Lymphatic System Multiple Choice

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The following veins are found in the upper extremity?

A. Axillary, basilic, cephalic

The thoracic duct receives lymph from a dilated vessel called the

A. Cisterna chyli

Lymphatics and veins are similar in that both

A. Contain valves

A systole is a?

A. Contraction of ventricles

Myocardial infarction occurs due to a blood clot in the?

A. Coronary arteries

If an Rh (-) mother carries a second child that is Rh (+), the disease that may develop is?

A. Erythroblastosis fetalis

Monocytes and lymphocytes are types of?

A. Leukocytes

The skin, tears, and mucus are part of the?

A. Nonspecific immunity

The covering of the heart is called?

A. Pericardium

The major lymph vessel in the body is

A. The thoracic duct

The left subclavian artery and brachiocephalic artery are found in the?

A. Trunk

The receiving chamber of the heart?

B. Atria

The lymphatic system returns interstitial fluid to the

B. Blood

An artery?

B. Carries blood away from the heart

What is the function of the lymphatic capillaries in the villi of the intestine? They absorb

B. Fats

Which vitamin is essential for clotting?

B. K

The lymph capillary within the villus of the intestine is called a

B. Lacteal

A 35 year old male with back pain comes to a massage therapist. His blood pressure is 180/120. Should he be massaged?

B. No, because he has severe hypertension

The universal blood donor is __________, where as the universal blood recipient is __________?

B. O, AB

A large organ structurally similar to a lymph node but designed to filter blood is the

B. Spleen

The lymphatic system and the venous system have which of the following properties in common?

B. The flow of fluid in the vessels is aided by skeletal muscle contractions

A stationary clot is called a/an _________; a traveling blood clot is called a/an ___________?

B. Thrombus, embolus

The primary function of red blood cells is?

B. Transport of gases

Lymph node function(s) is/are?

C. A and B

The two atrioventricular valves are?

C. Bicuspid, tricuspid

The functional unit of the circulatory system is/are the?

C. Capillaries

The flow of lymph is?

C. Capillaries, interstitial fluid, lymphatic vessels, veins

What do we call the lymph that is carrying absorbed fat and has a milk-white appearance?

C. Chyle

The spleen

C. Destroys wornout red blood cells

An abnormal accumulation of fluid in tissue spaces is called

C. Edema

The function of the hepatic portal circulation is to?

C. Filter the blood and to remove excess glucose

Why should lymph in the thoracic duct have a much higher lymphocyte count than lymph in peripheral lymph spaces? The lymphocytes

C. Have increased in numbers because this lymph has just passed through numerous lymph nodes

Lymphatic tissue is present in organs other than lymph nodes. Which one of the following is not a lymphatic organ?

C. Liver

The process by which neutrophils and monocytes engulf microbes is called?

C. Phagocytosis

Blood is composed of?

C. Plasma, RBCs, WBCs, platelets

Lymph glands

C. Produce large numbers of lymphocytes

Lymph flow is aided by all the following factors except

C. Protein osmotic pressure

The largest lymphoid organ is?

C. Spleen

Hemopoiesis takes place in?

D. A and B

The difference between arteries and veins are?

D. A and C

The ductus venosus?

D. All of the above

Thrombin is needed for?

D. All of the above

Which of the following tonsils are found around the opening of the digestive and respiratory systems?

D. All of the above

Deliberate exposure to a disease is called?

D. Artificial immunity


D. Flows against gravity in the lymphatics C. Produce large numbers of lymphocytes

Which one of the following would not be considered part of the lymphatic system

D. Heart


D. Is all of the above

The thoracic duct delivers lymph into the

D. Left subclavian vein

The conduction system of the heart includes the following structures?

D. Purkinje fibers, AV bundle of HIS, AV node, SA node

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