Lifespan - Chapter 15

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Not all friendships are positive. Which of the following would NOT be a positive friendship trait?


___ play combines sensorimotor/practice play with symbolic representation.


______ play occurs when children engage in the self-regulated creation of a product or a solution.


You encourage a friend to run for class officer. This is an example of which function of friendship?

Ego support

______ refers to the pleasant times when individuals pursue activities of their own choosing.


Which of the following are outcomes of social support for older adults?

Lower incidence of depression Decreased likelihood of being institutionalized

Which of the following is true of bullying?

Many bullies are not rejected by the peer group.

What is social buffering

The capacity of supportive social relationships to make better the damaging effects of psychosocial stress the protective, positive effect of one individual on another

Which of the following are important functions of peer relationships?

To provide a source of information and comparison about the world outside the family. To provide children with a source of comparison and feedback about their abilities.

True or false: When children interact aggressively with peers, they are at risk for delinquency and dropping out of school.

True Antisocial behaviors are the root of many adolescent problems.

True or false: One of the most important functions of peer relations during childhood is to provide a source of information and comparison about the world outside the family.

True Information and comparison are important functions served by peer relations.

Two-year-old Mac arranges his blocks into the form of a smiley face. In which play type is Mac engaged?


Peer interaction is influenced by ______, which can mean the type of peer, the situation or location, and the culture.


When does conformity to peers tend to peak?

eighth and ninth grades

All of the following are contexts that influence peer interaction EXCEPT the:

individual's cognitive thought processes about peers.

Sensorimotor play is best defined as behavior engaged in by:

infants to derive pleasure from exercising their sensorimotor schemas.

Sullivan believes that in particular, the need for __________ intensifies the most in early adolescence.


Jessica and Nicole feel secure disclosing private thoughts and personal information to each other. They have a high degree of

intimacy in their friendship.

Hobbies, sports, and reading are all examples of:


Compared with those who never took vacations, men who went on annual vacations were ______ to die.

less likely

Freud and Erikson agree that play helps children

master anxieties and conflicts.

Clara has been diagnosed with cancer. With improvements in ______ technology, Clara can continue to lead an active and constructive life.


Janie is in ______ adulthood and is able to have more leisure time due to increased paid vacation time and more available money.


Adult female friendships tend to be ______ than adult male friendships.

more intimate

Compared to adult men, adult women tend to have __________ close friends and friendships that are more __________.

more; intimate

One individual difference factor that has been found to impair peer relations is the trait of:

negative emotionality.

In terms of peer status, a(n) ___ child is not actively disliked but receives few nominations of any kind and is seldom chosen as a best friend.


Which peer status best describes Connie, who is shy and has low interaction with her classmates, but is not disliked?


Which peer status group includes children who are not disliked by peers but who are rarely nominated as best friend and are often described as shy?


Which of the following choices by a parent most influences a child's peer choices?


In terms of peer status, the ___ child is frequently nominated as a best friend and is rarely disliked by peers.


In terms of peer status, the ______ child has social skills, gives out reinforcements, listens, and maintains lines of communication with others.


Running, jumping, sliding, and throwing balls are examples of:

practice play.

Many experts on play consider the ______ years the "golden age" of symbolic/pretense play.


Social play increases dramatically during the ______ years.


In terms of peer status, ___ children are seldom nominated as someone's best friend and are actively disliked by their peers.


Which of the following is NOT a factor in the ways cliques form?


Which of the following peer interactions or styles is not typically learned or influenced by parent-child relationships?

rough and tumble play

Intimacy in friendships is characterized by which two of the following?

self-disclosure sharing of private thoughts

Bryn loves to see the toys on her bouncer seat move when she kicks her feet. In which of Bergen's play types is Bryn engaged?


In childhood, friendships are typically characterized by


Who is more likely to be a bully?

A boy in high school

A common problem in cross-gender friendship is:

differing expectations.

Mr. Carter will retire next month. He has slowly been removing his mark from the company, as well as lessening his interest and activity in his community. This is an example of the pattern predicted by which theory of aging?


From 4 to 12 years of age, the preference for playing in same-sex groups:


Which of the social theories of aging has a more negative view of aging?

Disengagement theory

The benefits of social support include which of the following?

An improved ability to meet one's own health-care needs Improved mental health A reduction in symptoms of diseases

___ are far more likely to be involved in bullying than ___ are.

Boys Girls

Adults who do not take annual vacations are at a greater risk for which of the following?

Death Death from coronary heart disease

Marcus is about to retire. He has stopped following the news and spends less time with friends. This is an example of which social theory of aging?

Disengagement theory

True or false: There is one type of play—social play.

False Social play is but one type of play.

Play allows children to work off frustrations and analyze their conflicts and coping mechanisms in a nonthreatening environment. This idea most closely aligns with ______ views of play.

Freud and Erikson's

What did Harry Stack Sullivan's theory about friendships state?

Friends are important in shaping the development of adolescents. Adolescents without close friendships will experience loneliness and lower self-worth. Friendships are necessary to satisfy our basic social needs.

___ are activities that children engage in for pleasure and that have rules. Often they involve competition.


Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding gender and peer groups? From about 5 onward, boys tend to associate in larger clusters than girls. Girls' groups are more likely than boys' groups to seek to attain a group goal. Girls' groups are more likely to engage in "collaborative discourse" than boys' groups. Boys' groups are more likely to participate in organized group games than girls' groups are.

Girls' groups are more likely than boys' groups to seek to attain a group goal.

Which of the following factors are important for successful aging?

Having an active lifestyle Being socially active Having adequate cognitive stimulation

Which of the following is the LEAST likely to pose an increased risk for depression during childhood?


Which of the following are ways older adults are commonly perceived?

Incapable of thinking clearly Incapable of learning new things Incapable of enjoying sex

A shy person is more likely than a gregarious individual to be neglected by peers. This best describes of the effect of what on peer relations?

Individual differences

Irma is an older adult. Although she has adequate food, health care, and other resources, she lacks non-assistance-related social support such as emotional closeness with others. Which of the following statements is true regarding Irma's situation?

Irma has a higher risk of earlier death.

What are the features of cliques?

Members are usually of the same sex. They average five to six individuals. Members are usually of the same age.

According to Piaget, what allows children to practice their competencies and acquired skills in a relaxed, pleasurable way?


Children who repeatedly throw a ball against a wall to work on their aim are engaging in what type of play?


At what stage do children begin to participate in games involving simple rules of reciprocity and turn-taking?

Preschool This is a skill that is usually given quite a bit of emphasis in preschool, as children learn to cooperate interactively with peers.

What type of play are children engaging in if they pick up a building block and pretend to be talking on the phone?


Which five peer status groups have been identified by researchers measuring sociometric popularity?

Rejected Controversial Average Neglected Popular

___ play involves interactions with peers.

Social or Associative

Which type of play includes interchanges in turn-taking and conversations about numerous topics?

Social play

Which type of play involves interactions with peers?

Social play

Which of the following statements most accurately depicts the frequency of aggressive versus friendly interactions as early childhood progresses?

The proportion of aggressive exchanges, compared with friendly exchanges, decreases.

In which of the following ways are older adults discriminated against?

They are eased out of old jobs. They are not hired for new jobs. They are shunned socially.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of games?

They are most popular in the preschool years.

Children show ______ for same-sex peers.

a clear preference

Aiden has not been well accepted by his peers since kindergarten. In fact, he has no friends at all, and some children say they dislike him. In terms of peer status, Aiden is

a rejected child.

Adolescents typically prefer ______ than in childhood.

a smaller number of friends relationships that are more intimate and intense

Madeleine is about equally liked and disliked by the children in her class, receiving a typical (i.e., not unusual) number of both positive and negative nominations when her peers are asked. In terms of peer status, she is best described as

an average child.

According to Freud and Erikson, play helps the child master:

anxieties and conflicts. A psychodynamic theorist like Erikson or a psychoanalyst like Freud would emphasize one's anxious, unconscious conflicts.

There is nothing particularly unusual about Ramon. He gets along pretty well with most of his classmates; he is liked and disliked by an equal number of peers. In terms of peer status, Ramon can be described as a(n) ___ child.


The term ______ refers to verbal or physical behavior intended to disturb someone less powerful.


When kids are around other kids it primes their reward system to be more easily aroused and more easily activated. That in turn leads them to: pay undue attention to the potential rewards of a risky choice and relatively less to the potential costs.

pay undue attention to the potential rewards of a risky choice and relatively less to the potential costs.

Developmentalists have distinguished five ___ statuses: popular, average, neglected, rejected, and controversial.


A pleasurable activity that is engaged in for its own sake is referred to as


According to Piaget, ______ provides the perfect setting to exercise cognitive structures.


Sensorimotor ___ is defined as behavior engaged in by infants to derive pleasure from exercising their existing sensorimotor schemas.


Mia plays alone at recess. The school counselor teaches Mia how to introduce herself and how to join in with peers. The school counselor is trying to increase Mia's

social knowledge.

Jack is often sad because he just experienced the loss of his favorite pet. His friend Jason frequently makes Jack laugh and offers to take him to movies and so on. This is most likely an example of which friendship function?


Developmentally advantageous friends are socially skilled, oriented toward academic achievement, and:


In which three of the following ways do parents most affect their children's peer relations?

through interactions with their children through the opportunities that they provide their children by how they manage their children's lives

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