Man Chapter 9

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When Marissa applied for a position at Blake Products, she was asked to provide the names and telephone numbers of three people who would be able to speak about her work performance at her last job. Which of the following selection tools does this BEST describe?

Background information

______ is the basic wage or salary paid to employees in exchange for doing their jobs.

Base pay

Which activities would a new employee experience during onboarding, as opposed to orientation? (Choose every correct answer.)

Becoming familiar with the company's strategy Having monthly "check-in" meetings with a manager

On the first day of her new job, Elena met with a human resource representative who explained the health and dental insurance and retirement plan options available to employees. This represents which type of information generally covered by effective orientation programs?

Employee benefits

According to human resource professionals, what is the most effective source for external recruiting?

Employee referrals

What are the advantages of soliciting referrals from employees? (Choose every correct answer.)

Employees are careful about who they recommend. Employees are familiar with the job requirements. Employees know the qualifications of the people they recommend.

Match the two types of workplace discrimination to the correct description. Disparate Treatment

Employees from protected groups are intentionally treated differently.

Why did W. Edwards Deming consider performance appraisals to be damaging in comparison with performance management?

Employees remember only the negative parts of their appraisals.

Which of these are resources for external recruiting? (Choose every correct answer.)

Employment agencies Recruitment firms Social networks College job placement

Which of the following is responsible for the enforcement of antidiscrimination and other employment-related laws?

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Commission

The agency whose job it is to enforce anti-discrimination and other employment laws is called the _____.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

In which step of the learning and development process does the employer analyze whether employees' gaps in knowledge have been successfully filled?


The _____ is a governmental agency established by the Wagner Act that enforces procedures whereby employees may vote to have a union and for collective bargaining.

National Labor Relations Board

Which two of the following are concerns that a manager should consider when an employee is promoted? (Choose every correct answer.)

Nondiscrimination Fairness

Which of these requires organizations to provide employees with nonhazardous working conditions?


Which legislative act was passed to ensure safe and healthy working conditions for employees?

Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)

Which of these typically takes place in the workplace while employees are performing job-related tasks?

On-the-job learning and development

What process is designed to help new employees become familiar with their jobs and organizations?


What are the three forms of interviews? (Choose every correct answer.)

Situational Unstructured Behavioral-description

What are the characteristics of the talent management approach to strategic HRM? (Choose every correct answer.)

Some employees are singled out as "stars." Some employees are expected to generate huge financial returns. The company grooms specific employees to fill valuable positions.

Which of the following is an example of quid pro quo sexual harassment?

Sondra's boss tells her, "If you don't go out with me, you could be making a career-limiting decision."

Which terms describe good performance expectations? (Choose every correct answer.)

Specific Achievable

How does strategic human resource management view employees?

Strategic assets

What approach to strategic HRM matches high-potential employees with an organization's most strategically valuable positions?

Talent management

Which of these sexual harassment situations is an example of a hostile work environment?

Tamicka's manager repeatedly touches her hair or hands while he is speaking with her, even though she has told him that this makes her uncomfortable.

Match the type of dismissal with its description. Layoff

Temporary dismissal from an organization, likely due to economic conditions

Although state laws vary, what do employers generally have a right to do? (Choose every correct answer.)

Test job applicants for use of alcohol Maintain a work environment free of drugs and alcohol

True or false: A top-level manager who has committed sexual harassment should be disciplined the same as a low-level employee.


True or false: During the candidate selection process, human resource managers should try to predict how long a candidate will stay in the job.


abor-management disputes can be settled in three ways: grievance procedures, mediation and _____.


The decision made by a(n) _____ in a labor dispute, such as the award of damages, must be honored by both labor and management.


Which type of contract enables the company to pay senior workers a higher rate of pay than newer workers for doing the same type of work?

Two-tier wage contract

When Max was hired to work in the warehouse of the automobile manufacturing facility, he was told that while he didn't have to join the union immediately, he would have to join within the first eight weeks of his employment. Which type of workplace labor agreement does this exemplify?

Union shop

Which of these are common methods for conducting job interviews? (Choose every correct answer.)

Videoconferencing Phone call Face to face

As a finalist for a management position with Emerson Mechanical, Caitlin participated in a two-day review of her management capabilities. She was required to go through a series of group and individual exercises designed to simulate the conditions of the job in order to determine whether she had the necessary skills and abilities. This BEST describes a(n) _____.

assessment center

The first step in the unionization process is to have workers sign _______ which designate a certain union as the workers' bargaining agent.

authorization cards

Dax is an assembly line worker at an automotive plant. He is paid $14.50 per hour. This amount reflects the _______ of Dax's job.

base pay

Janice rates her employees based on amount of work performed and promptness in arriving to work on time. Janice is using a(n) ______ appraisal to measure specific, observable aspects of performance.


During her interview at Masters International, Johanna was asked several questions inquiring about her past job performance, such as "Can you describe what you did the last time a customer became angry with you?" This suggests that Johanna participated in a(n) _______ interview.


Most of the questions Scott was asked during his interview were about past actions and accomplishments. This is an example of a(n) ______ interview.


A(n) ______-anchored rating scale is a type of appraisal that rates employee gradations in performance according to scales of specific behaviors.


Annie is rated by her manager on a scale in which a "1" represents, "Frequently late and is not prepared for work," and a "5" represents, "Always early and prepared for work." This is an example of a(n) ______-anchored rating scale.


Insurance, retirement plans, health club memberships, and education reimbursement are just a few examples of compensation in the form of _____.


Nicole receives ______, such as sick-leave days, vacation days, and free parking, from her employer.


Belinda's boss shouts at her and uses profanity when he is upset and has humiliated her in staff meetings by belittling her opinions and calling her "stupid." These are examples of _____.


Repeated mistreatment of one or more persons involving abusive physical, psychological, verbal, or nonverbal behavior that is threatening, humiliating or intimidating is a type of harassment known as _____.


The process of negotiation between labor unions and management to resolve disputes concerning benefits, compensation, working conditions, and job security is known as ______.

collective bargaining

he process through which the union and management negotiate pay, benefits and other work terms is _____.

collective bargaining

The three elements of ______ include wages and salaries, incentives, and benefits.


In a _____, all employees within a business unit are ranked against one another and grades are distributed along some sort of bell curve.

forced ranking performance review system

Sam ranks all of his employees against one another and the grades are distributed highest to lowest. Sam is using a ____ in his review process.

forced ranking performance review system

During difficult economic times, unions and management may negotiate a _____, in which the union agrees to give up previous wages or benefit gains in return for something else, such as a no-layoff policy.


During the last collective bargaining negotiations, the union and management at Apix Manufacturing negotiated a(n) _____, in which the union agreed to forego a wage increase in return for a no-layoff policy.


A(n) ______ is a complaint by an employee that management has violated the terms of the labor-management agreement.


The economic or productive potential of employee knowledge, experience, and actions is referred to as ______ capital.


When an organization evaluates people based on the economic or productive potential of their knowledge, experience, and actions, the organization is viewing them as ______.

human capital

Scott is a manager at a large electronics company. His primary role within the organization is to plan for the "people needs" of the business, and then attract, develop and retain an effective workforce. Scott is involved in ______ management.

human resource (HR)

Organizations use ______ such as commissions, profit-sharing, bonuses, and stock options to attract and retain top performers.


Samantha is employed as a sales engineer in a large medical products firm. The _______ of her job include commission on the sales she generates, quarterly performance bonuses, and stock options.


A cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) clause in a collective bargaining agreement ties future wage increases to _____.

increases in the cost of living

One of the employment tests Jane had to complete as part of the selection process was an online assessment that asked questions such as, "During the past 12 months, have you been given too much change by a cashier and kept the money?" and "How many times did you cheat on an exam during your senior year of high school?" Based on these questions, it would appear that Jane completed a(n) _______ test.


Tests designed to identify people likely to engage in inappropriate, antisocial, or dishonest workplace behavior are known as _______ tests.


Hourly workers at Brite Electroplating have joined an organization to protect their interests by bargaining with management over job-related issues. This organization is a(n) _____.

labor union

Don was temporarily dismissed from his company because sales are slow. When the situation improves at the company, he will likely be brought back as an employee. This is an example of being _____.

laid off

With an applicant tracking system, employers use job descriptions and job specifications to find job candidates by _____.

matching key words from the job description to key words on résumés

The process in which a neutral third party listens to both sides in a dispute and makes suggestions toward an agreeable solution is called the _____ process.


The person hired as a third party to carry out mediation is called the _____.


Employees can learn facts in short bursts of content for a few minutes at a time through a technique called ______


Performance appraisals that are based on facts and are often numerical are referred to as _______ appraisals.


Playing games and doing simulations to learn job related skill sets away from the workplace are examples of _____ learning and development.


Helping a new employee learn the ropes of the organization and fit easily into the new job is known as ______.


When Keisha started her new job, she went through ______ to help her transition and fit smoothly into the job and organization. The company is small, so this process consisted primarily of employees welcoming her, "showing her the ropes," and inviting her to the annual picnic that was coming up soon.


Yuki was just hired as a financial analyst and will spend the next two weeks learning company policies, procedures, and culture with other new hires. This type of process is known as ______, or employee socialization.


Kevin continuously helps his employees improve their work through the reviewing their performance and providing consequences. These are two steps of _____ management.


A _____ consists of assessing an employee's performance and providing him or her with appropriate feedback.

performance appraisal

The continuous cycle of improving job performance through defining performance, monitoring and evaluating performance, reviewing performance, and providing consequences is known as _____.

performance management

The extent to which a worker's competencies and needs match with a specific job is called ______.

person-job (P-J) fit

Agreeableness, emotional stability, self-esteem, conscientiousness, and openness to experience are measured on ______ tests.


A job _______ involves placing information about job vacancies and qualifications on bulletin boards, company newsletters and/or on the organization's intranet to make existing employees aware of current vacancies.


Last week Jordan's boss told him he was moving him from sales team manager to the director of sales. This career move represents a _____.


The action by which workers vote on whether to accept or reject the terms of the contract negotiated by the union after collective bargaining is called ______.


As the human resource manager for her firm, Candace is responsible for identifying and attracting qualified applicants for available positions within the organization. This role is known as _____.


The process of locating and attracting qualified applicants either outside or inside an organization for jobs open in the organization is called _____.


Individuals who are asked to provide assessments of former employees are known as _____.


If research shows that a particular test measures the same thing consistently, the test has high _______.


The part of the labor-management agreement that states that employees who receive union benefits must join the union (or at least pay dues) is called the union _____.

security clause

When Joe screens job applicants to ensure that he hires the most qualified candidate, he is performing the human resource function known as the ______ process.


Before Anisha meets with her manager, she is asked to complete a form listing her accomplishments during the past year, along with her perceived strengths and weaknesses and ways that she believes she can improve her performance. This is an example of a(n) _____.


Angela's boss has repeatedly asked her to go out with him and has suggested that her repeated refusals may negatively impact her next performance review. Angela's boss is guilty of _____.

sexual harassment

Unwanted sexual attention that creates an adverse work environment is referred to as ______.

sexual harassment

An employee transfer within an organization is thought of as moving ______, because the employee is moving to a position of similar responsibility.


A(n) ______ interview is one in which the interviewer focuses on hypothetical scenarios, such as "What would you do if a customer used profane language in speaking to you?"


During his interview, Mike is repeatedly given hypothetical scenarios and asked how he would respond. This is an example of the ______ interview, a type of structured interview.


The _____ clause in a collective bargaining agreement sets forth that employees who receive union benefits must join the union or pay union dues.

union security

During the interview, hiring manager Susan asked job applicants whatever questions popped into her head, with no systematic scoring procedure for their answers. This is an example of a(n) ______ interview.


While it provides a more accurate assessment of an applicant's job-related personality characteristics, the ______ has been criticized as being overly subjective and more prone to interviewer bias. In addition, its format can cause legal trouble because some questions may be unrelated to the job.

unstructured interview

If employers use a test to try to predict future job performance, it is vital that the test have ______ to ensure that it actually measures performance related to the job and is free from bias.


Rank the steps of the learning and development process in order, placing the first step at the top and the last step at the bottom.

1. Assessment 2. Objectives 3. Selection 4. Implementation 5. Evaluation

List the steps in the performance management process in the correct order, with the first step listed at the top and the last step listed at the bottom.

1. Define performance 2. Monitor and evaluate performance 3. Review performance 4. Provide consequences

When workers attempt to organize, they first must get other workers in their organization to sign authorization cards which designate a specific union as the workers' bargaining agent. However, the union cannot ask the employer for official recognition until at least _____% of workers have signed authorization cards.


As of 2019, benefits accounted for approximately what share of the total compensation offered by private industry?


A ____ feedback appraisal is one in which employees are appraised not only by their managerial superiors but also by peers, subordinates, and sometimes clients.


Susan has selected several people, including her peers, supervisors, and clients to anonymously evaluate her performance. After the results are tabulated by a computer, Susan will go over them with her manager and put into place a long-term plan for performance goals. This is an example of a ______ assessment.


What proportion of U.S. organizations use social networks to find new employees?


According to research, which of the following people is MOST likely to be a workplace bully?

A male manager

Curtis was recently laid off and was given severance pay on the condition that he agreed not to criticize the organization publicly. What is this an example of?

A nondisparagement agreement

When she applied for a job as a firefighter, Jill was administered a series of employment tests that measured her strength and stamina in activities such as climbing stairs, dragging weights, and carrying heavy equipment. Which of the following BEST describes the type of employment test Jill had to complete?


When he applied for a clerical position at Halewood Manufacturing, Tyrone was asked to complete an employment test that assessed his keyboarding skills as well as his mathematical skills. What type of employment test did Tyrone complete?

Ability test

Which of the following are approaches to affirmative action that an organization can take to achieve equality of opportunity? (Choose every correct answer.)

Active recruitment of a group (traditionally discriminated against) Elimination of prejudicial questions in interviews Establishment of minority hiring goals

Match the element of compensation with its description. Benefits

Additional nonmonetary forms of compensation such as health insurance, vacation and retirement plans

Elena, who is Hispanic, was told by the personnel director that she did a great job at the interview but that he couldn't hire her because all the other candidates had a college degree and she did not. However, because the position didn't require a college degree, the personnel director's reasoning would be an example of which type of workplace discrimination?

Adverse impact

Sydney recently quit her job and was asked to meet with a human resources manager to discuss her experiences with the organization and why she chose to leave. What is this an example of?

An exit interview

Match the two types of workplace discrimination to the correct description. Adverse Impact

An organization uses an employment practice or procedure that results in unfavorable outcomes to a protected class over another group of people.

Match the type of employment test with its description. Integrity

Assesses attitude, honesty, dependability, and trustworthiness

In which step of the learning and development process does the employer identify what the workers need to learn, so they can help the organization implement its strategy?


A performance appraisal is likely to contain which two of the following types of information? (Choose every correct answer.)

Assessment of performance Performance feedback

A clause in the collective bargaining agreement that ties future wage increases to increases in the cost of living is known as the ______ clause.


Which form of workplace labor agreement is now considered illegal?

Closed shop

Of the following methods, which would be the LEAST appropriate for external recruiting?

Company bulletin board

Which of the following are examples of an objective appraisal of employee performance results? (Choose every correct answer.)

Counting the number of days since a safety incident occurred under an employee's watch Comparing an employee's sales revenue to an annual target

Whenever people take a car in to Kelly Cars for service, they are asked to rate their satisfaction with the quality and timeliness of the repairs by completing an automated phone survey. This feedback is then used in the mechanic's performance appraisal. Which source of information is Kelly Cars using for its performance appraisals?

Customers and clients

Being placed on suspension or temporary leave as a consequence of poor performance is an example of which human resource management action?


Which of the following are the suggested methods to deal with bullying? (Choose every correct answer.)

Do not strike back. Get others on your side. Document bullying behaviors.

_______ involves attracting job applicants from outside the organization.

External recruiting

Salaried executives, administrative, and professional employees are exempt from over time rules as outlined in the _____.

Fair Labor Standards Act

Which law established a minimum wage for workers, set limits for child labor, and established overtime pay?

Fair Labor Standards Act

True or false: Signing a collective-bargaining agreement eliminates any ongoing differences between labor and management.


Which workplace benefits do younger generations of workers tend to value most? (Choose every correct answer.)

Flexibility in their jobs Work-life balance

During a performance appraisal, how should feedback be given? (Choose every correct answer.)

Focus on improving behavior in the future. Include a discussion of past behavior.

What are the characteristics of a high-performance work system approach to HRM? (Choose every correct answer.)

Focuses on collective levels of human and social capital Enhances the performance of all employees systematically Improves employee motivation and opportunities

When crafting a solution to a problem during a performance appraisal, what should employers do? (Choose every correct answer.)

Get the employee's input. Make themselves available for further questions or feedback.

What approach to strategic HRM deploys bundles of internally consistent HR practices to improve employee ability, motivation, and opportunities across the entire organization?

High-performance work system (HPWS)

______ management refers to the activities related to planning for, attracting, developing and retaining an effective workforce.

Human resource

Which of the following statements concerning criminal and financial background checks for job applicants are true? (Choose every correct answer.)

In many states criminal background checks are not allowed for initial job applications. The validity of financial background checks for predicting job-related outcomes is highly debated.

Match the element of compensation with its description. Incentives

Inducements to attract and retain top performers or induce employees to be more productive

What techniques do companies use to identify potential applicants within their existing talent pools? (Choose every correct answer.)

Internal job postings Databases that profile information about current employees Informal recommendations by managers

What approach to hiring is being used when a company has a job opening and makes its current employees aware of the opportunity?

Internal recruiting

What is the intended benefit of the forced ranking approach to performance appraisal?

It encourages managers to reward top performers and discipline poor performers.

What is the current state of drug and alcohol testing among employers?

It is becoming less common.

Which form of bullying is most common in the workplace?


What are reasons that the forced ranking approach to performance appraisal is falling out of favor? (Choose every correct answer.)

It results in reduced employee performance. The system gets rid of talented as well as untalented people. It creates legal risk due to the perception of bias.

If Alec wants to fill a vacancy in his department with an existing employee, which of the following techniques would be most appropriate?

Job posting

Identify the items that are included in negotiations between management and employees while they are engaged in collective bargaining. (Choose every correct answer.)

Job security Employee compensation Working conditions Employee benefits

The National ______ Relations Board enforces procedures whereby employees may vote to have a union and collective bargaining.


What are the benefits of performing an exit interview? (Choose every correct answer.)

Learning about potential problems in the organization Finding out why an employee is leaving the organization

Which social network is most commonly used for external recruiting?


What are some common effects of being bullied at work? (Choose every correct answer.)

Lower job satisfaction Cardiovascular health problems Anxiety and depression

Match the type of employment test with its description. Performance

Measures an applicant's execution of various work tasks

Match the type of employment test with its description. Personality

Measures characteristics such as sociability, emotional stability, and independence

Match the type of employment test with its description. Ability

Measures factors such as strength, stamina, mechanical aptitude, and cognitive skills

Match the element of compensation with its description. Wages or salary

Monetary payments to employees in exchange for doing their jobs

Anita asked one of her employees to analyze the production costs of three new product lines. She asked the employee to provide her with a weekly report on the information with a final summation in six weeks. What step of the performance management process is Anita engaging in when she asks for a weekly report?

Monitor and evaluate performance

During onboarding at her new job, Jana learned about the company's founder, its history, and its products and services. Jana's onboarding has covered which of the following areas of knowledge?

Organization's mission and operations

What is the primary difference between performance appraisals and performance management?

Performance appraisals occur infrequently.

During his interview at Rickson Electric, Hal was handed a malfunctioning switch, given a toolbox, and asked to fix the switch. What kind of employment test does this describe?

Performance test

Match the type of dismissal with its description. Firing

Permanent dismissal for cause

Match the type of dismissal with its description. Downsizing

Permanent dismissal, often related to a company-wide reorganization

Enrique was given an employment test that measured his self-esteem, agreeableness, and desire to perform well at his job. This is an example of what type of employment test?


Organizations often view negative marks on a criminal or financial background check as evidence of what? (Choose every correct answer.)

Poor character Low trustworthiness

The process of employee socialization is designed to familiarize new employees with what aspects of the organization? (Choose every correct answer.)

Procedures Culture Policies

What qualities are aspects of social capital? (Choose every correct answer.)

Reciprocity Teamwork Trust

Research has shown that an effective employee socialization program has which of the following effects? (Choose every correct answer.)

Reduced turnover Enhanced job satisfaction Improved employee performance

Which of the following are not legal as the basis for hiring and promotion decisions? (Choose every correct answer.)

Religion Gender Skin color

_____ prohibit employees from being required to join a union as a condition of employment.

Right-to-work laws

Which technique is the most effective when teaching skills such as networking or decision making?


Which of the following initially handles a grievance filed by an employee?

Shop steward

What does person-job fit mean? (Choose every correct answer.)

The employee enjoys the work. The work matches the employee's skills.

During an appraisal of employee performance, why should feedback be future-oriented?

The goal is to improve performance in the future.

What occurs during a structured interview?

The interviewer asks every candidate the same set of questions.

What should a human resources manager focus on when determining an organization's long-term staffing needs?

The organization's vision and strategic plan

Match the type of sexual harassment to the correct description. Hostile environment

The person being harassed does not risk economic harm, but experiences an offensive or intimidating workplace.

Match the type of sexual harassment to the correct description. Quid pro quo

The person being harassed is in jeopardy of not being hired for a job, obtaining benefits or opportunities unless he or she acquiesces.

The onboarding process for employees refers to which of the following?

The process of workplace familiarization than can last a year or more

Many employers are wary of giving references for which of the following reasons? (Choose every correct answer.)

The reference might reveal criteria that could lead to hiring discrimination. Former employees might sue the company for revealing too much personal information.

Why are objective appraisals harder for employees to challenge legally?

They are not subject to personal bias.

What is the primary goal of the strategic human resource management process?

To achieve the optimal work performance for supporting the company's mission and goals

On resumes and application forms, why do job seekers make statements or insert key words that do not truthfully describe their qualifications? (Choose every correct answer.)

To embellish their achievements To hide deficiencies in technical skills To outsmart automated tracking systems

What is the purpose of a nondisparagement agreement?

To prevent former employees from criticizing an organization

Which of the following are typical reasons for which employees might be transferred? (Choose every correct answer.)

To solve organizational problems by using their skills at a another location To retain their interest and motivation by being presented with a new challenge To solve employee problems, such as personal differences with a boss To broaden their experience in being assigned to a different position

What strategies are recommended for managers to use to prevent or address sexual harassment in the workplace? (Choose every correct answer.)

Train supervisors in Title VII requirements. Establish a formal complaint procedure. Establish and distribute a sexual harassment policy.

Jennifer rates her employees on subjective attributes such as attitude, honesty, inspiration to others, leadership, or initiative. This is what type of appraisal?


When a firm's approach to human resources is designed to drive the company's overall performance, employees are being used to ______.

achieve the firm's strategic objectives

In order to achieve equality of opportunity within its organization, Clarkson Company has taken steps such as active recruitment, the elimination of prejudicial interview questions, and establishment of minority hiring goals. Clarkson's efforts can be BEST described as _____.

affirmative action

Peter evaluates his sales staff based upon sales volume and gross margin on each sale. This BEST describes ______.

an objective appraisal

All job candidates who are interested in working for Devlin Management must first complete an online form that lists their education, work history, and certifications. This is an example of a(n) ______ form.


The process in which a neutral third party listens to both sides of dispute and then makes a decision the parties have agreed will be binding on them is known as _____.


An employee may be ______, or moved downward to a job with lower responsibilities and pay, if he or she performs poorly for an extended period.


Refusing to hire or promote an individual or making other employment decisions based upon factors such as ethnicity, religion, or gender is referred to as workplace ______.


Sonja was not promoted to the position of manager of the road work crew because her boss doesn't feel that a woman can supervise as well as a man. This an an example of _____.

disparate treatment

Ability, performance, and personality tests are three of the most common types of ______ tests.


The economic or productive potential of strong, trusting, and cooperative relationships is referred to as ______ capital.


Under the 1947 Taft-Hartley Act, individual ______ are allowed to pass legislation outlawing union and agency shops.


Before she began interviewing candidates for a sales position, Sonja prepared a written set of questions based on the job description and planned to ask each of the candidates the same questions in order to better compare their answers. Based on this information, it appears that Sonja was planning to conduct a(n) _____.

structured interview

Under a(n) _____ contract, new union employees are paid less or receive fewer benefits than union employees with longer service or tenure.

two-tier wage

A labor ______ is an organization of employees formed to protect and advance members' interests by bargaining with management over job-related issues.


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