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d. Mayonnaise contains egg yolk, preventing it from separating, and forming a permanent emulsion. Oil and vinegar is a temporary emulsion.

Carl heard that mayonnaise and his oil and vinegar dressing are both emulsions. He is confused because these two condiments seem so different to him. Knowing that Carl is very uninformed about emulsions, what could you tell him to help him understand this concept? a. Mayonnaise contains egg yolk, preventing it from separating, and forming a temporary emulsion. Oil and vinegar is a temporary emulsion. b. Mayonnaise contains egg yolk, preventing it from separating, and forming a semipermanent emulsion. Oil and vinegar is a temporary emulsion. c. Mayonnaise contains egg yolk, preventing it from separating, and forming a permanent emulsion. Oil and vinegar is a semipermanent emulsion. d. Mayonnaise contains egg yolk, preventing it from separating, and forming a permanent emulsion. Oil and vinegar is a temporary emulsion.

b. He added too many frozen fries at one time and the excess water lowered the temperature of the oil making the fries absorb excess oil

Dan wanted to fry his frozen french fries in hot oil instead of baking them in the oven. He added all the fires at one time. Majority of them came out soggy and greasy. Why is this? a. The fries were not defrosted first so they retained the water when heated in the oil. b. He added too many frozen fries at one time and the excess water lowered the temperature of the oil making the fries absorb excess oil c. too many fries were added at one time so they were not all able to crisp and brown d. the temperature was too high for this low moisture food that it could not cook properly

d.) smoke point

During heat transfer what is the process that happens where the temperature of the fat being cooked begins to emit visible smoke? a.) melting point b.) flash point c.) fire point d.) smoke point

b. Plasticity

Elaine was hungry and decided to bake sugar cookies. As she was making the cookies, she decided to use crisco. As Elaine was portioning out the amount of crisco needed, she saw that it was easily spreadable. Crisco is easily spreadable because of a. Hydrogenation b. Plasticity c. It is an Emulsifier d. None of the above

a. Micelles

Emulsifiers use molecules with hydrophilic heads and hydrophobic tails to form ____ in emulsions. a. Micelles b. phospholipids C. lecithin D. gums

A. Vegetable oil has a higher smoke point than olive oil.

If you're planning to roast vegetables for a veggie lasagna on 425°F, why might you choose to use vegetable oil instead of olive oil? A. Vegetable oil has a higher smoke point than olive oil. B. Vegetable oil contains oils that the vegetables already have. C. Vegetable oil is roast better because it tends to leave an outer layer crisp to what is roasting. D. Olive oil will reach its flame point while roasting.

b. it contributes to the crisp, moist surface

In fried food, why is it important that oil is absorbed and water leaves as steam? a. it contributes to the high calorie content b. it contributes to the crisp, moist surface c. it contributes to preventing rancidity

c. the standard of identify for butter includes 4% milk solids and does not include flavorings or emulsifiers

Jess wants to make her own butter. She uses 80% fat, 16% water and added flavoring and emulsifiers. Why can Jess's creation not be called butter? a. she needs to include vitamins and and more water to be called butter b. she needs a higher content of fat to be called butter c. the standard of identify for butter includes 4% milk solids and does not include flavorings or emulsifiers d. she cannot call it butter because it needs to have vitamins included

c. Hydrolytic rancidity because the warmer temperature is breaking down lipase within the butter

Sarah's mother in law leaves the butter in the cabinet rather than the fridge. What process could the butter possibly undergo from being kept at a warmer temperature? Why? a. Maillard reaction because the warmer temperature allows for browning b. oxidation because oxygen is more available to the butter than it would be inside a fridge c. Hydrolytic rancidity because the warmer temperature is breaking down lipase within the butter

B. Use clarified butter, because the milk solids are removed, so it can withstand higher temperatures without burning.

Sue was heating up whipped butter in a frying pan to liquefy it. It quickly burned before it turned into a liquid. What would you suggest for her to do to solve this problem? A: Add oil to increase the speed of the saturated fat liquidation. B. Use clarified butter, because the milk solids are removed, so it can withstand higher temperatures without burning. C. Add a lid onto the frying pan so the heat will circulate and the butter will melt at a more even pace D. Use any butter that is not whipped, because the air pockets in the butter cause the heat to spread too rapidly

a. Student B is correct because a highly unsaturated fat has a higher number of double bonds; therefore, the molecules cannot pack as tightly together and it does not require as high of a temperature to break them apart.

Two students in lab are arguing over which lipid would melt faster: one that is highly saturated or one that is highly unsaturated. Student A argues that the highly saturated fat will melt faster, or have a lower melting point, while Student B argues that the highly unsaturated fat will melt faster, or have a lower melting point. Which student is correct and why? a. Student B is correct because a highly unsaturated fat has a higher number of double bonds; therefore, the molecules cannot pack as tightly together and it does not require as high of a temperature to break them apart. b. Student A is correct because a highly saturated fat has a higher number of double bonds; therefore, the molecules cannot pack as tightly together and it does not require as high of a temperature to break them apart. c. Student A is correct because a highly saturated fat has no double bonds; therefore, the molecules pack very tightly together and it does not require as high of a temperature to break them apart. d. Student B is correct because a highly unsaturated fat has a lower number of double bonds; therefore, the molecules cannot pack as tightly together and it does not require as high of a temperature to break them apart.

A. Vitamin A

What contributes to the yellow color of butter in the final product of butter production? A. Vitamin A B. Addition of added colors C. Addition of iodine D. The high fat content

E. Beta crystals are more fine than beta prime crystals.

What is NOT true of crystalline forms of fat? A. Beta prime crystals are best for cooking. B. Beta prime crystals are more fine than beta crystals. C. Beta crystals are the most stable form. D. Beta crystals form in parallel rows. E. Beta crystals are more fine than beta prime crystals.

c. 26C, trans chain with a large crystalline structure

Which lipid listed will have the highest boiling point? a. 18C, cis-unsaturated, large crystalline structure b. saturated, 18C chain length c. 26C, trans chain with a large crystalline structure

D. Oxidative rancidty

You always leave your olive oil next to your stove in an open jar, but one day it suddently has a changed flavor and an off putting odor. What has happened to the olive oil? A. The olive oil has gone bad. B. Hydrolytic Rancidity C. Reversion D. Oxidative rancidty

C. Acidity; acid

You are at the grocery store looking for olive oil. You are seeing many different grades of foods, so you wonder how olive oil is graded. You remember that following Italian law, olive oils are classified according to ________ : the lower the ______ content, the better the grade. A. Free fatty acids; rancidity B. Length; branching C. Acidity; acid D. Extraction; refining

C. A fat is solid at room temperature and generally from animals whereas an oil is liquid at room temperature and generally from plants.

You are baking some cookies for your friends, but one of your friends is vegan and the cookie recipe calls for fat. Your vegan friend suggested to substitute the fat for an oil instead. What is the difference between a fat and an oil? A. Fat is used in baking whereas oil is used in cooking. B. A oil is solid at room temperature and generally from animals whereas an fat is liquid at room temperature and generally from plants. C. A fat is solid at room temperature and generally from animals whereas an oil is liquid at room temperature and generally from plants. D. Oil is water soluble whereas fat is lipid soluble.

c. Butter has excellent shortening power which helps to shorten the texture of baked products by impeding gluten development, making them softer and easier to chew.

You are trying to bake a healthier version of vanilla cake but find it difficult to find a good substitution for butter. Why is butter the most commonly used saturated fat in cakes? a. Butter is the most natural ingredient and has the least amount of added ingredients compared to other substitutions. b. Butter decreases the emulsion stability, dough strength, volume, texture, and tolerance of ingredients during processing. c. Butter has excellent shortening power which helps to shorten the texture of baked products by impeding gluten development, making them softer and easier to chew.

B: Ice cream is gritty and grainy due to the low fat content making it less creamy

You decide to try a healthier alternative to ice cream and get a reduced fat and low sugar vanilla ice cream. The flavor taste good, but the texture is different. How do you think the texture of this ice cream would compare to regular full fat and sugar ice cream? A: It is smoother due to the sugar crystals not being present B: Ice cream is gritty and grainy due to the low fat content making it less creamy C: The ice cream is harder because no fat added to make it a smoother liquid consistency.

b. The hydrogenated oils in shortening interferes with gluten development and creates a more crumbly baked product.

Your aunt is making a baked good and she wonders why the recipe calls for shortening instead of butter, what would you say to her? a. The hydrogenated oils in shortening contains more saturated fats that help make the dough more elastic. b. The hydrogenated oils in shortening interferes with gluten development and creates a more crumbly baked product. c. Shortening has a higher water content than butter so it results in more moist baked goods. d. Shortening shortens the amount of time it takes to bake food by creating bonds with gluten.

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