Macbeth quotes (character saying it -matching; interpretation- multiple choice)

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" You should be women, but your beards forbid me to interpret you so."

Banquo Means- confused about the sex of the witches, so it throws off his judgement

"Were such things here a we do speak about, or have we eaten on the insane root that takes the reason prisioner?"

Banquo Means- he is wondering if what they just saw was real or were they hallucinating

"Thou has it now...and I fear thou played'st most foully for 't."

Banquo Means- he was expecting Macbeth to be there and is wonderingmif foul play has happened

"And oftentimes, to win us to harm, the instruments of darkness tell us truths."

Banquo Means- with the truth comes consequences; maybe the witches are right

"A little water clears us of this deed."

Lady Macbeth Means- she doesn't need a lot of water to wash the guilt off her hands

"What not put upon his spongy officers, who shall bear the guilt of out great quell?"

Lady Macbeth Means- she is going to get the guards drunk and they will be the ones who appear guilty of the murder

"Out, damned spot! Out, I say

Lady Macbeth Means- she is trying to get the blood off her hands and guilt

"...bear welcome in your eye, you hand, your tounge. Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under 't."

Lady Macbeth Means- to look very innocent like younhave done nothing but actually be guilty and sly man underneath it

"Yet I do fear thy nature; It is too full of the milk of a human kindness to catch the nearest way."

Lady Macbeth Means- she fears thatbher husbands kindness will keep him from acheiving great things

"That is a step on which I must fall down or else o'erleap for in my way it lies."

Macbeth Means- he needs to get rid of Malcolm because he is named next in line and is on his way of becoming king

"He hath honored me of late, and I have brought golden opinions from all sorts of people, which would be worn now in their newest gloss, not cast aside so soon."

Macbeth Means- he says here that Duncan has honored him with new titles now "honors," and that he can't cast them aside so soon, betray and kill him right after he has done this

"She should have died hereafter; there would have been a time for such a word."

Macbeth Means- what's the difference she would have died anyway

"Is this dagged which I can see before me. The handle toward my hand?"

Macbeth Means- he is hallucinating; his power is in the form of a dagger that he might use to murder the King

"Had I died an hour before this chance, I had lived a blessed time."

Macbeth Means- if he died an hour before the killing of Duncan he would have had a good life

"Double, double toil is trouble, fire burn ans cauldron bubble."

Witches Means- when the witches are making a potion

"Fair is foul and foul is fair."

Witches Means- nothing is what it really seems to be

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