Livestock diseases

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White muscle: selenium and vitamin E injections/oral drenches

A cattle owner notices his recent crop of calves have muscle weakness, are unable to stand and have muscle tremors. He realizes his calves have not received an adequate amount of selenium and/or vitamin E.

Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis: antibiotics, reduce stress, isolation with fresh feed and water

A cattle producer and forms a veterinarian his cattle have fever, loss of appetite, nasal discharge, difficulty breathing, redness in the whites of the eyes and conjunctivitis. The veterinarian realizes the cattle have a contagious respiratory disease.

Bovine Respiratory Disease: separation, antibiotics, anti-inflammatories

A cattle producer informed the veterinarian his cattle have been coughing and have bloody and discolored nasal and eye discharge. After visiting with the owner the veterinarian learns the cattle have been put under a large amount of stress due to severe weather conditions and have not yet been vaccinated.

Bovine Virus Diarrhea: provide supportive therapy

A cow is experiencing poor appetite, diarrhea, fever, nasal discharge and oral erosion. The cow has been surrounded by blood feeding flies who have been in contact with fomites.

Bloat: keep on feet and moving, drench mineral oil, stomach tube to relieve gas pressure

A cow is having difficulty moving and the left side of her belly is swollen. The owner said he just changed her rations to a higher concentration diet.

lactic acidosis: gradually add roughages, feed additives to raise rumen pH, oral antacids, oral fluids

A dairy cattle owner notices his cows have, sore hooves, abdominal distention and decreased milk production. He recently changed his cows diets from a forage-based diet to a high concentrate diet.

Foot rot: zinc sulfate or copper sulfate foot baths

A goat has moist and redened hooves which have a foul odor and have caused the goat to become lame.

Blue tongue: none

A lamb has nasal discharge, an inflamed mouth, swelling of the muscle and ears and a blue tongue.

Crypto: surgical removal of testical

Cattle producer notices one of his new bulls has a testicle which has failed to descend. He is worried this will cause infertility and failure to produce sperm.

Rabies: euthanasia

Horse owner informed the veterinarian their horse has been bitten by an animal and has shown behavioral changes, difficulty swallowing and fever.

Colic: walk horse, administer banamine, talk to vet

The horse owner notices his horses rolling and kicking at his belly, sweating and looks to be in excruciating pain. The owner said he had to change his horses feed because the feed store did not carry what he usually feeds.

Porcine Stress Syndrome: spray with cold water, inject calcium gluconate, sedate with stresnil

The pig has become very stressed and is having muscle and tail tremors, reddening of skin and increased body temperature.

Porcine Parvovirus: no treatment

The swine producer informed the veterinarian he has had a problem with fetal deaths and mummifications. He also states he has bought a few new pigs the past couple of months.

Grass Tetany: restore blood magnesium levels through powder or licks

The veterinarian was contacted by the owner of a local cattle operation. He stated he had cattle who have an uncoordinated gait and are experiencing convulsions. After visiting the owner, he also mentions he just recently moved his cattle to a new grazing pasture, which contains immature grass.

Black leg: massive antibiotics if caught early

Young calves have wounds and bruises as well as swelling over their necks, shoulder and thighs. Also, the young calves are lame and having trouble walking.

Brucellosis: no treatment

A cattle producer notices one of his bulls has swollen testicles. Also, he has recently had a cow have an abortion. The veterinarian determines the cattle are infected with a highly contagious disease which is spread from the vagina discharge of an infected cow.

Hardware disease: surgical removal or magnet in reticulum

A cattle producer notices one of his cows has a poor appetite, depression, signs of pain when defecating and bloat. He mentioned he recently moved his cattle to a new one, which had metal laying around.

Pink eye: topical/feed antibiotics, LA-200

A cow has been frequently blinking, squinting and has had excessive tearing. Also, the cow has cloudiness in the eye as well. The owner said he has had a lot of troubles with flies.

Foot and mouth: specific vaccinations for type

A cow has blisters, erosions in the mouth on the teats and hooves. Also, the cow has had excessive salivation, fever and lameness.

Over eating: CDT shot, antitoxins, oral antibiotics, feed hay

A goat owner has noticed his goats pressing their heads against objects and constantly circling while also having diarrhea. He recently had goats escape out of their pens and consume excessive amounts of high energy feed.

Strangles: antibiotic and anti-inflammatory, wash abscess cavities with antiseptic solution

A horse owner informed the veterinarian their horse has had difficulty breathing and swallowing, swelling around the throat and nasal discharge. The horse owner also stated he brought a new horse to their farm a few weeks ago and did not isolate the horse from his other horses.

Facial eczema: separation, shelter from direct sunlight, contact vet

A lamb has puffy eyes, face, rapid weight loss and sunburn. The owner of the lamb informed the veterinarian his sheep are always outside grazing.

Spider Lamb Syndrome: no treatment

A lamb is born with abnormally long limbs and a twisted spine.

Porcine Circovirus: vaccines 3-5 weeks old

A pig has had poor growth, weight loss, enlarged lymph nodes and jaundice. The pig is infected with the disease which is a member of the virus family circoviridae.

Mule foot: no treatment

A pig is born with only one toe it is extremely lame, has a high step gate and a slow walk.

Ring worm: anti fungal ointments (fluid film, bedadine, tinactin, corona cream)

A sheep owner tells the veterinarian his sheep have had lesions around their head, neck and back and have also had hair loss around the infected areas.

Leptospirosis: antibiotics to eliminate infection, separation

An owner of a swine operation notices his pigs have diarrhea, stiffness, fever and red and eyelids. The veterinarian determines the pigs have a zoo Nautic disease, which is caused by a bacteria of the genus leptospira.

Coccidiosis: administer sulfonamide drug

An owner of chickens comes into the clinic and explains his chickens have had diarrhea, which is sometimes blurry, have had a loss of appetite and fever. After some testing, the veterinarian realizes the chickens are infected with a parasite from the coccidia family.

Mange: medicated solution at high pressures, lime sulfur dip once weekly

An owner of some cattle comes into the clinic and explains his cattle have been extremely itchy with crusts, scabs, hair loss and weight loss.

Sore mouth: apply antibiotic ointment on sores, tube feed young if not nursing

The veterinarian was contacted by the owner of a local sheep operation. He stated he had multiple young animals with sores and scabs on and around their mouth. The sores are keeping them from consuming the adequate amount of feed.

Milk fever: inject calcium borogluconate subQ or IV, mineral solution

The veterinarian was contacted by the owner of a local sheep operation. She stated she had sheep with muscle tremors, low body temperature and inability to stand. After visiting, it was determined the sheep have low calcium levels and are lactating.

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