Macro Extra Test

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How does the fed primarily conduct monetary policy?

through open market operations (the fed buys bonds to expand the money supply and sells bonds to contract the money supply)

Frictional unemployment

unemployed workers in the process of changing jobs, or finding a new job after losing their previous one, or finding their first job after entry into the labor market

when was the federal reserve created?


The actions the federal reserve takes to manage the money supply and interest rates in order to purse economic objectives are called___?

Monetary policy

Are credit cards part of the monetary system?

No (when you purchase goods and services with a credit card, you are taking out a short-term loan)

If the Fed engages in an open market purchase of bonds ___ GDP will ___?

Nominal; Increase

What is one of the primary goals of the Federal reserve?

Price level stability

Who is the chairperson of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)?

The chairperson of the board of governors

which body of the federal reserve system sets the majority of U.S monetary policy?

The federal open market committee

Contractionary Policy

Designed to slow the economy down when it appears to be growing too rapidly. Growth that is too high can lead to inflation

Fiat money____

Has no intrinsic value

quantity theory of money equation

M x V = P x Q (P x Q is equal to output)

The sum of all currency in the hands of the public plus demand deposits and other checkable deposits plus traveler's checks is the official definition of:

M1 -the most basic measure of money used in the US and it is the most liquid form of money

If the price level increases, ____

The money demand curve shifts to the right

Quantity theory of money

The theory concerning the link between the money supply and the price level that assumes the velocity of money is constant

velocity is defined as

V= (P x Q) / M


a sustained decrease in the average level of prices and wages in the economy

Factors that cause a shift in the labor demand curve

changing technology changing in output prices changing input prices


consist of M1 plus other liquid assets such as deposits in savings and loans and money market mutual funds


consist of everything in M2 plus large time deposits and institutional money market funds.

what is fiat money?

fiat money is something that is used as legal tender by government decree and it is not backed by a physical commodity, like gold or silver. (it can't be traded at a store)

Sometimes there can be benefits from inflation. One of them is that more labor might be demanded after a rise in the price level. For this to happen, the ________ wage would be fixed and ________ the competitive equilibrium level.

nominal; above

When does it mean when money serves as a unit of account

prices of goods and services are quoted in terms of money. Money also functions as a medium of exchange

Structural unemployment

results when the market wage is above the market-clearing level, causing the quantity of labor supplied to be greater than the quantity of labor demanded

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve has _________ members that are appointed for staggered ________ by the __________ and confirmed by the senate

seven, 14-year terms, President

cynical unemployment

the deviation of the unemployment rate from its natural rate. (rises in recessions)

What is the primary tool of Monetary policy

the feds control of the federal funds rate

what happens if there is zero inflation?

the nominal interest rate is equal to the real interest rate

What happens when the interest rate decreases?

there is a movement down a stationary money demand curve

what is one major difference between modeling economic busts and booms?

there is no issue of rigid nominal wages when modeling booms

If money supply grows at a faster rate than GDP then___

there will be inflation Growth rate of money supply= growth rate of nominal GDP

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