Los posesivos y demostrativos
Those kids over there are hers
Aquellos niños son los suyos
Describes the location of one object to the other
Demonstrative adjectives
Replaces the noun by placing an accent over the first e
Demonstrative pronoun
It's mine (el libro)
Es el mío
This house is ours
Esta casa es la nuestra
His/ Her, You formal They, you all formal
Nuestro (a)
Describes the ownership of a noun
Possessive adjective
They are yours (informal) Los zapatos
Son los tuyos
Your (formal) pen
Su pluma
That over there
Ese lápiz
That pencil
La forma larga
The long form
La forma corta
The short form
Estos hombres
These men
Esta chica
This girl
Aquellos muchachos
Those boys over there
Your (informal)
That one (masc) is yours
Ése es el suyo