know how to use a computer, but her 6-year-old grandson has no problem navigating the Internet and using a word-processing program. This is an example of a:

normative history-graded influence

the terrorist attacks of 9/11/2001 in the United States would be an example of a

normative history-graded influence


occurs primarily in early adolescence

From B. F. Skinner's point of view, behavior can be explained by:

operant conditioning

Organs and tissues in an unborn baby are most vulnerable to environmental changes during:


Which of the following are/is a synthetic hormone used to stimulate contractions during the birthing process?


Which lobe of the brain plays an important role in motor control?


Rachel has always enjoyed reading. Now that she is a parent, she provides her daughter with many books to read, hoping the child will also learn to enjoy reading. How do behavior geneticists refer to this type of interaction between heredity and environment?

passive genotype-environment interaction

A phenotype consists of:

physical and psychological characteristics

The _____ is the master gland that produces hormones that stimulate other glands.

pituitary gland

Research has shown that the reasoning abilities of older adults can be improved through retraining. This is an example of how development is:


Infants that are born three weeks or more before the pregnancy and reach full-term are referred to as _____ infants.


Exposure to teratogens during the fetal period is likely to cause:

problems in the way organs function

Rosa is 80 years old. She continues to learn phrases in new languages, she writes poetry, and she enjoys going to museums to see the latest up-and-coming artists. These examples of her adaptive capacities demonstrate her _____ age.


Women who plan to have children should have a blood test before they become pregnant to determine if they are immune to which infectious disease?


What physiological change occurs within the fetus during the birthing process to ensure that he or she can withstand the stress of birth?

secretion of large quantities of hormones

In Bronfenbrenner's theory, the microsystem refers to the:

setting in which an individual lives and plays an active role.

Which of the following is a genetic disorder that impairs the body's red blood cells?

sickle cell anemia

a national government's course of action designed to promote the welfare of its citizens is referred to as its

social policy

A lack of folic acid in a pregnant woman's diet can result in offspring with:

spina bifida

All of the following are recommendations to help older adults sleep better at night, EXCEPT:

taking short naps during the day

The information-processing approach to development emphasizes:

that individuals manipulate information, monitor it, and strategize about it.

During the preschool years:

the percentage of increase in children's height and weight decreases each year

One difficulty of conducting research in the laboratory setting is that:

the setting is unnatural

As he was studying life-span development, Tyrell had to learn several interrelated, coherent sets of ideas that would help him explain and make predictions about development. In other words, Tyrell had to learn:


If one of your professors identifies herself as a cognitive theorist, you know that she is particularly interested in:

thought processes

How many stages are there in the birthing process?


Children reach nearly one-half of their adult height by age:


Which of the following is a prenatal medical procedure in which high-frequency sound waves are directed into a pregnant woman's abdomen?

ultrasound sonography

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is less likely when infants sleep:

with their mothers

A fertilized ovum is called a(n):


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