MAN3025 test 2

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Shared Leadership

rotating leadership, in which ppl rotate through the leadership role based on which person has the most relevant skills at a particular time.

HR Planning

An activity w/ strategic purpose derived from org's plans, involves three stages. •Planning: To ensure the right number and right type of ppl, the HR managers must know the orgs business plan (where its headed etc) •Programming: the organization implements specific human resource activities, such as recruitment, training, and pay systems •Evaluating: human resource activities are evaluated to determine whether they are producing the results needed to contribute to the organizations business plan. -Most difficult part of HR planning is conducting a demand forecast

ideal leader

An ideal leader engages in both performance and maintenance behaviors. You cant really just favor one w/o suffering due to deficiency in other. Most effective manager engage in task orientated behavior (planning, scheduling, setting performance goals, etc) and relationship-oriented behaviors (trust and confidence, showing appreciation, etc). Blake and Mouton's leadership grid is used to see where one falls, and where to improve. -best leaders are those who can display both transformational and transactional behaviors.


Becoming an effective manager of a divers organization requires identifying and overcoming several challenges: •unexamined assumptions, lower cohesiveness, communication problems, mistrust and tension, stereotyping


Employment-at-will is the concept that an employee may be fired for any reason, whether it be justified or not. Supreme court upheld the ruling in 1908, logic is that since they can quit at anytime they can be fired.

Group Maintenance behaviors

actions taken to ensure that satisfaction of group members, develop and maintain harmonious work relationships, and preserve the social stability of the group. Concern for people. Focuses on ppls feelings, comfort, appreciation, and stress reduction. This leadership style has positive impact on follower satisfaction and motivation

Task performance Behaviors

actions taken to ensure that the work group or organization reaches its goals. Focus on work speed, quality, and accuracy. This type of leadership Improves leader and group job performance. Referred to as "concern for production"

Needs Assessment

an analysis identifying the jobs, people, and departments for which training is necessary.

Cafeteria Benefit Program

an employee benefit program in which employees choose from a menu of options to create benefit package tailored to their needs

Psychological Maturity

an employees self-confidence and self-respect.

monolithic organization

an org that has a low degree of structural integration- employing few women, minorities, or other groups that differ from the majority- and thus had a highly homogeneous employee population. has very little cultural integration and Informal integration is almost non existent, and minority group members do not identify strongly with the company.

Performance Appraisal

assessment of an employees job performance. Done correctly it can help business and employee. Done incorrectly in leads to resentment and potential law suit. It has two purposes an administrative and a Developmental one. Administratively it provides manager w/ the info they need to make salary, promotion, and dismissal decisions. This helps employees understand the and accept the basis of those decisions. Developmentally, w/ the info gather company can identify and plan additional training and employees can see where they can improve.

Job Rotation

assigning employees to different jobs in the org to broaden their experience and improve their skills.

Strategic Leadership:

behavior that gives purpose and meaning to org envisioning and creating a positive future and working w/ others to initiate changes that create such a future.

Supervisory Leadership

behavior that provides guidance, support, and corrective feedback for day-to-day activities.

Flexible Benefit Program

benefit program in which employees are given credits to spend on benefits that fit their unique needs


builds on recruiting and involves decisions about whom to hire. As important as these decisions are, they are at times made carelessly.

Rewards System

can serve strategic purpose of attracting, motivating, ad retaining people. What determines are a mix of internal and external factors. -pay level: the choice of wether being a high, avg, or low paying company. -pay structure: choice of how to price different jobs w/in organization. -individual pay decisions: different pay rates for jobs in similar worth w/in the same family. -Incentive pay encourages employees to do their best. They can choose to implement: individual incentive plans, gainsharing plans, profit-sharing plans, and even merit pay systems. All these are intended to reward and motivate employee to perform their best.

Sexual Harassment

conduct of a sexual nature that has negative consequences for employment. If management fails to act once notified of an incident, they can still be held liable.

1938 Fair Labor Standards Act

creates two employee categories, exempt and nonexempt. Exempt means no overtime, while non exempt employees are entitled to overtime pay.


development of a pool of applicants for the jobs in an organization. •Internal recruitment: advantage employers know the employee and employee the organization. It motivates employees to stay with the organization. While new employees may find they do not like working there. Could limit pool however if certain skills r lacking •External Recruiting: brings in "new blood", frequent used sources are, internet job boards, company website, employee referrals, newspaper advertisement, and college campus recruiting. Survey show that word of mouth recommendations are the way most job positions get filled. This it inexpensive and employee know if said individual would fit in in the company. Also use staffing firms

termination interview

discussion between manager and employee about the employee's dismissal

Personality Tests

employer have been hesitant to use personality test for employee selection, largely because they are hard to defend in court. They measure personality traits such as: sociability, adjustment, and energy

Substitutes for a leader

factors in the workplace that can exert the same influence on employees as leaders would provide.


foreign nationals transferred to work at the parent company


teaching lower-level employees how to perform their present jobs

5 things leaders must do

(Kouzes and Posner): 1. Challenge the process, challenge conventional beliefs and practices, create change. 2. Inspire a shared vision, they appeal to ppls values and motivate them to care about an important mission. 3. Enable others to act, the give ppl access to info and give them power to perform to their full potential. 4. Model the way, be a living example of the way. 5. Encourage the heart, show appreciation, provide rewards and motivate ppl in positive ways.

5 core values

- 5 core values that transcend the majority of borders •compassion, fairness, honesty, responsibility, respect for others.

types of power

1. Legitimate power, has right or authority to tells others what to do. 2. Reward power, influences others bc she controls value rewards, which ppl want. 3. Coercive Power, control over punishments, ppl comply to avoid these. 4. Referent Power, a leader w/ referent power has personal characteristics that appeal to others, ppl comply due to admiration, desire for approval. One who is dislike has lil referent power.5. Expert power, leader with this power has certain expertise or knowledge, ppl comply bc they believe in, can learn from, or can otherwise gain from that expertise.

host country national

: individuals from the country where an overseas subsidiary is located.


Organizations are best served when HR leaders strongly advocate four sets of values: Strategic, Ethical, Legal, and Financial.


Process of helping who have been dismissed from the company to regain employment elsewhere


someone who influences others to attain goals. The greater the number of followers, the greater the influence. And the more successful the attainment of worthy goals, the more evident the leadership. -leaders serve ppl best by helping them develop their own initiative and good judgment, enabling them to grow, and helping them become better contributors.

Affirmative Action

special efforts to recruit and hire qualified members of groups that have been discriminated against in the past. -affirmative action and diversity management are complementary not the same. For diversity management calls for a biz to move beyond legislated mandates, they go beyond getting minorities into the org

Lateral Leadership

style in which colleagues at the same hierarchical level are invited to collaborate and facilitate joint prob solving. This is about creating better intrapersonal process for finding solutions.

Human Resource Management (HRM)

system of organizational activities to attract, develop, and motivate an effective and qualified workforce. Also known as talent, human capital, or personnel management. -Strategic HRM: • people create value: they can help lower cost, or provide unique service to customer. Via empowerment and continuous improvement ppl can help the bottom line. • Talent is rare: ppl are source of competitive advantage when their skills, knowledge, and abilities are not equally available to all competitors. • A group of well chosen, motivated ppl is difficult to imitate. • Ppl can be organized for success. Ppl can deliver competitive advantage when their talents are combined and deployed rapidly to work on new assignments at a moments notice.


teaching managers and professional employees broad skills needed for their present and future jobs. -Phase 1, needs assessment -phase 2, design of training program. training objectives est -phase 3, training methods and location are picked -Phase 4, evaluate programs effectiveness. via surveys, tests, improved behavior and bottom line results.


the ability to influence others.

Culture Shock

the disorientation and stress associated w/ being in a foreign environment.

factors for Unionizing

the four factors that determine whether employees vote for or against union are the following: economic factors (pay), job dissatisfaction (unfair treatment), belief that union had power to obtain desired benefits, image of union (image of union corruption can discourage workers from unionization)

Employment at will

the legal concept that an employee may be terminated for any reason

Job Maturity

the level of the employees skills and technical knowledge relative to the task being performed. High maturity followers have the ability and confidence to do a good job.


the tendency to judge others by the standards of ones group or culture, which are seen as superior.


the use of neutral third party to resolve a labor dispute. These are used to avoid wildcat strikes, unplanned work stoppages.

Cognitive ability Tests

these are amongst the oldest employment selection devices. They measure a range of intellectual abilities, including verbal comprehension and numerical aptitude


today workers values are shifting toward personal time, quality of life, self-fulfillment, and family.

Orientation Training

training designed to introduce new employees to the company and familiarize them w/ policies, procedures, culture, and the like. Done well orientation training can increase morale, productivity, and lower employee turnover and the costs of recruiting and training.

Team Training

training that provides employees with the skills and perspectives they need to collaborate with others.

Appraisal Feedback

typically appraisal feedback works best when it is specific and constructive- related to clear goals or behaviors and clearly intended to help the employee rather than simply criticize. Give employee chance to discuss performance ratings.

Labor Relations

is the system of relations between workers and management. Ex labor unions ensure workers paid and treated fairly via unionization and collective bargaining

Bridge Leaders

leaders who bridge conflicting value systems of different cultures.

Transactional Leadership

leaders who manage through transactions, using their legitimate, reward, and coercive powers to give commands and exchange rewards for services rendered. This leadership is dispassionate, it does not excite, transform, empower or inspire.

Transformational Leaders

leaders who motivate people to transcend their personal interest for the good of the group. They generate excitement and revitalize organizations.

Pseudo-transformational leaders

leaders who talk about positive change but allow their self interest take precedence over followers' needs.

Trait approach

leadership perspective that attempts to determine the personal characteristics that great leaders share. However it was concluded that no particular set of traits were required for leadership. The following are traits that have been deemed helpful: Drive, Leadership Motivation (high power need), integrity, self confidence, and knowledge of the business.

Task-motivated Leadership

leadership that places primary emphasis on completing a task.

Relationship-motivated leadership

leadership that places primary emphasis on maintaining good interpersonal relationships.

Right to work

legislation that allows employees to work w/o having to join a union. These do not permit union shops.

Managing Diversity

managing a culturally diverse workforce by recognizing the characteristics common to specific groups of employees while dealing with such employees as individuals and supporting, nurturing, and utilizing their difference to the organizations advantage. It also means understanding and valuing the employee differences.


managing diversity, means being acutely aware of characteristics common to a group of employees, while also managing these employees as individuals.

Drug Testing

since the passage of Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, all govt employee and subcontractors and all those who do work for govt must be tested for illegal drugs.

Diversity Training

Programs that focus on identifying and reducing hidden biases against ppl w/ difference and developing the skills needed to manage a diversified workforce.

Level 5 leadership

a combination of strong professional determination and humility that builds enduring greatness. This leader is focused on the firms long term success while behaving modestly

Autocratic Leadership

a form of leadership in which leaders makes decisions on his/her own and then announces those decisions to the group. -Democratic Leadership: a form of leadership in which the leader solicits input from subordinates. Uses group meeting to make decisions as well. -Decision Styles: studies showed that democratic approach results in the most positive attitudes but an autocratic approach resulted in somewhat high performance of the firm. Situational approach is best for depending on the situation one can decided between the two.


a leader who serves others need while strengthening the organization.

Situational Approach

a leadership perspective proposing that universally important traits and behaviors do not exist, and that effective leadership behavior varies from situation to situation. It states that leaders should analyze the situation and then decide what type of leadership style is needed. The Vroom, Fiedler's, Hersey and Blanchard are all situational models.

Behavioral Approach

a leadership perspective that attempts to identify what a good leaders do, that is what behaviors they exhibit


a leadership philosophy characterized by an absence of managerial decision making. Here leader makes no decisions. This led to more negative attitudes and performance.

Hersey and Blanchard's situational theory

a life cycle theory of leadership postulating that a manager should consider an employees psychological and job maturity before deciding whether task performance or maintenance behaviors are more important. Theory proposes that the more mature a follower is the less the leader needs to engage in task performance behaviors. Maintenance behaviors are important for followers of moderate maturity, not important with high nor low maturity. For low performance/task leadership. For moderate maintenance w/ some importance on task. For high neither dimension of leadership behavior is important. This model is a reminder that It is important to treat different ppl differently, even that same individual differently as job changes or maturity increases.

Assessment Centers

a managerial performance test in which candidates participate in a variety of exercises and situations. Each exercise taps a number of critical managerial dimensions, such as leadership, decision making skills, and communication ability

Charismatic Leader

a person who is dominant, self confident, convinced of the moral righteousness of his/her beliefs, and able to arouse a sense of excitement and adventure in followers. This leader articulates ideological goals and makes sacrifices in pursuit of those goals.

Management by Objectives

a process in which objectives set by a subordinate and a supervisor must be reached w/in a given time period.

Fiedler's Contingency model of leadership effectiveness

a situational approach to leadership postulating that effectiveness depends on the personal style of the leader and the degree to which the situation gives the leader power, control, and influence over the situation. Three questions are used to analyze the situation: are leader-member relations good or poor; is the task structured or unstructured; is the leader's position power strong or weak. These questions create a decision tree, in which situation is classified into 1 of 8 categories. The lower the category the more favorable the situation is for the leader, the higher the lease favorable, now this variance is referred to as situational control. Fielder measure leadership styles with least preferred coworker (LPC) measurement. This is considered the leaders general attitude toward ppl. If attitude is not all that negative toward least fav then they would get a high score on LPC scale, if negative then low score. Then based on this Fiedler considered two leadership styles, task motivated and relationship motivated. This model not too liked bc it assumes that leaders cannot change their styles and further that leaders must be assigned to situations that suit their styles.

Vroom Model

a situational model that focuses on the participative dimension of leadership. The model uses the basic situational approach of assessing the situation before determining the best leadership style. Following factors are used to analyze problems: decision significance, importance of commitment (team members commitment), leader's expertise, likelihood of commitment (team support of your decision), group support for objectives, group expertise, team competence. These model operate like a funnel, you answer question one at a time and select high or low for each. Eventually you reach one of 14 possible end points. Out of the styles prescribed it suggest choosing one that takes least time.

Authentic Leadership

a style in which the leader is true to him/herself while leading. They are willing to sacrifice their own interest for others, and they can be trusted. They are ethically mature

Path-goal Theory

a theory that concerns how leaders influence subordinates perceptions of their work goals and the paths they follow toward attainment of those goals. This is regarded as the most comprehensive and useful situational model, developed by Robert House. It has two key situational factors, personal characteristics of followers, environmental pressures and demands w/ which followers must cope to attain their work goals. These factors determine which leadership behaviors most appropriate. It suggest that functions of a leader are to 1. Make paths to goal easier w/ coaching and direction, 2. Remove barriers to goals, 3. Increase opportunities for personal satisfaction. • Directive (task orientated), Supportive (maintenance orientated), Participative (decision style), and achievement-orientated (motivating ppl). • Key follower characteristics (also affect style chosen): 1.Authoritarianism, here directive style is best for these individuals appreciate decisiveness; 2. Locus of control, extent to which ppl se events as under their control. Internal locus believe what happens to them is their doing while external believe it is luck or fate. For ppl who are internal a participative style is called for; 3. Ability, ppls belief regarding their ability to do assigned jobs. When ability low directive style will be called for. • Environmental factors: 1. Tasks, directive style inappropriate if tasks already well structured. 2. Formal authority system, if authority system is dissatisfying then supportive leadership chosen. 3. Primary work group, if primary work group provides social support to its members, supportive leadership is less important.

Job Analysis

a tool for determining what is done on a given job and what should be done on that job. It provides all the information required by virtually every HR activity and it does two things, tells about the job (job description)- essential task, duties, and responsibilities involved in performing the job. And a job specification describes the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics needed to perform the job. -Staffing the organization: Once HR planning is completed managers focus on staffing the org which consist of: recruitment, selection, and outplacement.

Pluralistic Organization

an org that has a relatively diverse employee population makes an effort to involve employees from different gender, racial, or cultural backgrounds. These firms use an affirmative action approach. Like monolithic orgs, here minority groups still tend to be clustered at certain levels. These firms have more acceptance towards minorities into the informal network. Here there is more conflict however due to majority resentment and the greater number of women and minorities

Union Shop

an organization w/ a union and a union security clause specifying that workers must join the union after a set period of time.

Application and Resume

application banks and resumes provide basic information that help prospective employers make a first cut through candidates. They include applicants name, educational background, citizenship, work experience, certifications, and the like. Spelling mistakes however almost always immediately disqualify you.

Geert Hofstede four dimensions

four dimensions on how managers view cultural differences •power distance, the extent to which society accepts the fact that power in org is distributed unequally •individualism/collectivism: the extent to which ppl act on their own or as a part of a group •uncertainty avoidance: the extent to which ppl in a society feel threatened by uncertain and ambiguous situations •masculinity/femininity: the extent to which a society values quantity of life over quality of life.

Diversity Training

has two components, awareness building and skill building •Awareness building: designed to increase recognition of meaning and importance of valuing diversity. •Skill building: aims to develop the skills that employees and managers need to deal effectively w/ one another and w/ customers in diverse environment. Most skills taught are interpersonal ones.


help individuals enter the informal network that provides exposure to top management and access to info about org politics. Mentors are higher level managers who help ensure that high-potential people are introduced to top management and socialized into the norms and values of the org.

Multicultural Organization

here diversity not only exist, but is highly valued, encouraged, and utilized. Unlike in pluralistic org, here minority groups are fully integrated into both formal and informal networks. These org are marked by absence of prejudice and discrimination. Such org create synergistic environments, in which all members contribute to their maximum potential and advantages of diversity are fully realized.

Leader-member exchange theory

highlights the importance of leader behaviors not just toward the group as a whole but toward individuals on a personal basis. According to this theory maintenance behaviors such as trust, open communication, mutual respect, mutual obligation, and mutual loyalty from the cornerstone of relationship that are satisfying and perhaps more productive.

Labor Supply Forecast

how many and what types of employees the organization actually will have. -Many firms in several countries are having difficulty finding the right employees, the cant seem to find those who meet all their needs.

Reconciling supply and demand

if an org needs workers they can hire new employees, promote current ones, or outsource work to a contractor. If they have too many workers they can use attrition, layoff, or transfer them to other areas.

third country nationals

individuals from a country other than the home country or the host country of an overseas subsidiary.

Unstructured Interviews

interviewer asks diff interviewees diff questions, and may use probes-follow up questions- to learn more


mental image of a possible and desirable future state of the organization. Best visions are both ideal and unique. Important pt of a vision are the following: vision is necessary for effective leadership, 2. Person or team can develop a vision for any job, org. 3. Many ppl, including managers who do not develop into strong leaders, fail to develop a clear vision, instead they focus on performing or surviving day by day. Goal is to make clear where you are heading

Glass Ceiling

metaphor for an invisible barrier that makes it difficult for women and minorities to rise above a certain level in the organization


moves beyond reliability to assess the accuracy of the selection test. Criterion-related Validity refers to degree to which a test actually predicts or correlates w/ job performance. Content Validity, concerns the degree to which selection tests measure a representative sample of the knowledge, skills, and abilities requires for the job.

National labor relations Act

or Wagner Act, declared unions legal. This allowed for the growth of labor unions bc before this employer could fire employee who unionized and national guard broke up strikes.


organization plans for cultivating a diverse workforce should include the following 5 components: 1. Securing top management's leadership and commitment, 2. Assessing the org progress toward goal, 3. Attracting employees, 4. Training employees in diversity, 5.retaining employees.


parent-company nationals who are sent to work at a foreign subsidiary. Most expense due to relocation cost.

Comparable Worth

principle of equal pay for different jobs of equal worth. It implies that women who perform diff jobs of equal worth as those performed by men should be paid the same wage. To date no federal law nor supreme court ruling require comparable worth.

360 degree Appraisal

process of using multiple sources of appraisal to gain a comprehensive perspective on one's performance. Feedback gotten from subordinates, peers, and superiors. This method captures qualities other methods miss due to scope of all input

1964 Civil Rights Act

prohibits discrimination in employment based on race, sex, color, national origin, and religion. Title VII also prohibits specifically, sexual harassment.

Americans with Disabilities Act

prohibits employment discrimination against ppl w/ disabilities. Recovering Alcoholics, Drug Abusers, Cancer patients, and Aids patients are covered by this legislation.


recent research suggest that workers aged 65 or older are more engaged in their work then younger employees. Organization benefit from having engaged workers bc they tend to be more enthusiastic and productive. -the largest unemployed minority population in the US is ppl w/ disabilities.


refers to consistency of test scores over time and across alternative measurements


results in the following for those laid off: loss of self esteem, demoralizing job searches, and stigma of being out of work. Those who remain however will also be affected and will experience disenchantment, distrust, and lethargy. A well thought-out dismissal process eases the tension and helps remaining employees adjust to the new work situation. Org w/ strong performance evaluation systems benefit bc the survivors are less likely to believe the decision was arbitrary. Companies should also avoid stringing out layoffs by dismissing a few workers at a time.

Structured Interviews

same interview w/ each candidate. There are two types, the situational interview, focuses on hypothetical situations. The other is the behavioral description interview, which explores what candidates have actually done in the past. Since these are based on real events, they provide useful info about how candidates will actually perform on the job.

Adverse Impact

when a seemingly neutral employment practice has a disproportionately negative effect on a group protected by the Civil Rights Act. This is one common reason why employers are sued for discrimination

Employee Benefits

worker's compensation, social security, unemployment insurance. There are also those benefits that are not required such as pension plans and medical insurance. Today however almost no company offers pension plans and they are cutting back drastically on medical due to high cost associated with it. More common today are 401k accounts into which employee and employer invest into.

retaining talented employees

•support groups used to promote information exchange and social support. These groups provide emotional and career support for members who traditionally have not been included in the majorities informal groups. Also help minorities understand work norms and the corporate culture. -Mentoring program

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