Macbeth ACTS 1, 2, & 3 QUESTIONS
Explain what an "aside" is
An aside is when a character speaks to themself onstage so that the audience can better understand what is going on or those character's thoughts, other characters can't hear them
Why didn't Lady Macbeth kill Duncan herself?
He looked like her father so she couldn't bring herself to kill him
Lady Macbeth tells her husband to "look like the innocent flower/But be the serpent under it." Explain what she means.
He should act hospitable and kind towards Duncan, he should pretend to be his friend and on Duncan;s side like an "innocent flower" so that he can gain Duncan's trust. "But be the serpent under it means that on the inside, Macbeth should really be Duncan's enemy and should murder him
What does Macbeth mean in the following quote? "Sleep no more, Macbeth is murdering sleep?"
He was so consumed with guilt from murdering Duncan that he knew he would not sleep
What reason does Macbeth give for killing the servants (chamberlains)?
He was so upset and angry about Duncan's murder that in his rage he killed the chamberlains
Why did Macbeth see the ghost of Banquo?
It was his guilt consuming him and making him feel guilty for all the horrible things that he had done
What does Lady Macbeth fear about her husband, after she has read his letter?
Lady Macbeth fears that he is too good and kind to do evil and will not follow through with killing Duncan
How is Lady Macbeth characterized from what we've read so far?
Lady Macbeth is more intense and hungry for power. She is willing to do evil things in order to have the throne and does not let morals get in the way of her hunt for power
Comment on the order in which Duncan announces it and Macbeth finds out. Why does that matter?
Macbeth finds out that he will be called the Thane of Cawdor before Duncan announces it. That matters because he found out through the witches' prophecy before Duncan told him, which leads him to believe that the rest of the prophecy will come true.
Who discovered Duncan's body?
Who is notably missing from Macbeth's crowning? (not Malcolm or Donalbain)
How does Lady Macbeth explain Macbeth's behavior to the other people at dinner?
She says that he often has "visions" and for them not to be worried by his behavior
What two wars are the Scottish fighting at the beginning of the play?
The Scottish Civil War and the war against Norway
what is the name that the witches go by or are referred to as throughout the play?
The Weird Sisters
What does Macbeth carry back with him from Duncan's room? Who takes these objects back to Duncan's room?
The daggers he killed Duncan with. Lady Macbeth takes them back.
Why is Hecate angry with the other witches?
The witches did not check with her before telling the prophecy to Macbeth
When Ross and the Old Man are talking about the crazy things that happened the night of Duncan's death, what happened to Duncan's horses?
They ate each other
Where do Malcolm and Donalbain decide to go and why?
They both flee the country because they think that the person who murdered their father will soon be after them as well. Malcolm goes to England and Donalbain goes to Ireland.
Which word was Macbeth unable to day, which bothered him greatly?
What is the point of the porter scene?
comic relief
How do we (and Duncan) know that Macbeth is brave and a good soldier/warrior?
he defeated the Thane of Cawdor and he killed Macdonwald
How does Duncan reward Macbeth for his bravery?
he names him Thane of Cawdor
What prophecy do the witches give to Banquo?
his descendants will sit on the throne
Malcolm is named "Prince of Cumberland." Why is this possibly problematic for Macbeth?
it means that, as Prince and son of Duncan, Malcolm is next in line for the throne that Macbeth wants which makes getting the throne even harder than Macbeth
What literary device or technique is "foul and fair a day?"
What role does Lady Macbeth play in the death of Banquo and attempted murder of Fleance?
she has no knowledge of the plan
Why does Lady Macbeth say "make thick my blood?"
she wants to become tougher and remorseless so that if Macbeth doesn't kill Duncan she can