MANA 3318 Final exam

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in the context of factors that influence group effectiveness, ---------- is often thought of in an individual context rather than a team context.


the theorists behind reward, coercive, referent, and expert power are :

French and raven

psychoanalysis is most closely related to whom ?


according to nelson & quick (2019), change of a relatively small scope, such as making small improvements, is best described by which of the following ?

incremental change

john is from culture in which the social framework is loose. Instead of being loyal to his organization , he solely focuses on his own goals and his family's well-being. it is evident that john belongs to a culture where ---------predominates.


in the context of the new career paradigm, discrete exchange:

occurs when an organization gains productivity while a person gains work experience

fuhua is housetraining her newly adopted dog, and she scolds the dog every time he pees in the house. Fuchu is using:

operant conditioning

your three-year-old daughter has an epic tamper tantrum, which you have chosen to ignore. you are most likely engaging in what?

operant conditioning

nelson & quick (2019) identified five areas of social support at work and at home. they are listed below, along with one item that does not being select the item that does not belong

organizational professional clubs family church/synagogue/mosque answer is social media

the "Hirst principle" focuses primarily on the presence of :

organizational dysfunction

politically committed people are most likely to engage in which of the following ?

self-serving bias

in the context of competing in the global economy, globalization suggests that :

the world is free from national boundaries and is borderless

high machs are those likely to use political skill to help:


in countries with a high-power distance, which of the following is most accurate?

there is an emphasis on formality

which of the following is most true of tall organizational structures?

they are characterized by closer supervision and tighter controls than flat organizational structures

which of the following is most true of attitudes?

they are closely linked to behavior

in the context of the leader-member exchange theory, which of the following is most true of in-group members?

they are more likely to engage in organizational citizenship behavior

in the context of organizational systems, which of the following is true of inputs?

they are the human , informational, material, and financial resources used by an organization

which of the following statements is true of low self-monitors?

they behave consistently across situations

unlike adaptive organizational cultures, nonadoptive organizational cultures:

value the orderly and risk-reducing management process more highly than leadership initiatives

the enduring belief that a specific mode of conduct or end state of existence is personally or socially preferable is called------.


managers who use coercive power are most likely to:

verbally abuse employees or withhold support from them

The so-called devil's advocate who challenges the thinking of the CEO and provides a counterpoint during debates in an organization is also called:

wild turkey

Hirst said that influential leaders engage in three principal categories of behaviors: they work in the business, work on the business, and work with the business.


" I know best; do what I say" is likely to come from a leader engaging in:

Authority-compliance management

select the person below considered by many as an expert on emotional intelligence

Daniel Goleman

communicado Inc., a cell phone manufacturer, has technologically modified all its existing products. it has also improved its customer service. as a result, the company has become very popular among this scenario, which of the following group-focused techniques for organization development intervention has communicado used ?

a quality program

a person or event that triggers the stress response is known as--------.

a stressor

nelson & quick (2019) use which of the following terms to describe a culture that encourages confidence and risk-taking among employees, has leadership that produces change, and focuses on the changing needs of customers as:


the rational/ analytical decision-maker is most likely to reply upon which of the following?


regarding social exchange and equity theory, which of the following best describes demands?

each party to the exchange makes demands on the other

nelson & quick (2019) identified which of the following to explain, in part, why fewer women enter STEM disciplines?

early childhood male-female stereotypes

of the types of communication, which has the highest information richness and lowest data capacity?

face-to-face discussion

Martha is from a culture that has a tightly knit social framework. she is a part of a non-governmental organization in which the members strongly depend on each other and value group decisions. It is evident that Martha belongs to a culture that is characterized by

facilitating exposure and visibility

the "glass ceiling" pertains largely to:


which of the following terms is most closely related to the phrase "work-life balance?"

interrole conflict

as they learn, which of the following is most likely to prefer theoretical frameworks ?


bringing a quality of attention to moment-by-moment experience in a nonjudgmental way is best described as :


what we know about first-impression studies is that people with lower-pitched voices are perceived to be more competent. why is this especially ironic based on research described in the textbook ?

people with higher-pitched voices often earn better grades than students with lower-pitched voices

the creator of the Conner change management model advocated for:

perpetual unrest

Rational analytical decision makers

rely on data

Empowerment is most closely related to:

sharing power

--------- is a great asset in managing legitimate emergencies and achieving peak performance.


the structural holes, or disconnections between members within a work team are most accurately called:

structural diversity

people in cultures with high uncertainty avoidance

tend to avoid conflict

values that influence the goals to be achieved or the end states of existence are called---------.

terminal values

recent research has suggested that followers are as important to organizational success as leaders


During class, Hirst made which of the following points about feedback ?

you don't need to agree with it to respond favorably to it

if a manager makes a request to his or her employee and the employee thinks that the manager has no right to make that request, then the request falls outside the employee's:

zone of indifference

on of the key principles on which the famed Toyota way of doing business is focused on is:

continuous improvement dedicated to innovation

Dissatisfied workers tend to :

drive up the organization's cost of turnover

According to the "Hirst principle," which of the following is present in every organizational culture?


the people in a work team committed to equalizing the outcomes for each team member are thought to be:


a(n)----abdicates the authority and responsibility of the position, and this style often results in chaos.

laissez-faire leader

m. Hirst emphasized three considerations when leveling a role. they are listed below, along with an incorrect response. select the incorrect response.

1. The scope, reach or impact of the role 2. the level of independent decision-making allowed 3. the seniority of the role's incumbent 4. the technical and relational complexity of the role is the answer

to support their argument that introverts can be leaders, nelson & quick (2019) listed six famous leaders who are introverts. some of them are below , along with one person they didn't mention. identify the person they didn't include in their list of introverts:

1. barrack Obama 2. Hillary Clinton 3. warren buffet 4.elon musk 5. joe Biden answer is joe Biden

in the context of the path-goal theory of leadership, nelson & quick(2019) wrote about four leader behavior styles. They are below, along with an item that wasn't in their list. select the item that they didn't reference.

1. directive 2.supportive 3. participative 4. Achievement oriented 5. informational is the answer

M. Hirst discussed several elements of leadership success; some of them are listed below. Identify the item that does not belong.

1. invite and respond favorably to feedback 2. be willing to change as often and as significantly as needed 3. create a character legacy 4. create productive discontent 5. learn how to manipulate others without detection is the answer

which of the following is most frequently an undesired outcome of social media communication?

1. self-esteem issues related to an unrealistic comparison of yourself to others 2. surrounding yourself with only those people whom you believe agree with you 3. Neglecting more important responsibilities 4. potentially neglecting more meaningful, authentic relationships in your life all of these are the answer

age discrimination is unlawful, but age bias is real. In response, Nelson & Quick recommended that job applicants show no work experience on their resume or application that occurred before what year ?


nelson & Quick (2019) noted that many u.s. adults do not get sufficient amounts of exercise to help them manage stress. what percentage of u.s. adults did they claim do not get sufficient exercise?


based on what we know about social perception, employment interviewers often make an initial accept or reject decision within what time period after meeting the job candidate?

4-5 minutes

at the time the textbook was written in 2019, nelson & quick reported that the unemployment rate for those with disabilities was approximately:


Martha joined MarkStent Inc. as a market analyst. her manager , ben, noticed that she had some good and innovative ideas to advance the business. therefore, ben took special interest in mentoring her. after a month since Martha joined the company, ben scheduled a meeting for Martha to meet with the company's CEO and other top-level managers to help them recognize her this scenario, which career function did ben, as a mentor, provide to Martha?

A. protection b. coaching c. sponsorship d. facilitating exposure and visibility * not yet answered

when efficiency in operations results from arranging conditions of work in such a way that human elements interfere to a minimum degree, it is called:

Authority-compliance management

the person often credited for creating the situational leadership model is :


which of the following ideas from M. Hirst most closely relate to Conner's change management model?

Creating productive discontent

Today's views of servant leadership is based on essays by:


today's view of servant leadership is based on essays by:


accepting that all organizations are dysfunctional and focusing on managing it, instead of eliminating it, was referred often by M. Hirst as the:

Hirst principle

in the context of psychosocial functions provided by a mentor, which of the following is true of role modeling?

It provides opportunities for a mentee to develop relationship with key figures in the organization

you have been introduced to several behavioral sciences. which of them studies learned behavior over a long time?


the most problematic element of most motivational theories is that they :

Most of them have been developed by and about Americans, failing to account for global considerations

when you work on a class project to which you and all other members of the group are expected to participate, the behavior you are most likely to dislike is :

Social loafing

The ABC corporation needs to differentiate work between the HR, Operations, Marketing, Finance, and Merchandising departments. What kind of differentiation is this?


During the 2020 spring semester, all onsite classes converted to virtual delivery through zoom and Microsoft teams, platforms that they had not used regularly before. The stress most likely reported by faculty and students was :


almost 40 percent of new managers fail within the first 18 months on the job because of

lack of interpersonal skills

According to Nelson & quick(2019) and Hirst, the principal distinction between leaders and managers is that leaders are the catalyst for ideas and change, and managers are responsible for operationalizing and monetizing those ideas.


when performance is overlooked by an evaluator, it is called:

a deficiency problem

functional conflict

a healthy, constructive disagreement between two or more people

why will your study of organizational behavior be helpful for you?

a. aid your understanding of organizational politics b. help you navigate organizational dysfunction and complexity c. better understanding of how people work d. support your understanding of organizational design, development, and effectiveness e. all of these is the answer

social perception is influenced by three things, listed below. select the item that doesn't belong in the list:

a. characteristics of the situation b. characteristics of the perceiver c. characteristics of target d. characteristic of the third party answer is D

which of the following did M. Hirst emphasize when a manager decides whether to get personally involved in a conflict?

a. the degree to which the conflict has shifted focus from an issue to being personal b. how rapidly the conflict is escalating c. whether getting involved might make the conflict worse d. all of these is the answer

based on the Mary Uhl-bien video we discussed in class, the space leaders created between creative/inventive/ people and administrative/operational people is called:


age discrimination is most likely to affect which of the following ?

affective commitment

choose the most correct answer. defensive communication includes messages that are


in the context of personality traits, which of the following traits can be classified under the big five personality traits?


when managing conflict in organization, M. Hirst recommended a guiding principle for all leaders. what is it?

always seek understanding before judgment

in the context of communication skills, good supervisors:

are able to hear the emotional dimensions of messages

behavioral norms are benchmarks against which team members are evaluated by other team members.

behavioral norms

Nelson & quick (2019) described employment that takes place after a person retires from a full-time position but before the person's permanent withdrawal from the workforce. what did hey call that?

bridge employment

nelson & quick (2019) had a specific, stated purpose for writing their textbook. Select the most correct response from the list below :

build more civility in the workplace

nelson &quick (2019) described the self-perceived talents, motives, and values that guide an individual's career decisions as which of the following?

career anchors

the point in a person's career at which the probability of moving farther up the hierarchy is low is called what, according to nelson & quick(2019)?

career plateau

the individual or group that undertakes the task of introducing and managing change in an organization is called what, according to nelson & quick (2019)?

change agent

accoridng to nelson &quick (2019), the third stage of socialization, in which the newcomer begins to master the demands of the job, is called

change and acquisition

modifying behavior by pairing a conditioned stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus to elicit an unconditioned response is called:

classical conditioning

nelson & quick (2019) described organizations conceptually in two principal ways. from the list below , select the terms they used

clockwork, snake pit

which of the following is an essential empowerment skill in an organization ?

communication skills

in the context of structural demensions in organizations, complexity is the number of activities within the organization and the amount of differentiation


in the context of the big five personality traits , across many occupations,--------people are more motivated and perform better than others


in the cultivation phase of a mentoring relationship, the relationship becomes more meaningful than the previous stages, and the mentee shows rapid progress because of the career support and psychosocial support provided by the mentor.

cultivation phase

a leader with a(n)-----uses interaction and collaboration wit followers to direct work and the work environment.

democratic style

when M. Hirst discussed influential leadership in class, he said it's important for people to be -------------and ---------- of the organization.

designers and deliverers

differentiation can be described as the design process of breaking organizational goals into tasks.


in the context of the design of organizations, differentiation is the process of subdividing and departmentalizing the work of an organization.


which of the following groups of people are likely to be part of a 360-evaluation?

direct reports self manager peers customers answer is all of these e. none of these

when organizations have specific rules regarding emotional expression, they are called-------.

display rules

anything that disrupts the consistency between an individual's attitudes and behaviors causes-------.


an informational cue indicating the degree to which an individual behaves the same way in other situations is :


the psychological distresses such as depression, burnout, and psychosomatic disorders lead to a form of psychological fatigue caused by energy depletion called------.

emotional exhaustion

Duy and Roovi have a highly unproductive and angry relationship at work. which of the following or they likely to employ when together ?

emotional labor

Empathy is the ability to see life from another person's perspective


Mandy is deeply concerned about the heat in the dry cleaner's where she work. she is most likely engaging in:

employee voice behavior

the communication of suggestions, concerns, information about problems, or work-related opinions to effect constructive change in the workplace is called---------.

employee voice behavior

which of the following statements is true of a leader's role in shaping an reinforcing culture?

employees observe the behavior of leaders to find out what an organization values

an individual who prefers and equity ratio equal to that of his or her comparison other is said to be:

equity sensitive

the social exchange process approach to motivation that focuses on the interaction between an individual and the environment is called---------.

equity theory

Acting in ways consistent with one's personal values and the commonly held values of the organization and society is called---------.

ethical behavior

the theory of reciprocity is most closely related to the following:


which of the following are good responses to stress?

exercise healthy diet social connectedness recreation all of these are correct

which of the following terms defines managers who work in a country other than their home country ?

expatriate managers

although a university professor may exhibit different types of power, which of the following best describes his or her power

expert power

federal regulators are part of an organization's :

external task environment

the motivation approach used to discourage bad behavior by ignoring it is called:


all stress is bad


in the maintenance stage of career development, people stop growing in their careers.


organizational politics is, by nature, bad.


regular alcohol use is a sound long-term response to stress.


making decisions in a personal , value-oriented way is called :


the theorist most accurately associated with the least preferred coworkers scale is :


which of the following is true of followers of a leader with an autocratic style?

followers have little discretionary influence over the nature of the work

to coerce someone into doing something means to:

force the person to do it

according to nelson & quick(2019), the shortest kind of written communication is the:


during an in-class discussion, we reviewed a general timeline of change management. which of the following most accurately describes activities that occurred in the 2000s?


how does M. Hirst define an organization ?

formalized relationships between people expected to deliver favorable results for other people

in the context of Bruce Tuckman's five-stage model of group development, dependence on guidance and direction is the defining characteristic of the forming stage of group development


Avoidant decision makers

go out of their way to avoid making decisions.

the process of establishing desired results that guide and direct behavior is best described as :

goal setting

an employee resource group (erg) is most accurately described as a :


management by objectives, team building, and survey feedback are group-focused techniques for organization development intervention


the shortcuts in decision-making that save mental activity are called


nelson & quick (2019) noted that the u.s. navy blue angels is an example of a :

high cohesion group

sanjay is a collections agent who is performing poorly on collections. sanjay only performs poorly on this task. which of the following informational cues and attributions most accurately applies to sanjay's performance problem ?

high distinctiveness

in a motro & ellis (2017) study discussed by nelson & quick (2019), males and females were given highly critical performance feedback. what did the study conclude?

if women cried, it did not affect other's perceptions about their leadership ability *

you are engaged in a complex conflict at work. which of the following communication methods will likely be most effective as you solve it?

in-person conversation

which of the following is an early warning sign of workaholism ?

inability to enjoy vacations and respites from work

in the context of work demands, role conflict results from:

inconsistent or incompatible expectations

select the term that describes a cultural orientation in which people belong to loose social frameworks and their primary concern is for themselves and their families.


ICT is the acronym for:

information communication technology

which of the following terms best describes the belief that performance is related to rewards?


integration can be considered the design process of linking tasks together to form an organizational structure that supports goal accomplishment.


which of the following best identifies the psychological approach to understanding human behavior that involves knowing something about the person and about the situation ?

interactional psychology

Jobs in an organization


when an evaluator criticizes low effort, lack of commitment, or lack of ability, he is or he is likely making an:

internal attribution

Aaron, a student of kellearn elementary school, falls sick during school hours. Aaron's father, martin, is immediately called to take Aron home. Martin has an important meeting to attend at work and there is no else available to take Aaron home. in this scenario, martin most likely experiences

interrole conflict

Martha, an employee at sunshillings , has been working on a project for the last two months. the project is going well and nearing completion. However, just the day before its delivery, her son falls sick. in this scenario, when dealing with both the situations, Martha is most likely to experience

interrole conflict

Nelson & quick (2019) wrote that to diagnose a conflict as functional or dysfunctional, a manager must look at the:

issue, the context of the conflict, and the parties involved

which of the following is a negative consequence of conflict in an organization?

it breaks down group cohesion

which of the following statements is most true of reward power?

it can lead to better performance, but only as long as an employee sees a clear and strong link between performance and rewards

which of the following is most true of sociology ?

it focuses on the variety of roles within a culture and the norms of behavior in groups

which of the following is true of a career lattice

it is an effective way to develop an array of skills to ensure one's employability

which of the following is true of vertical differentiation in organizations?

it is the difference in authority and responsibility in the organizational hierarchy

in the context Bruce Tuckman's five-stage model of group development, which of the following is true of the adjourning stage ?

it is the final stage of group development where the task is completed

identify a true statement about executive coaching

it is typically a special investment in top-level managers *

which of the following is a positive consequence of conflict in an organization ?

it leads to the generation of new ideas

in the context of career functions provided by a mentor to a protégé, which of the following is true of sponsorship?

it means actively helping the individual get job experiences and promotions

job redesign is an organization development intervention method that alters jobs to improve the fit between individual skills and the demands of the job

job redesign

which of the following personality types is most likely to prefer closure and completion in making decisions ?


the Meyers-Briggs type indicator instrument is based on the work of :


the Myers- Briggs type indicator (MBTI) is most closely related to :

jung's type theory

the ability to exceed budget limitations was considered a symbol of power by whom?


which of the following theorists is most closely related to managers making assumptions /attributions concerning employees behavior and performance?


the person who believed that office furniture is a symbol of power is


a manager says to her assistant about someone else, "Nancy is a slacker. she is always unavailable when there is a deadline." in this scenario, the manager is indulging in


which of the following is most correct in the context of the "Hirst Principle ?"

leaders should focus on managing and minimizing dysfunction within the content of trusting, productive relationships

in the textbook, it was noted that in 2019, the chancellor of the UT university system used the "Rooney Rule" for which of the following roles ?

leadership roles starting at the dean level

which of the following best describes the power of UTA's president

legitimate power

a high-cohesion work group is most likely going to need:

less outside leadership support

The earliest research on leadership style, focused on autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire leadership, was done by:


among the theorists focused on change management, one of them created a simple model focused on "unfreezing changing, and refreezing." that theorist was:


an individual's generalized belief about internal control versus external control is called-----------.

locus of control

regularly and consistently recognizing and rewarding the contributions of a group member is most accurately thought to be a:

maintenance function

Spontaneous decision makers

make decisions based on the pressure of time .

Related to conflict, the most effective leaders:

manage it

peter Drucker is known for creating which of the following?

management by objectives (MBO)

in class, M. Hirst mentioned two of the most significant benefits of a 360-evaluation. one of them is in the list below; select it .

managers have good feedback to include in performance reviews

Mcclelland is best known for:

manifest needs

google uses its search inside yourself leadership institute (SIYLI) to train leaders in :


According to Nelson & quick(2019) followers who are unwilling but able are identified has having what type of readiness ?


in 2019, nelson & quick wrote that traditional performance reviews have been eliminated by what percentage of u.s. companies?

more than33%

mangers feel that dealing with diversity is a paramount concern because of the need to

motivate varied work groups

managers feel that dealing with diversity is a paramount concern because managers :

must communicate with employees who have different values

nonadoptive organizational cultures are characterized by cautious management that tries to protect its own interests.

nonadoptive organizational cultures

the standards that a work group uses to evaluate the behavior of its members are called:

norms of behavior

M.Hirst has defined organizations as formalized relationships between people expected to deliver favorable results for other people. what term has he used to describe the health of those relationships?

organizational effectiveness

nelson & quick (2019) used which of the following terms to describe the process by which newcomers are transformed from outsiders to participating, effective members of the organization:

organizational socialization

leaders can use organizational symbols to help employees understand the changing nature of their organizational identity.

organizational symbols

Roberta is the supervisor of a fund-raising project. she notices that her team members are not able to meet the targets and they have deviated from the planned schedule. to understand the situation and the challenges that the team members are facing, Roberta wants to reach out to all the team members

organize a face-to-face discussion with the team

the dependent decision-maker is most likely going to rely on which type of validation ?

other people

Juan has a long, troubled dating history. as soon as one of his partners tries to create a close, emotionally intimate relationship with him, Juan becomes highly critical, sarcastic, hurtful, and distant. Juan is most likely engaging in which of the following types of behavior ?


bryce is researching pitch, loudness, tempo, tone, duration, laughing, and crying and their role in communication. Bryce is studying:


which of the following is a drawback of behavioral measures of assessing personality ?

people behave differently when they know that they are being observed

which of the following is a window through which one interacts with others and also influences the quality, accuracy, and clarity of the communication?

perceptual screen

identify the term that describes a relatively stable set of characteristics that influences an individual's behavior .


M. Hirst has argued that when people are excessively upset, they typically engage in four types of flawed thinking. those four listed below, along with one that does not belong in the list. select the item that does not belong.

personalizing memorializing catastrophizing over-analyzing answer is moralizing

which of the following tiers from Maslow's hierarchy of needs is most closely related to theory x thinking ?

physiological needs

planned change results from a deliberate decision to alter an organization

planned change

mission Defining is part of nelson & quick's(2019) employee empowerment Grid. what part of the grid is it?

point D

Another word for multitasking is :

polyphasic activity

Jennifer is a single working mother and student who has been forced by the pandemic to work from home with her children, from where she has been juggling work, school, and parental responsibilities. she is most likely engaging in which of the following?

polyphasic activity

in the context of Bruce Tuckman's five-stage model of group development, which of the following is true of the storming stage?

power struggles, cliques , and factions within the group begin to surface.

38. which of the following is an example of perception-shaping mechanisms used by leaders to reinforce organizational culture?

profits policies fixed costs strategies not yet answered

when we overestimate the number of people who share our own beliefs, values, and behaviors , we are said to be:


another name for the false-consensus effect is what?


which of the following is not among the responsibilities of a good mentor ?

protection from poor performance

which of the following studies individual's perception and use of space?


according to nelson & quick (2019), the implicit agreement between the individual and organization that specifies what each is expected to give receive in the relationship is called:

psychological contract

in the context of interdisciplinary influences on organizational behavior , which of the following is the science of human behavior ?


the Chinese practice of building networks for social exchange is called:


32. identify a true statement about artifacts of an organizational culture

quiz 6

nelson & quick (2019) referenced two influencing tactics to get bosses to more favorably evaluate their employees. select the correct pair below.

rational persuasion, ingratiation

the principal that assumes that a person's behavior is accounted for by the situation is :

rationalized principle *

giving potential employees the actual picture of the job they are applying for is known as a realistic job preview

realistic job preview

which of the following types of power is most closely associated with charisma ?


the power that is based on interpersonal attraction or appeal is called:

referent power

in the context of fielder's contingency theory of leadership, relationship-oriented leaders are primarily gratified by developing good, comfortable interpersonal associations.

relationship-oriented leaders

dependent decision makers

rely on other people

intuitive decision makers

rely on their instincts and intuition

when Nancy moved to the Arlington, Tx area , she wanted to rent a house quickly, and she really wanted one with a patio where she could relax after classes. She accepted the first house with a patio that she saw, although the house was missing some other things she wanted. she most likely engaged in:


poorvi has been tasked with improving her company's total quality programs. She prefers to view interviews with people in companies that implemented total quality programs and then identify people in the organization most likely to be receptive to the approaches presented. poorvi is likely a :

sensing feeler

In Kotter and Heskett's study, compared to nonadaptive firms, adaptive firms:

showed significantly better long-term economic performance

a goal that is measurable, specific, time-bound, realistic, and attainable is said to be a -------------goal.

smart goal

children adopt certain attitudes when their parents reinforce attitudes they approve. this is an example of ---------.

social learning

mark has derived many of his attitudes from his father and older brother. It is likely he has been engaging most in:

social learning

the process of interpreting information about another person is called what ?

social perception

identify the term below hat has been called the science of society, which has also contributed greatly to our knowledge of group and intergroup dynamics


The ABC corporation needs to differentiate work between its business units in the U.S., Germany, France, Australia, Canada, and the U.K. what kind of differentiation is this?


the geographic dispersion of an organization's offices, plants, and personnel is referred to as:

spatial differentiation

which of the following is a form of differentiation ?

spatial differentiation

in the context of structural dimensions in organizations, specialization is the degree to which jobs are narrowly defined and depend on unique expertise.


Steve has just completed a rigorous U.S. marine corps boot camp, basic training which he participated in a lot of physical exercise, hiking, and other endurance training with other members of his group. His experience is most accurately described as:

status structure

the set of authority and task relations among a group's members is most accurately called:

status structure

which of the following is a form of job redesign?


the bands of concentric space radiating outward from your body are most accurately called:

territorial space

emotional intelligence is referred to:

the ability to govern one's emotions and perceive emotions in others

which of the following is the first stage in the career stage model?

the establishment stage

according to Kurt lewin's model of the change process, current behavior is maintained when:

the force pushing toward preserving the status quo and the force pushing for change are approximately equal

which of the following statements is true of action learning?

the outcome of action learning is that leaders learn about themselves through the challenges of their comrades

which of the following statements most correctly describes avoidant decision-makers ?

the prefer that other people make decision for them

the attitude-behavior link is stronger when:

the time between the attitude measurement and the observed behavior is short.

which of the following is the final stage in the career stage model?

the withdrawal stage

which of the following is most true of stressful activities like aerobic exercise, weight training, and flexibility training ?

they enhance a person's ability to manage stressful demands

executives succumb to the temptation of fraud because:

they feel pressure to keep up with changes in cultural norms

in the context of communication skills, which of the following is true of effective supervisors?

they tend to be persuasive leaders

nelson & quick said which of the following personality is most inclined to engage in criminal conduct ?

thinking judging perceiving feeling none of these is the answer

the primary distinction between an intuitive decision-maker and a spontaneous decision-maker is which of the following?

time pressure

TQM generally refers to what ?

total quality management

what did nelson & quick(2019) call change in which the organization moves to a radically different, and sometimes unknown, future state?

transformational change

what were once called multinational organizations are now referred to as --------, indicating that the global viewpoint supersedes national issues

transnational organizations

the use of multiple methods to measure organizational culture is called:


Estimates reported in nelson & quick (2019) reveal spend about 21% of their time, or one day every week, dealing with conflict


Machiavellianism is a personality characteristic involving one's willingness to do whatever it takes to get one's way.


as people earn larger more senior roles in an organization, they generally manage more relational complexity and less technical complexity


at the heart of a lot of resistance to change is a basic fear of failure


based on the Hirst principle, your career choices should be influenced primarily by what types of dysfunction you can live with and with whom you want to manage and minimize it.


charisma is in the eye of the beholder and relies on the emotional connection between leaders and followers


eustress describes healthy, normal stress.


nelson & quick (2019) projected that by 2020, minorities will minorities will constitute more than 50% of the new entrants to the U.S. workforce.


nelson & quick (2019) stated that, according to the fit perspective, a culture is good only if it fits the industry or the firm's strategy


nelson & quick (2019) that homogeneous groups are giving way to token groups


one of the fundamental flaws of attribution is that managers' perceptions concerning employees' performance and behavior may be flawed.


privacy is a contemporary concern for many workers. nelson & quick(2019) reported that firms in the u.s. and Sweden generally respect individual privacy more than those in japan and china.


reward and punishment decision affect entire organizations, not just the people receiving the consequence


the first step in the decision-making process is to recognize the problem; that is, the manager realizes that a decision must be made.


the principal difference between organizational politics and political behavior is whether the related actions are sanctioned by the organization.


the second step in the decision-making process describe by nelson & quick (2019) is to identify the objective of the decision


when learning, feelers are most likely to prefer interpersonal involvement


M. Hirst has said that " Trust is the currency used by the world's most successful leaders to buy success for others and themselves."


three commonly used perceptual lenses are used by the perceiver to make a quick initial assessment of the target. select the correct grouping below:

trust, power, ego

during an in-class discussion, M. Hirst referred to the importance of " working on the business". to which of the following does "working on the business" most accurately describe?

understanding how the organization makes money or otherwise delivers expected value to its stakeholders

Zaleznik proposed that leaders have distinct personalities that stand in contrast with the personalities of managers. whereas leaders agitate for change and new approaches, managers advocate for stability and the status quo.


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