LPI 010-160

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What two character sequence is present at the beginning of an interpreted script? (Please specify the TWO correct characters only)


Users encrypted password is stored in


Which is a suitable command to find the next appearance of the word 'hidden' in a man page being viewed from the command line?


In which directory the administrative binary files are located?


Where can we find the system documentation


In which directory are system log files kept?


Which of the following command options can be used to get a help

1. -h 2. --help

Which of the following tar options handle compression? (Choose two correct answers.)

1. -z 2. -j

Which of the following Linux distributions use the dpkg package management system? (Choose TWO correct answers.)

1. Debian 2. Ubuntu

Given a directory with the following information: drwxrwxrwxt 12 tu tg 36864 2012-03-15 /home/directory/ Which of the following statements are true? (Choose two)

1. Everybody can delete only his own files 2. Everybody can create files in the directory.

Which of the following applications are popular Open Source relational database systems? (Choose two)

1. PostgreSQL 2. MySQL

Which statements are correct regarding distributions? (Choose two)

1. Program packages of one distribution can be adapted for another. 2. Programs can be installed manually and without a packet manager.

What information is stored in /etc/passwd? (Choose three correct answers.)

1. The username 2. The numerical user ID 3. The user's default shell

Which of the following will change your current location to be in your home directory

1. cd ~ 2. cd 3. cd $HOME

Which commands will archive /home and its content to /mnt/backup? (Choose TWO correct answers.)

1. cp -ar /home /mnt/backup 2. tar -cf /mnt/backup/archive.tar /home

Which of the following commands will output all of the lines that contain either the string 'Fred' or 'fred'? (Choose TWO correct answers.)

1. grep -I fred data_file 2. grep '[Ff]red" data_file

Which of the following commands can be used to get the groups of the user mostafa

1. grep Mustafa /etc/group 2. id mostafa 3. groups mostofa

Which of the following commands will output all of the lines with the name Fred in upper or lower case but not the word red from the file data_file? (Choose two)

1. grep-I fred data_file 2. grep '[Ff]red' data_file

Which of the following commands can be used to display the content of the file on the screen

1. less 3. cat

Which of the following commands display hardware information?

1. lshw 2. dmidecode

Running the command rm Downloads leads to the following error: rm: cannot remove 'Downloads/': Is a directory Which of the following commands can be used instead to remove Downloads, assuming Downloads is empty? (Choose two correct answers.)

1. rm -r Downloads 2. rmdir Downloads

Which of the following commands will set the variable "text" to "olaf is home"? (Choose two)

1. text=='Olaf is home' 2. text=olaf\ is\ home

What does LAMP mean?

A combination of Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP or other programming languages.

Which of the following applications are used to play an MP3 file on a Linux system? (Choose THREE correct answers.)

Amarok, Banshee, Audacious

Which Linux distribution is used as a basis for the creation of Ubuntu Linux?

Debian Linux

What is true about the owner of a file?

Each file is owned by exactly one user and one group.

True or false: You can easily damage your Linux installation by mistyping an rm command when you log into your regular account.


Which of the following properties of a user account determines whether the user is given administrator privileges?

Its user ID is 0

Which of the following programs is not a graphical web browser?


You want to copy a directory, MyFiles, to a USB flash drive that uses the FAT filesystem. The contents of MyFiles are as follows: $ ls -l MyFiles/ total 276 -rw-r--r-- 1 jen users 129840 Nov 8 15:13 contract.odt -rw-r--r-- 1 rod users 42667 Nov 8 15:12 outline.pdf -rw-r--r-- 1 sam users 105979 Nov 8 15:12 Outline.PDF The USB flash drive is mounted at /media/usb, and so you type cp -a MyFiles/ /media/usb. What problem will occur when you attempt to copy these files?

One file will be missing on the USB flash drive.

Which one of the following is true about Open Source software?

Open Source software I available for commercial use

Which of the following software packages is a mail server?


Which of the following software packages is an e-mail server?


After using a text editor to create a shell script, what step should you take before trying to use the script by typing its name?

Set one or more executable bits using chmod.

What is the output of this command 'head -n 5 test.txt'?

The first 5 lines of test.txt

The output of the program date should be saved in the variable actdat. What is the correct statement?


What is the correct command to extract the contents of the archive file download.bz2?

bunzip2 download.bz2

Which command shows, amongst other information, the IP address of the current DNS server for a Linux system?

cat /etc/resolv.conf

Which of the following commands, typed at a Bash prompt, returns you to your home directory?

cd ~

Which of the following are correct commands for changing the current directory to the user's home? (Choose TWO answers)

cd ~ cd

Which of the following commands can be used to change both the owner AND group settings of a file?


Which of the following will change the group that is associated with a file?


What is the value of PATH variable

defines the directories where the binary files are located

Which command is used to display disk consumption of a specific directory


Which commands will give you information about how much disk space each file in the current directory uses


Which command shows if /usr/bin is in the current shell search path?

echo $PATH

Which permission shoud be assigned to a directory to be able to enter that directory


Which command is used to identify file type?


How can the current directory and its subdirectories be searched for the file named MyFile.xml?

find . -name MyFile.xml

Which command chain will count the number of regular files with the name of foo.txt within /home?

find /home -type f -name foo.txt | wc -l

Which of the following commands will output a list of all of the file names, under your home directory and all subdirectories, which have file names ending with '.pdf' ?

find ~ -name '*.pdf'

Given a file called birthdays containing lines like: YYYY-MM-DD Name 1983-06-02 Tim 1995-12-17 Sue Which command would you use to output the lines belonging to all people listed whose birthday is in May or June?

grep '[0-9]*-0[56]-' birthdays

Which of the following represents the 'if' statement syntax

if [-n $I ]; then echo $I; fi

How would you invoke the info page for the ls command

info ls

Which of the following commands can be used to view a file and do search operations within it while viewing the contents?


Find / -name '*' will

list all files and directories recursively bartering from /

Which of the following commands creates a symbolic link pointing from ./fstab_lnk to /etc/fstab

ln -s /etc/fstab ./fstab_ink

Which network interface always exists in a Linux system?


Which of the following programs is used to search for files in a file system?


Which command is used to print a file


Which command lists all files in the current directory that start with a capital letter?

ls [A-Z]*

Which command line can be used to search help files that mention the word "copy"?

man -k copy

Which of the following commands moves the directory ~/summer-vacation and its content to ~/vacation/2011?

mv ~/summer-vacation ~/vacation/2011

A Linux computer has no access to the internet. Which command displays information about the network gateway for the system?


Which of the following commands creates an archive file archive.tar from the contents of the directory ./archive/?

tar -cf archive.tar ./archive/

What command would you use to create a new archive of /tmp/Archive (named archive.tar.bz2) with bz2 compression?

tar cjf archive.tar.bz2 /tmp/Archive

Which command is used to display the operating system name


Which approach will provide a listing of the contents in a tar archive?

use the tar command with -t.

What command line will create the user 'falco' with home directory assigned to the group 'users' as primary group?

useradd -m -g users falco

Which command is used to delete the user mostafa

userdel mostafa

Which of the following tools is the best to install a software package and all its dependencies on a RHEL based systems?


Which of the following is considered as rpm-based package management tool

yum and dnf

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