Louisiana History - Chapter 8

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British practice of taking American sailors and forcing them to serve in the British Navy

8 years

Claiborne was a territorial governor (of Orleans) for how long?


Did the Louisiana Purchase happen before or after Impressment of American soldiers at New Orleans?

U.S. and Spain

The countries that agreed to Pickney's Treaty

France and Spain

The countries that agreed to the Treaty of San Ildefonso

$10 bill

As the first secretary of the treasury of the United States, Alexander Hamilton is honored by being pictured on what dollar bill?


A grant of legal freedom to an individual slave

Treaty of Ghent

Ended the War of 1812

Alexander Hamilton

First Secretary of the Treasury

Jean Lafitte

French pirate who aided the United States in the War of 1812 against the British

Inform Thomas Jefferson of Burr's schemes.

General James Wilkinson had originally conspired with Burr, but he ultimately decided to do what?

Aaron Burr

He challenged Alexander Hamilton to a duel in 1804.

allowed manumission

How did Claiborne's 1806 slave code differ from previous colonial codes?

$15 million

How much did the U.S. pay to buy Louisiana?

potential world power

In 1803, the U.S. was a small and young nation. With the Louisiana Purchase, it became a __________ ________ ___________.

motivate his troops

Jackson had a great ability to do what?


Jean Laffite's band of pirates


Largely bc of his success at the Battle of New Orleans, Andrew Jackson later went on to become _____________ of the U.S. in 1828.

Battle of New Orleans, 1815

Last major battle of the War of 1812; Andrew Jackson and his troops defeated the British


Louisiana was the _______ state to formally join the United States

William C. C. Claiborne

Louisiana's first governor


Movement to end slavery


Napoleon, now in control of France, wanted to reestablish French control over _______________.

1. U.S. showed Britain it was willing to take on world's mightiest nation 2. brought together the "ancient population" of Louisianans with the "new" Americans who had moved in 3. made Andrew Jackson a national hero

Outcomes of the Battle of New Orleans

Treaty of San Ildefonso (1800)

This was a secret treaty made in 1800 between France and Spain, where Spain gave control of Louisiana back to France.

Adams-Onis Treaty

Treaty between Spain and the U.S. that settled the boundary dispute between U.S. and New Spain, and Spain ceded Florida to the U.S.

Pickney's Treaty (1795)

Treaty between the U.S. and Spain which gave the U.S. the right to transport goods on the Mississippi river and to store goods in the Spanish port of New Orleans

War of 1812

War between the U.S. and Great Britain

The war was fought on U.S. soil

What advantage did the United States have in the War of 1812?

Doubled the size of the US

What did the purchase of the Louisiana territory do to the size of the U.S.?

Burr shot and killed Hamilton

What happened in the duel b/t Hamilton and Burr?

It failed and he decided he no longer benefited from possession of Louisiana.

What happened to Napoleon's plan to regain control of St. Domingue and expand the French empire?

Spain to France, then France to the United States

What is the correct sequence of transfers of Louisiana to the United States?

1. they could not buy their freedom 2. they could not make complaints against their masters

What rights did Claiborne's 1806 slave code no longer give slaves?

The Americans were willing to take on a mighty nation.

What statement BEST describes the outcome of the Battle of New Orleans?

Time of uncertainty, great change and unrest. He had to merge Louisiana's past laws with American laws.

What was the Orleans territory like during the 8 years Claiborne was governor?

It was fought after the war was officially over

What was unusual about the Battle of New Orleans?

April 30, 1812

When did Louisiana formally become a state?

They were offered the opportunity to buy all of Louisiana

When they tried to buy New Orleans, what were they shocked about?


When was a committee appointed to draft Louisiana's first state constitution?


Who did Thomas Jefferson appoint as leader of the Orleans Territory? (he later became governor of the STATE of Louisiana)

James Monroe and Robert Livingston

Who did Thomas Jefferson send to France to try to purchase New Orleans?

Andrew Jackson

Who did the U.S. send to defend New Orleans during the War of 1812?


Who exposed Burr's plan to take control on New Orleans?

Thomas Jefferson

Who sent negotiators to France to try to buy New Orleans for the U.S.?

Napoleon Bonaparte

Who was the leader of France when Louisiana was sold to the U.S.?

James Madison

Who was the president when Louisiana officially became a state?

The British angered Americans by using the practice of impressment

Why did President James Madison declare war on Great Britain?

To guarantee permanent access to the Mississippi River

Why was the United States interested in buying New Orleans?


a combat between two persons, especially one fought with weapons in front of witnesses

General James Wilkinson

became leader of the Louisiana TERRITORY after the Louisiana Purchase.


form of adventuring--of trying to interfere with or overthrow legitimate rule.

Louisiana Purchase

territory in western United States purchased from France in 1803 for $15 million

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