Reason 3
For enjoyment
Way 4-Defer Judgement
Interrupting is a waste of time. It frustrates the speaker and limits full understanding of the message. Allow the speaker to finish each point before asking questions. Don't interrupt with counter arguments.
Hear what people are really saying
Listening is one of the most important skills you could have.How well you listen can have a major impact on your job effectivness, and on the quility of your relationships with others.
Listening Progress
Listening within a work context is the process by which you gain an understanding of the needs, demands, and preferences of your stakeholders through direct interaction.
Way 3- Provide Feedback
Our personal filters, assumptions, judgments, and beliefs can distort what we hear. As a listener, your role is to understand what is being said. This may require you to reflect what is being said and ask questions. Reflect what has been said by paraphrasing. "What I'm hearing is," and "Sounds like you are saying," are great ways to reflect back. Ask questions to clarify certain points. "What do you mean when you say." "Is this what you mean?" Summarize the speaker's comments periodically.
Most Valuable workplace skills
Strong listening skills are a universal asset to employees, no matter what their level is in an organization
Active Listening is.....
The way to improve your listening skills is to practice "active listening." This is where you make a conscious effort to hear not only the words that another person is saying but, more importantly, try to understand the complete message being sent.
Reason 2
To understand
Way 2- Show that you are listening
Use your own body language and gestures to convey your attention. Nod occasionally. Smile and use other facial expressions. Note your posture and make sure it is open and inviting. Encourage the speaker to continue with small verbal comments like yes, and uh huh.
Way 5-Respond Appropriately
Active listening is a model for respect and understanding. You are gaining information and perspective. You add nothing by attacking the speaker or otherwise putting him or her down. Be candid, open, and honest in your response. Assert your opinions respectfully. Treat the other person in a way that you think he or she would want to be treated.
Way 1- Pay Attention
Give the speaker your undivided attention, and acknowledge the message. Recognize that non-verbal communication also "speaks" loudly. Look at the speaker directly. Put aside distracting thoughts. Don't mentally prepare a rebuttal! Avoid being distracted by environmental factors. For example, side conversations. "Listen" to the speaker's body language .
What makes a good listener
Good listeners actively endeavor to understand what others are really trying to say, regardless of how unclear the messages might be.
Becoming a better listener
Here are five key active listening techniques. They all help you ensure that you hear the other person, and that the other person knows you are hearing what they say.
What makes a bad listener
Interrupting the person you're speaking with, and talking before they have had a chance to finish what they are saying, indicates that your listening skills may need polishing up. Responding with a statement that doesn't answer the question you've been asked will reflect poorly on your listening skills, especially during a job interview.
Why is listening important in the workplace?
Listening skills are an important part of effective communication. Last week's feature focused on communication skills and their importance in the workplace. ... The hearing is the physical ability, while listening is a skill. Listening skills allow one to make sense of and understand what another person is saying
Reason 4
To learn
Reason 1
To obtain information
Attentive Listening
includes eye contact, posture, facial expressions, gestures, and genuine interest in what the person is saying.
includes repeating and paraphrasing what you have heard in order to show the person that you truly understand what has been said.