mail processors

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I can make myself work on a challenging task even when I don't feel like trying? Generally, I wait until I feel ready before attempting a difficult task?

SLM-I can make myself work on a challenging task even when I don't feel like trying

I can seriously focus on detailed and repetitive tasks? I do not particularly care for detailed and repetitive tasks?

SLM-I can seriously focus on detailed and repetitive tasks

I comply with directions even when I disagree with them? There have been times when I did not do something because I did not agree with it?

SLM-I comply with directions even when I disagree with them

At times, I have trouble keeping my focus on a task? I do not lose focus when I work?

SLM-I do not lose focus when I work

My mind tends to wander I am working on the same tasks over and over again? Working on the same tasks over and over again is not something I mind doing?

SLM-I do not mind working on the same tasks over and over again

I feel obligated to follow rules because they exist for a purpose? There are some rules that are open to interpretation?

SLM-I feel obligated to follow rules because they exist for a purpose

I find joy in calm, laid back days? I find joy when I am in a fast-paced environment and have hectic days?

SLM-I find joy when I am in a fast-paced environment and have hectic days

At times, I have disliked someone? I have never disliked anyone?

SLM-I have never disliked anyone

I have the ability to work effectively in high stress situations? I would rather avoid stressful situations?

SLM-I have the ability to work effectively in high stress situations

I like having stretch goals that drive me to the limits of my capabilities? I like having stretch goals that are reasonable and achievable?

SLM-I like having stretch goals that drive me to the limits of my capabilities

I like to be exacting in my work? Even though I do my best, I don't consider myself a perfectionist?

SLM-I like to be exacting in my work

If it were up to me, I would have a set routine? I like variety and change?

SLM-I like variety and change

I like when my work tasks change regularly? I like when my work tasks remain the same?

SLM-I like when my work tasks change regularly

I like to work in relaxed surroundings? I like working in high pressure surroundings?

SLM-I like working in high pressure surroundings

I perform my best in a relaxed, steady work environment? I perform my best in a fast-paced work environment?

SLM-I perform my best in a fast-paced work environment

I prefer variety and diversity in my work tasks? I prefer to work on routine tasks?

SLM-I prefer variety and diversity in my work tasks

I do not get upset if I miss a goal, as long as I try my best? I set very high standards for myself in regards to my performance?

SLM-I set very high standards for myself in regards to my performance

I often concentrate on one task for a really long period of time? I would rather change tasks than concentrate on any one task for too long?

SLM-I would rather change tasks than concentrate on any one task for too long

When am relaxed, I work best? In high pressure situations, I work best?

SLM-In high pressure situations, I work best

When rules make sense then I adhere to them closely? It is always best to adhere to rules even if they do not make much sense?

SLM-It is always best to adhere to rules even if they do not make much sense

I am not happy when priorities constantly change? It is easy for me to adapt to constantly changing priorities?

SLM-It is easy for me to adapt to constantly changing priorities

Attempting to get things perfect takes time away from other important duties? It is vital to take the time to ensure the accuracy of your work?

SLM-It is vital to take the time to ensure the accuracy of your work

Many times, I lose track of time because I am so involved in my work? Many times, people cause me to lose focus on my work?

SLM-Many times, I lose track of time because I am so involved in my work

I believe in strict compliance to rules, even when my coworkers do not? Sometimes, it is necessary to make an exception to the rule?

SLM-Sometimes, it is necessary to make an exception to the rule

I do not make mistakes at work? There have been times when I have made mistakes at work?

SLM-There have been times when I have made mistakes at work

Typically, the goals I set are tough to reach? Typically, the goals I set are realistic?

SLM-Typically, the goals I set are tough to reach

When I am extremely busy at work, I perform at my best? When my workload is reasonable, I perform at my best?

SLM-When I am extremely busy at work, I perform at my best

Having a daily routine is what makes me most comfortable? When my work is unpredictable is when I am at my best?

SLM-When my work is unpredictable is when I am at my best

When priorities shift, I am easily able to adjust plans? Constantly changing priorities cause me to become frustrated?

SLM-When priorities shift, I am easily able to adjust plans

Work does not have to be correct the first attempt? Work should be as correct as possible the first attempt?

SLM-Work should be as correct as possible the first attempt

At times, my coworkers frustrate me? I never get frustrated with my coworkers?

SLM: I never get frustrated with my coworkers

Rewards are usually well earned? At times, rewards go to those who do not deserve them?

MLM: Rewards are usually well earned

I am good at focusing on repetitive tasks? I lose interest when working on highly repetitive tasks?

SLM-I am good at focusing on repetitive tasks

I am happier when I am very busy at work? I tend to be happier when I have a steady workflow?

SLM-I am happier when I am very busy at work

I am not the type of person to doubt policies and procedures at work? At times, I doubt policies and procedures at work?

SLM-I am not the type of person to doubt policies and procedures at work

I am the one who is responsible for my own outcomes? Outside factors sometimes have impacted my outcomes?

SLM-I am the one who is responsible for my own outcomes

Regardless of how hard you work, some challenges are too difficult to overcome? No challenge is too difficult to overcome if you work hard enough?

MLM-No challenge is too difficult to overcome if you work hard enough

Overcoming obstacles in my work brings me joy? I would rather avoid obstacles in my work?

MLM-Overcoming obstacles in my work brings me joy

People should do what is asked of them on the job? People should do more than what is asked of them on the job?

MLM-People should do more than what is asked of them on the job

People that succeed tend to be luckier than most? People that succeed tend to work harder than most?

MLM-People that success tend to work harder than most

The harder I work, the more I am successful? Hard work does not always result in success?

MLM-The harder I work the more I am successful

What's most important is reaching my goal? What's most important to me is trying my best?

MLM-What's most important is reaching my goal

When circumstances change, I quickly adjust plans? I prefer to stick to plans whenever I can?

MLM-When circumstances change, I quickly adjust plans

When the pace is very fast, I am at my best? I prefer a steady work pace?

MLM-When the pace is very fast, I am at my best

You are working to complete one of your assigned duties so that you may meet processing standards, but a team member frantically asks you to teach him how to use a piece of equipment that you are very familiar with.

ML -Ask if they can wait since you need to complete your work on time. LL -Stop working on your task and help the team member.

Your supervisor asks you to help stow items that are blocking a work area. You must meet your processing quota and are concerned that by assisting, you won't have enough time to finish and the quality of your work will suffer.

ML -Ask your supervisor if you may complete your assigned task so the quality of your work is not affected. LL -Advise your supervisor you cannot stop working on your assigned task due to your deadline.

Your department is extremely busy today processing a high volume of mail and your crew is struggling to keep up with the pace. You observe a few coworkers are taking personal calls on their cell phones and not handling their share of the workload.

ML -Encourage your coworkers to work together as a team so the workload can effectively be managed. LL -Double your own efforts to make up for your coworkers who are not handling their share of the work.

Another Processing Clerk has asked for your assistance with something critical. You have a lot of work yourself that needs to be done.

ML -Recommend the Processing Clerk ask other coworkers for assistance. Offer to assist only if there are no other coworkers available to help. LL -Tell the Processing Clerk that you apologize that you are unable to help but you just have too much to do already.

You hear a sorting machine make an alarming noise which could mean it is getting ready to malfunction. You do not want to stop working on your assigned task to contact a technician because your productivity will suffer as a result. If you address the issue now, it will take 10 minutes. On the other hand, if it breaks, it will most likely take several hours to repair.

ML -Stop working on your assigned task and repair the machine as soon as possible. LL -Disregard the alarming noise and continue to work on your assigned task.

The sorting machine you are using suddenly jams. You should wait or a technician to repair it, however you have a lot of work to process before the end of your shift.

ML -While awaiting resolution, try to find another open sorting machine you may be able to use in the meantime. LL -Take your break early so your supervisor may see the problem and request a technician for repairs.

A careless team member did not clean his work area at the end of his shift. The messy area could potentially cause a safety hazard so you quickly cleaned up the area. The following day, you see the team member.

ML- Advise the team member to be more careful because the messy area could have caused an accident. LL -Inform the team member that you cleaned his work area.

A new workflow process is explained to you by your supervisor. However, as you understand it from your past experiences, you realize there is an error in his explanation.

ML- Ask your supervisor a question that will help him realize his mistake as he provides an answer. LL- Do not comment at all so your supervisor is not humiliated.

It is in stressful situations that I am at my best? I tend to avoid situations that are stressful?

MLM-It is in stressful situations that I am at my best

Any person can succeed if they try hard enough? No matter how hard you try, success is not guaranteed?

MLM-Any person can succeed if they try hard enough

At work, I try to do what is expected of me? At work, I do more than what is expected of me?

MLM-At work, I do more than what is expected of me

Being successful depends on hard work and a touch of luck? Being successful depends on how hard you work?

MLM-Being successful depends on how hard you work

If I am not successful, I do not get upset as long as I gave it my best effort Being successful is what motivates me in my work

MLM-Being successful is what motivates me in my work

I am dependable when it comes to meeting my goals at work? I always do more than what is required of me at work?

MLM-I always do more than what is required of me at work

I always make sure I complete all of my job responsibilities? I always go above and beyond my responsibilities?

MLM-I always go above and beyond my responsibilities

I am a person who is extremely focused? I struggle with focusing for long periods of time?

MLM-I am a person who is extremely focused

I am able to handle anything that comes my way? At times, obstacles are too great to overcome?

MLM-I am able to handle anything that comes my way

I am always fair to people? There have been times I have been unfair to others?

MLM-I am always fair to people

I am confident in my ability to be successful? At times, I have had doubt about my ability to succeed?

MLM-I am confident in my ability to be successful

I am fine with my supervisor closely monitoring my job performance? I perform at my best when I am not being closely monitored by my supervisor?

MLM-I am fine with my supervisor closely monitoring my job performance

There have been times I have been rude to others? I am not rude to other people?

MLM-I am not rude to other people

If I am not successful at something, I try again instead of giving up? If I am not successful at something, I attempt to do something new?

MLM-I am not successful at something, I try again instead of giving up

I fulfill all of my assigned work duties? I believe in always going above and beyond my work duties?

MLM-I believe in always going above and beyond my work duties

I can be as persistent as anyone else in my effort to achieve my goals? I can be more persistent than most people in my effort to achieve my goals?

MLM-I can be more persistent than most people in my effort to achieve my goals

Some issues are just too difficult to resolve? I can resolve difficult issues if I try hard enough?

MLM-I can resolve difficult issues if I try hard enough

At times, I talk about people when they are not present? I do not talk behind people's back?

MLM-I do not talk behind people's back

I get energized when there is variety in my daily tasks? I prefer work tasks that are routine?

MLM-I get energized when there is variety in my daily tasks

At times, I have avoided things that appeared to be too difficult? I have full confidence in my ability to resolve tough problems?

MLM-I have full confidence in my ability to resolve tough problems

When I am supervised too closely, my performance is negatively impacted? I have no objections to being closely supervised?

MLM-I have no objections to being closely supervised

I have no problem adapting when plans change? I prefer to follow plans through to completion?

MLM-I have no problem adapting when plans change

I lose interest when I spend a long time working on the same task? I have the ability to concentrate on the same task for a long period of time?

MLM-I have the ability to concentrate on the same task for a long period of time

Generally, I adhere to work policies and procedures? I strictly adhere to work policies and procedures?

MLM-I strictly adhere to work policies and procedures

I would not enjoy working at an organization where my performance is tracked daily? I would not have a problem with having my job performance tracked daily?

MLM-I would not have a problem with having my job performance tracked daily

If at first I don't succeed I try and try again? If I do not succeed at a task, I move on to something else?

MLM-If at first I don't succeed I try and try again

I perform better when my supervisor is not monitoring my performance? It does not bother me if my supervisor tracks my performance from day to day?

MLM-It does not bother me if my supervisor tracks my performance from day to day

At times, it is appropriate to bend the truth a little? It is always best to tell the total and honest truth, even if it results in someone's feelings being hurt?

MLM-It is always best to tell the total and honest truth, even if it results in someone's feelings being hurt

I get easily distracted from my work? It is hard to distract me from my work?

MLM-It is hard to distract me form my work

You have been asked to take on the added responsibility of training new hires. You are worried that the time away from your job will effect you production goals.

Most Likely - Check with your supervisor to see if taking on the assignment would likely impact production goals. Least Likely - Decline the assignment because meeting your production goals is your primary responsibility.

The machine you are using jams. you need to wait for a technician to fix it , but have a lot of work to process today. you already informed your supervisor about the jam.

Most Likely - While waiting for a resolution, check for an alternative open machine you may be able to use for sorting. Least Likely - Take your break early. Your supervisor will be around soon, and taking your break now will give him a chance to see the problem and call in a repair technician.

I always review my work for accuracy? Some people are too concerned with getting things right the first time?

SLM-I always review my work for accuracy

I would rather move on than dedicate time reviewing my work? I am exacting in my work?

SLM-I am exacting in my work

Company policies and procedures should be followed exactly? Company policies and procedures should basically be followed?

SLM-Company policies and procedures should be followed exactly

Those who set goals too high will experience disappointment? Extremely challenging goals motivate me?

SLM-Extremely challenging goals motivate me

I like to adhere to what I understand the rules to really mean? I adhere to rules exactly how they are written?

SLM-I adhere to rules exactly how they are written

Sometimes I do not agree with directions at work? I always do exactly what I am told at work?

SLM-I always do exactly what I am told at work

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