Lyons: MGMT 3000 Chapter 12

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b. a managerial grid

A consultant might use a ________ to show that managers use both a task orientation and a relationship orientation in their leadership style. a. transformational leadership theory b. a managerial grid c. transactional leadership theory

d. technical skills

Tony Stark's knowledge of the weapons industry and his ability to engineer new equipment are ________ that he gained from experience, allowing him to become Iron Man. a. interpersonal skills b. cognitive skills c. traits d. technical skills

B. Leadership neutralizers

Rigid organizational rules and physical distance can serve as ________ , making leadership behaviors irrelevant A. Leadership substitutes B. Leadership neutralizers

Neutralizer examples

-Subordinates who are indifferent to rewards -Manager with low position power -Inflexible rules and policies -Dispersed subordinate worksites

Substitute examples

-Subordinates with experience -Subordinates with professional orientation -Structured, routine tasks -Formalized roles and procedures -Intrinsically satisfying work -Task that itself provides feedback -Cohesive work group

c. charismatic

A headline in London's Daily Mail proclaimed, "A visionary who changed the face of shopping: If our leaders had one iota of Tesco boss Sir Terry Leahy's drive and flair, Britain wouldn't be in such a mess." This headline describes a ________ leader who communicates a strong vision to inspire followers. a. relations-oriented b. situational c. charismatic d. task-oriented

b. performance

A leader may prioritize the ________ of subordinates, viewing high achievement as the purpose of leadership a. satisfaction b. performance

c. task-oriented

A manager who pressures his employees to complete the maximum amount of work possible is likely to have a ________ management style a. relations-oriented b. charismatic c. task-oriented

B. Satisfaction

A topic of debate is whether the primary job of a leader is to ensure the ________ of subordinates, that is, their well-being and contentment A. Performance B. Satisfaction

The leader should offer support to help rekindle a sense of passion for the job or company

According to Hersey and Blanchard's situational theory, which of the following measures should a leader take when an employee is very skilled but lacks the motivation to function at his or her best?

Fiedler's Contingency Model

According to ________ managers will be more or less effective in different situations (characterized based on leader-member relations, task structure, and positional power) based on their style of leadership

b. traits-based

According to the ________ theory of leadership, all leaders share certain characteristics, including self-confidence and high levels of energy. a. path-goal b. traits-based c. charismatic d. "Great Man"

b. a leader's ability to gather and process large amounts of information

Cognitive skills of leadership refer to a. a leader's ability to maintain a relatively low profile and share credit b. a leader's ability to gather and process large amounts of information c. a leader's knowledge about an organization and job-related activities d. a leader's knowledge about the employees' interests and objectives

__N__Demonstrating integrity in situations when a taking a shortcut would be easier __Y__Making decisions based on large amounts of quantitative and qualitative information __N__Interacting pleasantly with customers who are returning defective merchandise __Y__Developing strategies to implement new IT systems

If a human resources professional says a job requires cognitive skills, what tasks might the job entail? Check all that apply. ____Demonstrating integrity in situations when a taking a shortcut would be easier ____Making decisions based on large amounts of quantitative and qualitative information ____Interacting pleasantly with customers who are returning defective merchandise ____Developing strategies to implement new IT systems

b. contingency

If a manager is an excellent leader in one situation or with one group of employees, but an ineffective leader in another situation, this is evidence of the ________ of leadership a. universality b. contingency

A. Made

If effective leaders exhibit certain behaviors that can be learned, then it is correct to say that leaders are ________ and that anyone can improve their leadership ability A. Made B. Born

B. Guiding

In the ________ leadership style, the leader explains decisions and gives subordinates a chance to ask questions and gain clarity and understanding about work tasks A. Supporting B. Guiding C. Directing D. Delegating

a. They are enhanced by the use of symbolic, verbal, and nonverbal communication to make influential presentations

In the context of leadership skills, which of the following is true of interpersonal skills? a. They are enhanced by the use of symbolic, verbal, and nonverbal communication to make influential presentations b. They are typically obtained through formal training c. They enable a leader to gather and process large amounts of information, create suitable strategies, solve problems, and make correct decisions d. They consist of expertise in a field or activity

d. A leader who can lead any group of people in any situation

In the context of whether leadership is universal or contingent, which of the following best describes a transcendent leader? a. A leader who requires extensive management support to achieve organizational goals b. A leader who relies on operant conditioning to improve people's performance c. A leader who is accustomed to making decisions without consultation d. A leader who can lead any group of people in any situation

C. aspects of a situation that hinder a leader's ability to act a particular way

Leadership neutralizers refer to: A. aspects of a situation that make leadership unnecessary B. exchange processes in which leaders offer rewards to subordinates C. aspects of a situation that hinder a leader's ability to act a particular way D. behaviors that prioritize interpersonal relationships

__N__A school principal understands pedagogical approaches to teaching math. __N__A sales manager is familiar with the company's product development cycle. __Y__A vice president of development for a nonprofit expresses confidence that fundraising goals will be met. __Y__A grocery manager takes the initiative to develop a new inventory process.

Listed below are descriptions of specific skills held by individual leaders. Which of the following is an example of a trait that all successful leaders have? Check all that apply. ____A school principal understands pedagogical approaches to teaching math. ____A sales manager is familiar with the company's product development cycle. ____A vice president of development for a nonprofit expresses confidence that fundraising goals will be met. ____A grocery manager takes the initiative to develop a new inventory process.

c. relations-oriented

Loretta wants her employees to be satisfied with their jobs, so she gives them the assignments they will like the most. Loretta is likely to have a ________ management style. a. situational b. task-oriented c. relations-oriented

b. High-Task, High-Relationship

Louise works for a small entrepreneurial start-up. The owner is fair but demanding and considers all employees to be her family. The owner's values may cause Louise to adopt which of the following styles? a. High-Relationship, Low-Task b. High-Task, High-Relationship c. Low-Relationship, High-Task d. Low-Relationship, Low-Task

d. leadership style

Most research on ________ indicates that leaders are likely to exhibit one of two types of behaviors: person-oriented behaviors or task-oriented behaviors. a. cognitive skills b. interpersonal skills c. transformational leadership d. leadership style

d. Fiedler contingency model

The ________ is a theory in which leaders are more effective depending on the favorability of a leadership situation a. traits-based leadership theory b. three levels of leadership model c. leader-member exchange theory d. Fiedler contingency model

d. directing

The ________ leadership style is a highly directive style that involves giving explicit instructions about how to accomplish certain tasks a. delegating b. supporting c. guiding d. directing

b. Situational leadership theory

The ________ says that leaders should use different leadership styles based on their employees' levels of skill and motivation a. Path-goal theory of leadership b. Situational leadership theory c. Contingency model

Situational leadership model

The ________ states that there are four styles of leadership, each one being a different combination of task and relationship behaviors -The most effective managers use different styles depending on their followers' readiness to work independently -Readiness is based on an employee's ability and willingness to do the work -These styles and the associated levels of follower readiness are shown in this figure.

B. Path-goal theory of leadership

The ________ stresses the importance of helping followers believe in their ability to do tasks and showing followers that they will be rewarded if they do their tasks well A. Contingency model of leadership B. Path-goal theory of leadership C. Situational leadership theory

b. born that way

Some people believe that certain individuals are naturally leaders and that they are ________ and therefore those who aren't cannot develop leadership skills a. made that way b. born that way

A. Universal

Some researchers believe certain characteristics of effective leaders are ________ and apply to all leaders in all situations A. Universal B. Contingent

c. "Great Man"

The ________ theory of leadership suggests that leaders such as Indra Nooyi of PepsiCo are born, not made a. traits-based b. situational c. "Great Man" d. contingency

c. relations-oriented leaders value workers as humans, focusing more on supporting and developing them

The factor that distinguishes task-oriented leaders from relations-oriented leaders is that a. task-oriented leaders often treat subordinates as equals and encourage them to take initiative in solving problems b. task-oriented leaders often tend to form emotional ties with their subordinates c. relations-oriented leaders value workers as humans, focusing more on supporting and developing them d. relations-oriented leaders focus more on observing workers, reading reports, and inspecting quality

A. path-goal theory of leadership

The theory that states that the most important aspect in leadership is the follower's expectation that a task can be accomplished and that it will lead to rewards is known as the ________ A. path-goal theory of leadership B. situational theory C. contingency model D. transactional leadership theory

b. tries to reveal a set of universal traits and skills that are relevant in all leadership situations

The traits-based leadership theory: a. explains leadership by examining the traits and characteristics of individuals considered to be historically great leaders b. tries to reveal a set of universal traits and skills that are relevant in all leadership situations c. describes a method of leadership in which leaders treat each follower differently, and as a result, develop unique relationships with each member d. states that the most important aspect in leadership is the follower's expectation that a task can be accomplished and that it will lead to rewards


This style is based on a combination of high task behaviors and high relationship behaviors -Managers who use a guiding style give directions, but they also respond to employee questions and explain the reasons for the directions


This style is based on a combination of high task behaviors and low relationship behaviors -Managers who use a directing style give explicit directions about how tasks should be structured.


This style is based on a combination of low task behaviors and high relationship behaviors -Managers who use the supporting style share ideas with their subordinates, giving them a chance to participate in decision making


This style is based on a combination of low task behaviors and low relationship behaviors -Managers who use the delegating style turn decision making over to their subordinates, providing them with little direction or support during the process

b. character

Warren Buffett's integrity and willingness to accept responsibility for his actions are parts of his ________ that guide his daily business decisions. a. cognitive skills b. character c. interpersonal skills d. technical skills

b. Managers will revert to their preferred style, which may be either task-oriented or relationship-oriented

What leadership style do most managers exhibit when placed under conditions of extremely high stress? a. Managers will adopt a task-oriented style b. Managers will revert to their preferred style, which may be either task-oriented or relationship-oriented c. Managers tend to withdraw from high-stress situations, adopting a low task-orientation and a low-relationship orientation style d. Managers will adopt a relationship-oriented style

__N__Making sure that each of the members of the company's Environmental Action Team is interested in and excited about the work he or she is doing __N__Helping an employee identify development activities so that person can move up in the organization __Y__Completing a budget for the upcoming year __Y__Reviewing an employee's work before sending it on to a client

Which of the following are task-oriented leadership behaviors? Check all that apply. ____Making sure that each of the members of the company's Environmental Action Team is interested in and excited about the work he or she is doing ____Helping an employee identify development activities so that person can move up in the organization ____Completing a budget for the upcoming year ____Reviewing an employee's work before sending it on to a client

d. Arousing a strong emotional attachment from followers

Which of the following is an attribute of a charismatic leader? a. Comparatively more concern with efficiency than innovation b. Focusing on self-interests rather than group goals c. Making decisions without entertaining opinions d. Arousing a strong emotional attachment from followers

c. Leaders must produce results as well as satisfy employees

Which of the following is true of leadership? a. Leadership is an inborn trait. b. Leadership traits are purely contingent. c. Leaders must produce results as well as satisfy employees. d. Successful leaders apply one approach to different situations

c. Leadership substitutes

Which of the following refers to the aspects of a situation that make leadership unnecessary? a. Leadership neutralizers b. Leadership positions c. Leadership substitutes d. Leadership traits

a. It brings out the best in oneself and in others in order to achieve a collective goal

Which of the following statements best describes leadership? a. It brings out the best in oneself and in others in order to achieve a collective goal b. It is a responsibility that is limited to profitability rather than to improving people's lives c. It accommodates people's actions, wants, and requirements in order to satisfy them d. It is a congenital trait that allows people to make inventions of a valuable nature

b. People who understand a task and the process of accomplishing it are likely to consciously develop leadership skills and behaviors

Which of the following statements would support the argument that leadership qualities are acquired and not inborn? a. People who understand a task and the process of accomplishing it are likely to exhibit complacency in their workplaces b. People who understand a task and the process of accomplishing it are likely to consciously develop leadership skills and behaviors c. Popular research suggests that some of the greatest leaders in history came from prestigious families that consisted of leaders d. Organizational surveys suggest that effective leadership skills are exhibited only when individuals lead people whom they are familiar with

a. You should show Helen how to use the equipment, watch as she tries it out, and correct her as she makes mistakes

You are an experienced manager, and you fortunately have the ability to use all four managerial styles: directing, coaching, supporting, and delegating. You are currently working at a Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise. Helen is your newest cook. She is young and inexperienced, but she is eager to take on new challenges. Your boss has given you 2 months to turn Helen into a high-performing KFC cook. Based on Situational Leadership II, what should you do? a. You should show Helen how to use the equipment, watch as she tries it out, and correct her as she makes mistakes b. You should allow Helen to express her creativity by encouraging her to explore the equipment on her own and determine the best ways to use it c. You should train Helen on how to use the equipment but spend additional time offering a lot of praise and support to build her confidence d. You should let Helen explore the equipment on her own and then work with her to determine the best way for her to use the equipment.

B. You should turn the work over to the botanists and have them create their own plan. They are sure to come up with something good

You are an experienced manager, and you fortunately have the ability to use all four managerial styles: directing, coaching, supporting, and delegating. You are currently working at the research and development department of the Applerose Seed Company. Your team consists of very experienced botanists who love their work and their jobs. Your boss has given you 2 months to create a research plan for the development of a new grape that is resistant to grape leafroll disease. Based on Situational Leadership II, what should you do? A. You should work with the botanists to create the plan, showing them the work you have done in the past B. You should turn the work over to the botanists and have them create their own plan. They are sure to come up with something good C. You should work with the botanists to create the plan. Show them how to prepare the documents, and set aside time to offer them praise and support as they are working on the project D. You should let the botanists come up with the plan but offer them whatever support they need while doing it, including frequent praise for a job well done

__Y__Understanding what rewards will motivate a subordinate __N__Being accountable for the success or failure of the work for which you're responsible __Y__Making a persuasive presentation to a group __N__Staying up-to-date on recent industry developments and trends

Your manager says you should develop your interpersonal skills in order to advance in the organization. Which of the following might you want to improve at? ____Understanding what rewards will motivate a subordinate ____Being accountable for the success or failure of the work for which you're responsible ____Making a persuasive presentation to a group ____Staying up-to-date on recent industry developments and trends

c. Technical

________ skills refer to a leader's knowledge about an organization and job-related activities a. Interpersonal b. Cognitive c. Technical d. Conceptual

B. House's path-goal

________ theory states that the most important aspect in leadership is the follower's expectation that a task can be accomplished and that it will lead to rewards A. Fiedler's contingency B. House's path-goal C. Traits-based leadership D. Hersey and Blanchard's situational leadership

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