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Analysis of Data to solve problems and make sound deicisions

Maslow Hierarchy of Human Needs

Human need is a physical or psychological deficiency that a person feels compelled to satisfy. -described five levels of human needs that affect behavior. -Progression Principle-a need at any level becomes activated only after the next-lower level need is satisfied. -deficit principle- a satisfied need doesn't motivate behavior; people act to satisfy needs for which a satisfaction "deficit" exists. -only at the highest level, self actualization, do both the deficit and progression principles cease to exist.

Follets view of organizations as communities of cooperative action

Mary parket follet believed that a groups or sense of community were important aspects of organizations. -managers should foster cooperation with workers without domination. -suggested that employee ownership would create feelings of collective responsibility. -emphasis was placed on making profits while considering the public good, a predecessor of corporate social responsibility.

High -performance organization

achieves excellence in a work environment that provides a high "quality of work life"

W.Edwards Deming

assisted Japanese industry in the 1950's with quality control techniques that included: tally defects, analyze and trace them to the source, make corrections and keep a record of what happened afterward, using statistics.

Contingency thinking

belief that the way one manages depends on organizational complexities and demands of situations

Mc Gregor

believed managerial assumptions create self-fulfilling prophesies. -Theory X- Set of negative assumptions about workers,they dislike work, lack ambition, resist change, and prefer to follow rather than lead. -Theory Y- Set of positive assumptions about workers, they like work, are capable of self direction and control, responsible and creative. Theory X managers likely to be "command and control managers". Theory Y managers likely to be "participative" managers. -Self fulfilling prophecy- workers respond to the way they are treated.

Fayol's Administrative principles

describes managerial duties and practices. Henri Fayol published administration industrielle et generale, outlining his views on proper management of organizations. -his 5 rules or duties closely resemble the four functions used on management today: Foresight, organization, Command, coordination and Control ! -Scalar chain principles: chain of command and communication is clear and unbroken from the bottom (line workers) to the top (top managers) of the organization. -unity of command principle-workers should only have one boss.

Taylor's scientific management

efficiency in job performance.1911 book- Fredrick Taylor the principles of scientific management. 4 principles 1-develop a science for each job 2-hire workers with the right abilities 3-train and motivate workers 4-support workers by planning and assisting their work according to a science

Decision Makers

encouraged to challenge conventional wisdom regarding "what works" Ex: merit pay encourages better performance) and encourages others to do the same. Decisions should be made with clear evidence that the solution or practice will achieve the desired result.

Customer -driven organizations

focus goals and energy on satisfying needs of customers and clients.

The Hawthorne study

focused attention on the human side of organizations. -Elton mayo of Harvard university commenced a study in 1924 at the Western Electric Company to determine how economic incentives and physical conditions of the workplace affected the output of workers. -no direct relationship was found -instead, workers responded to increased attention by their managers.

Weber's bureaucratic organization

focuses on being efficient and fair. Late 19th century german intellectual insights have made a significant impact on management and sociology of organizations -bureaucracy type of organization could be highly efficient and very fair - relies on logic, order, and legitimate authority -government agencies or large colleges may be examples -characteristics of ideal bureaucracy(table 2.1 chapter 2)

quality management

focuses on detail and attention placed on continuous improvement.

Total Quality Management or TQM

grew out of Deming's work. TQM links strategic objectives and applies them to all aspects of an organization's activities.

Gantt charts

illustrate the interrelationships between complex tasks on a large project such as developing a shopping center or new building on a college campus. The margin feature on page 46 illustrates a Gantt chart for a building project such as a home.

Evidence-based management

makes good decisions by examining what works and making sure data used is relevant and sound.

Open systems

obtain resources from the external environment, perform work activities to transform resources into goods or services for the external environment.


or smaller components, include activities that individually and collectively support the work of the larger system. Ex:purchasing, accounting, sales

Evidence-based management

process of using data from a large number of organizations to determine facts about effective management practices that can be validated by research.

What do managers use to solve complex problems?

quantitative analysis and tools.


suggests that workers treated as adults will be more productive Chris Argyris wrote the book personality and organization - many organizations treat workers like children, which is counterproductive. -Networks create the opportunity through which many agenda items can be fulfilled. -Most managers maintain extensive networks not only with their own organization, but also with customers, suppliers, and community representatives.

Hawthorne effect

tendency to live up to expectations; a person's performance will be affected by the way they are treated by their managers. - groups can have a strong negative, as well as positive, influence on the behavior of their members.

Continuous Improvement

the goal of always looking for new ways to improve performance.

Operations management

the study of how to improve operations to deliver goods and services with the most efficient and effective use of resources.

Management Science and Operations Research

used interchangeably to describe mathematical techniques used for management problem solving and planning.

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