Management 470 Final (All Quizzes)

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Chapter 12 For which type of environment should organizations adopt an organic structure? Select one: a. Munificent environment b. Dynamic environment c. Stable environment d. Simple environment e. Mechanistic environment

a. Dynamic environment Organic structures are better suited to dynamic type of environment so the organization can adapt more quickly to changes, but only if employees are experienced and coordinate well in teamwork. Dynamic environments have a high rate of change, leading to novel situations and a lack of identifiable patterns.

Chapter 6 Which of these is also referred to as participative management? Select one: a. Employee involvement b. Escalation of commitment c. Creativity d. Implicit favorite e. Divergent thinking

a. Employee involvement Employee involvement, also called participative management, refers to the degree to which employees influence how their work is organized and carried out.

Chapter 12 Which organizational design element is most closely related to standardization as a coordinating mechanism? Select one: a. Departmentalization b. Span of control c. Formalization d. Centralization e. Division of labor

a. Formalization Formalization is the degree to which organizations standardize behavior through rules, procedures, formal training, and related mechanisms. In other words, companies become more formalized as they increasingly rely on various forms of standardization to coordinate work.

Chapter 2 _____ characterizes people who are quiet, shy, and cautious. Select one: a. Introversion b. Openness to experience c. Conscientiousness d. Neuroticism e. Agreeableness

a. Intorversion

Chapter 8 What effect does 'noise' have in the communication model? Select one: a. It distorts and obscures the sender's intended message. b. It prevents the sender from forming a message. c. It helps the sender select a more appropriate medium to transmit the message. d. It helps the receiver decode the message more carefully. e. The concept of 'noise' is less significant in the communication model.

a. It distorts and obscures the sender's intended message Noise refers to the psychological, social, and structural barriers that distort and obscure the sender's intended message.

Chapter 13 Which of these statements about the strength of organizational culture and organizational performance is true? Select one: a. Organizations with stronger cultures tend to perform better than those with weak cultures when the culture content fits the external environment. b. There is no relationship between an organization's cultural strength and its performance. c. Organizations with stronger cultures tend to perform better only when they acquire other organizations with distinct cultures. d. Organizations with stronger cultures almost always perform poorly compared to those with weak cultures. e. Organizations with stronger cultures perform poorly if they have subcultures.

a. Organizations with stronger cultures tend to perform better than those with weak cultures when the culture content fits the external environment. One of the contingencies between cultural strength and organizational effectiveness is whether the organization's culture content - its dominant values and assumptions—is aligned with the external environment.

Chapters 7 Which of the following types of task interdependence is seen amongst production employees working on assembly lines? Select one: a. Sequential interdependence b. Occasional interdependence c. Reciprocal interdependence d. Pooled interdependence e. Alternate interdependence

a. Sequential Interdependance

Chapter 5 Which of the following is an example of punishment? Select one: a. The organization takes away some of your paycheck to cover the cost of a machine that you carelessly broke. b. Your boss doesn't say anything though you have made the highest number of sales in a month. c. Your boss evaluates and analyzes your performance on a daily basis. d. Even after you land a contract with an important client, your boss does not show appreciation for your work. e. A salesperson is asked to handle more than one territory simultaneously.

a. The organization takes away some of your paycheck to cover the cost of a machine that you carelessly broke Punishment occurs when a consequence decreases the frequency or future probability of a behavior. This consequence typically involves introducing something that employees try to avoid.

Chapter 11 Which leadership theory adopts the view that leaders are agents of change? Select one: a. Transformational b. Path-goal theory c. Implicit leadership d. Behavioral e. Leadership substitutes

a. Transformational Transformational leadership views effective leaders as agents of change in the work unit or organization. They create, communicate, and model a shared vision for the team or organization, and they inspire followers to strive for that vision.

Chapter 12 An organization that wants to compete through innovation should: Select one: a. adopt an organic structure and make extensive use of informal communication to coordinate work. b. switch to a cost leadership strategy as quickly as possible. c. coordinate employees by writing up formal rules and procedures. d. centralize by typically giving the decision making authority to those at the top of the organizational hierarchy and formalize its organizational structure. e. adopt a mechanistic structure with functional departmentalization.

a. adopt an organic structure and make extensive use of informal communication to coordinate work. An organization that wants to compete through innovation should adopt an organic structure and make extensive use of informal communication to coordinate work. If a company's strategy is to compete through innovation, a more organic structure would be preferred because it is easier for employees to share knowledge and be creative.

Chapter 12 An organic structure has: Select one: a. a narrow span of control and low formalization. b. centralized decision making and a wide span of control. c. decentralized decision making and low formalization. d. a high degree of formalization and a wide span of control. e. functional departmentalization and a high degree of formalization.

a. decentralized decision making and low formalization. Organizational structures operate with a wide span of control, decentralized decision making, and little formalization. Tasks are fluid, adjusting to new situations and organizational needs.

Chapter 12 A wider span of control is possible if: Select one: a. employees manage themselves rather than being coordinated through close supervision. b. the company has a high degree of formalization and operates in a complex environment. c. the organization has few employees and a tall hierarchy. d. the company does not rely on self-directed teams. e. a very few people report directly to a manager.

a. employees manage themselves rather than being coordinated through close supervision. A wider span of control is possible where employees manage themselves rather than being coordinated through close supervision. The best-performing manufacturing operations today rely on self-directed teams, so direct supervision (formal hierarchy) is supplemented with other coordinating mechanisms.

Chapter 6 People tend to be more creative when they: Select one: a. have a reasonable level of job security. b. are secluded from others in the organization. c. are under extreme time-pressure. d. have relatively low experience. e. have low openness to experience.

a. have a reasonable leave of job security Companies foster creativity by providing a comfortable degree of job security.

Chapter 12 Mechanistic structures operate best: Select one: a. in stable environments. b. where employees dislike hierarchy and status. c. in rapidly changing environments. d. where knowledge management is a competitive advantage to the organization. e. where employees perform tasks with high variety and low analyzability.

a. in stable environments. Mechanistic structures operate better in stable environments because they rely on efficiency and routine behaviors, whereas organic structures work better in rapidly changing (dynamic) environments because they are more flexible and responsive to the changes.

Chapter 12 One of the defining characteristics of a matrix organizational structure is that it: Select one: a. overlays two organizational structures in order to leverage the benefits of both types of structure. b. has a narrow span of control and high degree of formalization and centralization. c. is the only structure that organizes employees around specific knowledge or other resources. d. uses self-directed work teams rather than individuals as the basic building block of organizations. e. is an alliance of several organizations for the purpose of creating a product or serving a client.

a. overlays two organizational structures in order to leverage the benefits of both types of structure. Matrix structure is an organizational structure that overlays two structures (such as a geographic divisional and a functional structure) in order to leverage the benefits of both. The matrix structure usually makes good use of resources and expertise, making it ideal for project-based organizations with fluctuating workloads.

Chapter 5 Distributive justice refers to: Select one: a. perceived fairness in the outcomes we receive compared to our contributions and the outcomes and contributions of others. b. perceived fairness in the outcomes we receive compared to our contributions and the outcomes that we ideally expect. c. fairness of the procedures used to decide the distribution of resources. d. fairness of the procedures used to decide the distribution of rewards and incentives. e. perceived fairness in evaluating and rewarding the performance of all the employees in the organization.

a. perceived fairness in the outcomes we receive compared to our contributions and the outcomes and contributions of others Distributive justice refers to perceived fairness in the outcomes we receive compared to our contributions and the outcomes and contributions of others.

Chapter 13 Rituals are ____. Select one: a. programmed routines of daily organizational life that dramatize the organization's culture b. deliberate attempts to communicate the corporate culture to new employees c. events that suggest the organization's culture is about to change d. physical structures that convey the dominant values of an organization's culture e. games that people play to defy the dominant culture and, instead, support countercultural beliefs and values

a. programmed routines of daily organizational life that dramatize the organization's culture Rituals are the programmed routines of daily organizational life that dramatize an organization's culture. They include how visitors are greeted, how often senior executives visit subordinates, how people communicate with each other, how much time employees take for lunch, and so on.

Chapter 12 Flatter organizational structure: Select one: a. tends to reduce overhead costs. b. receives lower quality information from the external environment. c. undermines employee empowerment and engagement. d. receives less timely information from the external environment. e. narrows the span of control for supervisors.

a. tends to reduce overhead costs. Flatter organizational structure tends to reduce overhead costs. Tall structures have higher overhead costs because most layers of hierarchy consist of managers rather than employees who actually make the product or supply the service.

Chapter 11 Charisma refers to: Select one: a. the personal traits that provide referent power over others. b. the traits that lead to transactional leadership. c. the traits that lead to leadership substitutes. d. people-oriented behaviors displayed by individuals. e. any situation where followers attribute positive things to leaders.

a. the personal traits that provide referent power over others. Charisma is a personal trait or relational quality that provides referent power over followers.

Chapter 6 Satisficing refers to: Select one: a. the tendency to choose an alternative that is good enough rather than the best. b. the feeling employees experience when they are not involved in a decision in which they would have made a valuable contribution. c. a desirable outcome of decision making when several employees participate in the decision process. d. the feeling employees experience when they make the right decision. e. the tendency for decision makers to evaluate alternatives sequentially rather than comparing them all at once.

a. the tendency to choose an alternative that is good enough rather than the best Satisficing is the acct of choosing an alternative that is satisfactory or "good enough"

Chapters 1 Organizations retain intellectual capital by: Select one: a. transferring human capital into structural capital. b. encouraging employees to take early retirement. c. encouraging vertical communication in the organization. d. reducing the level of documentation in organizations. e. building strong human capital.

a. transferring human capital into structural captial

Chapter 3 Which of the following illustrates the first step in the self-fulfilling prophecy? Select one: a. An employee behaves in a way consistent with the supervisor's expectations. b. A supervisor forms certain expectations of the employee. c. A supervisor treats the employee in a manner consistent with his/her expectations. d. A supervisor attributes employee's good performance to external causes. e. A supervisor attributes employee's good performance to internal causes.

b. A supervisor forms certain expectations of the employee During the first step of the self-fulfilling prophecy process, supervisors form expectations about the employees.

Chapter 13 Which of the following are the observable indicators of organizational culture? Select one: a. Assumptions b. Artifacts c. Values d. Beliefs e. Mental models

b. Artifacts Artifacts are the observable symbols and signs of an organization's culture, such as the way visitors are greeted, the organization's physical layout, and how employees are rewarded. Artifacts are important because they reinforce and potentially support changes to an organization's culture.

Chapter 14 Which of the following strategies to reduce the restraining forces should be used only if everything else fails? Select one: a. Communication b. Coercion c. Stress management d. Negotiation e. Training

b. Coercion If all else fails, leaders rely on coercion to change organizations. Coercion can include persistently reminding people of their obligations, frequently monitoring behavior to ensure compliance, confronting people who do not change, and using threats of sanctions to force compliance.

Chapter 2 ______ is the extent to which we value our duty to groups to which we belong and to group harmony. Select one: a. Individualism b. Collectivism c. Power distance d. Uncertainty avoidance e. Achievement orientation

b. Collectivism

Chapter 11 What is the relevance of emotional intelligence in leadership? Select one: a. Emotional intelligence is one of the most frequently identified contingencies of employees when choosing the best leadership style. b. Emotional intelligence is one of the desired competencies of effective leaders. c. Emotional intelligence is the psychological condition that makes people to believe that leaders make a difference. d. A high level of emotional intelligence encourages people to be individualistic and this makes them lack leadership qualities. e. Emotional intelligence makes leaders function with a transactional, rather than a transformational, orientation.

b. Emotional intelligence is one of the desired competencies of effective leaders. Effective leaders have a high level of emotional intelligence. They can perceive and express emotion, assimilate emotion in thought, understand and reason with emotion, and regulate emotion in themselves and others.

Chapters 1 Which of the following is a form of knowledge acquisition? Select one: a. Observation b. Experimentation c. Documentation d. Internal communication e. Human memory

b. Experimentation

Chapter 12 Which form of departmentalization organizes employees around specific skills or other resources? Select one: a. Divisional structure b. Functional structure c. Simple structure d. Matrix structure e. Network structure

b. Functional structure A functional structure organizes employees around specific knowledge or other resources. Employees with marketing expertise are grouped into a marketing unit, those with production skills are located in manufacturing, engineers are found in product development, and so on.

Chapters 1 Which of the following is NOT an aspect of deep-level diversity? Select one: a. Personality b. Gender c. Beliefs d. Attitudes e. Values

b. Gender

Chapter 14 Which of the following statements is true concerning Lewin's Force Field model in the context of changes in other cultures? Select one: a. Lewin's model is equally applicable in any cultural setting. b. Lewin's model, like the Western perspective on change, views change as linear. c. Lewin's model decreases the presence of ethical concerns often associated with change in other cultures. d. Lewin's model views change as a harmonious process revolving around equilibrium. e. Lewin's model cannot be applied to cultures with a collectivist orientation.

b. Lewin's model, like the Western perspective on change, views change as linear. One possible cross-cultural limitation is that many Western organizational change models, such as Lewin's force field analysis, assume that change has a beginning and an ending in a logical linear sequence.

Chapters 1 Which organizational behavior perspective discusses inputs, outputs, and feedback? Select one: a. Organizational learning b. Open systems c. Multidisciplinary d. Systematic research e. Intellectual capital

b. Open systems

Chapter 8 Showing interest and clarifying the message are two activities associated with which stage in the active listening process? Select one: a. Evaluating b. Responding c. Persuading d. Recording e. Sensing

b. Responding Responding, the third component of listening, is feedback to the sender, which motivates and directs the speaker's communication. Active listeners accomplish this by clarifying the message, rephrasing the speaker's ideas at appropriate breaks.

Chapter 3 Which of the following refers to a person's belief that he or she can successfully complete a task? Select one: a. Self-esteem b. Self-efficacy c. Locus of control d. External self e. Social self

b. Self - efficacy Self-efficacy refers to a person's belief that he or she can successfully complete a task.

Chapter 11 Successful leaders have a positive evaluation about their own leadership skills and ability to achieve objectives. This refers to the leaders'___. Select one: a. drives b. self-concept c. cognitive intelligence d. emotional intelligence e. leadership motivation

b. Self Concept Self-concept refers to the leader's self-beliefs and positive self-evaluation about his or her own leadership skills and ability to achieve objectives.

Chapter 11 How do women differ from men in their use of leadership styles? Select one: a. Women tend to use more of the people-oriented leadership style than do men. b. Women tend to use more of the participative leadership style than do men. c. Women tend to use more of the task-oriented leadership style than do men. d. Women and men use all leadership styles to about the same extent. e. Women tend to use directive styles of leadership in organizations.

b. Women tend to use more of the participative leadership style than do men. Women adopt a participative leadership style more readily than their male counterparts do. One possible reason is that, compared to boys, girls are often raised to be more egalitarian and less status-oriented, which is consistent with being participative.

Chapter 8 In the communication process model, 'decoding the message' occurs immediately: Select one: a. before the sender forms the message. b. after the receiver receives the message. c. after the sender forms feedback of the original message. d. after the receiver transmits the message. e. before the receiver receives the message.

b. after the receiver receives the message The steps in the communication model are forming, encoding, transmitting, receiving, decoding, and feedback in order. After receiving the message the receiver decodes the received encoded message.

Chapter 13 According to the attraction-selection-attrition (ASA) theory, job applicants ____. Select one: a. are attracted to coworkers with similar values and assumptions b. avoid employment in companies whose values seem incompatible with their own values c. do not typically pay much heed to organizational values when applying for work d. avoid other applicants if they are competing for the same jobs e. are attracted to companies who are likely to provide them with the greatest rewards

b. avoid employment in companies whose values seem incompatible with their own values Job applicants engage in self-selection by avoiding employment in companies whose values seem incompatible with their own values. Companies often encourage this self-selection by actively describing their cultures, but applicants will look for evidence of the company's culture even when it is not advertised.

Chapter 3 Social perception is influenced by three activities in the process of forming and maintaining our social identity. The activities are: Select one: a. attribution, acceptance, and modification. b. categorization, homogenization, and differentiation. c. perception, personalization, and application. d. fundamental attribution, self-serving attribution, and social identification. e. perception, attribution, and modeling.

b. categorization, homogenization, and differentation Social perception is influenced by three activities in the process of forming and maintaining our social identity: categorization, homogenization, and differentiation.

Chapter 3 Some investors in the stock market become overconfident and ignore evidence that their strategies will lose money. This can be attributed to ___. Select one: a. primacy effect b. confirmation bias c. recency effect d. prophecy effect e. stereotyping

b. confirmation bias Due to the selective attention process, we have a natural tendency to seek out information that supports our self-concept or puts us in a favorable light and to ignore or undervalue information that is contrary to our self-concept. This also screens out information that is contrary to our values and assumptions. This is referred to as confirmation bias.

Chapter 6 Divergent thinking increases the level of: Select one: a. programmed decision making. b. creativity. c. bounded rationality. d. escalation of commitment. e. confirmation bias.

b. creativity Divergent thinking refers to re framing the problem in a unique way and generating different approaches to the issue. It assists creativity.

Chapter 6 The concept of bounded rationality holds that: Select one: a. our perception of a rational reality is bounded by non rationality. b. decision makers process limited and imperfect information when making decisions. c. decision makers have limited alternatives to make decisions. d. decision makers are bound to project images of themselves as rational thinkers. e. our realities are bounded by our own perceptions so that everyone's reality is different.

b. decision makers process limited and imperfect information when making decisions Bounded rationality refers to the view that people are bounded in their decision making capabilities, including access to limited information, limited information processing, and tendency toward satisficing rather than maximizing when making choices.

Chapter 3 The philosophy of positive organizational behavior states that: Select one: a. employees are more effective when they experience extinction more than other contingencies of reinforcement. b. focusing on the positive rather than negative aspects of life will improve organizational success and individual well-being. c. employees are, by nature, positive rather than negative in terms of their ethics and care for others in the world. d. organizational behavior knowledge offers more positive than negative information about how to survive in organizations. e. employees more quickly process positive rather than negative information.

b. focusing on the positve rather than negative aspects of life will improve organizational success and individual well-being The philosophy of positive organizational behavior suggests that focusing on the positive rather than negative aspects of life will improve organizational success and individual well-being.

Chapter 3 In the Johari Window, feedback from others helps us to: Select one: a. increase our unknown area by reducing our hidden area. b. increase our open area by reducing our blind area. c. decrease our open area by increasing our amount of disclosure. d. increase our open area by reducing our unknown area. e. increase our open area by reducing the hidden area.

b. increase our open area by reducing our blind area The open area increases through feedback from others about your behavior. This information helps you to reduce your blind area because coworkers often see things in you that you do not see. Feedback reduces blind area to increase the open area.

Chapter 6 The first stage of the creative process is: Select one: a. divergent thinking. b. preparation. c. experimentation. d. insight. e. intuition.

b. preparation Preparation, incubation, insight, and verification are the stages of the creative process. Preparation is the first stage.

Chapter 8 Select one: a. Men are more likely than women to communicate to strengthen relationships. b. Women have a more dominant conversation style. c. Women are usually more sensitive than men to nonverbal cues. d. Men tend to engage less in report talk than women. e. Men apologize more often in their conversations and interactions than women.

c. Women are usually more sensitive than men to nonverbal cues Research fairly consistently indicates that women are more sensitive than men to nonverbal cues in face-to-face meetings.

Chapter 5 According to Expectancy Theory, giving more valued rewards to employees with higher job performance mainly increases motivation by: Select one: a. strengthening the E-to-P expectancies of employees. b. strengthening the P-to-O expectancies of employees. c. introducing a negative valence in the organization. d. weakening the E-to-P expectancies of employees. e. weakening the P-to-O expectancies of employees.

b. strengthening the P-to-O expectancies of employees The most obvious ways to improve P-to-O expectancies are to measure employee performance accurately and distribute more valued rewards to those with higher job performance.

Chapter 6 A higher level of employee involvement is preferable when: Select one: a. management and employees possess the same information regarding the problem. b. the problem relates to a nonprogrammed decision. c. employee's goals and norms conflict with the organization's objectives. d. employees are likely to disagree with each other regarding the preferred solution. e. most of the employees in the organization are less experienced.

b. the problem relates to a nonprogrammed decision Programmed decisions are less likely to need employee involvement because the solutions are already worked out from past incidents. In other words, the benefits of employee involvement are more for nonprogrammed decisions.

Chapter 6 Escalation of commitment can be minimized by ensuring that: Select one: a. there are ready-made alternatives to resolve a problem. b. those who make the decision are different from those who implement and evaluate it. c. the team leader has strong opinions about the preferred options for a problem. d. organizational goals are relatively ambiguous. e. the person who makes the decision is also responsible for terminating the project.

b. those who make the decision are different from those who implement and evaluate it One of the most effective ways to minimize escalation of commitment and confirmation bias is to ensure that the people who made the original decision are not the same people who later evaluate that decision.

Chapter 14 Increasing the driving forces and reducing the restraining forces tends to: Select one: a. reduce the need for change. b. unfreeze the status quo. c. refreeze the status quo. d. decrease environmental stability. e. reduce environmental disequilibrium.

b. unfreeze the status quo. Unfreezing may occur by increasing the driving forces, reducing the restraining forces, or having a combination of both.

Chapter 2 Which of the following is an example of organizational citizenship behavior? Select one: a. Performing the routine tasks on time b. Spending the required hours in the organization c. Assisting coworkers with their work problems d. Following state and federal corporate laws e. Following the company rules and regulations

c. Assisting coworkers with their work problems

Chapter 5 Which of the following actions would increase employee motivation mainly by enhancing their effort-to-performance expectancy? Select one: a. Convincing employees that good performance will be rewarded. b. Rewarding employees with things that they value. c. Convincing employees that they can perform the required tasks. d. Measuring the employee-valence more accurately. e. Using a structured incentive plan to reward employees.

c. Convincing employees that they can perform the required tasks E-to-P expectancy refers to the individual's perception that his or her effort will result in a particular level of performance. Convincing employees that they can perform the required tasks would improve the E-to-P expectancy.

Chapters 7 Identify the task-related characteristics in the 'five C's' of effective member behaviors. Select one: a. Comforting and communicating. b. Cooperating and conflict resolving. c. Coordinating and communicating. d. Conflict resolving and coordinating. e. Comforting and cooperating.

c. Coordinating and communicating

Chapters 7 Which of the following represents the first three stages of team development in sequential order? Select one: a. Storming, norming, and performing b. Adjourning, conforming, and performing c. Forming, storming, and norming d. Forming, norming, and performing e. Forming, conforming, and reforming

c. Forming, storming, and norming

Chapter 5 A job-related factor which would most likely act as a motivator according to the motivator-hygiene theory is: Select one: a. Neat work stations. b. Job security. c. Growth opportunities. d. Comparable salary. e. Good working environment.

c. Growth Opportunities Motivator-hygiene theory proposes that employees experience job satisfaction when they fulfill growth and esteem needs (called motivators ) and they experience dissatisfaction when they have poor working conditions, job security, and other factors categorized as lower-order needs (called hygiene).

Which of the following is NOT a type of voluntary individual workplace behavior? Select one: a. Absenteeism b. Joining the organization c. Motivation d. Task performance e. OCB

c. Motivation

Chapter 5 Which of the following is a safety need of individuals in the context of Maslow's hierarchy of needs? Select one: a. Need for shelter b. Need for interaction c. Need for stability d. Need for recognition and respect e. Need for a satisfying job

c. Need for stability The need for safety refers to the need for security and stability.

Chapters 7 Which of the following is NOT a way to minimize social loafing? Select one: a. Assign team objectives that are important to team members b. Increase the extent to which team members value their membership in the team c. Redesign the work so that individual members' contributions are not identifiable. d. Redesign the work so that it is more interesting e. Increase job enrichment

c. Redesign the work so that the individual members' contributions are not identifiable

Chapter 2 Which of these refers to a person's beliefs about what behaviors are appropriate or necessary in a particular situation? Select one: a. Natural aptitudes b. Competencies c. Role perceptions d. Locus of control e. Situational factors

c. Role Perceptions

Chapter 5 Which of the following dimensions is indicative of the degree to which a job affects the organization or the larger society? Select one: a. Autonomy b. Job feedback c. Task significance d. Skill variety e. Task identity

c. Task significance Task significance is the degree to which a job affects the organization or the larger society.

Chapter 8 In organizational communication, 'flaming' generally refers to: Select one: a. telling an employee, in front of other people, that he or she is fired. b. ranting and raving in front of a large audience. c. an emotionally charged email message, usually one that communicates the sender's anger. d. using any signal with the hands that conveys an obscene meaning to the receiver. e. interrupting the speaker before he or she has finished talking.

c. an emotionally charged email message, usually one that communicates the sender's anger Email messages are often less diplomatic than written letters, so much so that the term "flaming" refers mainly to email and other electronic messages.

Chapter 6 Three robberies have recently occurred in a certain part of the city. Because of this, we are likely to overestimate the probability of robberies. This is called the: Select one: a. anchoring heuristic b. representativeness heuristic c. availability heuristic d. adjustment heuristic e. escalation heuristic

c. availability heuristic The availability heuristic is the tendency to estimate the probability of something occurring by how easily we can recall that event.

Chapter 14 In the organizational change process, strategic vision: Select one: a. could increase or decrease the resistance to change. b. should be suppressed as the change process might require an alternate strategy. c. could minimize fear of the unknown. d. forms the second stage of action research. e. leads to negotiations between management and employees.

c. could minimize fear of the unknown. A strategic vision minimizes employee fear of the unknown and provides a better understanding of what behaviors employees must learn for the desired future.

Chapter 3 The Implicit Association Test is used to: Select one: a. study the tacit knowledge available to employees. b. find out the relationship between skills and performance. c. detect subtle race, age, and gender bias. d. assess the hidden skills and abilities of individuals. e. study the perceptual organization process of individuals.

c. detect subtle race, age, and gender bias The Implicit Association Test attempts to detect subtle race, age, and gender bias by associating positive and negative words with specific demographic groups.

Chapter 13 The best way to determine an organization's culture is to ____. Select one: a. interview executives b. look for evidence of its corporate value statements c. determine what the organization's enacted values d. read public relations statements produced by the organization e. ask customers to evaluate the company's effectiveness

c. determine what the organization's enacted values are Organizational culture is not represented by these espoused values. Instead it consists of shared enacted values - the values that most leaders and employees truly rely on to guide their decisions and actions.

Chapter 5 Outcome/input ratio and comparison other are elements of: Select one: a. innate drives theory. b. Maslow's needs hierarchy. c. equity theory. d. expectancy theory. e. goal setting theory.

c. equity theory According to equity theory, we compare our outcome/input ratio with that of a comparison other. A comparison other is often someone else in a similar position, such as a coworker, but it might also be someone or a group of people in other jobs.

Chapter 2 The ability to recognize the presence and determine the relative importance of an ethical issue is known as: Select one: a. neuroticism. b. moral intensity. c. ethical sensitivity. d. utilitarianism. e. uncertainty avoidance.

c. ethical sensitivity

Chapters 7 Calculus, knowledge, and identification are the three: Select one: a. stages of team development. b. ways to improve team cohesiveness. c. foundations of trust in teams. d. types of psychological contracts. e. stages of conflict among team members.

c. foundations of trust in teams

Chapter 6 The purely rational model of decision making is rarely practiced in reality because: Select one: a. it ignores the fact that problems must be defined before alternatives are chosen. b. it assumes that human beings make decisions based on their emotions and abilities. c. it assumes that people are efficient and logical in their information processing. d. it ignores the fact that people could evaluate their decision after an alternative has been chosen and implemented. e. It does not consider the problems associated with implementing each of the alternatives.

c. it assumes that people are efficient and logical in their information processing The rational choice paradigm seems so logical, yet it is impossible to apply in reality. One reason is that the model assumes people are efficient and logical information processing machines. In reality, people have difficulty recognizing problems; they cannot (or will not) simultaneously process the huge volume of information needed to identify the best solution; and they have difficulty recognizing when their choices have failed.

Chapter 11 According to the behavioral perspective of leadership, Select one: a. all great leaders are highly task-oriented and are rated low in people-orientation. b. leadership behaviors are dependent on the leaders' skills, aptitudes, and situation. c. leadership behaviors are clustered into people-oriented and task-oriented groups. d. the best leadership style depends on the employee's behavior at the time of interaction. e. leadership style is related to the individual's personality and, consequently, organizations should engineer the situation to fit the leader's dominant style.

c. leadership behaviors are clustered into people-oriented and task-oriented groups. The behavioral perspective of leadership identifies two distinct leadership styles, task-orientation and people orientation.

Chapters 7 In team dynamics, process losses are best described as: Select one: a. productivity losses that occur when individual members need to learn a new task. b. information lost due to imperfect communication among team members. c. resources expended towards team development and maintenance. d. knowledge lost when a team member leaves the organization. e. knowledge lost when tacit knowledge is converted to structural knowledge.

c. resources expended towards team development and maintenance

Chapters 1 The observable demographic or physiological differences in people, such as their race, ethnicity, gender, age, and physical disabilities constitute _____ diversity. Select one: a. deep-level b. internal c. surface -level d. organizational e. reflective

c. surface-level

Chapter 14 Employee involvement is almost an essential part of the change process unless: Select one: a. the benefits of change are unknown to the employee. b. the organization is looking for a gradual change. c. the change must occur quickly in the organization. d. the employee strength of the organization is huge. e. the organization is planning to introduce continuous changes.

c. the change must occur quickly in the organization. Unless the change must occur quickly or employee interests are highly incompatible with the organization's needs, employee involvement is almost an essential part of the change process.

Chapter 13 When merging two organizations, a separation strategy is most commonly applied when ____. Select one: a. both companies have relatively weak cultures that are generally ineffective b. one company has an effective culture and employees at the other company would embrace that culture if applied to them c. the two organizations operate in distinct industries d. the acquired firm's culture doesn't work, whereas the culture of the acquiring firm does work e. a bicultural audit reveals that both companies have very similar cultures

c. the two organizations operate in distinct industries A separation strategy occurs when the merging companies agree to remain distinct entities with minimal exchange of culture or organizational practices. This strategy is most appropriate when the two merging companies are in unrelated industries or operate in different countries because the most appropriate cultural values tend to differ by industry and national culture.

Chapter 14 Change agents are most frequently: Select one: a. found outside of the organization. b. servant leaders. c. transformational leaders. d. employees who are committed to change. e. external mediators.

c. transformational leaders. Change agents come in different forms, and more than one person is often required to fulfill these different roles. In most situations, however, transformational leaders are the primary agents of change.

Chapter 2 ______ are the natural talents that help employees learn specific tasks more quickly and perform them better. Select one: a. Beliefs b. Values c. Competencies d. Aptitudes e. Attitudes

d. Aptitudes

Chapter 8 Which of the following communication media tends to be best for transmitting emotions? Select one: a. Newsletter b. Email message c. Telephone conversation d. Face-to-face meeting e. Written messages

d. Face-to-face meeting People rely on facial expressions and other nonverbal cues to interpret the emotional meaning of words. These nonverbal cues can be best observed in nonverbal communication.

Chapter 2 Jung's psychological types are measured through the: Select one: a. 'Big Five' personality type instrument. b. locus of control scale. c. instrument that also measures neuroticism. d. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. e. self-monitoring personality test.

d. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Chapter 3 Which of the following statements is closely associated with social identity theory? Select one: a. People interpret information based on individual values and beliefs. b. People with an internal locus of control succeed in jobs. c. Internal factors such as motivation cause employee behavior. d. People tend to define themselves by the groups to which they belong. e. Most employees have an external locus of control.

d. People tend to define themselves by the groups to which they belong According to social identity theory, people define themselves by the groups to which they belong or have an emotional attachment.

Chapter 2 Which of the following is true about values and personality traits? Select one: a. Both are evaluative. b. Both are descriptive. c. Traits can conflict with each other. d. Traits are descriptive, while values are evaluative. e. Values are descriptive, and can conflict with each other.

d. Traits and descriptive, while values are evalutative

Chapter 8 Which of these communication channels has the highest media richness? Select one: a. Newsletter b. Email c. Telephone call d. Video conference e. Instant messaging

d. Video conference Video conferencing involves visuals, immediate feedback, and voice. Thus, it's a richer medium than the other media given.

Chapter 3 Which of the following describes the fundamental attribution error? Select one: a. People seldom make attributions about their own behavior. b. The likelihood of making an error attributing the behavior of another person increases with your familiarity with that other person. c. We tend to believe that other people have the same beliefs and behaviors that we have. d. We tend to believe the behavior of other people is caused more by their motivation and ability than by factors beyond their control. e. We tend to believe that colleagues perform their jobs better than we perform our job.

d. We tend to believe the behavior of the other people is caused more by their motivation and ability than by factors beyond their control Fundamental attribution error refers to our tendency to see the person rather than the situation as the main cause of that person's behavior.

Chapter 8 Which communication channel is most effective when the sender wants to persuade the receiver? Select one: a. A formal memorandum sent to the receiver. b. An informal speech to a large audience. c. A personalized letter to the receiver. d. A personal face-to-face meeting with the receiver. e. An informal memorandum issued to the receiver.

d. a personal face-to-face meeting with the receiver Persuasion refers to changing another person's beliefs and attitudes. Recent studies support the long-held view that spoken communication, particularly face-to-face interaction, is more persuasive than email, Web sites, and other forms of written communication.

Chapter 14 One problem that communication, learning, and employee involvement have in minimizing resistance to change is that they: Select one: a. can lead to more subtle forms of resistance. b. are rarely effective at minimizing resistance to change. c. create compliance but not commitment to the change process. d. are time-consuming. e. cannot effectively reduce the restraining forces.

d. are time-consuming. Communication, learning, and employee involvement are all time consuming.

Chapter 11 According to research on the behavioral perspective of leadership, task-oriented leaders: Select one: a. develop mutual trust and respect for subordinates. b. listen to employee suggestions. c. do personal favors for employees. d. establish challenging goals. e. establish a relationship with employees.

d. establish challenging goals. Task-oriented leaders assign employees to specific tasks, clarify their work duties and procedures, ensure that they follow company rules, and push them to reach their performance capacity. They establish challenging goals and motivate employees to excel beyond those high standards.

Chapter 13 An organization's culture begins with its ____. Select one: a. reward system b. artifacts c. rituals d. founders e. organizational language

d. founders An organization's culture begins with its founders. Founders are often visionaries who provide a powerful role model for others to follow.

Chapter 3 An internal attribution is made when there is: Select one: a. low consistency, low distinctiveness, and low consensus. b. high consistency, high distinctiveness, and high consensus. c. low consistency, high distinctiveness, and low consensus. d. high consistency, low distinctiveness, and low consensus. e. high consistency, high distinctiveness, and low consensus.

d. high consistency, low distinctiveness, and low consensus Internal attributions are made when the observed individual behaved in a certain way in the past (high consistency), he or she behaves like this toward other people or in different situations (low distinctiveness), and other people do not behave this way in similar situations (low consensus).

Chapter 11 According to Fiedler's contingency model of leadership, Select one: a. everyone has the same capacity to become an effective leader. b. effective leaders are able to change their style to fit the situation. c. the best leadership style depends on the availability of leadership substitutes. d. leader effectiveness depends on whether the person's natural leadership style is appropriately matched to the situation. e. effective leaders vary their style with the ability and motivation (or commitment) of followers.

d. leader effectiveness depends on whether the person's natural leadership style is appropriately matched to the situation. According to Fiedler's contingency model, leader effectiveness depends on whether the person's natural leadership style is appropriately matched to the situation.

Chapter 14 Increasing the restraining forces and reducing or removing the driving forces would: Select one: a. give the change agent more power in the change process. b. remove the resistances to change. c. have no effect on the change process. d. make the change process more difficult to implement. e. reduce the resistances to change.

d. make the change process more difficult to implement. Unfreezing occurs when the driving forces are stronger than the restraining forces. This happens by making the driving forces stronger, weakening or removing the restraining forces, or combining both. Increasing the restraining forces and reducing or removing the driving forces would make the change process difficult.

Chapter 8 The capacity of a communication medium to transmit information is known as: Select one: a. information overload. b. channel frequency. c. channel diversity. d. media richness. e. media bandwidth.

d. media richeness Media richness refers to the medium's data-carrying capacity, the volume and variety of information that can be transmitted during a specific time.

Chapters 7 According to social identity theory: Select one: a. teams are never as productive as individuals working alone. b. the most effective teams have a large number of members. c. the team development process occurs more rapidly for heterogeneous teams than for homogeneous teams. d. people define themselves by their group affiliations. e. teams are less productive in performing complex tasks.

d. people define themselves by their group affiliations

Chapter 13 The three stages of organizational socialization, in order, are ____. Select one: a. pre-hire, pre-employment, post-hire b. newcomer, insider, outsider c. student, employee, retiree d. pre-employment, encounter, role management e. anticipation, encounter, disillusionment

d. pre-employment, encounter, role management These stages parallel the individual's transition from outsider to newcomer and then to insider.

Chapter 5 According to the four-drive theory, which of the following is the foundation of competition and the basis of our need for esteem? Select one: a. Drive to dominate b. Drive to defend c. Drive to bond d. Drive to learn e. Drive to acquire

e. Drive to acquire Drive to acquire includes enhancing one's self-concept through relative status and recognition in society. Thus it is the foundation of competition and the basis of our need for esteem.

Chapter 14 Which model of organization change explicitly refers to unfreezing the current situation and refreezing the desired state? Select one: a. Parallel learning structures b. Process consultation c. Appreciative inquiry d. Quantum change e. Force field analysis

e. Force field analysis Lewin's force field analysis model emphasizes that effective change occurs by unfreezing the current situation, moving to a desired condition, and then refreezing the system so it remains in the desired state.

Chapter 8 Which of the following represents the first three steps in the communication model in the correct order? Select one: a. Decode message, encode message, and provide feedback b. Form message, transmit message, and decode message c. Encode message, transmit message, and receive message d. Form message, transmit message, and receive message e. Form message, encode message, and transmit message

e. Form message, encode message, and transmit message The steps in the communication model are forming, encoding, transmitting, receiving, decoding, and feedback in order.

Chapter 13 _____ are unconscious, taken-for-granted perceptions or ideal prototypes of behavior that are considered the correct way to think and act toward problems and opportunities. Select one: a. Values b. Artifacts c. Language d. Beliefs e. Shared assumptions

e. Shared assumptions Organizational culture also consists of shared assumptions - a deeper element that some experts believe is the essence of corporate culture. Shared assumptions are unconscious, taken-for-granted perceptions or ideal prototypes of behavior that are considered the correct way to think and act toward problems and opportunities.

Chapters 1 Stable, long-lasting beliefs about what is important in a variety of situations are: Select one: a. called intellectual capital. b. the foundations of the open systems anchor. c. the main reason why most virtual teams fail. d. called organizational system parameters. e. called values of the organization.

e. called values of the organization

Chapters 1 & 7 The triple bottom line philosophy says that: Select one: a. business success increases by having three times more permanent employees than contingent workers. b. the main goal of all companies is to satisfy the needs of three groups: employees, shareholders, and suppliers. c. business success increases by having three times more contingent workers than permanent employees. d. companies should treat their local, national, and global customers fairly. e. companies should try to support the economic, social, and environmental spheres of sustainability.

e. companies should try to support the economic, social, and environmental spheres of sustainability

Chapters 1 In the field of organizational behavior, organizations are best described as: Select one: a. entities which are considered a legal grouping of people and systems. b. groups of people who work independently to achieve a collective goal. c. social entities with a publicly stated set of formal goals. d. social entities with profit-centered motives and objectives. e. groups of people who work interdependently towards some purpose.

e. groups of people who work interdependently towards some purpose

Chapter 11 Servant leadership emphasizes the notion that: Select one: a. employees are paid to serve their leaders. b. leaders should be able to serve the organization by maximizing employee performance. c. employees are servants in the organization, so they should place organizational objectives above their personal needs. d. leaders should serve the organization rather than society. e. leaders serve followers, rather than vice versa.

e. leaders serve followers, rather than vice versa. Servant leadership refers to the view that leaders serve followers, rather than vice versa. They help employees fulfill their needs and are coaches, stewards, and facilitators of employee performance.

Chapter 13 As an organization's culture gets stronger, it ____. Select one: a. becomes more misaligned with its external environment b. becomes more effective in the marketplace c. makes employees less committed to the organization d. causes various subcultures in the organization to also become stronger e. makes it more difficult for decision makers to identify problems or opportunities outside the mental model of that culture

e. makes it more difficult for decision makers to identify problems or opportunities outside the mental model of that culture It is suggested that companies with very strong cultures (corporate "cults") may be less effective than companies with moderately strong cultures. One reason why corporate cults may undermine organizational effectiveness is that they lock people into mental models, which can blind them to new opportunities and unique problems.

Chapter 5 In behavior modification, extinction occurs when: Select one: a. employees are under high pressure to perform. b. the behavior becomes a common task in the organization. c. employees receive reinforcements in the form of financial incentives. d. employees receive more reinforcement than they should receive. e. no consequence follows a target behavior.

e. no consequences follows a target behavior Extinction occurs when the target behavior decreases because no consequence follows it. In this respect, extinction is a do-nothing strategy.

Chapter 14 Change agents should introduce new rewards and information systems to: Select one: a. unfreeze the status quo. b. begin the process of appreciative inquiry. c. avoid action research. d. unfreeze the organizational change. e. refreeze the desired conditions.

e. refreeze the desired conditions. Organizational rewards are powerful systems to refreeze the new behaviors (desired behaviors).

Chapters 7 In terms of team size, the general rule is that teams: Select one: a. cannot have more than seven or possibly eight members. b. should contain ten to fifteen members to maintain costs at an optimal level. c. cannot have fewer than seven members. d. should be as large as possible as it will help them achieve complex tasks. e. should have the fewest number of people possible to perform the work.

e. should have the fewest number of people possible to perform the work

Conscientiousness is a dimension of: Select one: a. the MARS model. b. Schwartz's values model. c. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. d. Jungian personality theory. e. the five-factor model.

e. the five-factor model

Chapter 12 Organizational size, technology, and environment are: Select one: a. three dimensions of span of control. b. three of the four ways to avoid using coordinating mechanisms. c. three conditions that do not influence a simple structure. d. three factors that distinguish a virtual corporation from a network structure. e. three of the four contingencies of organizational design.

e. three of the four contingencies of organizational design. Most organizational behavior theories and concepts have contingencies; ideas that work well in one situation might not work as well in another situation. This contingency approach is certainly relevant when choosing the most appropriate organizational structure. The four contingencies of organizational design are: external environment, size, technology, and strategy.

Chapter 11 Path-goal theory argues that: Select one: a. leadership is relatively unimportant in high-performance organizations. b. participative leadership is the most effective style of leadership. c. supportive leadership is best suited to maximize organizational performance. d. great leaders have certain common personal characteristics and goals. e. to be effective, leaders should select the most appropriate behavior based on the situation.

e. to be effective, leaders should select the most appropriate behavior based on the situation. The path-goal model contends that effective leaders are capable of selecting the most appropriate behavioral style for each situation.

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