Management 315 FPU Ch 1-3

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The founder of ABC Corp., who had only an eighth-grade education, built his company into a multinational success. He often talks about the value of experience over education. So, when Othello asked the human resources manager about the company's tuition assistance program, she told him there was no tuition assistance available. This situation exemplifies the statement that ________________.

A company's culture affects the decisions managers make

A problem is present when _______________.

A discrepancy exists between an existing and a desired state of affairs

Which one of the following would be considered a flexible work arrangement?

A freelance computer programmer contracts with Microsoft to write code for a new Windows smartphone.

A key characteristic of all organization is that they have _______________.

A purpose

Executives identified __________ as the most important driver in creating an innovative culture?

A supportive culture

A few decades ago, PETA pressured Avon to cease its use of lab animals to test its cosmetics although at the time there were no laws prohibiting this practice. When Avon did stop using lab animals, we can say it _____________________.

Acted with social responsibility

Before Dan retired, his manager asked him to "download" his troubleshooting knowledge into a database so the person who replaced him in the maintenance department could have the benefit of Dan's decades of experience. In this way, Dan created __________________.

An expert system

The XYZ Company provides each newly promoted executive VP with a lavishly decorated corner office, a hand-selected desk of choice and a new car. These are examples of ________________.


Jan does not intend to become a manager. It is still a good idea for her to study management because ______________.

As an employee she will most likely report to a manager.

Kevin has been placed in charge of his firm's sustainability efforts. This means Kevin will likely __________.

Be factoring economic, environmental, and social aspects into how his firm pursues its business goals

The statement "The purpose of every for-profit business is to maximize shareholder wealth" is reflective of the _____________ view of social responsibility.


George, CEO of Lotus, Inc., is meeting with his senior management team to decide where Lotus will be five years from now. They are discussing what industries they should enter and leave where the company should be positioned in its markets. They are also discussing how many divisions of Lotus will fit into their future. George and his team are using their _____________ skills.


Flora is comparing the monthly budget to actual revenues and expenses. Flora is engaged in the ________ function.


At STU Corp., each month the work team with the best safety record is honored with a lunch with the CEO. Also every year, the team with the highest productivity receives a bonus and a jacket for each member. In these ways, the corporate culture is perpetuated through ____________.

Corporate rituals

Repetitive sequences of activities that serve to reinforce values and goals of the organization are _____________.

Corporate rituals

Environmental uncertainty is determined by a combination of ____________ and _____________.

Degree of change; complexity

Using big data, a social website such as Facebook could _____________.

Display ads for products and services based on the posting on a user's timeline

Dave has the highest quality rating in the department but he is also the slowest worker. Because Dave is paid hourly, his labor cost per unit is also the highest in the department. We could say that Dave is __________________.

Effective but not efficient

Darlene's roofing crew finished the roof in record time, only to discover that they had reroofed the wrong house. We could say this crew was _______________________.

Efficient but not effective

Wilma's new employee was not working out as well as she had hoped so she decided to pair her with a more experienced employee. Then she sent her to training. Then she spent time coaching her. Wilma is engaging in __________________.

Escalation of commitment

Mohammed's organization has committed to reinforcing their organizational culture. They have had weekly townhall meetings openly discussing their values and how decisions are made within the organization. Top management openly shared their renewed commitment to ensuring that the appropriate behaviors are rewarded. Those managers who had blatantly and openly falsified expenses reports were notably absent. Mohammed's organization is reinforcing which type of culture?


Creative thinking requires _______________.

Expertise, creative-thinking skills, and intrinsic task motivation

McElroy has decided to purchase items at estate auctions near his home in the US and sell them on eBay to buyers in Australia, Israel, and other countries around the world. McElroy is engaged in ____________________.


The term ____________ refers to factors, forces, situations, and events outside the organization that affects its performance.

External environment

Abraham's job requires that he work through others and coordinate their actions to achieve his firm's goals. Abraham is a(n) ______________.

First-line manager

At UPS, business was strong but profits were down, leading managers to look for ways to increase profits from existing operating income. At this point, the managers of UPS are at the _________________ step in the decision-making process, which is _________________.

First; identifying the problem

Because it wants its policies and practices to be consistent throughout the entire organization, regardless of the country where it operates, major decisions at AllWear Inc. are made at its headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, and are distributed to every facility through its intranet. AllWear would be considered a(n) ___________________.

Global corporation

Nike sells shoes in the United States that are made in Southeast Asia where labor rates are lower. Nike is engaging in ______________________.

Global sourcing

A manager's job focuses on __________________.

Helping others accomplish their work goals

______________ Identified ten different but highly interrelated roles performed by all managers, regardless of their level withing the organization.

Henry Mintzberg

Nan is a data entry person in a medical billing office. Nan's firms follow the Six Sigma quality program that allows only three errors per million keystrokes. We could say that the culture of Jan's firm is ______________.

High in attention to detail

American heroes tend to be loners, like John Wayne characters or Superman, because America is _________________.

High in individualism

Which one of the following is not one of the dimensions of national culture as identified by Hofstede?

Humane orientation

Heather asks for clarification of the task Andrea has presented to the faculty. This request illustrates which step in the decision-making process?

Identify a problem

Heather states that the group would need to correlate testing methods and grades in order to develop an effective policy. This statement reflects which step in the decision-making process?

Identify the decision criteria

In considering China for the global location of a new facility, the company's exploratory research team discovered this population takes pride in small group membership such as their family, friends, and their employers. Which of GLOBE's dimensions is reflected in the team's findings?

In-group collectivism

Master Motors has experienced a scrap rate higher than the industry average. This problem is an example of ____________.


Sarah's company encourages her to tolerate ambiguity and reward her employees for taking risk. In addition, she often has described her workplace as fun and spontaneous. She encourages her employees to suggest ideas at their weekly roundtables. Sarah's company culture might be best described as ______________.


Paul has worked in personal sales for most of his adult life. He has developed a sense of how to persuade his prospects to purchase his product. Paul is using his _______________.


When General Motors and Toyota created a separate organization organization called New United Motor Manufacturing, Inc. (NUMMI) to build cars in California, they formed a _____________.

Joint venture

With an emphasis on the rapidly changing business landscape, which organizational culture can be beneficial in requiring adaptability?

Learning culture

Harley-Davidson allows Portland Clothing to stitch the Harley logo on the jackets it makes and sells to retailers. This is a _______________ arrangement.


A manager using design thinking would __________.

Look at the situation carefully to make sure he/she understands it fully before creating the problem statement

If a country's culture emphasized relationships (whom you know) rather than accomplishments (what you have done), we would say this culture had a ______________.

Low performance orientation

In the United States, it is not common for an hourly worker to approach the CEO to begin a conversation. This happens because, according to Geert Hofstede, the American culture displays _________________.

Low power distance

Events such as ___________ can be disruptive to global supply chains.

Major typhoons

___________ is the process of getting things done, effectively and efficiently, with and through other people.


A code of ethics will be more effective if _____________.

Management sets the example and deals with unethical behavior promptly and publicly

___________ are the people who direct the activities of others in an organization.


Vroom-Va-Vroom regularly polls its customers for their opinions about its products and its employees about working conditions. These are two examples of ____________.

Managing stakeholder relationships

WayMor produces lawn furniture in Bangkok, Thailand, and sells it through retailers in other Asian countries. WayMor is engaging in ____________.

Marketplace globalization

Which of the following is an example of the sharing economy?

Marvin rents his motor home in Florida to a vacationing couple.

Although Beva-Cola maintains bottling facilities on five continents, it allows each country manager to alter the recipe slightly to accommodate local tastes. We would consider Beva-Cola to be a(n) __________________.

Multidomestic corporation

During his orientation, Ned heard a story of how Disney's president laid sod at the hotel resort the night before Disney World opened. Through the retelling of this and other stories, ___________________.

Ned learned about the corporate culture

The stock trading price of Valu-Big Corporation has declines; sales are down, customer complaints are up. The board of directors fires the CEO. It seems the directors agree with the _______ view of management.


A(n) ____________ is deliberate arrangement of people brought together to accomplish some specific purpose.


Bill is a plant manager for an American firm doing business in an African country. Shortly after his employer transferred him to the African plant, he told his colleague, "I don't understand why Sonja [a worker from the local village] is upset. I treat her just like I do my American employees." Bill does not understand that his _________________ is the problem.

Parochialistic attitude

Edie has received a rush order and is in the process of deciding how to re-arrange existing orders to squeeze this one in. Edie is engaged in _______________.


Henri Fayol identified five functions all managers perform. There were _____________________.

Planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling

Isabella has discovered that as she rises through the ranks of her organization, she spends more time _________ and less time ____________.

Planning; supervising

Harold greets the administrative assistants each morning and regularly chats with the other supervisors. He is on good term with the upper managers, offering suggestions to save money and to make the firm more effective. Harold is exercising his __________ skills.


Congress is considering an increase in the minimum wage. Malinda operates an independent restaurant and is afraid this proposed increase will cause her business to become unprofitable. Malinda's concern falls into the ___________ component of the external environment.


Sarah works in the customer service center of a discount retail store. When a customer wants to return an item, Sarah knows exactly what to do. Sarah makes a(n) _____________________ decision.


To demonstrate a commitment to ethical behavior among both managers and employees, a company should __________________.

Reward ethical behavior, particularly when the decision results in a less-than-desirable outcome

XYZ wants to be known as a drug-free workplace. Each time a work-related accident occurs, the employee involved is required to submit to a drug test. We can consider this to be a ______________.


Instead of polling all faculty members in the business department, Michael wants to simply use a list of testing methodologies used by professors in the group. This is an example of __________________.


If Terry uses the eight-step decision-making model, he will _____________.

Select the alternative with the highest score

Because Landon consistently met his production goals, his boss decided to ignore the negative comments from his subordinates and co-workers and focus on the fact that Landon always met his goals. This is an example of ________________.

Selective participation

Kaitlyn would like to see her employer develop a social media presense. One persuasive argument Kaitlyn could use is ______________.

Social media is a good way to connect with customers and to tap into the innovation and talent of the firm's employees

Despite customers' satisfaction with Styrofoam packaging for its Big Mac, many years ago McDonald's changed to corrugates paper packaging because Styrofoam did not decompose easily in landfills. No law required McDonald's to make this change. In this way, McDonald's demonstrated _____________________.

Social responsibility

Management of the ABC Company has always been committed to maximizing profits for their shareholders. In the last two years, they have also focused on clean air and clean water by changing their internal emissions standards. The ABC Company has focused on ________________.

Social responsibility

Customers are pressuring Wood Products, Inc., to reduce its airborne emissions and better manage its forest resources. For the managers at Wood Products, these issues fall into the ______________ component of the environment.


Hanna is a first-line manager of a production area. For her, technical skills would mean ___________.

Specialized knowledge of the equipment and processes used in her area

At KLM Company, the employees know the mission and vision of the company and agree to work toward that vision. They can recite the values of the organization and abide by those values in their work practices. We could say the culture at KLM is _____________________.


Exxon employees knew the path to success required increasing sales each month even if the methods used were unethical. The understanding was so pervasive, it eventually brought the company down. We can say Exxon's culture was ____________.

Strong because the material of employees behaved unethically despite knowing it was wrong

Maryann is creating the employee work schedule for three weeks from now. Two of her employees have requested vacation for the same time period, a common situation that happens nearly every week during the summer. Maryann is facing a(n) _______________ problem.


Walmart is committed to achieve its business goals and increase long-term shareholder value by integrating economic, environmental, and social opportunities into its business strategies. Over one-quarter of their locations use renewable energy. This illustrates Walmart's commitment to _______________.


A __________________ is an example of a special type of first-line manager.

Team leader

A major advantage of creativity is _________________.

That it allows the decision maker to identify viable alternatives

The regional airport wants to buy the 25 properties surrounding it so it can expand its buildings and runways. Which one of the following statements, if true, would support the utilitarian view of ethics?

The airport can serve more people with longer runways and more terminal services

An example of a managerial planning decision that is influenced by culture is ________.

The degree of environmental scanning in which management will engage

Groups become less effective as decision makers when _______________________.

The group is dominated by a single person

One impact of changed in the external environment is that ___________________.

The loss of jobs in some sectors may mean managers may not have enough people with the right skills to do the organization's work

One of the best reasons for allowing groups to make decisions is ______________.

The people who are affected by the decision are often the best qualified to make decisions that affect them

Rational decision-making works best when ________________.

The problem is clear and unambiguous

As the manager of a large accounting department with 22 employees, Jasmin is often faced with ethical decisions. Her decisions are guided by her commitment to respecting the privileges of her employees- especially their privacy. Which perspective of managerial ethics is Jasmin using?

The rights view of ethics

Non-programmed decisions are made when _______________________.

The situation is new and non-recurring

The Equal Pay Act could be considered an application of _________________________.

The theory of justice view of ethics

One recent innovation technology that makes processes more efficient is ________________.

The use of robotics in the conversion of inputs into outputs

James has noticed that the average age of his employees has increased over the last ten years. The area most affected by this observation is ____________.

The workforce

One distinctive characteristic of Gen Z is _______________.

Their primary means of social interaction is online

Programmed decisions are cost effective because ____________________.

They do not need to be re-examined each time the situation arises

Barbara oversees the work of four vice presidents of finance, human resources, engineering, and marketing. Barbara is a _____________.

Top manager

If an American company chose to use the Japanese method called ringisei, we would expect it to ___________________.

Use large amounts of information to form consensus within the group

Groupthink can be prevented by _____________.

Using the nominal group technique

As a consumer, it is important for you to study management because ____________.

We expect to experience both efficiency and effectiveness when interacting with organizations

John makes sure his employees follow good housekeeping practices to eliminate safety hazards; Bill does not. Avery insists that each task be performed exactly as outlined in the work instructions manual; Zach does not. In this instance, we can say culture is ___________.


When determining decision criteria, _________________________.

What is not included can be as important as what is included

The primary concern about ethics training programs in organizations focuses on _____________________.

Whether ethics can be taught

Which of the following statements best explains why customers are important to managers?

Without customers, most organizations would cease to exist.

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