Mama Mia Donna Lines

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"Under attack"

"Whats going on sophie? what are you doin...? its six o'clock in the morning.

I thought you wernt keen on this wedding...

....I dont want them spoiling it. theyve got no right to turn up like this, what the hell have they ever done for their daughter?

I'd had enough id been dealing in the world, but id never seen the world.

....well you should see what hes done to my world. hes got me on-line, emailed, wired up and knuckled down

Dancing queen can dance!

donna, be fair, they didnt know she exsisted

...And they dont need to know, ive done a damn good job with soph all by myself, and now im going to be muscled out by an ejaculation!

it was in the trunk. you should hang this thing in the bar. Show sophie what a funky mom shes got...

...NO-get rid of it-burn it- i never want to see it again...

'cos everyone says your mom so cool, running a business and bringing up a kid, all on her own,.,.

...didnt have much a choice did i? An unmarried mother in the 70s? i couldnt very well go back home, my mother disowned me.

whats wrong?what happened? thought it was over... the almost forgotten....but it isnt!

...bastars...typical man...

...well im not really sure it was him. Y'see, there were a couple of others....


I cant keep it form you any longer. i have to tell you hes here.

donna- we planted the one sky found last night!

I dont care it'll keep them busy till the weddig starts! for gods sake just do it!

I had an idea for an extention

I dont want your stupid extention! what are you doing here?

i invited him

but... you couldnt have....i dont know which one of them it is......oh my god! Thats why theyre all here...

you darlk horse! why didnt you tell us?

cause i dint think id ever have to! i didnt think all three'd be sitting in my bar the day before their daughters wedding!


hold on....i cant take this....i mean it, and i dont know why you think i should... come in!1

i wanted to give you this.

i Dont mean here, here i mean here like on this island....

oh my god you sound just like your mother.

i do not!

oh mom, get off, im not a baby

i know but youre still my daughter soph, and i know that something is wrong.... it can be stopped, it isnt to late - i can sort these wedding shenanigans...

mom im getting mairred not joining a convent

i know, well in my day, you just didnt get married at twenty...

i havent seen her, why?

i must find her. now.

wouold you like me to tslke a look at the roof? it wont last through the winter.

ill fix my own damn roof.

thats better you know thats the first time ive seen you laugh since i arrived

im a bit stressed harry, what do you expect?

shenaigans? what do you mean shenanigans?

im sorry its just a figure of speech....

what? i didnt know....

it was a damn good thing too, rather be here then some depressing old housing , project....look at you. SLIPPING


its gorgeous! right then, are Lisa and Ali ready to help you?


its her dad.

do you remember the last time you said that to me

no i found these babiesin the cellar. just what we need for a wedding. Are they yours donna?

no, theyre... And what sort of wedding do you think theres going to be the state of the three of you? sky youre not marrying my daughter smelling like a frat house-hit the tub. Where do you think youre going?

what isnt?

nothing- leave me alone. I cant talk about it... I knew this would happen. All my life its been tapping at my shoulder-of course it would come out now! it had to...God, why was i such a stupid little idiot!

Im all right mom

of course youre not all right! youre sleep waloking again!

i just thought id just drop in to say hi

oh dear- what a shame- we dont have any rooms. Its that time of year..

ive been invited...

so, thats the dress...

I odnt care if youve slept with huindreds of men! youre my mother and i love you!

sophie.... I have NOT slept with hundreds of men!

whos dad

sophies, you know how i alwasy said it was sam, the archetect who went home to get married....

again? when do i ever sleep walk?

the night you came down with the measles. the time you couldnt finish your times-tables

donna. whats the rush?

the small matter of a wedding

donna i want you to have it... we cant talk about this now, but ill see you at the wedding

the wedding??

oh yes- about this wedding ... you kept my bag pipes

they scare off unwanted visitors

you two can bunk down with me if theyre really full

this is so- Inconvenient!

i know honey im sorry. its just been one jet sewtting millionare after another.

I know and ive been chained to this place. The constant battles with the bank manager.

you dont need the bagpipes to do that

I wouldnt my bite is worse then my bark.

do they know?

They cant know! ive never told anyone, why are they here to ruin sophies wedding?

i thought you must have had to tighten your belt a loittloe over the years. looking after sophie on your own, i wanted to contribute a little something to the wedding.

This would cover four weddings and a funereal! Oh harry its a lovely gesture, but

i dont know i....

wait right there

i came here to see the island. you know what it meant to me.

well id love to stop and chew over old times, but i have to go and....clean out my purse.

no, thats what you think isnt it? im stupid to get married its just a whim?

well im not pretending i really understand, but...

youre living my dream remember? the island? the taverna? my dream

well, this is my reality. Hard work and a crippling morgange.

tanya- Donna Knows i dont do walking

well, will you look what the tide washed in?

not at all. bill is used to sufferinh for his art and head banger heres the last word in spintaneous.

what about you

of course y÷. youre fine without a man, didnt never did the marriage and babies thing. you just did the baby thing.

what the hell is going on here? why are you coming down on me?


what the hell is that about

i know.


If its what she wants, she told me, she wants her father here, and maybe her father wants that too.

what? dont do this now Sam, I dont wanna hear this now.

ill have to let out a few seams.

wheres sophie?

Do you think im letting you down?

why in the world would you day that?

im really sorry mom, will you ever forgive me?

will you ever forgive me?.

sophie tells me youre giving her away

yes of course i am, who else?


you (mama mia) Im dreaming arent i? you arent really here?

you have to move with the times donna, no more drachmas under the mattress

you just invent me a machine that makes the beds

The night i bought you the guitar, I can remeber thinking those are the last words ill ever hear from Donna, and ill always treaure them. oh harry its a lovely gesture but....

you just made that up im sure i said thank you nicley, like a well brought up catholic girl.

would you like me to pinch you?

you keep your hands to yourself.

what? in the bar?

Dont let them see you!

Fine! be a martyr! ive got kids i know how hard this is for you, doing it on your own!

Dont you patronize me! I love doing it on my own- every morning i wakw up and thank god i dont have some middle aged, menopausal man to bother me! Im single, im free, and its great!

dont blame me donna it wasnt my idea

Girls, meet the leading man in tomorrows shindig. Sky this is Tanya and Rosie, my one time, backup band and all time best pals


Harry- what are you doing here

Hello donna!


How about her dad?

He isnt here.


Holy Shit! What is this?!

will you help me mom? SLIPPING

Hop in.

Scene 4

I cant get my hat right..... cant get anything right... come in!



..and one night only.. donna-


And whats this Sky got like - is he good enough for her?

And thats non of your buisness either! S.O.S

(at wedding)......who represents your family, dearly beloved, we are gathered here.....

And welcome to sophies dad.

if they did youd just go behind it making them again. i know you mom,

Are you kidding? Ill be more then ready to put my feet up when my boat comes in.


Because my guests want to dive down to the old wreck, to look for more pearl necklaces.



voulez vous reprise

Jesus will you stop that raket before you wake up the whole island! Eddie- where did you get that monstrosity?

So hows the mother of the bride?

Much better for seeing the two of you. God, Tanya - eight friggin years!


Not now, Sam.

sam enters


Are you sure/

Of course im sure! you think id forget my daughters dads? its sam, Bill Austin, and Harry Head Banger!

.....I remeber that bill austin, he was a hot slice of beef cake

Oh sure- its a laugh and a memory to you two, but i was the one who got pregnant. i suppose this just about serves me rihgt!

To scrub the grooms back?

On no youre not,. I want the champagne on ice, and the ouzo in the punch bowls, lay out the table clothes, the cutlery and the best glasses- youll have to wash and polish them first... Eddie get your boat out!

will you give me away? Im so proud of you mom...


what ever happened to our donna? life-n-soul of the party; el rock chick supremo?

She grew up thats all...


Sky and eddie are transforming it into a millionares paradise-

Donna-Listen! This is about us


no, because he gets up your nose

Tanya meet pepper and eddie my bar staff, waiters, boat-men and general help. only their generally no help at all.... Dont you two have any work to do?

well, its a bit of an eye sore

That eyesores going to be my floating casino! why didnt you tell me it was sophie who was getting married?

Thats aboslutley non of your buisness.

I dont think so honey, i spent their millions

Well, Girls, that is y jackpot! I need a break, I need a Vacation! Ive been running this hotel for fifteen years and ive never had a day off! (inti money)

Honey, the Taverna looks faboulous

Weve got sky to thank for that.

Yeah i know, ive got the scares. Want to see them?

What do you want Sam

youve changed your tune..

What the Hell are you doung here sam? What are any of you doing here? Im sorry. Im just-amazed to see you all.

super trouper

What the hell are they doing here?


Why have they all turned up like this? Its like some horrible twist of fate!

of course i do auntie tanya

Will you look at my baby- her whole life ahead of her...

...donna - in our day we didnt get married- period!

a white wedding, can you believe this? I dont know where she gets it from.


because one of the local girls is getting married tomorrow, and i just odnt have the staff to cope with you- youd be so much more comfotorable on the mainland.

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