LPI Cert- Linux Essentials

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Which of the following programs on a Linux system could you use as a replacement for Adobe Photoshop? Paint Gimp Draw Keynote


Which version of Linux should be installed on a system with a 64-bit processor? x32 x64 x86 x99




GPL stands for: German Propulsion Lab Great Programmers Legion General Public License General Private License


The _________ column tells what program the session is running. STATUS PROGRAM WHAT


What command allows you to list files sorted by when they were last modified? ls -l ls -a ls -t ls


What does HCL mean? Hardware Cipher Lifecycle Hardware Computer License Hardware Compatibility List Hardware Cache Linux


Which command is used to make a shell variable known to subsequently executed programs? announce env export transfer


Which of the following is used as a virtual or pseudo filesystem used to interface with the kernel and system as a whole but not with individual processes? /boot /proc /sys /dev


Which of the following statements BEST describes what the command cat /proc/meminfo will display? A. Hardware-specific CPU information B. Hardware-specific motherboard information C. Hardware-specific RAM information D. Hardware-specific NIC information


Which option can be used with tail to print the last X bytes of a file to the screen? -n -b -c -x


Which two pager commands are used by the man command to control movement within the document? Less and... more grep page


A ________ lets you edit documents that are stored in plain-text format. File editor Text Editor File viewer


A source file and a symbolic link must be part of the same file system. True or False? True False


Deleting a source file will break an associated hard link. True or False? True False


Linux does not allow multiple users to access the computer simultaneously. True False


Tar - create new archive -f -c -x -z


The groupmod command can be used to add users to a group. True or False? True False


The most common shell used for Linux distributions is the ________ shell. Fish Bash Tsch Zsh


Which command is used to print the last 10 lines of a file to the display? cat tail head less


Which file on a Linux system contains the passwords for each user on the system? /etc/password /etc/shadow /etc/passwd /etc/users


A maintenance cycle: Describes how long a version of software will be supported Describes how often updates for software come out Should be short so you always have the freshest releases Only has meaning for paid software Should be long so that you have time before you need to upgrade


A network of inexpensive computers connected to sensors and controllers is called: Internet of Things (IoT) Creative commons Open source networking Closed source computing Relationational database


Commands must follow certain rules known as: Syntax Synapse Command Rules and Regulations Command Execute


Consulting log files can therefore be an important part of diagnosing problems with daemons. True False


DHCP can be used to deliver IP addresses in one of two ways: Fixed and Dynamic Manual and Automatic Dial-up and DSL


DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Data Host Connection Program Direct Host Connection Protocol


Daemons are basically programs that run in the background a type of virus that destroy system files system files


Debian is a community effort that supports many hardware platforms True or False? True False


In the command tar -czf foo.tar.gz bar, what is the purpose of the f flag? Tells tar to write to the file that follows the flag Tells tar to print the name of each file as it is processed Tells tar to read from the file that follows the flag Specifies extra compression is to be used Tells tar to copy only files, and not directories


Loops tell the script to perform the same task repeatedly until it executes the program in a specified number of times. True False


The /proc directory contains a subdirectory for each process present on the system. True or False? True False


The SUID option tells Linux to run the program with the permissions of whoever owns the file rather than with the permissions of the user who runs the program. True False


The ____ represents the start of a line, and the _____ denotes the end of a line. ^ and $ \ and . # and *


The cd command by itself will take you to what directory? Your home directory The directory above the current working directory The system root directory None; it is not a valid command


The chown command can be used to change the owner and group of a file. True or False? True False


The command echo "text" >> file.txt will not overwrite file.txt if it already exists. True or False? True False


The command man -k is the same as the command apropos. True or False? True False


The directory where additional documentation for software packages most likely can be found is: /usr/share/doc /usr/software/doc /var/lib/doc /var/share/doc


The double dot (..) can be used with the cd command to represent: The directory above the current working directory A user's home directory. Any two single characters Nothing; it has no special meaning.


The echo command takes a string as ____ and prints that string as ____ stdin, stdout stdout, stdin stderr, stdout stdin, stderr


The execute permission is never set on files by default. True or False? True False


The fdisk command is a tool used for working with the MBR partitioned disks. True or False? True False


The first character in a long listing (ls -l) indicates: If something is a file, directory, or symbolic link The size The permissions The owner


The following sections commonly appear on a man page: NAME, DESCRIPTION and... SYNOPSIS LICENSE


The free command outputs statistics about: Memory usage Disk usage Software usage CPU usage


The grep command can be used with glob characters. True or False? True False


The groupmod command can be used to change a group GID. True or False? True False


The groupmod command can be used to change a group name. True or False? True False


The rm command can delete multiple files at once. True or False? True False


The user sysadmin will be able to change the permissions of a file because they own it. True or False? True False


The userdel -r command will... ...automatically delete a user and the user's home directory and mail spool and their contents. ...delete the user account, but leave the user's files by default. ...automatically delete a user and all the files owned by that user. ...will prompt before deleting each file owned by a user.


This is a set of pages that explain every command available on the system: Man pages Script pages Master pages Book pages


To execute the same command as previously executed five commands ago, you would type: !-5 &5 !5 @-5


To get help on using the info command, execute man info or... info info help info info -q


To search the man page sections for the keyword example, which of the following command lines could you execute? man -k example and... apropos example man -f example whatis example


What keyword is missing from the following segment of the shell script?for i in*;----cat $idone Do Fi Run Then Endo


What keyword should be used to fill in the blank in the following segment of the given shell script? for i in *; _____ cat $i done do then when fi


What option can be used with tail or head to specify the number of lines to display to the screen? -n -b -c -x


What permissions does foo1.txt have after running "chmod 644 foo1.txt"? foo1.txt is readable/writeable by the owner foo1.txt is readable/writable by everyone foo1.txt is executable by the owner foo1.txt is writeable by the group


What type of multitasking does Linux use? Preemptive Cooperative Multi-user Single-user


Which of the following commands will allow you to view all processes on the system? ps aux and... ps -ef ps -eLf ps -A ps


Which of the following commands will create an archive file, named backup.tar, containing all the files from the directory /home? tar -cf backup.tar /home tar -cf /home backup.tar tar -xf /home backup.tar tar -xf backup.tar /home


Which of the following commands will display a list of all files in the current directory, including those that may be hidden? ls -a ls -h ls -all ls -hidden


Which of the following commands will display lines that contain either start or end? egrep 'start|end' file.txt egrep start end file.txt egrep start&end file.txt egrep (start|end) file.txt


Which of the following commands will display only lines that begin with start? grep ^start file.txt grep \start file.txt grep $start file.txt grep *start file.txt


Which of the following commands will output all of the lines with the name Fred in upper or lower case but not the word red from the file data_file? grep '[Ff]red' data_file grep -v fred data_file grep '[f]red' data_file egrep fred data_file


Which of the following commands will set the variable text to olaf is home? Text=="olaf is home" and... Text=olaf\ is\home Text=='olaf is home' $text='olaf is home' Text=$olaf is home


Which of the following commands would create a hard link, link to file? ln file link ln -s file link ln -s link file ln link file


Which of the following commands would create a hard link, link to file? ln file link ln -s link file ln link file ln -s file link


Which of the following commands would create a symbolic link, link to file? ln -s file link ln -s link file ln file link ln link file


Which of the following commands, run as root, will prevent the user bob from logging in? usermod -L bob usermod -D bob usermod -d bob usermod -l bob


Which of the following directories contain all of the installed kernels on your system and their needed drivers? /boot /proc /sys /dev


Which of the following directories is often used to store log files? /var /temp /dev/hdc1d2p3 /usr


Which of the following directories is often used to store log files? /var /usr /dev /home /temp


Which of the following file systems is most commonly used for Linux distributions? Ext4 HFS+ FAT32 NTFS


Which of the following files contains a mapping of IP addresses to URLs locally on your Linux machine? /etc/hosts /etc/names /etc/dns /etc/lookup


Which of the following files contains user IDs? /etc/passwd /etc/shadow /etc/group /etc/usr


Which of the following files does the groupadd command use to determine the new GID when a GID isn't specified? /etc/group /etc/usr /etc/passwd /etc/shadow


Which of the following information can be displayed by top? Running processes, ordered by CPU or RAM consumption User accounts, ordered by the number of logins User groups, ordered by the number of members CPU cores, user groups, free storage


Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the Linux distribution life cycle? Linux distros are always short term releases Most of the release schedules are publicly announced months or years in advance Some developers come up with catchy names for versions The final-release version is considered to be the stable version


Which of the following is a Debian-based computer operating system for Raspberry Pi? Raspbian Ubuntu Solaris Pi


Which of the following is a Linux based operating system for use on mobile devices? Android CentOS Debian IOS


Which of the following software packages is an email server? Postfix Apache MySQL GIMP Thunderbird


Which option can be used with the rm command to prompt before deleting? -i A l -P


Which option can be used with useradd to specify the home directory for a user? -d -c -b -h


Which option for the usermod command can be used to specify a user's group ID (either primary or secondary)? -G and... -g -S -s


Which option of the head command will display only the first five lines of a file? -n 5 No option needed; head displays only five lines by default. -n -l 5


Which package format is used by Ubuntu? .deb .rpm .tar .tgz


Which permission string will be represented by this type of permission: "Read and write permission for the user. The user's group and all other users should only be able to read the file." rw-r—r— r-------- rwxrwxrwx


Which statement about the directory /etc/skel are correct? The directory contains the global settings for the Linux system and... The files from the directory are copied to the home directory of the new user when the account is created The directory contains a default set of configuration files used by the useradd command The files from the directory are copied to the home directory of the new user when starting the system The personal settings of root are in this directory


Which two pager commands are used by the man command to control movement within the document? less and... more page grep


Which type of files is an important part of diagnosing problems with daemons? Log files System files Configuration files User files


Which type of link contains the data in the target file? Hard link Symbolic link Sticky link Smooth link


Why is the file data.txt empty after executing sort data.txt > data.txt? Because the file gets truncated before the sort is executed Because sort cannot sort text files, only binary files Because sort detects that both files are the same Because, if data.txt is empty now, it must have been empty before


Your current present working directory is /home/jason/documents/. You just entered cd . into the command line and then enter pwd. What output do you receive? /home/jason/documents/ /home/jason /home /home/jason/documents/..


no compression 0 -1 -6 -9


useradd option to create user's home directory -m -M


Which command is used to make a shell variable known to subsequently executed programs? Mv Transfer Announce Export Env


Which of the following is a suite of client-server software for creating and using file hosting services? ownHost FileOwn DropCloud ownCloud


Which of the following is a valid Linux option style for Traditional Unix: no dash two dashes (--) slash (/) a single dash (-)


Which of the following is true about open source software? The freedom to redistribute copies must include binary or executable forms of the software but not the source code. Open source software can not be copied for free Open source software is not for sale Open source software is available for commercial use


Which option can be used with the rm command to prompt before deleting? l A -P -i


What does this shell script do? FOO=/tmp/foo if [ ! -d $FOO ]; then mkdir $FOO fi Outputs a message to the screen Makes the /tmp/foo directory if a file by that name exists Creates /tmp/foo and raises an error if there is a problem Creates /tmp/foo if it does not exist Nothing, since there is a problem with the conditions in the if statement


What is a filesystem? It's a text interface with a computer. It is a directive to the computer to perform a specific task. It's a type of directory. It organizes a computer's files and directories into a tree structure.


What is defined by a Free Software license? The programming languages which may be used to extend the licensed program A complete list of libraries required to compile the licensed software Limits on the purposes for which the licensed software may be used The conditions for modifying and distributing the licensed software


What is defined by a Free Software license? The programming languages which may be used to extend the licensed program A complete list of libraries required to compile the licensed software Limits on the purposes for which the licensed software may be used The conditions for modifying and distributing the licensed software


What is the correct way to assign the word "Hello" to a variable? $A="Hello" A = "Hello" echo "Hello" > A A="Hello" echo $A "Hello"


What must the user do to run a program that is not within a directory located in the PATH variable? create a script create a new path re-install the program include the file path to the program


What permissions are set on a file with the command chmod 654 file.txt? -rwxrw--x D--wxr-x-- --wxr-x--x -rw-r-xr-- Drw-r-xr--


Where is the BIOS located? RAM LCD Monitor Hard drive Motherboard


Which UID is usually used to represent the first regular user on a Linux system? 1 10 100 1000


Which UID is usually used to represent the first regular user on a Linux system? 1 10 100 1000


Which are examples of permissive software licenses? BSD and... GPLv3 LGPLv3 GPLv2 MIT


Which command allows you to view or change some of the default values used by the useradd command? useradd -D useradd -r modvalue useradd -f


Which command is used to print one page of text to the screen at a time? cat tail head less


Which command shows if /usr/bin is in the current shell search path? Cat $PATH Cat PATH Echo %PATH% Echo $PATH Echo %PATH


Which command will archive /home and its content to /mnt/backp? Cp -ar /home /mnt/backp and... Mv /home /mnt/backp Sync -r /home /mnt/backp Copy -r /home /mnt/backp Tar -cf /mnt/backup/archive.tar /home


Which command will display the UID, GID and groups your current user belongs to? whoami Who about id


Which command will display the groups that the root user belongs to? all all -t group -r id root groups -a


Which of the following can you NOT install Linux on? Cloud servers Desktops Smartphones Smartcard


Which of the following commands can be used to extract content from a tar file? Tar -vf Tar -c Tar -v Tar -xvf Tar -e


Which of the following commands can be used to extract files from an archive? Tar -evf Tar -v Tar -vf Tar -xvf Tar -e


Which of the following commands will list hidden files as well as their ownership? ls -a ls -z ls -l ls -la


Which of the following commands will output a list of all of the file names under your home directory and all subdirectories with file names ending with .pdf? search .pdf ls -name -R '*.pdf' find /home/*.pdf find ~ -name '*.pdf'


Which of the following is a requirement of the GPL license but not the BSD license? The GPL license forbids the removal of copyright and license notices from source code files that are distributed The GPL license contains a disclaimer of warranty requiring users not to hold the software authors liable for any damages The GPL license requires that any legal disputes be settled with the mediation of the Free Software Foundation Users who modify and distribute the software under the GPL license must make the modifications they made available to the recipients under the same license


Which of the following is a requirement of the GPL license but not the BSD license? The GPL license forbids the removal of the copyright and license notices from the source code files that are distributed. The GPL license requires that any legal disputes be settled with the modification of Free Software Foundation. The GPL license contains a disclaimer of warranty requiring users not to hold the software authors liable to any damage. Users who modify and distribute the software under the GPL license, must make the modifications they made, available to the recipients under the same license.


Which of the following is a valid option for a typical command to get its built-in usage information? -? help --manual --help


Which of the following is an example of embedded Linux? Red Hat Linux Fedora Linux Mint Android


Which of the following is the UNIX device name for a physical or virtual terminal connection? dev virt phy tty


Which of the following is the correct order of a computer's operation? (1) The computer waits for user input, (2) The computer executes the command, (3) The user selects a command and enters it via the keyboard or mouse (1) The computer executes the command, (2) The computer waits for user input, (3) The user selects a command and enters it via the keyboard or mouse (1) The user selects a command and enters it via the keyboard or mouse, (2) The computer executes the command, (3) The computer waits for user input (1) The computer waits for user input, (2) The user selects a command and enters it via the keyboard or mouse, (3) The computer executes the command


Which of the following options for the useradd command allows you to use a different primary group then the default? -G -u -U -g


Which of the following statements is FALSE? A difference between Windows and Linux is the concept of mounting and unmounting partitions, drives or directories in Linux. Linux distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase letters in the file system. As opposed to Windows, files in Linux may have a file extension, such as .txt, but do not need to have one. Hidden files start with a pound/hashtag.


Which option for the wc command will print the total number of words in a file? -C -l -L -w


You type gzip myfile.tar. What happens? myfile.tar is removed and... An error; you forgot to specify the file with -f myfile.tar is unarchived into the current directory An error; you forgot to pass the name of the output file myfile.tar.gz holds a compressed version of myfile.tar


A Linux server has been experiencing performance spikes over the course of two weeks. The administrator needs to create a report and determine the cause of the performance spikes. Which of the following commands, along with information in /var/log/messages, will help troubleshoot the issue? A. vmstat B. sar C. loadavarage D. uptime


A Linux server is providing time services to several VMs. Which of the following hardening techniques will BEST reduce the risk of the time server being targeted for an attack? A. Add a warning banner. B. Change the default port. C. Block time services. D. Stop time services.


A __________ is a program or system setting that polices network transactions, allowing or disallowing them based on programmed criteria. Shell Firewall Antivirus


A computer only requires a single piece of information to connect to a typical network (its IP address). True False


A computer running Linux can: Outperform proprietary systems at certain tasks All of the above Function as a web server Serve a government agency Be used to create new programs


A datacenter administrator assigns a ticket to a junior Linux administrator regarding a Linux server that is presenting issues with excessive CPU consumption and causing instability in a specific application. The junior Linux administrator troubleshoots the Linux server and finds several zombie processes running on it. Which of the following commands would effectively fix the issue? A. kill -9 pid B. kill -s SIGCHLD pid C. kill -9 all D. kill -9 SIG pid


A package system can be installed directly from the internet. True False


A pair of double quotes (" ) will prevent the shell from interpreting any metacharacter. True or False? True False


A systems administrator wants to load custom modules. Which of the following directories is most appropriate to keep load module settings persistent? A. /etc/kernel B. /etc/modprobe.d C. /etc/sysconfig D. /usr/lib/modules


A user cannot delete a file if they do not own it. True or False? True False


A user cannot delete a file if they do not own it. True or False? True False


A value of 0 in the "minimum" password aging field means the user cannot change their password. True or False? True False


After installing a new package, in which directory are you most likely to find its configuration file? /lib /etc /conf /usr


An interpreted programming language is converted into machine specific instructions as the program runs and... Requires a compilation step but no linking step Tends to offer more features than compiled languages Requires a linking step but no compilation step Takes fewer resources to run than a compiled language


Brackets cannot be used to a represent a range of characters. True or False? True False


By default, the zip command replaces uncompressed files with compressed files. True or False? True False


Consider the following script: #!/bin/bash ip=`route -n | grep UG | tr -s " " | cut -f 2 -d " "` echo "Checking to see if $ip is up..." ping -c 5 $ip Which of the following would be the first line displayed to the screen when the script is executed by the user? Pinging ipaddress... Checking to see if ipaddress is up... Checking ipaddress... Pinging IP...


Creative Commons licenses allow you to specify whether or not people may distribute changes, specify whether or not changes must be shared and... Receive royalties on the use of the work Allow or disallow commercial use Get a veto on where the work is used


How could one search for the file foo.txt under the directory /home? Search /home -file foo.txt Find /home -name foo.txt Search /home foo.txt Find /home -file foo.txt Find /home foo.txt


How would you change to one directory above the current working directory? mkdir .. cd .. ls .. cd ../..


In Linux, a dash (-) serves as a "quote" or "escape" character to enter otherwise hard-to-specify characters, such as spaces, as part of a filename. True False


In general, for which of the following would you want to use lossless compression? A JPEG image A log file An encrypted email A movie An mp3 audio file


In order to hide a file or directory from being viewed by the ls command, you just have to: Put * in the beginning of the filename Put . in the beginning of the filename Save the file as a .xyz file


Linux Mint is: Compatible with Android systems A fork of Ubuntu Linux A proprietary version of Ubuntu with advanced features A refreshing after dinner treat Distributed in every country without license restrictions


Linux has a dedicated filesystem feature to hide files from ls command. True False


Linux is distributed under which license? MIT GPLv2 GPLv3 Linux Foundation BSD


Linux limits the number of user accounts in a single computer to 100. True False


Linux originally only ran on: Macintosh Intel 386 PCs Raspberry Pi computers Specialized processor chips Xerox copy machines


Linux users normally download and install applications from the applications' websites. True False


Looks at it's db and reports file location (find a particular file by name which you know exists) find locate grep


Lossy compression: Usually results better compression than lossless, is often used with images and... Is often used with documents Sacrifices some quality Decompresses to an identical version as the original


Most of nano's commands take the form of: Alt and another character Control and another character Escape followed by another character The F1 through F12 function keys Mouse clicks


On a system that does not use UPG, the useradd command will also create a user group. For example, user bob, group bob. True or False? True False


One of the most basic features of shell scripts is the ability to compile programs the ability to run commands to ask for user input


Only one set (user, group, other) of permission can be changed at once using the symbolic method. True or False? True False


Search the file greatest.txt for "Earl", then send the results to the file oddfuture.txt. grep "Earl" greatest.txt cat oddfuture.txt grep "Earl" greatest.txt >> oddfuture.txt grep "Earl" oddfuture.txt grep "Earl" greatest.txt | oddfuture.txt


Setting setgid on a directory... ...will allow scripts in the directory to be executed as the group owner of the directory. ...will set the group owner of all files created in the directory to the group owner of the directory. ...is not allowed by the system. ...does nothing.


Software packages are compiled for compatibility with any version of a specific Linux distro. True False


Source code refers to: The version of a program that the computer runs on the CPU A human-readable version of computer software The license that dictates how you may use and share the software The interface that software uses to talk to the kernel


The "cd" command is short for _____________. Check Directory Change Directory Change Disk Check Disk


The "cd" command is short for _____________. Check directory Change directory Change disk Check disk


The "setgid" permission allows a command to be run as the group owner of the file and... ...prevents the group owner of a file from being changed. ...allows files created in a directory to be owned by the group that owns the directory. ...can only be set on files.


The Linux shell is customizable, allows you to launch programs and... Is responsible for tracking the location of configuration files Has a scripting language Has a built-in text editor


The Mem: line reveals total ____________ CPU statistics RAM statistics System information


The RSA key fingerprint allows the dig command to connect to remote systems. True or False? True False


The _____ command can be used to find any file, not just commands or man pages. whatis locate whereis apropos


The application packaging is the same for each distro family. True False


The command to change the ownership of a file in a text-mode manner is _______ chnguser chown transferown


The double ampersand characters (&& ) are used to separate commands to be executed conditionally, where if the command to the left of the ampersands fails, then the command to the right of the ampersands will be executed. True or False? True False


The fields in /etc/group contains the following: Shell, Kernel, Package Information Group Name, Password, GID IP address, metamask, domain name


The following file is found in which system file? root:x:0:0::/root:/bin/bash /usr/bin/shadow /etc/passwd /etc/shadow /etc/password /etc/user.cong


The generic name given to the action of protecting shell meta-characters from being treated specially by the shell: Quitting Quoting Quilting Queuing


The grep command allows you to Rename a file or directory Search for files that contain a specified string Repeat the previous command


The grep command... ...will display all the lines that begin with the specified Regular Expression. ...will display all the lines in a file containing the specified Regular Expression. ...is not case sensitive. ...will display the line numbers in a file that contain a specified Regular Expression.


The groupdel command can be used to delete primary groups. True or False? True False


The heightened value proposition of open source software compared to proprietary software include the following EXCEPT: Security Popularity Interoperability Localization


The ls command without options or arguments... ...prompts for a directory to list. ...lists the contents of the current directory. ...lists the contents of a user's home directory. ...generates an error as this command requires arguments.


The most popular Linux platform for mobile phones is: IOS Android BlackBerry Slackware MobileLinux


The permission string rwxrwxrwx means Read permission for the owner, no permission for anybody else. Read, write, and execute permissions for all users. Read and write permissions for the owner. Read-only permission for all others.


The regular expression b[aeiou]g will match the words: bag, beg, big bag, beg, big, bog, bug baeioug


The release cycle: Only has meaning for paid software Dictates how often software is updated Should be short so you always have the freshest releases Should be long so that you have time before you need to upgrade Describes how long software will be supported


The setgid permission allows a command to be run as the group owner of the file and... ...can only be set on files. ...allows files created in a directory to be owned by the group that owns the directory. ...prevents the group owner of a file from being changed.


The sticky bit can be set with the chown command in either of two ways: Kernel and Daemon Octal Code and Symbolic Code Parse and Compile


The superuser or administrator, is traditionally called ______ in Linux. Toor Root admin su


The three main modes of tar are extract, create and... Copy List Compress


The two forms of commonly used regular expressions: basic and complicated. True False


The uniq command removes duplicates ____ If they are separated Only if they are adjacent None of these From the entire input


The user owner of a file will always have the same or higher permissions as "other". True or False? True False


The user sysadmin will be able to read a file because they own it. True or False? True False


The way to code a script to end is by setting a return value or ___________. For loop Exit value Conditional expression


There is absolutely no cost in acquiring and maintaining open source software. True False


This command which is short for copy, copies files. mv cpy cp mve


This is similar to using the right-click mouse button and selecting New Folder in a Windows desktop. Typing "mk newfolder" Typing "mkdir newfolder" Typing "newdir folder" Typing "new folder"


To make changes permanent for kernel parameter files found under /proc/sys, the following file can have entries added to it: /etc/sysinfo.conf /etc/sysctl.conf /etc/procctl.conf /etc/procsys.conf


To search the man page sections for the keyword example, which of the following command lines could you execute? man -k example and... whatis example apropos example man -f example


Two types of command parameters are: Opinions and Debates Options and Arguments Opt-ins and Assessments Open and Argumentative


Unlike other Operating Systems, Linux is a single-user operating system. True False


Vector Graphics tool: Gimp Inkscape Blender Apache / NGINX


Virtual RAM is stored: In the CPU On a hard drive


Virtualization means: A machine can swap memory to disk A single host can be split up into multiple guests Many users can share one hard drive A user can connect to a server over the network and use a virtual console Two users get different memory spaces on the same machine


What are two character sequence is present at the beginning of an interpreted script? #/ #! !# /#


What command outputs the string "Lamar" to the file greatest.txt? cat "Lamar" greatest.txt echo "Lamar" > greatest.txt echo "Lamar" < greatest.txt mv "Lamar" greatest.txt


What command would a user enter to delete a directory containing no other files or directories within it? mkdir rmdir cpdir mvdir


What does HCL mean? Hindustan Computer Limited Hardware Compatibility List Hardware Computer License House Computer Linux


What does the following command do? touch media/popular.txt It changes the working directory to the media directory. It creates a file named popular.txt in the media directory. This command is not formed correctly. It creates a file named popular.txt in your working directory.


What does the grep command allow a user to do? Rename a file or directory Search for files that contain a specified string Repeat the previous command Move a file from one folder to another


What does the redirection operator <> do? Accepts text on the following lines as standard input. Causes the specified file to be used for both standard input and standard output. Sends the contents of the specified file to be used as standard input.


What does the s stand for in the 's/Hopsin/Kanye' part of sed 's/Hopsin/Kanye'? Stringent Substitute Secondary Search


What is a special permission bit set on a file or a directory that lets only the owner of the file/directory or the root user delete or rename the file? SGID Sticky bit SUID Special bit


What is one of the most basic features of a shell script? The ability to compile programs The ability to run commands The ability to ask for user input The ability to display command output information


What is the generic name given to the action of protecting shell meta-characters from being treated specially by the shell? Nulling Quoting Slashing Queuing


What is the main difference between Linux and Windows/MAC OS? There is no real difference Linux is open source software while the other two are closed source operating systems Linux is affordable while Windows/MAC OS is expensive You have to install Linux while Windows/MAC OS is pre-installed


What is the usual absolute path of the personal directory for the user foo? /home/users/foo /home/foo /users/home/foo /users/foo


What one character treats the character that follows it as if it was surrounded by single quotes? % \ / #


When a new user is added, where does the user ID get stored? /etc/pass /etc/passwd /etc/realm /etc/users /etc/shpasswd


When choosing a distribution of Linux, you should consider: If the application software is supported by the distribution, Does your organization require long-term support for the system, Will commercial support be required for the OS, Does the distribution offer a "stable" version and... Popularity on social media Will users require a GUI


When interpreting the SYNOPSIS of a command found on a man page, the "|" means: The items it separates can be used together The items it separates cannot be used together


When looking at the primary IPv4 configuration file, if the device was configured to be a DHCP client, then the BOOTPROTO value would be set to none. True or False? True False


When the free command is run, what does the Mem: line reveal about the system? CPU statistics RAM statistics Graphics specifications System information


When typing a long command line at the shell, what single character can be used to split a command across multiple lines? / \ | "


When using a web browser, what should a user do to prevent private data from being stored locally? There is no way to achieve that because Linux always logs network data Browsers can be configured to use a private mode that does not store any data locally Delete the profile directory in the home directory and create a new one after the work is done Use the secure versions of the web browser


Where are the passwords stored for users on a Linux system? /etc/passwd /etc/shadow /etc/skel /etc/group


Which command can be used to print line numbers? ln nl sort num


Which command can be used to search help files that mention the word "copy"? whatis copy man -k copy man copy copy help


Which command could you use to copy the contents of kendrick.txt to a new file called rappers.txt? cp rappers.txt cp kendrick.txt rappers.txt cp kendrick.txt cp rappers.txt kendrick.txt


Which command shows if /usr/bin is in the current shell search path? cat PATH echo $PATH echo %PATH% cat $PATH


Which command will display running process information in realtime? Process Top Ps current Show current


Which command will display the last line of the file foo.txt? Last -n 1 foo.txt Tail -n 1 foo.txt Head -n foo.txt Tail foo.txt


Which command will display the users that are currently logged in to the system? id who about whoami


Which command will show what is inside the compressed tarball with a name of foo.tar.gz? tar -lf foo.tar.gz tar -tzf foo.tar.gz tar -xf foo.tar.gz tar -tjf foo.tar.gz tar -tf foo.tar.gz


Which command will show what is inside the compressed tarball with a name of foo.tar.gz? tar -tf foo.tar.gz tar -tzf foo.tar.gz tar -xf foo.tar.gz tar -lf foo.tar.gz tar -tjf foo.tar.gz


Which command would a user type to compress and package several files into a single file? compress zip bundle package


Which criteria are useful when deciding which operating system to use? Availability of mandatory applications and tools, License Costs and... Linux can do everything, there is no need for further evaluation Skills of the administrators and staff Ideological preferences of the system administrator


Which environment variable contains a list of directories that is searched for commands to execute? PS2 PATH EXEC PS1


Which file on a Linux system is modified to set the maximum number of days before a password must be changed? /etc/groups /etc/shadow /etc/passwd /etc/users


Which files contain user account information? /etc/passwd and... /etc/passwords /etc/shadow /etc/group


Which keyboard shortcut allows copying highlighted text while working in the command line terminal? CTRL + C CTRL + SHIFT + C CTRL + ALT + C CTRL + TAB + C


Which network device serves as the gateway between your internal network and external network? Switch Router Wireless access point Hub


Which of the following Ubuntu releases is considered most stable and fit to use for business purposes? Kubuntu LTS Xubuntu Server Xubuntu Ubuntu Vanilla


Which of the following answers are true for cloud computing? From the business perspective, Cloud Computing means outsourcing or centralization of IT operations and... Cloud Computing implies sharing all information with everyone else in 'the cloud' Cloud Computing provides new tools to manage IT resources Cloud Computing is the opposite of the Green IT; i.e., the use of fossil non-regenerative energy for computing


Which of the following are not man page sections? Name Mistakes Configuration Return Value


Which of the following are valid partitioning types? GPT and... PC MBR BIOS


Which of the following can be used to access the command line? Firefox Terminal Xargs XWindow BIOS


Which of the following can be used to represent a single number from 3 to 9? [3,5,7,9] [3-9] [three-nine] [9-3]


Which of the following can be used to represent a single number from 3 to 9? [3456789] [3-9] [three-nine] [9-3]


Which of the following commands can be used to compress a file? zip, gzip and... pzip bzip2 bunzip2 cat


Which of the following commands can be used to create a file? Build Touch Mkfile Create Nico


Which of the following commands moves the directory ~/summer-vacation and it content to ~/vacation/2011? Mv -R ~/summer-vacation ~/vacation/2011 Mv ~/summer-vacation ~/vacation/2011 Move -R ~/summer-vacation ~/vacation/2011 Mv ~/vacation/2011 ~/summer-vacation Mv /home/summer-vacation /home/vacation/2011


Which of the following commands set the other permissions on a file to r-x? chmod o-r-w file chmod o=rx file chmod o+rx file chmod o=r+x file


Which of the following commands will create a single directory named dir1 dir2? mkdir dir1dir2 mkdir "dir1 dir2" make dir1/dir2 create directory2


Which of the following commands will display CPU information? lscpu and... cpuinfo arch showcpu lspic


Which of the following commands will display the groups that the user bob belongs to? group bob id bob all bob groups -a


Which of the following commands will output all of the lines that contain either the string Fred or fred? Grep '[Ff]red' data_file and... Grep '[f]red' data_file Grep -i fred data_file Egrep fred data_file Grep -v fred data_file


Which of the following commands will set setgid on /shared ? chmod 1777 /shared chmod 2777 /shared chmod 7777 /shared None of these options are correct chmod 4777 /shared


Which of the following commands will set setuid for /usr/bin/program? chmod 1755 /usr/bin/program chmod 4755 /usr/bin/program chmod 2755 /usr/bin/program None of the above


Which of the following commands would be used to display the value of the HOME variable to the terminal's display? echo HOME echo $HOME echo &HOME echo "HOME"


Which of the following files holds the definition of the local user accounts? /etc/id /etc/passwd /etc/users /etc/home /etc/secret


Which of the following files holds the definition of the local user accounts? c/users /etc/passwd c/id c/home


Which of the following is NOT a Linux desktop environment: KDE ABC XFCE Unity


Which of the following is NOT a Linux distro? Ubuntu OS X Fedora Debian


Which of the following is NOT a heightened value proposition of Open Source Software compared to Proprietary Software? Security Popularity Interoperability Localization


Which of the following is NOT a valid rule in naming a variable? Variable names must start with a letter Variable names must start with numbers Underscores are used instead of embedded spaces Punctuation marks are not allowed


Which of the following is TRUE about open source software? It is always free It is a prominent example of open collaboration It is more secure than closed source software There is no support for open source software


Which of the following is the correct order of a computer's operation: (1) The computer executes the command, (2) The computer waits for user input, (3) The user selects a command and enters it via the keyboard or mouse 3, 2, 1 2, 3, 1 1, 2, 3 1, 3, 2


Which of the following is the valid device file name for the first IDE hard drive on the system? /dev/sda /dev/hda /dev/hd1 /dev/ide


Which of the following is true about a recursive directory listing? It includes the permissions of the directory listed It includes the content of sub-directories It includes details of file system internals such as inodes It includes details of the users and groups of the directory


Which of the following is used as a virtual or pseudo filesystem used to interface with the kernel and process? /boot /proc /sys /dev


Which of the following licenses was made by the FSF? Creative Commons GPLv3 Apache BSD MIT


Which of the following ls command options will list hidden files and folders? A. ls -lh B. ls -la C. ls -lr D. ls -lt


Which of the following ls commands, when executed, will only show information about the directory itself? ls -ld and... ls -h ld -d ld -a


Which of the following options must be used with rmdir to remove a directory and its subdirectories? rmdir -r rm -r rmdir rm -all


Which of the following statements is TRUE? Linux is better than Windows and Mac OS Each of the major OS have their own strengths and weaknesses Linux has the biggest market share compared to Windows and Mac OS There is really no difference between Linux, Windows, and Mac OS


Which of the following statements may be used to access the second command line argument to a script? "ARG$2" "$2" $1 "$1" '$2'


Which of the following tasks is not performed automatically for a user account when it is created using the useradd command? Assign a UID Create the user's home directory Assign a default shell Define the user's home directory


Which of the following ways can you not run a command-line task as the root user? Log in directly as root at a text-mode shell or by using a remote login tool such as SSH. Disabling firewall and force open a directory, file or folder By using the sudo command


Which of these commands will return /etc/gai.conf /etc/pam.conf /etc/ucf.conf? ls /etc/???.???? and... ls /etc/p???.** echo /etc/???.*f echo /etc/*?.*o?


Which of these is not a function of the DNS? Maintains a directory of domain names and translate the to IP addresses Helps the operating system create a network connection Allows browsers to load Internet Resources


Which one of the following statements concerning Linux passwords is true? Users cannot change their password once it has been set Passwords are only stored in encrypted form All passwords can be decrypted using the system administrator's master password Passwords may be at most six characters long Passwords may never start with a non-letter


Which option can be used with tail to print the last 10 lines of a file and then keep printing any new lines that may be added continuously? -n -f -x -a


Which option will cause the echo command NOT to output a trailing newline? -p -n -s -t


Which program is used to access the shell? Kernel Terminal Command Line Shell


Which statement about users and user groups is correct? There can be only one user group on a system Every user belongs at least to one user group A group can only have one main user Users do not have to belong to a user group


Which type of link is used to points to another file like a shortcut in Windows or a Macintosh alias? Hard link Symbolic link Sticky link Smooth link


While deleting all files beginning with the letter a there was still the file Access.txt left. Assuming that it had the correct ownership, why was it not deleted? Files with extensions need a different treatment Linux file names are case sensitive Rm had to be called with the option -R to delete all files The file Access.txt was probably opened by another application The file Access.txt was hidden


You have been asked to create a script will present the user with a onboard menu in which they can select 4 different commands to run by entering 1, 2, 3, or 4. Which of the following statements should you use to create the simplest and most effective method of choosing the command to run based on the user's input? if case for while


Your current present working directory is /home/jason/documents/. You just entered cd .. into the command line and then enter pwd. What output do you receive? /home/jason/documents/ /home/jason /home /home/jason/documents/..


prevents you from destroying a file when you are redirecting standard output: Clobber No Clobber


useradd option to NOT create user's home directory -m -M


which character can you use to split a command across multiple lines | \ / >>


A ______ is a program written in an interpreted language, typically associated with a shell or a compiled program. Command Textfile Script


A copyleft provision in a software license means: You must provide support for your modifications You may not link against third party closed source software If you redistribute the software, you must distribute the source to any changes you make You must provide free copies of the software if you use it You give up your copyright to the software


A network packet contains the IP address of the source machine and... ...the name of the router. ...a hard drive partition. ...the IP address of the destination machine.


A pipe allows you to... ...send the same input to multiple commands. ...type multiple commands at one prompt. ...send the output of one command to another. ...send the output of a command to a file.


Embedded Systems means: Users must support the systems themselves You can view the software's source code Systems designed to do a specific task on hardware optimized for only that purpose Companies must share their changes Businesses cannot charge anything for the software, only the hardware


Given a file called documents.zip, how can you extract just the files under ProjectX? zip -x documents.zip ProjectX unzip documents.zip ProjectX unzip documents.zip ProjectX/* unzip -t documents.zip ProjectX unzip documents.zip | grep ProjectX


Given the following part of a script: if [ -f $1 ]; then echo "I am here" fi What is the meaning of $1? It is a special variable that indicates the exit code of the command before it It is a file called $1 It is the first argument passed to the script It is a list of files that gets interpolated It is a parameter to -f, indicating the size of the file


Given the following script that is run through ./test.sh hello goodbye: if [ -f $2 ]; then echo "I am here" fi When will "I am here" be printed? If a file called "hello" exists in the current directory The script will always print "I am here" If a file called "goodbye" exists in the current directory If there are two files in the current directory Never


HOME is an example of _________. A path variable A local variable An environment variable An alias An internal command


How can the normal output of a command be written to a file while discarding the error output? Command>2>file &1>/dev/null Command /dev/null Command> file2>/dev/null Command>2>discard-error>file Command> /dev/null 2&>1 output


How do you print the current working directory? mkdir ls pwd cd


How would you delete all files in the directory media/ (but not the directory itself)? rm media rm -a media/ rm media/* rm -all media/


How would you obtain output similar to the following? compressed uncompressed ratio uncompressed_name 278168 1016950 72.6% tags gunzip -t tags file tags gzip -l tags


If a user is deleted, the files and directories that the user owned... ...are deleted as well. ...will have no UID owner. ...may be important for others in the organization ...will have no user owner.


If a user is deleted, the files and directories that the user owned... ...are deleted as well. ...will have no user owner. ...will show a UID as the owner, but not user name. ...will have no UID owner.


If the current working directory is home/, which of the following commands will navigate to the movies/ directory in the tree below? home/ media/ movies/ home/ media/ music/ mkdir media/movies cd movies cd media/movies ls media/movies


In graphical mode, you can get to a shell by running which applications? Terminal and... Gbash Guiterm Xterm console


In the command tar -cvjf foo.tbz a b c, what are a, b, and c? Nothing; -cvjf only expects one parameter a is the directory that will be prepended to files; b and c are files inside it File names to be added to the archive Extra flags passed to tar Matching operators; anything starting with a, b, or c will be added


Information provided in the default output of the who command includes the following: Username, password, ip address GID, UID, password Username, Terminal Identifier, Login Date and Time


Linux distributions use this to add and remove software from the system: Application Programming Interface (API) Partitioning tool Package manager Bash Compiler


Linux is a _____________ system. Multi operating Single user Multiuser Super user


Linux stores most log files in the __________ directory tree. /var/system /sys/var/log /var/log


Most account features are defined in the /etc/passwd file, except: Username Password Connection type


The Raspberry Pi is popular with experimenters because: It runs Microsoft Office End users have to pay for programming expenses It's cheap and adaptable The hardware never changes It takes months or years to develop an application


The _______ command will print a list of the commands that you've previously executed. list eval history exec


The ________ is responsible for managing every other piece of software on a running Linux computer. Package file Host Kernel


The _____________ maintains a database of information about installed packages. Kernel Shell script Package software


The chgrp command can be used on a file by: A user that belongs to the files current group Only the file owner The file owner and root Only root


The chmod command can be used on a file by: Only root A user that belongs to the files current group The file owner and root The file owner


The command ls -S will sort files: By modification date, newest to oldest By number of symlinks, largest to smallest By size, largest to smallest By size, smallest to largest


The default shell in most Linux distros is bash which stands for: Born Again Shell Beautiful Amazing Shell Bourne Again Shell Bash As Shell


The tar can be used to back up or archive data, which stands for Transfer tool Target archive Tape archive


The touch command can be used to: Create new files and... Change ownership of a file Change a file's name Update the timestamp of existing files


To be able to output messages to the screen, use the _______ command: display type echo print


To see all the variables that are in the user's environment, use the _______ command. printvar ping printenv processvar


To start searching a man page, the first key you press is: f s / !


Two types of output messages Manual and Automatic messages Standard Output and Input messages Standard Output and Standard Error messages


Ubuntu is derived from which distribution? Slackware Scientific Linux Debian Red Hat Enterprise Linux


What are the three sets of permission for a file? User, standard user, others Administrator, standard user, others User, group, others Administrator, group, others


What column tells the "w" program which session is running? STATUS PROGRAM WHAT WHICH


What directly controls hardware and translates the commands given from a piece of software into something the hardware can understand and act upon? Colonel Command Kernel Root


What does LAMP mean? Short for lamport-clock which is important in distributed network computing Short for Lightweight Access Management Protocol which synchronizes permission in a network The combination of Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP and other programming languages The bus ID of an attached USB device that emits light The Linux Advanced Mode Programming Interface which gives advanced capabilities to application developers


What does the acronym FHS stand for among the the standards supported by the Linux Foundation? Filesystem Hierarchy Structure File Hierarchy Standard Filesystem Hierarchy Standard


What is a daemon? A specialized system file A type of virus that destroys system files A program that runs in the background of the system A configuration file


What is the correct way to save the current directory to a variable? pwd $A A=cwd A=`pwd` A=pwd pwd | $A


What is the first character for a file or directory names if they should not be displayed by commands such as ls unless specifically requested? \ (backslash) - (minus) . (dot) _ (underscore)


What is the maximum amount of memory accessible by a 32-bit operating system? 1 GB 2 GB 4 GB 8 GB


What is the preferred source for the installation of new applications? A retail store The vendor's website The distribution's package repository A CD-ROM disk The vendor's version management system


What is the standard option to provide a command line program to view its documentation? --doc --info --help -h


Which Linux distribution is used as a basis for the creation of Ubuntu Linux? Gentoo Linux Red Hat Linux Debian Linux Arch Linux SUSE Linux


Which are appropriate editors for writing shell scripts? Vi and... LibreOffice Writer Firefox nano /bin/bash


Which command can be used to determine a user's most recent log in? history shell last login


Which command is used to print the first 10 lines of a file to the display? cat tail head less


Which command line can be used to search help files that mention the word 'copy'? help copy man copy man -k copy info copy


Which distributions are made by, or are clones of, RedHat? Fedora and... Debian Slackware CentOS Ubuntu


Which function does a shell program serve? It provides a graphical environment It is responsible for establishing a connection to another computer It receives user commands and executes them It is responsible for logging a user into the system


Which of the following are correct about for and while loops? for loops operate over a fixed list of items and... while loops operate over a fixed list of items for loops have a test each cycle to determine if it should run again while loops have a test each cycle to determine if it should run again for loops require a variable over which to iterate


Which of the following are correct commands for changing the current directory to the user's home? Cd ~ and... Cd /home Cd / Cd Cd ..


Which of the following are methods for setting permissions using the chmod command? Symbolic and... letter primary octal


Which of the following commands are used to view memory usage (Choose two correct answers). Top and... Nice Memory Free Ps


Which of the following commands can be used to resolve a DNS name to an IP address? dns query host iplookup


Which of the following commands can search for executable programs or scripts located in the PATH variable? what why which how


Which of the following commands is used to lookup the current IP address of a system? Sysinfo | grep ipaddress Less/proc/net/ipconfig Ifconfig Showip Ipconfig


Which of the following commands sets the other permissions on a file to r-x? chmod 777 file chmod 776 file chmod 775 file chmod 774 file


Which of the following commands will check hard disk MBR partitions? fdisk, cfdisk and... gfdisk gdisk sfdisk


Which of the following commands will display a list of all files in the current directory, including those that may be hidden? Ls -h Ls --hidden Ls -a Ls --a


Which of the following commands will display how long the system has been running since the last boot? w and... who id uptime


Which of the following commands will display the IP address on a Linux system? dig ipconfig ifconfig route


Which of the following directories are designed as locations where any user can create a temporary file? /tmp and... /home /lost+found /var/tmp /sbin


Which of the following displays network connections for Transmission Control Protocol, routing tables, and a number of network interface and network protocol statistics? net ping netstat traceroute


Which of the following does Raspbian Linux run on? AWS cloud Smartphone Raspberry Pi Vehicle entertainment system


Which of the following is the on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially data storage and computing power, without direct active management by the user? Remote Computing On-demand Computing Cloud Computing Passive Computing


Which of the following operating systems is Linux based on? Windows OS X Unix Symbian


Which of the following programs is not a graphical web browser? Konqueror Firefox Links Opera Chrome


Which of the following programs on a Linux system could you use as a replacement for Microsoft Word? Pages Pico Writer Nano


Which of the following software packages is a mail server? Thunderbird Apache Postfix GIMP


Which of the following statements concerning the General Public License (GPL) is true? GPL software may not be used to run nuclear reactors or air traffic control systems GPL software may never be sold for money The GPL is designed to ensure that the source code of a software remains freely available The GPL is identical to the BSD license If you changed a program you received under the GPL, you must send your changes to the original author for approval


Which of the following steps will increase the risk to your computer system? Enabling a firewall Shutting Down Unused Servers Establishing an Internet Connection


Which of the following will change the group that is associated with a file? Ls -g Chmod Chown Chmod -w


Which option can be used with useradd to create a new user without a home directory? -N -G -M -D


Which option for the ls command, when used in conjunction with the -l option, will display human-readable file sizes? -M -S -h -H


Which option of the command history can be used to clear the user's history? -clr /c -c $clear


Which redirection operator accepts text on the following lines as standard input <> >> <<


Which redirection operator accepts text on the following lines as standard input? <> >> << ><


Which version of Linux should be installed on a system with a 32-bit processor? x32 x64 x86 x99


You have just created a text file with a secret password in it called password.txt. You want to ensure that the password is not seen when the ls command is run within the current directory. What command should you use to ensure the text file is hidden from the filesystem? rn password.txt .password.txt mv password.txt password.hidden mv password.txt .password.txt rn password.txt password.hidden


______________ is a set of standards that underlie most modern network communications at the software level. Wi-Fi Internet TCP/IP


_________________ enables a script to perform one of several actions relying on a particular condition or value of a variable. Delimiter Variables Conditional Expression


default level of compression for the zip command by option (man zip) 0 -1 -6 -9


searches patterns within a file find locate grep


where you find documentation on installed software packages /etc /usr/share/man /usr/share/doc /root/software


A GID is associated with a group name. True or False? True False


A Linux computer has no access to the Internet. Which command displays information about the network gateway for the system? Route Traceroute Ipconfig Gateway Ifconfig


A __________ uses a one-way mathematical process with additional random input to produce what looks like nonsense to humans. salted hash password encryption firewall


A pair of single quotes ( ' ) will prevent the shell from interpreting any metacharacter. True or False? True False


A source and a hard link must be part of the same filesystem. True or False? True False


A successful command may, or may not print output to STDOUT. True or False? True False


Bundling utilities, management tools, and application software with a Linux kernel is called a: A distribution of Linux A text editor A type of hardware A trademark


By convention, environment variable names are all uppercase. True False


How can the current directory and its subdirectories be searched for the file name MyFile.xml? Find -name MyFile.xml Grep MyFile.xml | find Less MyFile.xml Grep -r MyFile.xml Search MyFile.xml ./


How would you delete a directory called music/? rm -r music rm -f music rm music rm -a music


How would you represent rwxr-xr-- in octal notation? 754 742 724 624


How would you write a test that says "if /tmp/foo is a directory or USERS is greater than 5"? test -d /tmp/foo -o $USERS -gt 5 test /tmp/foo -d -o $USERS -gt 5 test -d /tmp/foo | $USERS > 5 test /tmp/foo || $USERS > 5


If the current working directory is home/media/music, which of the following commands will navigate to the home/ folder in the tree below? home/ media/ movies/ home/ media/ music/ cd ../.. cd .. mkdir ls .. ls ..


If you are reading the synopsis of a command from a man page, then items in square [] brackets are: Optional Required options Required arguments Comments


Image editing tool: Gimp Inkscape Blender Apache / NGINX


In Linux, ping continues sending packets once every second or so until interrupted with a _______ keystroke. CTRL + C CTRL + ^ SHIFT + Enter


In order to rename the directory ~/documents/letters to ~/documents/archive, which of the following commands should be used? mv ~/documents/letters ~/documents/archive cp -m ~/documents/letters ~/documents/archive copy -m ~/documents/letters ~/documents/archive rename ~/documents/letters ~/documents/archive


IoT is one application of embedded systems: True or False? True False


Is the following path absolute or relative? sysadmin/Documents Relative Absolute


Linux distros ship with their own repositories pre-configured but you can also add other repositories to the system. True False


Linux does not use drive letters as Windows does. True False


Linux supports two types of links, ______ and _________, both of which are created with the ln command. Hard and symbolic Hard and soft Dynamic and static Dynamic and symbolic


Linux users can skip the GUI when logging into the system locally via a text-mode console. True False


Microsoft Windows has a scripting environment called PowerShell, Offers both desktop and server products and... Is generally backwards compatible with previous versions Has a short maintenance cycle Has a Linux compatibility mode Has a new desktop version every year.


One characteristic of Linux that sets it apart from other OS is that its native filesystems are case-sensitive. True False


Tar - Read or write compressed archives through bzip2 format. -j -J


The acronym CLI stands for: Command Line Interface Computer Link Interpreter Computer Line Interface Command Line Interpreter


The asterisk character is used to represent zero or more of any character in a filename. True or False? True False


The ls command: lists the files in a directory shows the current owner of a file lists all the users using a file


The main difference between the desktop environments of Windows/Mac OS and Linux is: Windows/Mac OS each have an inseparable desktop environment while Linux desktop environments are modular Windows/Mac OS desktop environments are drag and drop while Linux desktop environments are not Windows/Mac OS each have beautiful desktop environments while Linux desktop environments are ugly Windows/Mac OS each have a modular desktop environment while Linux desktop environments are inseparable


The main purpose of using glob characters is to be able to provide a list of filenames to a command. True or False? True False


The most important consideration when choosing an operating system is: What the intended use of the system is How much performance is needed The licensing model of the operating system The total cost of ownership Whether or not it is cloud-friendly


The number of users logged in is in a variable called USERS. How would you test to see if 5 users are logged in? test $USERS -eq 5 test $USERS,5 test -f USERS=5 test $USERS = 5 test $USERS -a 5


The process (ps) command shows only processes running in the current shell by default. True or False? True False


The process that launched a given process is called its ________. Parent Host Children


Using a pair of back quotes ( ` ) will cause a shell to execute the back-quoted text as a command and substitute the output back into the original command. True or False? True False


What are two special permission bits exist, similar to the sticky bit? SUID and SGID UID and User Octal Code and Symbolic Code


What command moves all files in the current directory to the directory school/? mv * school/ mv school mv school -a mv -a school/


What command searches all files recursively for "Gambino"? grep -R "Gambino" . grep Gambino | * grep "Gambino" grep -a "Gambino"


What does the < symbol do? Redirect input to a command Output commands It both redirects input to a command and outputs commands Append command to file


What is a set of pages that explain every command available on the system? Man pages Help pages Master pages Informational pages


What is the command that will show system boot time messages? Dmesg Lspci Display system boot Echo Messages


What is the correct statement to be used for comparison in a Linux shell script? if [ $x -gt $y ] if $x -gt $y if ( $x -gt $y) if { $x -gt $y }


What is the ls command used for in Linux? Lists the files within a directory Lists all shared files on a system Lists all users utilizing a file Lists all saved cookies on a system


What is the output of the following command? for token in a b c; doecho -n $({token};done Abc {a}{b}{c} Anbncn $token$token$token A b c


What is the practice of offering people the right to freely distribute copies and modified versions of a work with the stipulation that the same rights be preserved in derivative works created later called? Copyleft Copyright Openwrite OpenCopy


What is the program called that takes commands from the keyboard and gives them to the kernel to execute? Shell Kernel Root Command


What is the proper command to use to compress the file filename.txt into the zip archive called myfile.zip? zip myfile.zip filename.txt unzip filename.txt myfile.zip zip filename.txt myfile.zip unzip myfile.zip filename.txt


When issuing the service network restart command, which of the following occurs? ...takes down all network interfaces, re-reads all related configuration files and then the networking for the system is restarted. ...the networking for the system is stopped and then started back up. ...brings up all network interfaces, re-reads all related configuration files and then the networking for the system is restarted.


When using the cp command, you must provide both a source and a destination. True or False? True False


When using the sudo command to execute a command as the root user, the command prompts for the user's own password, not that of the root user. True or False? True False


When you execute the dmesg command, the system displays messages that are generated by the kernel. True or False? True False


Which command can be used to view the /etc/passwd file entries? getent getpasswd uppasswd uptime


Which command is used to print the full contents of a file to the screen at once? cat tail head less


Which command line can be used to search help files that mention the word "copy"? Man -k copy Copy help Whatis copy Copy -help Man copy


Which command lists all files in the current directory that starts with a capital letter? Ls [A-Z]* Ls A-Z Ls -uppercase-files Ls A-Z* Ls --upercasefiles


Which command would list files that do not begin with a "T" or a "W"? echo /etc/[!TW]* echo /etc/[*TW]! echo /etc/!TW echo /etc/*[TW!]


Which command would list files that do not begin with a T or a W? echo /etc/[!TW]* echo /etc/[*TW]! echo /etc/*[TW!] echo /etc/!TW


Which command would you use to get comprehensive documentation about any command in Linux? Man command Echo command Get command Locate command Help command


Which distribution is related to Red Hat? Fedora Raspbian Debian Ubuntu Slackware


Which flag would you pass to tar in order to have it make a new archive? -c -j -x -t -n


Which of the following BEST describes open source software? Open source software is released under a license in which the copyright holder grants users the rights to study, change, and distribute the software to anyone and for any purpose The source code of open source software is available for inspection only Open source software is usually developed by private developers Open source software does not need a license


Which of the following are glob characters? The asterisk *, The question mark ? and... The square brackets [ and ] The dash character -


Which of the following commands can be used to determine the time of the last login of a given user? Last Login Showlog History Recent


Which of the following commands can be used to rename a file? mv rm name cp


Which of the following commands can be used to view a file and do search operations within it while viewing the contents? Less Report Find See Grep


Which of the following commands is used to show the information about a directory or a symbolic link? ls -d ls -s ln -d ln -s


Which of the following is an example of embedded Linux? Android Red Hat Linux Fedora Linux Mint


Which of the following is the act of creating a virtual version of components such as storage devices and computer network resources called? Virtualization Virtual Reality Actualization Realization


Which of the following options is used with tar to create a new .tar archive file? -c -v -f -n


Which of the following statements is FALSE? An installer disk is always used to install Linux Developers usually host their distro's installer on their website Most distros are free to download and install Installers are usually packaged as ISO files which can be burned to optical discs or made into bootable USBs


Which of the following would properly identify the device associated with the second partition on the first hard disk on the first IDE controller of a system? /dev/hda2 /dev/hd1b2 /dev/hdc1d2p2 dev/hdc1a2


_________ is a placeholder for a value that will be determined when the script runs. Variable Script Pipeline command


A Linux administrator is investigating an unscheduled restart of an application server and wants to check for successful logins prior to the restart. Which of the following commands would display this information? A. who B. last C. dmesg D. reboot E. uptimet


A Linux computer currently has no access to the internet. Which command is used to display and manipulate the information about the network gateway for the system? gateway route ifconfig netstat


DNS stands for Domain Name Source True False


In Linux, RPM can be defined as: Random program memory The Package Manager program for Red Hat Linux Relational peak monitoring Radical performance machine The speed a record plays back at


Linked pages for the info command are called: inodes nodes hyperlinks toodles


The chown command permits changing group ownership done by root only. True or False? True False


The chown command permits changing group ownership done by root only. True or False? True False


The if command looks for what exit code to consider a condition to be true? 255 0 2 1 10


The largest difference between the GPLv2 and BSD licenses is: GPLv2 is not approved by the OSI BSD has no copyleft provision GPLv2 requires assigning copyright to the FSF Only BSD allows commercial use Nothing, they are virtually identical


Where is the BIOS located? RAM Motherboard Hard drive Monitor


Which of the following commands can be used to display socket statistics, and supports all major packet and socket types? route ss ifconfig top


Which of the following commands can be used to modify a user? adduser usermod moduser useradd


Which of the following commands increases the number of elements in a directory>? Touch newfile and... Ls newfile Mkdir newdirectory Rmdir newdirectory Create newfile


Which of the following commands will check hard disk GPT partitions? cgdisk, gdisk and... sfdisk sgdisk gfdisk


Which of the following hardware devices links a number of computers together to form an Ethernet LAN? Access point Switch Connector Server Terminal


You can only run one instance of the shell. True False


3D animation tool: Gimp Inkscape Blender Apache / NGINX


A Linux administrator is confirming information on a system. The administrator issues a series of commands and views the following output: search homebizbook.com nameserver nameserver Which of the following commands did the administrator issue? A. cat /etc/hosts B. cat /etc/nsswitch.conf C. cat /etc/resolv.conf D. cat /etc/networks


A Linux administrator issues the following command with root or sudo privileges: rpm -i installpackage.rpm Once the command is issued, the console outputs the following error message: failed dependency. The administrator confirmed in a previous step that all dependencies have already been installed. Which of the following commands should the administrator issue to bypass this error message? A. rpm -e installpackage.rpm B. rpm -i installpackage.rpm C. rpm -i installpackage.rpm --nodeps D. rpm -qa installpackage.rpm


How is it possible to determine if an executable file is a shell script which is ready by Bash? /bin/bash has to be run in debug mode The file must end with .sh The file line starts with #!/bin/bash The r bit is set Scripts are never executable files


Software packages specially compiled for a specific Linux distro and version are contained in: Depositories Definitive media libraries Repositories Public libraries


The following are examples of Linux commands EXCEPT: ls cd password clear


What is the command that will show system boot time messages? echo lspci dmesg display system boot


Which command is used to change the password of a user's account? useradd pwd passwd chuser


Which of the following is NOT correct when naming variables? Variable names must start with a letter Underscores are used instead of embedded spaces Variable names must start with numbers Punctuation marks are not allowed


Which of the following is a combined audio/video interface for transmission of digital data? ATI DVD HDMI DVI VGA


Which of the following is an American non-profit organization devoted to expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share? Open Commons Open Source Non-profit Creative Commons Free Creative


A file begins with #!/bin/csh. This means: This is a Perl script The operator should not be using /bin/csh C Shell compatibility mode is enabled Running the script will invoke /bin/csh to interpret the rest of the file Nothing, this is a comment


A file currently has permissions of 755. Which of the following commands would change file permission to r-xr--r--? chmod u-rx,go-r filename chmod u+w,go+x filename chmod r-wr--r-- filename chmod 544 filename


A license where you don't have access to the source code is called: Sourceless Impaired source Open source Closed source


A long software release cycle is: Better because old hardware can be utilized beyond its service life Only offered by Red Hat and SUSE Makes programming more difficult since new features cannot be used Valued by businesses that want stability Characterized by infrequent security fixes


A service is... ...another name for a computer's hostname. ...a file that contains configuration information. ...like an IP address. ...a feature provided by one computer to another.


A systems administrator wants to ensure users are greeted with a warning message when they log in to deter fraudulent activity. The systems administrator should: A. enforce the use of PKI. B. implement multifactor authentication. C. configure disk encryption. D. create a MOTD or banner.


Append the string "Aesop Rock" to the file greatest.txt None of these cat "Aesop Rock" >> greatest.txt cat "Aesop Rock" > greatest.txt echo "Aesop Rock" >> greatest.txt


Apple's OS X is tightly integrated with Apple hardware, a fully certified UNIX distrobution, and... Derived from Linux Able to natively run Windows binaries Primarily used to manage network services Partially based on code from the FreeBSD project


Compression of a file works by: Storing most of the data on removable media and just leaving a pointer Eliminating gaps within the file Removing the high order bit from each byte Removing redundant information Consolidating multiple files into one


Error messages generated by commands are sent where by default? STDIN Log files STDOUT STDERR


GIDs under 500 (or 1000) are usually reserved for what kind of groups? Are not used for groups, but for user accounts Administrators User private groups (UPG) System use


GUI stands for General User Interface Great User Image Generic Unique Interlink Graphical User Interface


Given the following directory permissions:drwxrwxrwt 14 root 36864 2012-03-02 11:17 tmpWhat is the letter t at the end of drwxrwxrwt indicate? It indicates that this directory contains only temporary files that may be deleted It is a temporary bit that prevents launching commands in this directory It is the sticky bit that causes all commands in this directory to be launched as a root. It means that even though the directory is global writable only the owner can delete their own files It makes the directory accessible for everybody


Hidden files are files that begin with what character? A plus (+) An asterisk (*) A dash (-) A period (.)


How would you create a file named text.txt in your current directory? mkdir text.txt touch home/text.txt ls text.txt touch text.txt


How would you pipe the results of one command to another? command > command command < command command >> command command | command


Identify the proper device for the third partition, on the second hard disk, on the first IDE controller on a PC system. /dev/hd1b3 Dev/hdc1b3 /dev/hdc1d2p3 /dev/hdb3 Dev/hdc1a3


In general, for which of the following would you want to use lossless compression? A JPEG image A movie An encrypted email An mp3 audio file A log file


In virtualization, what are the host and guest? The host is the machine that runs the virtual machines and... The guest is the machine that runs the virtual machines The terms can be used interchangeably A host is a virtual machine A guest is a virtual machine


SUSE is derived from which distribution? Fedora Debian Red Hat Enterprise Linux Slackware Scientific Linux


Tar - read or write compressed archives through gzip format -f -c -x -z


The command ls -S will sort files: By size, smallest to largest By modification date, newest to oldest By number of symlinks, largest to smallest By size, largest to smallest


The command rm -r will... prompt for each confirmation before deleting each file in a directory. remove only empty directories. generate an error; -r isn't a valid option. remove a directory along with any files or subdirectories.


The directory where additional documentation for software packages most likely can be found is: /var/share/doc /var/lib/doc /usr/software/doc /usr/share/doc


The first line of this command displays how long the system has been running since being rebooted. id getent who w su


The following are examples of package managers EXCEPT: APT YUM Pacman Ghosts


The following are examples of popular package formats except: .deb .rpm .tar .exe


The output of the program date should be saved in the variable actdat. What is the correct statement? Actdat=date Date > $actdat Set actdat='date' Actdat='date' Date | acdat


The setuid permission... ...reports the output of a script to the owner. ...prevents the owner of a file from being changed. ...allows files in a directory to be manipulated as by the directory owner. ...allows a command to be run as the file owner.


The sticky bit permission... ...changes the group ownership of existing files in a directory. ...sets the group ownership of any new file created in a directory. ...prevents others from overwriting files they don't own in common directories. ...prevents others from removing files they don't own from a common directory.


The tilde (~) is used to represent: Nothing; it has no special meaning Any two single characters The directory above the current working directory A user's home directory


The top-level directory on a Linux system is represented as: /root C: /home /


The two main families of Linux shells are the Bourne Shell and... Python Shell Korn shell Emacs C Shell


Typing $ followed by pressing which key twice, in quick succession, will list all of the variables? CTRL ALT SHIFT TAB


Webservers: Gimp Inkscape Blender Apache / NGINX


What command shows all files in the current directory in long format, including hidden files? ls -aa ls -l ls -a ls -al


What commands would sort the contents of the file greatest.txt and print them? None of these cat greatest.txt >> sort echo greatest.txt > sort cat greatest.txt | sort


What directory typically contains log files? /proc/loc /usr/log /log /var/log


What does GUI stand for? General User Interface Great User Image Generic Unique Interlink Graphical User Interface


What does a distribution provide to add and remove software from the system? Compiler Application Programming Interface (API) Bash Package Manager Partitioning tool


What is a directory? A file A tree structure A command to a computer A folder used to store files


What is the meaning of $(( $i + 1)) ? If i is 0, the loop will stop This runs the command stored in variable i This will return the value of the next argument to the script 1 will be added to the i variable This will return the value of the first argument to the script


What is the number called that is used to identify a process? PIN Process Entry Proc Num PID


What is the output of the following command? tail -n 20 test.txt The last 20 lines of test.txt with line numbers The first 20 lines of test.txt The last 20 lines of test.txt omitting the black lines The last 20 lines of test.txt including the black lines


What is the purpose of an option? To make a command optional. To change the color of command output. To reverse a command. To modify the behavior of a command.


What is the term for a package that is a prerequisite required for installation of another program? Requirements Preinstalls Prepackage Dependencies


Which character is known as a root directory? ^ & * /


Which command displays the list of groups to which a user belongs? Isgroup Whoami Who Id


Which command would be used to change the owner of foo1.txt from jasondion to administrator? chmod ls -la ls -d chown


Which command-line tool will create a filename that ends in .gz? zip bzip2 xz gzip


Which file contains a list of the user's secondary groups? /etc/passwd /etc/shadow /etc/user /etc/group


Which file contains the information passed to the kernel at boot time? /proc/kernel /proc/kopts /proc/kargs /proc/cmdline


Which is NOT a Linux distribution? CentOS openSUSE Debian Torvalds


Which of the following Linux distributions use the dpkg package management system? Ubuntu and... Red Hat Suse Mandriva Debian


Which of the following applications are used to play an MP3 file on a Linux system? Banshee, Audacious and... Xara Xtreme iTunes LibreOffice Player Amarok


Which of the following commands will set the sticky bit on /shared ? chmod 2777 /shared chmod 4777 /shared chmod 6777 /shared chmod 1777 /shared


Which of the following is a series of small single-board computers developed to promote the teaching of basic computer science in schools and developing countries? Strawberry Pi Blueberry Pi Blackberry Pi Raspberry Pi


Which of the following is the correct order of a computer's operation? (1) The computer waits for user input, (2) The computer executes the command, (3) The user selects a command and enters it via the keyboard or mouse (1) The computer executes the command, (2) The computer waits for user input, (3) The user selects a command and enters it via the keyboard or mouse (1) The user selects a command and enters it via the keyboard or mouse, (2) The computer executes the command, (3) The computer waits for user input (1) The computer waits for user input, (2) The user selects a command and enters it via the keyboard or mouse, (3) The computer executes the command


Which of the following is used as a virtual or pseudo filesystem to provide a tree of all of the device nodes and drivers in the running kernel? /boot /proc /sys /dev


Which option will cause the echo command NOT to output a trailing newline? -e -s -p -n


Which permissions should be given to a file that needs to be opened and edited by the file's owner and opened read-only by the file's group? 0751 0444 0466 0640 0540


Who founded the Open Source Initiative? Bruce Perens and... University of California at Berkeley Richard Stallman Linus Torvalds Eric Raymond


You try to compress a file that is already compressed. Which of the following statements is true? The file changed while you were compressing it The file will actually be uncompressed The compression algorithm needs to be set to the "currently compressed" mode for it to be compressed further The file will be deleted The file will not be compressed any further than it already was


most compression 0 -1 -6 -9


Lossy compression usually results better compression than lossless, is often used with images and... Sacrifices some quality Is often used with documents Decompresses to an identical version as the original


Pipes or command-pipelines help users mash-up two or more commands at the same time and run them consecutively. True False


Pressing the ___ key within top sorts processes by memory use, thus identifying the ones that are consuming the most memory. M C ^


Processes consume system resources, the most important of these being CPU time and memory. True False


Software that allows hardware devices to communicate with the installed operating system is called? Drivers Instructions Packages Programs


Sudo privileges can be used to specify which user can use the sudo command to execute commands as other users. True or False? True False


Tar - specifies the file -f -c -x -z


The /etc/shadow file is usually stored with restrictive permissions, with ownership by root. True False


The sbin directories are primarily intended to be used by the root user. True or False? True False


The semicolon (;) can be used to separate multiple commands to be executed in order. True or False? True False


The shell program interprets the commands you type into the terminal into instructions that the Linux operating system can execute. True or False? True False


The statement that describes the difference between a man page and an info page is: The info page is like a guide; a man page is a more concise reference. The man page is a long detailed reference; the info page is very terse. There is very little difference between them. The man page is like a guide; the info page is a more concise reference.


To start searching a man page, the first key you press is: / f s !


To use a file that's been compressed, it must first be uncompressed with a matching program. True False


Traditional UNIX systems allowed users to belong to how many groups? 16 65,000 10,000 1 256


True or False: Some televisions can run Linux. True False


Users can change anyone's password on the system using the "sudo passwd username" command. True False


Which log file contains messages regarding authentication and authorization? secure messages syslog dmesg


Which network interface always exists in a Linux system? Lo Wlan0 Sit0 Eth0 Vlan0


Which of the following chown commands will change the myFile user ownership to the user sam and the group ownership to administrators? chown sam.administrators myFile and... chown sam:administrators myFile chown sam administrators myFile chown sam+administrators myFile


Which of the following commands will add the group extra to the user jane's secondary groups in addition to jane's current secondary groups? usermod -aG extra jane usermod -ag jane extra usermod -G extra jane usermod -a extra jane


Which of the following commands will allow you to log into the machine server1 with the account name nick? ssh nick@server1 ssh nick->server1 ssh nick&server1 ssh nick-server1


Which of the following commands will display the routing table? route and... netstat -r ifconfig dig


Which of the following is the file descriptor number used to represent the Standard In (STDIN)? 0 1 2 3


Which of the following is true about environment variable names by convention? Contains all uppercase letters Contains all lowercase letters Contains only numbers Contains only symbols


Which of the following is used to redirect the standard output of a command to a file? 1> 2> &1 &2


Which of the following long listings represents setgid set for /shared ? drwxrwsrwx. drwsrwxrwx. drwSrwxrwx. drwxrwxrws.


Which of the following options for the useradd command allows root to specify the UID to be associated with the account? -u -g -M -G


Which of the following options is used with tar to create a new .tar archive file? -c -v -f -n


Which of the following permissions would allow all users to add, view, and delete files in a directory? 777 750 775 666


Which of the following pieces of software deal with file sharing? NFS, Samba and... Netatalk X-Windows PostgreSQL


Which of the following programs on a Linux system could you use instead of Windows Media Player? VLC QuickTime iTunes Winamp


Which of the following properly identifies the third partition, on the second hard disk, on the first IDE controller on a PC system? /dev/hdb3 /dev/hd1b3 /dev/hdc1d2p3 /dev/hdc1a3


Which of the following provides the correct syntax to search for lines beginning with the given pattern using the grep command? ^pattern pattern^ $pattern pattern$


Which of the following are examples of desktop software? Web Browser and... File share Compiler Music player Web server


Which of the following commands will prevent any aliased options to the ls command? /ls `ls \ls %ls


Which of the following is NOT contained in the /etc/passwd file? User Identification Number (UID) Home directory for the user The password of the user's account Default login shell


Why is the file data.txt empty after executing sort data.txt > data.txt? Because sort cannot sort text files, only binary files Because sort detects that both files are the same Because the file gets truncated before sort is executed Because the file gets executed before sort is truncated


You have a program called /user/bin/foo. You wish to create a symbolic link, /home/user/bin/foo, that points to it. Which command will do this task? Ln /home/user/foo /user/bin/foo Ln --symlink /home/user/foo /user/bin/foo Ln -s /user/bin/foo /home/user/foo Ln -sys /home/user/foo /user/bin/foo Ln /user/bin/foo /home/user/foo


Which of the following commands will create an archive file, named backup.tar, containing all the files from the directory /home? Tar /home backup.tar Tar -xf /home backup.tar Tar -cf /home backup.tar Tar -cf backup.tar /home Tar -xf backup.tar /home


Which of the following commands will display only lines that begin with test? grep *test file.txt grep &test file.txt grep $test* file.txt grep ^test file.txt


All Linux distros are capable of creating a network connection automatically. True False


In this script, the display should be: #!/bin/bash ip=`route -n | grep UG | tr -s " " | cut -f 2 -d " "` ping="/bin/ping" echo "Checking to see if $ip is up..." $ping -c 5 $ip "Pinging ipaddress..." "Checking to see if ipaddress is up..." "Checking ipaddress..."


Tar - Read or write compressed archives through xz format. -j -J


Text files can include graphics, use multiple fonts, emphasize words by italicization,and other special forms of representation. True False


The ls command color codes results by default. True or False? True False


Which is a suitable command to find the next appearance of the word hidden in a man page being viewed from the command line? CTRL-F hidden /hidden Find hidden /? hidden


Which of the following is the file descriptor number used to represent the Standard Out (STDOUT)? 0 1 2 3


the least compression 0 -1 -6 -9


Open source means you can view the software's source code and... You must support the software you share You cannot charge anything for the software You can modify the software's source code You must share your changes


Select the command that can report the location of a command: what where which


Tar - extract one or more items from an archive -f -c -x -z


The "setuid" permission... ...prevents the owner of a file from being changed. ...reports the output of a script to the owner. ...allows a command to be run as the file owner. ...allows files in a directory to be manipulated as by the directory owner.


The Process ID (PID) of the init process is: 100 0 1 varies


What command is used to change the group ownership of a file? group cgroup chgrp changegroup


What command will allow you to change your current working directory? chdir ls cd list


What directly controls hardware and translates the commands from a piece of software into something the hardware can understand and act upon? Finder Explorer Kernel Procmon


What option can be used with cat to display line numbers with the text of a file to the screen? # -x -n -1


What statement is used to get input from the terminal when a shell script is being run? input scan read in


Where should temporary files be stored on a Linux system that can be safely deleted during a reboot? /var/tmp /etc/tmp /tmp /bin/tmp


Which commands provide help for a specific Linux command? Man and... Whatdoes Helpme Info Ask


file locator find locate grep


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